Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1946, p. 1

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the own wednesday evening november 27th 1946 mayor cleave visions town of five or six thousand as retirement announced gibboiu to ask rescinding of mandatory sewerage order advocates assessor tax collector kindergarten classes an optimistic review of george towns progress during bis term as mayor and the prediction that tbe town which bad seen more building this year tban any year in its history wduld before long have a population of five or six thousand highlighted the speech of mayor harold cleave at the public meeting whfcfa followed fridays nomination meeting town cleric p b harrison was cha for tbe meeting announcing his retirement as mayor after a three year term mr cleave said that after a career of almost twenty years he felt that he should be giving more time to his business and relax ing a little at his age hie has enjoyed serving the people and cant recall any instance of anyone j him too hard though naturally he had made mistakes which he always tried to rec tify if he thought he was in error tm pleased to be here as mayor to night he said because the town has bad the most progressive year in its history and i have an excellent report to give delinquent taxes are at a new low wartime housing was inaug urated to give homes to our veterans the recreational council was formed and a fulltimed director hired new streets were opened a start had been made to get a new john street sub way town insurance had been chan ged to give complete coverage and an attempt made to get a sewerage sys tem he said it was a great miafja when sewerage was voted down a few years ago when costs were low and now with the people voting 7 to 1 in favour tenders had been ridiculously high in his opinion 1300000 is the lowest it can be done for and tf geor getown ratepayers want it we will have to make up our minds to pay the shot he asked future councils to support tbe recreational council which was doing a good job and pointed with pride to tbe efficient snow removal of the last few years which be hoped would be continued he took pride that georgetown had bad no tax sales du ring bis term as mayor and that del inquent taxes were at an alltime low mayor cleave reported at length on wartime bousing he had hoped that veterans would be able to build i own their homes but when this could not be he thought wartime housing tbe next best at has been and will be expensive additional surveying and land purchase being necessary and a terrific amount of grading and fining a bright note is that tbe bank thinks the money can be borrowed at ft per cent and that offer a period of years tbe town should at least break even he reviewed negotiations which were going on with the railway for widen ing of tbe john street subway and was sure that tbe improvement would be made with no cost to tbe town reeve k r macdonsjd following the mayor to the platform reviewed county activiueb during tbe year among tbe highlight were tbe setting aside of a substantial surplus to in augurate a county health unit whiob a present was delayed by shortage of doctors and nurses opening of tbe olen bridge last february inaugura tion of the county a in ma inn system and formation tf high school areas in burlington and oalnrule in this con nection ge council had not favored a similar setup in this end of the county and reeve macdonald had also voted against the new assessing system as it met no favour here but bad been overwhelmed by the lower end of tbe county i a tbe ratepayers for tfaelr support during his seven years in of fice tbe reeve said that circumstan ces forced him to retire and that el- tbougfa he would hke to achieve tbe mayors chair he had no intention of being a candidate for any municipal office in tbe future financial ssosflnary or garfield ucouvray minister of finance this year gave the interim report of tbe towns financial affairs to tbe 1mb of nbrembsr bkjtfcneted surplus of ss000 shows george in nod financial shape salaries showed an increase over last year a dkt street lighting deunouent taxes are atuy sos and ims welfare wol coat s4b0 tn ennouoqide hla retirement or asboqvray said be found other duties tnrhirttng secretary of the fall fair loo heavy but be would like to come back at seme future date and run for or bruce marf to reporting on streets spoke hi praise of chief w a of spending from 4000 to 6600 was due to the opening of almost three miles of new roads 140 had been spent on traffic signs which had been reques ted by a delegation last year a good job had been done on sidewalks tboughu wasnt possible to make all she repairs due to material shortage- pressure of other affairs- farced cr mackenzie to decline his nomination but he too