Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 4, 1946, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wednwday evening december 4th 1946 over thirty years a resident ralph ross moves to toronto one of the best known citizens of geonjstown where lor twentytwo yean be was principal of th high school mr ralph ross left test sat urday to make his borne in toronto bto ttndty presence in ttie town to the eutture of which be has contribu ted a great deal both as teacher and private clttaen will be missed al though it is expected that be will be frequent visitor in our midst mr hoes came to geor from pembroke tn 1913 as teacher of clas sics and english at the high school be was an inspiration to the genera ttona of students whose good fortune it was to oome under his influence as a teacher perhaps bis greatest quality was fairness playing no fav ourites and giving each student the same treatment he has a dry sense of humour and bis keen wit in and out of class left a treasure of anec dotes in the history of ghj3 air boss and his first wife who died several years ago were both ac complished musicians mr ross sang in the choir of knox presbtyerlan cbnxrch for several years and as a flutist was a member of the church orchestra he was an enthusiastic walker and thought nothing of a five or sht mile jaunt before school in the morning and be still is a great mu- mever tn walking as a natural exer cise he la a past president of the lions club and took an active part in bed ores victory loan and national clothing collection work during the war he has two children box eustace boss of toronto and mrs tuer of hai- leybqry poltowing the death of his wife rec ently mr boss decided that it would be fcnpoaslblo to keep up bis large bomeon mam street north and being unable to find a suitable smaller place here he has been forced to go to the on stage 47 sandra scott 33yearold toronto actress who will play the role of juliet in lister sinclair s onehour adaptation of romeo and juliet to bo presented on stage 47 sun day dec 8 at 8 30 pnu over the obc transcanada network miss scott who began her radio career as a clerk with obc in 1944 was selected from 12 professional act resses auditioned for the part the weather by h l hum now that we are in december and have all the figures for november it is interesting to sum them up and find what an unusually fine month it has been the mean max temperature for the month was 444 degrees 2 3 above nor mal the mean nun or night temp erature vas 33 4 nearly 5 degrees ab ove normal the average tempera ture for the 30 days was 393 57 de- gres above normal the rainfall was barely 2 inches about l2 an mob be low normal we bad a 4 inch snowfall which is one inch below normal these figures show what an excep tionally fine month novembei 1946 has been they 4 inch snowfall which came on the 26th has pretty well all disappeared going to toronto near the end of the month we saw three herds of cattle still out on past but they were not jerseys no good jersey breeder would leave his pets out in the oold winds this late here are the local records for last week max min snow tue nov 2 31 30 4 wed nov 27 39 28 thur nov 28 36 28 frl nov 20 35 28 sat nov 30 37 27 sun dec 1 30 18 mon dec 2 20 4 long distance run here on saturday in an effort to revive an interest m long distance running in georgetown about 20 members of the gladstone ac including the emmerson bro thers johnny and bill wiu take part in a tenmile run this saturday the race will start end finish at the park lions hear about proposed new high school district mr ll sknce public school in spector and a member of the oonsul- tottve committee set op by county council last year to report on the county was guest speaker at monday evenings meeting of the lions club lucky draw books for the oh listen as tree wens ban oat to ni and the offer of wmants ontario pan- onmna to bring their radio broadcast to georgetown on friday december 17 waa accepted treasurer r h ire- laad gave ftnanrtsl reports on the dominion day celeb and the halloween dance where in both ca ses a deficit had resulted and the ssudeo when the otub netted about 170 by xaon chief ah tost cr skuee gave a resume of the high school system in halton districts have already been set up m oakvflle and burlington taking in the town stops of nelson and trafalgar respee- 111141 the committee had recommen ded a thfcd district comprising muton acton and georgetown which origl- hauy found utile favour in any of the skuce said he i that both acton and mil ton were now tending to favour tt and stdgbt even go ahead on