legion nqtes rsnwntmion to aiuuw i4si thdb8pax an bbletto otswmony wabbold le mm evening end jess m inducted into bra uo among them were two bed eorwd during tfco w zmle weaver of glen williams m mntpnyllto doherty this brtoge the m iieglon ettength up to 8 to toro end atark the muve are rtain that there on elmost 100 y id loin ana it to anticipated that to the next lew month ttie membership yrtll expand to well oyer the this we believe makes blanch 120 by jar the largest organisation in the dls wet the initiation team put the new members enough the ceremony to one at ttie smoothest ceremonies yet held immediately following the ceremony the president asked ool gordon oous- ens to come to the plattorm oom rade cousens then asked archdeacon the yen woo thompson to step forward and sam he wished to initiate the chaplain into the hearts ot the branch as a slight memento ol the ssnday school usson rdl tbainb fob hm uk wobk plbwmen meet for- first international match sjnce 1947 ntu o aioinu n j b mr received a let- ncentb from man icitougell nunetoebarte ot tbe international orenteu association work at hanrtng- tan harbor labrador thamdng the local group tor oielr help bbe soys to part it has been a good year tor the people ot tie ooeat but tor the amount ot illness geej were plentiful and brought a good price which helped to offset tbe poor cod catch it la to be expected however that there win be a sharp slump in prices ot both seal and cod as soon as the prewar seal ing and hatting heels ol other regions are lunotlonlng again but in spite ol the hard conditions ot their llle and the uncertainty of their income the people are cheerful and have a large fund of courage to draw on in time ot need biost ol your group i suppose have never been to this part ol the world the terrain while nigged is very beautiful with a great variety of oolors in the scene we are on an island from the hospital front windows wt look south over the harbor with its fishing boats and gulls and behind us to the north thi cliffs rise sharply to lnwhch the chaplain is hew stvline there is alwajs something be was presented with a large smok tag jar mr thompson was genuinely sur prised over the presentation and n plied suitably this marked the clos ing rf the meeting and a very plea ant social was held to many members this presentation was long overdue pox ten years arch deacon thompson has given generously of his time and ability to branch 120 upon many occasions he has change 1 bis routine and caused himself a great deal of personal inconvenience to help the branch in its various parades ser vfcea etc we trust that he will act a cftarltn for many more years by rer b o todd ueeon aots leaa ii at an ota 1 1734 pwil began tola career as an apostle of jews oorist in comparative obscur ity a passage not included to ttje text tells bow an attempt was made to saeslnate him to damascus following tus conversion and how be escaped irom the cttv by being lowered over tbe wall in a basket presumably as is tbe case with most men who change sides he had become odious to his former colleagues in persecuting the church neither was he free from suspicion on the part of his new colleagues the christians alter his escape from damascus lw went to arabia spending some time there in solitary meditation and re flection concerning his future after this he went again to damascus fol lowing which he visited peter and james the brother of jesus in jeru salem after a short visit with them he returned to his home town tarus there he was visited by barnabas who persuaded hlm to assist him in build ing up jlie church in antiooh here the church included both jews mid greeks this stage marks the begin ning of pauls ministry to the gen tiles we note three things in particular which arise irom this lesson 1 paul had to learn to subject him sell to discipline the discipline ol ohrit and the disciplii e of tin chur h tliis would seem to be the of interest in the scene if one had time to look een in the long ice and snowbound tnter then the harbor is white and still the move ment in the picture provided by tm sfcnmcwof his sojourn in arabl arrival perhaps with a patient or i ietun tirsds and his per some komalick and its team of dogs apprentl0ahl a antiooh paul or by children plajing in the snow the ver necessiry medtcil aid to this coas started long ago by dr orenfell and carried on in spite ol two wars aa vell as many other difficulties could not be mamtuned without your continued ii urast aid s ipport thank you so en much for o ir donations this i ear thty were tr u excellent and a pleasure to mpack each item filled a place we are well aware cf work on the remodelling continues thfi wublc m oh ed not on m gat teadtty although to many quite slow i ermg ulinfc together but in the packing and shipping and sending thank you agam for all of it and for what it means in carrying on this me dical sen ice ind b- wishes to each ol jou from the workers here on the front line ry however the floor in the one wing gradually taking place and possibly fee end of tbe year may see us able to ie ttie old wing at present the 1mb of the auditorium as a beverage loom is a decided inconvenience to the wa- sa well as tbe branch hi general speaks from ottawa seated before the microphone in tons capitals the prograrnls broad cbcs ottawa studios blair fraser least sundays at 2 03 pjn edt 303 owtcotorar2ottawa adt over thecbc transcan editor of macleans magazine addres ada network and includes reports from jjjl listeners as one of the regu speakers in ottawa washington and tor speakers on capitol report r weekly review of news from three na a overseas 86th ahhiversary s e rvk e knox presbyterianjchurch georgetown sunday october 20th at ii am and 7pm rev d d davidson m a of mitchell anniversary preacher special music all welcome an