hoped in a year or two to run for office again favor town truck for services if i am elected to council next year i will move for a truck to plow streets collect garbage etc said cr james goodlet who thinks tbe town should take care of these services ra ther than rent them out to private in dividuals mr goodlet opposed pur chase of the present halfton truck last year because it wasnt suitable for this he announced his intention of con testing his council seat and not the deputyreeveship as he hadnt the time to spend on the latter summarizing his year in council cr goodlet said he had voted against a 250 grant to the boys band as this was illegal without a vote of the peo ple he had opposed a private 65 offer for a tract of land believing any town property to be sold should first be advertised he had opposed pur chase of the present property for war time housing because the 550 an acre cost was excessive this was pro ven when an individual buyer pur chased the rest of the cedarvale pro perty at a lower price the town assessor had been hired on mr goodlets motion and he thought a trained assessor would give everyone a square deal and offset land specula tkn after the initial setup is made he thought tbe offices of assessor and tax collector could quite well be com blned ferns for school board cr thomas eason announcing bis retirement as councillor said he in tended running for public school board in ward 3 he praised tbe recrea tional council for fixing up tbe old town hall at the least possible ex pense relaying cr james ritchie regrets that illness kept him away from the meeting he said air ritchie intended to run for council again m ward 2 returns as mayor or joseph gibbons said that the mayors announcement of retirement bad thrown him off stride as he had an a somewhat more contro versial tone to tbe meeting and had not been expecting an acclamation when he decided to run again for mayor he corspwaulated all retiring inembers for their public service and pledged his best efforts next year he had taken exception to the way tbe 1pm council had asked for a man datory order for sewerage and said the town was in ttte absurd position of being liable to a 100 a day floe for not carrying out an order which can not be carried out at present one of his first actions as mayor will be to ask withdrawal of this order he suggested to the pubuc school board that a kindergarten class was badly needed and wondered if a new high school were built wbetfaer the present building might not be suitable for a municipal hospital while not wholeheartedly behind tbe new swearing system now that it was adopted he thought everyone should cooperate with mr barty and turn every assistance in that con nection he thought taxcoqeoting mnd assessing should go hand in hand and while mr lengdon bad done a won derful job the town was getting out of tbe village stage and nrwiip business should al be handled from tbe municipal building in his 14 years in ith1 ufe cr gbbons said he had always believed in keen debate and a majority decision and this would be the watchword of tbe 147 oouncu hydro report oompiknenting the hydro staff hydro oomnnssioner graham p s the was not one cent of arrears at present a record to be proud of tbe commission will have a 7000 supha this year a new substation is ready to be opened within two weeks and this wffl solve power weak nesses tn tbe john and queen street districts if ne new dr a saaimstrr reportlngfor hkjti eubool board said that if a s la not toon provided to town win b lost to while the old aoademv system had its value present requirements were for more practical training new reeve wants farm bxemptsmi reeveelect alex maciaren objected to councils action this year in not al lowing lower taxes on farm lands within the municipality it had meant a as per cent increase in his own taxes and a letter written by him in protest had not even been acknowledged a had been told in past years that the exemption was a routine matter nominees speak arthur herbert pledged his best work in his first experience as a councillor next year v thomas lyons throwing his hat m to the ring again in ward 3 said thai his friends had prevailed on him to seek office again he was in favour of more complete use of the munici pal building for payment of taxes arid water rates etc arthur speight declining his nomi nation as councillor said the present tax collector was doing a good job and believed it would be a mistake to make any change when things were going so well s w orr who later reversed his de cision to run for council in ward 3 said there were several things last year he had not been satisfied with and that he had decided to come back and try to improve them he was annoyed at the farm land non exemption and was stulan advocate of another bank