the georgetown herald wednesday october 9 1946- j goodlets economy hardware m paints well do your job quickly inexpensively efficiently wilsons haulage phone 274 r 5 canada unlimited taenia nates there tbiij be an initiation held on thuxsdn nfgbt of this week thre are a laxve number at candidates lor the ceremony and we understand tiie initiation team will have a busy night we urge that all members be pre sent as it is rumoured that tine legion will play linst that evening to one who has never failed to help the branch whan called upon so remember com rodes a large attendance thursday night please 1 quite an amount of the steel neces sity in the remodelling o he legion rooms ha been laid and a cement floor has taken shape in the whig used as a beverage room it is hoped that soon the now plastic floor will be started tile contractor feelb tiiat he may stil hav tht beverage room com pleted by xecember this would bill soem to he quite a large order as the amount of work yet to be done isvery laate the entertainment convenor sam tennant tells us uiat due to tht use of the present auditorium as a bevtr age room during uu alterations the nsxt regular bingo will be held in liic oddfellows hau comrade mrs t grieve attended the provincial comentlon of the le ibewell conducted devotional par ted built around a thaokglvlns theme in which poems by john oxe and edgar a guest were quoted miw flo rence laldlaw of norvol gave a beau- pdful rendition of how lovely are thy dwellings and group singing of un to the hills closed the meeting re freshments and a social hour were enjoyed afterwards a blvck iruuket laeketeer was rec sntly described in court as of no fixed bode now the magistrate has fixed ne foi him clearing auction sale of farm stock implements ffced furniture etc in the township of erin the undersigned has received in structions from arch if reid to sell by public auction at lot 6 bth concession erin on saturday october 19 at 1 pm the following horses gray horse 9 yrs bay horse 12 yrs cattle 5 poled angus feedei hteus 5 shorthorn feedir steers feed harness and lumber 30 bats of ixtatoe about 40 ton of good mixed hay about coo bus of oats gion wa last week in windsor she aboul loq bus of whnt 3 hloncti0l relurned home early to welcome home ljlllk quam y maplc plank quan er daughter alyuly c det off cc new tnch umbtr qimntlt o audrej sharpe mrs o ieve was reap j uch 2 x 4 ng wt of heav pointed zone representative for a 6th ulm harness d sinut hamcsi 4 t liore collars implements mm 6 ft binder brmch 120 txud their smpuliy to m h 5 fl mower 13 lng cu all thow who mourn comrade jim t hay mkc section lurrow mackey who pussed iwa recently missionary monthl fditor splvks to w m s kolp mrs eriu si r rb of r ronto tdi loi of the misvionirj m nthly wts fcuust sixsajter at the thankoifeni u meeting of deo geu n uni ed chuith wmb held oi tuesdiv oc ober 1st mrs porbos v1 c his wide txptrienc n missionary work sixkc of the wid hetiit m uns vork with the chris lian impact on uu world ixeom life l r more noticeable tuithtrs uid nurses i n ue krtatk needed andeer ne should irj to iccmit heleis f mrs robert jones 2nd ice prem dent was in uie tlnlr mrs hirr truck wigon h ly rick scuff ler no 7 wilkinson plow new cutler b iggj t f slint hij fork and lope 27 ft ladder 2 ladders 24 ft stone boat light dump cart 230 til 3 inch whif lh tuts f rks umna tc fuhniturf lirm cherry drop u if lib small dwirj drop leaf table eornt upboiid i kituicn tables b kichu clnlrs sm ill kitchen chairs suitb- ud 3 b d u ids wiih stuid 2 itithtr ticks bednxm dishes couch birn 1 cli irn qui lily of jxddint di jit crotks i u 6 larfee kitchen thi fi is old terms cash m fnerv lerk frank petoh auct cae wftmatve vfazs expeditiom muskox fortyfive men travelling where men had never travelled before with mech anized vehicles ahattering the white silences of the arctic with the thunder of their passing breaking through canadas last frontier 3500 miles of forest tundra and frozen arctic seas tlura piimtins bv lorx ir ikii fortyfivemen pushing forward day by day over the centuriesold trails of the pioneer fur traders from churchill to victoria island in the arctic ocean to copper mine to port radium norman wells fort simpson the alaska highway names romantic names that so closely combine canadas past and canadas unlimited future coppermine discovered by samiei heame in 1770 port radium as new as to morrow fort simpson that knew the tread of alexander mackemzie when he charted the grcwfti at cndim a nuk produced by o kr4i route to the arctic m 1790 norman wells storehouse of oil for canadas future needs and the men of expedition muskox they too combine the old and the new the courage and hardihood of the pioneers with the skills and methods of the 20th century they have shown us the ever widening horizons of canada unlimited a country young strong confident marching forward into a new and greater era into a future in which we can share m a way open to every cana dian our purchase and holding of victorybonds brewing lie mw the quality tea sa1ada orange pekoe carrolls 1 tin 19c 31 e uur a rxxraexd mustard a9t shelled walnuts stuffed olives 49c junket tablets ss newport fluffs xsc spaghetti dinner he catellis noodles atimcr beef broth l m zsc shivcllded wheat a i j p v o nvju cleanser tin lot ywtr dlratte beef roa basic nectar m i m u ffet 8 i z mo i7t oranges grapes onions grapefruit parsnips tl rmps swtet potatoes marrows etc alwayb frfsh we have it youll need it also frost cop the permanent antifreeze nevr frez alcohol at the sign of the big ba queen and guelph sts neil ellison prop when you think of furnace work eavestroughs tinsmithing sheet metal work dust collecting systems think of b f murfin rear of lavofe knfthng 138