Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1946, p. 8

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f m r cwhtynewfay nov 27 w46 the georgetown herald woaonro glen wttuua mortal umaopss boknbt sswabttown aqflgsote baujnafad 1uu ootta umllllwlm rate rop e year angle copies 8c esflfa admcmttaakbbtn quoted on topuowtkn waimi o bmhn piammt nd mjtcr qlimd l uoouvray suxt leslie m cestfc reg broomheed harold davison lbs herald is printed each wednesday afternoon at tbe ofrloa on mala 8t georgetown authorised as aeoond class null port office depti ottesm member of the oaodtoa weamy niiwayaihiii ftsoflietlor sod the onterioqoebbe division of tbe cwna sunday school usson a letter on phwstlan living christianity la then modem par allel and bussektuv that left re- could be sought for any ml injury this however ww no real victory tfor paul and cxirittlalty how ever for what the official mid could hardly be styled a true defence christian teaching tbe mob dispersed bub wis only confirmee in- the righteousness of its pagan attl- interests whkb today tut ence asjstnst all efforts toward security paul tans the christian of nt- msttiat it is possible to defeat tbu spiritual wickedness only by the power- of qod take unto you he cays the whole armour of god notice that la it the armour of god noth ing but the truth and the righteous- by rev r o todd acta 191 20 bphesiana the narrative part of this lesson acts 18 120 describes with ox- oepuonal vividness one of the most tudes and standards the bpheslan nesa that are the gift of god in jesus formidable demonstrations against town clerk altliougb an astute poll- christ will prevail against ttns evil christianity paul ever had bo face tlcian did not overcome the evil which spiritual force faith the word of afterwards in his first epistle to the manifested itself he only appeased it ood and prayer are all corinthians he says speaking aym- and as we know by modern experience against it and by them the ohrlstlan boucally peithaps that he fought appeasement does not work where real is given power to set the world in or- with beasts at ephesus the demon- e is concerned fine diamonds dresser sets compacts watches pens l akeuleman jeweler phone 456 brampton the editors column an anniversary friday night marks tbe anniversary of what has been an important milestone in the history of george town -r- the establishment of the recreational council slightly over a year ago now a group of men began meeting to discuss such a project and after a series of preliminary meetings the father and son evening was jineloacqujbinir the general public fathers in parti cular with the idea of centralizing organized recreation under a paid organizer whose duty it would be to help existing groups to foster new ideas and provide conti nuity for sporadic organizations which are born thrive for a few years and die when their leaders disappear the recreational council has not been out to set any records in its first year of existence it has followed a policy of moving slowly consolidating as it went and not dissipating its efforts by attempting too many things- art a time thus teen town was organized dev- eloped until today it is one of the most promising ranches of the council the young people have done a splendid job of renovating the old town hall under mr newmans guidance and with the council provid ing the funds in its infancy as yet the main activity has been a friday night dance but the ultimate object is far greater than just to provide a dance hall for the teen agers and the new year will see more diverse activ ities for the young people softball and hardball were encouraged last summer and an auspicious start made at track and field instruction with trie civic holiday field day last winters hockey for bantams and juven iles was a standout and the industrial softball bridge club girls club and apprentice productions theatri cal group are all tied in with the grc in our opinion a logical development in the fu ture will be for the recreational director to be given complete charge of all recreational facilities in town the main two being the park and the arena we do not mean by this that he should be a board of manage ment this job can be quite well handled by a board of parks management which incidentally might well have the parknder its jurisdiction as well what we mean is that the recreational director who is a town employee paid from public funds should have charge of the booking of both park and arena to give the maxi mum use of the facilities for town recreation we would suggest that next summer council should give control of the park to mr newman have him coordin ate a schedule of activities to take in games and practi ces for all groups of ball players special events pic nics et aft this centralization would obviate any mi nor disputes such as occurred last season when one group might take over the park on an evening when some othergrouphad planned to use it the park could be used as a trial horse and if the plan worked the same could be tried with the arena until such a plan is adopted we feel that the town is not deriving the maximum benefit from the services of a director and in time if he did riot have this control of sports facilities he would be a fifth wheel on the wagon a new council there is a preponderance of new faces as the 1 947 council prepares to take office next year only two of thenine seats are in doubt with acclamation rilling all offices except ward 3 councillors where itis be coming traditional for an election to be held regardless of how the rest of the town goes we have never agreed with the policy of candidates dropping out so as not to force an election or of those who would frown on a candidate- who insisted on running even thought it meant an election voting by secret ballot is one of our most cherished democratic possessions and when accla mations to public office become the rule rather than the exception we are providing fertile ground for sow ing the seed of fascism and despotism by this we do not imply any such tendencies to the mayorelect or any of his council members there is no one in town whom we know that likes a battle at the polls more than mr gibbons and we detected a note of disappointment in his speech last friday when he found that his resumption of the highest office in coun cil was to be taken without the savour of an election we are particularly pleased to see an election for at least one aeat on the public school board here again wa do not inland to cast a slur on any of those citizens whave served well on ae board many of them wi- mg to retire but onawe to find anyone to replace fcsmtt is the pnttic apathy which finds so few willing hriiverw service on mis body wnfch i4bftmk moneythit we v s should be two area or half a dozen people stratkm was provoked by one of the big business interests at the city tihe civic association of silversmiths evidently they had been enjoying the proceeds of a profitable traffic in silver images of the fertility goddess diana their profits were threatened by the rise of christianity whith condemned idol worship and all forms of pagan ism and naifcureworshlp now the silversmiths enjoyed the services of a very clever yet