investment in comfort when you use a georgetown taxi for bsat outoftovm trip you are ensuring safety com fort courtesy and convenience a n d its inexpensive five passenger travel for the one price georgetown taxi phone 30 o an outstanding leature of the victory international plowing match at port albert this week is the salada tea event for the best land plowed in sod using horeeu og oat and second winners will be given medals and a free trip to britain in nddition the salada tea company will present twelve cash pn a esmi gilts and abilities beyond thost ot any other man in the church but ai a pharisee he put great trust in hi imei ia moral ab wtll as in icllectual as vt hae said in pre ceding lessons in this quarter he had to be emptied of all 1 ia pride and con ldtnct ii hu owl ju 1 ili i d worki he had to icirn that paul was nothing xcept as christ made something ol him ai d ui i n gio hih lap ab hues wtrt nothmt except us dir ecttd by chnst ht hod also to be come the senui i of u c church hu j had to mne under leaders even though time iroed them to be least uipab t u ai ii he sened undei j barnab is although barnabas was a lessr light oei t lallj barnabas came and cilkd him out of tarsus and brought him to arruoch he was called first of all by christ and theai because of the evidence of that call be was called by the church hls individual greatness loweer imp es give bad to be subjecr to the disci pline ot christ and his church there was no room in the church for the in dividualist making his way by force of his personality and genius all must be subject to christ tiie head of the ghuroh and this aubjectlon must bt learned through obedience at least in the beginning to those whom god ha called to be leaders ii the church all are welcomed who have a eon trlbutlon to make to the christian cause but humility and willingness to serve christ come first the church is bigger uian any man or anjj con gregation and christ is tiie uord ol the church ail who art dot nected with it must billui tcrai is scrvui of christ and servants of others in tlit second pa- wt note h e substance of puuls eurl prtiujung ii damascus ai lht begu nu g hi preached uiat jesus was ciirlt tht son of god all he eer bald laui was merel elaboration of thai theme he preached u at solvation of uie world is bj chnst alone and is re ceited bj filth in hun us uc boi o god and uiat remains for all umt the basis of the church 5 message w the world the world will not be saved by science or education or pollt ical programmes or social reconstruc tion this bj no means implies that the christian v ill be indifferent to these things rather does it imply that he wtu be diligent to studs the use of these things as tools by which his faith is put into practice that is the christian will use these human insti utlons only in obedience to the teach ing of the lord jesus christ and with full knowledge that in all things he is dependant on him paul s message in obscurity and at uie height of his influence as well was always uiat god was in christ reconciling tbe world unto himeelf in that he was in complete harmony with uie whole of new testament teaching the sav iourhood of jesus christ is the essence of the christian message thou shall call his name jesus lor he flholl save his people from their sins 3 we note finally than even in ob scurity paul did faithfully the work he was appointed by the church to do he gave a faithful witness to jesus christ not waiting until the time of greatness andrecognition before he i did anything great or was recog nized by the church as an apostje he carried on a faitftful ministry he bad learned in whatever state i am there with to be content now these are not brilliant days for te church and her workers but they s fcre doing all that is needful if they 1 proclaim to the world the savlorhood of jesu christ the churoh does not succeed la her mitfn only if be at tracts attention or is popular fpm will be great and popular rim ood so decides these may be days o4 ob- oorttv for ttie cfaurcfa but christ ian are dott all her areoalted won to do wheel they are witnesses to jmm christ xt we make sure that we are fresh fbom a successful season of summer stock at bala the haymakers w one mact night a comedymystery the last word in hilarity gregory theatre monday and tuesday october 21 and 24 reserve your seats now at robbff drug store resfrved seats 50c general admission 35c one mad night is presented by special arrangement with samuel french canada ltd toronto ssst foot best canada savings bonds like the famous rii zg wartime victory bonds are backed by v d 0t canada itself cashable at full value including accrued interest by this bank at any ume buy canada savings bonds at the nearest branch of the canadian bank of commerce for cash on a monthly savings plan or on other suitable terms denominanons 50 100 500 1000 the canadian bank of commerce tbt bank will mat jehi try all bomjs on i fib october or a toon tbmalcr as jail pajmtnt or thm made 75 o faithful to our colling as prt wl k1ib rfo god ww can have to god to decide about titte cbuxohs popular ity and public recognition and lnflu enoe we need tfcen to loam tbeas three unngi trom tbe lenon 1 one need tot bjgngtty and dkotpune nnder cvjriet andbkoborch 1 tw need ot faith in mb obr aa the son of ood the need of faithful wttneei to at aobeouroftbeml when to dfrkkbl ctjrtpuane baw the church u on the edge of an era of tremendous influence and popular lty mbs i- uikd hpftrraa to nowju womens inbtltul the monthtj meeting of the sorrel womens fcatttute was held at the borne of mas j xaira mte otey- meenng opening with i ing the institute ode fooowed prayer ron can was anew the exchanging of perennial the eeowtexj mia w read obe ralnams a psper i ik oardatdnr by lend we cue of the it enjojeble proarem a weaeereed by tb