in town he had pursued this matter while a councillor and would like to come back and see it through the weather by hij hutt it has been said tbe moat uncertain things to bet on are tbe weatber and a horse race and we never bet either tbe fine mild weatber tbus far has apparently been favoring tbe coal striken but we are willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that be fore tbe winter is over those respon sible for tbe coal strike will find tbat such strikes do not pay it would be advisable for all who have access to a woodlot to lay in a supply of fuel for tbe weather yet to oome here are the local records for the past week max mln rain tue nov 18 64 28 wed nov 20 47 90 thur nov 21 46 80 fri nov 22 20 36 first snow sat nov 23 31 23 trace sun nov 24 67 si mon nov 26 48 37 05 norval mrs robert gollops eye operation for cataract was very successful at general hospital toronto she ex pects to leave hospital thursday this week and will stay for a week or so with a relative in toronto herb moreton is progre favor ably in christie street hospital tor onto and we hear he may be home for christmas lets hope so for there is no place like home at christmas time mr and mrs e w wodson of to ronto were visitors one day last week with mrs m gault georgetown municipal nominations for mayor joseph gibbons accl by walter gray george riddall harold cleave by harry hale arnott early for reeve alex maclaren accl by james goodlet john farmer kenneth r macdonald by frank petch james evans joseph gibbons by arthur herbert john t armstrong for deputy reeve john t armstrong accl by garfield mcgilvray joseph gibbons james goodlet by john farmer john t armstrong for counch ward i arthur herbert accl by joseph gibbons john farmer william p thompson accl by joseph watson james evans garfield mcgilvray by e v maccormack frank petch for counctt ward 2 james ritchie accl by thomas eason d p crichton harry hale accl by james goodlet thomas eason thomas l leslie by joseph gibbons mark clark for counc ward 3 two to be elected james goodlet by bruce mackenzie george riddall thomasl lyons by walter gray arnott early j ray whitmee by bruce mackenzie james goodlet bruce mackenzie by k r macdonald harold cleave s w orr by harold cleave k r macdonald arthur speight by frank petch hosgen barnes for hydro commissioner graham farnell accl by joseph gibbons thomas lyons for public school board ward 1 mrs kathleen cleave accl bv evmaccormack d p crichton for public school board ward 2 one to be elected harry shortill by john farmer joseph gibbons thomas eason by d p crichton cecil davidson for pubuc school board ward s dr j b milne by hodgen barnes arnott early joseph gibbons georgetown mayor for next year alemaclaren reeve john t armstrong deputyreeve m all three office uncontested ward 3 votes for councilmen ward 2 for school- trustee georgetowns 1047 council will hessj no more than three and possskly onr two holdovers from this year whs that body takes office in january jseph gftbonev most of whose muni cipal political career has been spa in the mayors chair resumes tbat of- flee after an absence of three yeai the last of which he was a counefflor for ward 1 james ritchie was retur- ned by accl fora second terns as councillor for ward 2 while jam goodlet la one of three aspirants ftr the two coundl seats in ward 3 hsf other five members of this years council announced their decision to retire at tbe nomination meettnar fat the municipal building on friday the meeting was not without lis surprises mayor harold leaves an nouncement that be was retiring after a jong career during which be has ser ved as councillor reeve county war den and georgetown mayor for the last three years was unexpected end set the pattern followed by reeve k maodonald and or garfield ms guvray bruce iftriirmiir and tho- mas eason the latter is seeking of- floe as public school trustee in want 2 with harry sbortill also a candt date this in itself is o a precedent for school board noadna- tlons have been by acclamation for sew veral years past though lmts council will be differ ent it contains a majority of season ed municipal politicians reeve alex maciaren previously served four years in council and deputyreeve john t armstrong two years william p thompson is also a former councillor newcomers are arthur herbert an harry hale both entering council for the first time tbe election in ward 9 has cr goodlet thomas i lyon and ray whitmee challenging the seats mr lyons is an old hand at ttst game but it is mr whltmees first appearance before the electors two new members will take tfastr seats on tbe school board maajrp bason and sbortill are rt tbe seat vacated by d p crichton in ward 2 and dr j b mime takes over bod gen barnes seat in ward s ms kathleen cleave was again aoavdei