unscrupulous public relations man by the name of deme trius who was able to stir up a mob by appealing to religious tradition and prejudice superstition civic jariotism and the -natural- conservatism of the dtiaens very similar to the appeals the unofficial public relations men of bis busscs3 of another day a purely selfish economic motive lay behind this working on mob psycho logy very naturally it was not given any prominence for sin is always de ceitful hypocritical and dishonest soine of tile city fathers were rather friendly towards paul and one of them made a very astute speech minimiz ing the antipagan tendencies o for behind the motives that set the mob in motion and created- the tils- orders in the city economic interest religious tradition and prejudice superstition patriotism and conserva tism and mob psychology paul saw a deep power of evil it is not some thing that can be explained in terms of isolated evil deeds or in terms of economics politics prejudice of race class or religion it is spiritual thing paul speaks of it in epheslans 6 12 w wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and power against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiri tual wickedness in high places and by high places he does not mean poli tics or government he means we are not simply fighting men wltti their himself the nation which seeks out its ignorance superstition selfinterest own selfinterest cannot be a free na- and cruelty rather we are fighting a jlon it too is subject the state which spiritual force of evil which makes use of the lusts and ambitions and weaknesses of men how good a description this is of the spiritual evil behind the machinations of the liquor trades political and propagan dist activity and those big business der one does not have to be very rell- 1 glous in our day to see or feel the pre- sence of an evil force in the world which is more powerful than our hu man wills the very tact that in spite of the peoples avowed desire for peace the world seems to be travelling toward war at an increasing speed is evidence of it it is a power which brings those who are carnally min ded and at enmity witfc god as paul says or as we might say those who seek their own selfinterest in to subjection to itself how can peo ple thus in subjection then be free they cannot the individual who seeks his own selfinterest i not free he is tar bonr dage to a power of evil stronger than o in each ward each year who feel that they have some thing to contribute to the school board or the council then we should elevate the holding of public office from a duty to a combined duty and honour in the knowledge that the majority have expressed their will and the governing bodies are truly the chosen represen tatives of the people j m seeks its own selfinterest cannot be a free state it is a tyrant and its citizens are slaves the social order where men seek their own interest at the expense of others cannot be free social or economic order for portion of its members and a large portion will always be slaves because they have seen the truth of this many people in our time are pessimistic they have come to feel that the race is being driven to commit suicide they have come to feel that men are in the grip of a fate from which they cannot free themselves and this pessimistic mood does not promote confidence in the future or in the ab ility of the united nations organiza tion to bring order out of interna- slendor tablets acus effective 2 weeks supply lm u weeks spppu km a treat for your feetll lloyds com and callow salve for jnompt relief from ooel and caudueea soo then products available al succomacks kobb8 chapmans dni 8uim memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come moderated priced monuments markers a card or letter will bring our service to your oor oakvtlle monument works 29 colborne st oakville ion highway d i re c t o r y e lepage i realtor 1 toronto 1 1 telephone ad s91 farms l country estates 1 surburban homes city houses summer properties national assooiatiojr op real estate boards 1 local representauve telephone u6j c a w1llson oborotown ontario imiubwodsbbuwnnammii head office 320 bay street specializing in f r watson dx- mds georgetown office hours fl to 5 ekcept thursday afternoon 3unumiinmiii muauimi dr j burns milne 1 dental surgeon i xray 1 phone 80 a raibcjrranauiioiiiiititiiiitrauium georgetown i uiiu dr clifford retd idjs dds dentist taoe 410 open evening mmln btaeet georgetown mnmm elmer c thompson insuranot servic fire auto wtodi torn o p lullway and allied ft llw or j georgetown le roy dale kc m sybil bennett kc beraipten and soikdtora um burnt i u ivielsen the chiropractor drugles therapist 33rd year of practice lady mtenddi hours mon tues prt 35 pxa sat 25 89 pjn closed thursday over dominion store georgetown phone isow dr s e magwood totbinary stjrokon phone 11 office between division court clerks office and the new uuniolpal building at the ear ner at main and mill streets x a willoughby woiougby farm agency head office toronto 148 tonffe 8t ad 0006m argeat and oldest in canada rtf forty yean ooxsult our active otty depart ment for that home m tbe city tom hbwson is your local neyraetstiva adio repairing we specialize this work 16 years experience in i j sanford son otoroetown mw omiminiiaiiimimiaiiinniiitk monuments markers and lettering pollock ingham oalt designs on request phone 3048 i inspect our work in g i oemetery ow tional chaos the pep talks of our j statesmen fall on deaf ears today the church of jesus christ also 1 1 lakes a very sober and realistic view of the situation it has always re cognized the power of sin which holds men in its tyrannical and satanlc hold bait christians are a body of people in society today the one body which can face tbe future witout pessi mism for they know where the power is which has contended is contending and will contend successfully against sin they know that this power is god himself that it has already smashed the unassailable fortress of sin in the work of gods son they know that gods spirit throughout the preaching of his word is active today to convict the world with re spect of sin and righteousness and judgment and the church today calls upon men who would be truly free to repent and believe the gospel and to take unto them the whole armour of god in doing this there is victory already for the kingdom of god is come with power wherever a man stands steadfast in faith whether he lives or dies the salvation of oor god makes sinful men free them masters of their fate walter t evans a company twentyfive years protection and service life automobile sanrnzor the new type vacuum cleaner order now for delivery lever hoskln chartered aoooorttantb successors to jenkins hardy u0t lleopouti but 44 vmoru st u sul soap saver ckk riddall your rawu5ioh dpaijir queen st pione o a bfping installed financial retorts tax returns albert brett and co accountants and auditors tobontoebinmarkhaaf drop u a card at s wellington st k toronto or phone wa bill reverse charges sod we shall be pleased to disoust your ptob- lems with you to person bonded employed shoe repairing prompt and efficient james

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