their own would leave georgetown in an position a meeting of the three school boards la being held tonight in acton ad as xsmttattans of thne and space wde week makes a full report of mr knows sribeeh tmpn ihl we snail deaj with tt editorially next weeked banal and tmsa fresbytsrfaa c ev j l sett bjl bd mhnttsr 11 un pojbue worship union pm sunday school pa pubue worship first baptist chart minister rev j e oatrom sunday dec 8th u aj 3 pan bible school 6 45 pjn oospol songs 7 pjn gospel service the gospel is the sure hope the young people meet on monday at 8 pm the prayer service on wed at 8 pm welcome nerval united chwrefa charge minister rev f j dunop mownt pleasant 11 ajn puhuc worship nerval 180 pm sunday school 230 pm public worship b service glen wnuams 200 pjn sunday school f00 pjn pubbc worship you are welcome these services church news i united chareh r a todd ea mmtster i lynda stewart atom lrbm 10 am church ctoool 11 ajn public worship subjedb the stewardship of mo ney 7 pjn did jbrist pay the devut bap- ism by sppomtment with the fntnt on 15 knox presbyterian oban rey obas o cochrane bjl bd minister 10 m sunday school 11 am pw- bc worship 7 pjn publte worship s pjn pubtte worship law h utahpink ltl rector st btspfasars objsnh hereby morosng prayer every sunday at u am except the orst sunday m north when evening prayer is beta at j pjn holy oomnmsnuu see sunday to the month at 11 am a aests i pjn tuesday t homes of st jatuvs bt in mo sunday tn month at t pnv o sundays evening prayer at l pjn i day school 2 pm every r chalaom bm vr s mmjam amleslamjmi sodaljand peisona mr o j whltmee of windsor visi ted last week with relatives in town mrs w w cook of sudbury visited last sunday with mrs w j roe mr and mrs h e habart of bramp ton spent the weekend with mr and mrs robert buchanan mrs fred mcnally and mrs fred brown spent last week in detroit with mr and mrs e bedell mrs hugh mograth of midland spent the week end at the home of mr t w treanor dr and mrs h d freeman of ha milton weer weekend visitors with mr and mrs norman verdec mr and mrs earl vannatter and jack and miss ina york of penelon falls were weekend visitors with mr and mrs o j buck her six little guests were pauline tyers donna thompson muriel spenoe lois thompson dorothy majuery and anne ohalker mr and mrs william nlcol of brentford were sunday visitors with mr and mrs e l miller at their bomeonthesth una miss lois nielsen who to artetvunq the school of interior decorating in new york came home by plane to spend the weekend with her parents mr and mrs a- m nielsen a surprise birthday party was given ann bedell on her 13th birthday at her home on monday evening deo 2 she of her sdbool friends arrived at 530 they were soon seated at a fatty decorated table after partaking of plenty of good eats lovely gtfts were opened and the balance of the even ing was spent by atngmg and psaytog at the player piano on monday evenfag december 2nd several friends of mrs norman o der albeit st paid her a surprise visit on the occasion of her birthday pour tables of euchre were played and the winners were as follows first prise mrs joseph gibbons second prise mr j williamson lone bands mrs a wttson hidden score miss olive logan consolation mrs b o morse hamilton a friend of mrs wilsons a deucloqb tancfa waa ser ved including a btathday cake ft we see this week that the new sidewalk has been laid in front of the mackenzie buhd- dlng on mill street that the show windows have been installed in the building that the doom at the post office have a fresh coat of green paint that an addition is being made to give more office space at georgetown motors that georgetown laundry is mo ving from its present location hi the dark building on john street to part of the new building erected by norm snyder on mill street that several deer were bagged by hunters during the open season in esqueaing the last four days n novem ber mkm tpu v leutoah eamidl b that the dominion seed house has started mailing spring catalogues the earliest mailing for some years that acton and georgetown high school boards are meeting this week to further discuss a proposed high school area in north halton that farnells is the first local store to handle frozen foods that a tram derailment near ac ton held up mall delivery last friday when the morning train from toronto was routed through burlington that mrs reuben eaton won si on the joke pot over radio station cfrb one morning last week council projaims boxing day appoints school board member vote for council school board on monday voters in ward 2 and ward 3 will go to