an acclamation in want 1 hrtits famell was similarly honoured hi ttfeft nomination for hydro oonurdssionar umejjouse the ttb line ladies spo a luncheon and euchre last wedneaoef afternoon a lovely hot noon meal wear followed by cards at which icra ktrk- patrtck and mrs jamleson were win- mrs orr is visftmg mr and lets letter to the editor november 36 1946 dear sir may i use a few lines of your news paper to express my thanks to the citizens of georgetown for tbeir co operation and good will during- my threeyear term as mayor it has been a pleasure to serve you in this capa city and i shall have many pleasant memories of jny associations with them and with the various members who have comprised the town coun cil during hose years as x said in announcing my retire ment last friday i can vision george town a town of five or six thousand in the not too distant future to the new mayor and council who win be- looferng after town business next year i wish every success and as a private cltlzenrl will always endeavour to do anything that lies in my power as such to further the best interest of tbe mu nicipality i step out willingly happy in tbe knowledge that i have been privileged to serve the town in its highest office and have always done my best to serve georgetown faithfully and well harold cleave mayor november 26 1m6 christian friends up north in alaska there is a chris tian home for homeless children ma naged by a pastor and his wife i feel that the lord wants us to help those brave people to procure muchneeded clothing and lootwear for those 18 children aged 2 to 16 years next weekend i am sending them a parcel perhaps you too are in possession of some good worn wearing apparel or bedding which you can spare or per haps you would care to make a cash donation if so your efforts would be greatly appreciated in the herald window you will see a pamphlet llustrating tbe work and the editor will put you m touch with me for donations as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my bretfaern ye have done it unto me stlfct- thew 2640 mr m haupttnann sport news by aidelrner ooks like all roads lead to grimsby on december 13th when the paper- dbts wll have a pre seauou tut wttb the peach kings the local have had only one practice at ravins rink and unless they can book gait anns for a couple of practices may find tf eomwhat outclassed by the orsmsby lads who have artificial ice and plenty of chance for training the local intermediate b gauon is dickering with oak arena at present and have been pro the ice at an early date as yet un- meanwhile the local arena as taking on an air of tbe big time wttfa a dock ana score board to be installed jtnd a new amp system which will al low a running cornmentary on tbe jack iroldeby who was to be playercoach this season has had change of plans and is now booked for a skrdlar chore in mount forest m his place jack ahropshlre popular defenceman for tbe last two fisitns has taken over too early yet to- give even lineup and the most we can tef4 juu that there are a good number of old and new faces on tbe rostrum prom last season we have jack kern- ahead tdooley svans eootty patter son bungy ward walt biohsr defly beaumont nick perri bui gfarlss art hust and jack bertwistie art murdocfc of she fer gus tsnstiss wul also be m a george town isottorm and orrnle carter who his hockey hi nerval georgetown and was a stsr with lfuton juniors before be joined army la another newco the bradbury brothers leigh and lsax bnrl ttnond and rene lsarttn com- plewlha roster n thompson wul once more guide tbe team destiny as rn and a fine job he always does in this important post we hear tbat oeomatown has been ottered an auexpense trip to osuk ste marls for an qimfm game wonderful trip if it could be arranged mrs leigh bradbury and daughter atsron bare rone to start wuussn for weeks where bar tesher is sar- mrs archie avgtoriait spent t days last week witfa her relatives mr and mrs flbnvxiarne and fsmuy vlsied with 1st and hxa ray fowau at lowviue on eunday mrs jones of toronto spent 1 weekend wttb mr and bars pester a mr and lira d b ubdonald i family spent sunday at high school news tattoos and s play am trff evening get your tkftasta from of the students or teaohera well bst tuesday the isth gana went down to the boysl pair we ohartered two basts staff i buses and some in mr lamberts we left ei m0 and arrived at tbe i around 10jq piled out of tbe buses lumped down to tbe mam ejnt of the ooiiswan fa through the huojs sing and spent the rest of the time praotlcahy fa strol ling around displays and stands sb nfae oclock that evening the bossj arrived to return us we had s suefe delay but the stragglers soon esses along and off we went the trip hones t3fe

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