the polls on monday in george town in ward 2 thomas eaaon and harry shortul are candidates for the public school board while in ward s james goodlet thomas lyons and raywhttznee will contest the two council seats the polling booth in ward 2 is at the home of t f grieve the corner of queen and mcnab streets and the municipal building is the polling place for ward 3 polls ore open from 9 o clock in the morn ing until 7 o clock in the evening weds english fiancee in monday ceremony on monday evening december 2nd at 8 pjn rev c c cochrane per formed the ceremony uniting m mar riage miss ruth rosa ingram daugh ter of mr end mrs frank ingram of london igt and joseph donald jourdain son of mrs donald mark jourdaln of geo and the late mr jourdaln the wedding took paee at knox presbyterian church manse the bride who came by plane a few weeks ago to join her husband here wore a powder blue dressmaker salt with brown accessories and corsage of rosebuds the couple were attended by mr james goodlet and the grooms mother who wore a made suit with winter white accessories and a corsage of red asters a reception was held at the borne qr th g motteraftor which the couple left on a short honeymoon trip they will live in ge hornby kan weds port arthur girl in a ceremony at st paure united church on no 20 ijtftejbnttt only daughter of mr and mrs jors- mta janttt of port arthur became the bride of harold gordon bailey formerly of the c corps and son of mr and mrs vm battey hornby sojda leader gordon porter officiated amid a ting of white mums aim played the wedding mnato ohm ka marriage by mr tyrer hamflton the bride wore gown of white satin bouquet of red roses trine was woma mcsactieran who wore a ptnk and temsy sown carted a bouquet psnk roses ward battey brother of oal- kev the hammered al sandwich tray stewarttown mr p r bailey of hamilton visited at his home here last friday the young peoples society held a social at the home of mr and mrs j c murray friday evening the little helpers annual meeting was held saturday afternoon in the school the meeting opened with a hymn and the m prayer mr leigh ptnk gave a little talk to the children pour little girls sang jesus bids qb shine eralonne and ruby smith favored with piano solos the offering in the little helpers boxes was 1446 everybody enjoyed the lunch served by the mothers and the wa junior wa had their annual meet ing monday afternoon at mrs dailys home lois bessey secretary repor ted is members 34 meetings average attendance 10 6 hymns were learned 3 verses of scripture learned and used for roll can the questions and an swers of missionary instructtons for juniors were studied and the stories in the junior living message read 3 cot quilts were made 4 babys out fits 12 scrap books 6 sunday school paper books at one meeting mr leigh pink showed pictures of mis sionary work m algoma diocese the treasurers report showed to tal receipts uo93 expenditure 993 balance gljoo officers and helpers for 1941 are secretary lois mueham lota bessey treasurer evalonne smith jean- the final meetings of coonou on monday night easr few items on the agenda in contrast witts the other ims meetings when council burned the midnight oil on many oo- caskms it was the twentysecond meejtlng of a year which has eeeat council faced wtth more hnportan problems than any other year to georgetowns history december 26 will once morebe ob served as boxing day and a resolution was passed proclaiming it a civic hol iday grants included s0o to ttst fire brigade and 1340 to the board of parks management bemg the oat m grant to which the board is eo titled for the year n a recorded vote in which mayor cleave and or mochlvray voted ag ainst mr e j johnston was sppoto- ted a member of the high school board for 1947 89 mr johnston wfll replace mr r b foubs whose tea q8 expired on the board the tender of the bank of com merce for issue of 12200 debentures at s100so was accepted a letter was received from the lo cal council of women asking that the recreational council take over the wading pool which they had founded and operated for a number of dorcas betty barrow fern mor- don assistant dorcas betty humph reys betty ann h gail smith ann thsisjtweys pages jean oorley janfe header- hioh borool news by l mcb the oo vent off with a we beneve mr fenwlck director of mtasto for ontario was supposed to be there but wee unabw to be present mr feowick is looking tor a boys cbotr to sang at maasey han at eas ter rxr i second form students tsfc tak the ttttte darunm stepped toto feetr room on monday morhmg to hod it wat wanner outside than to the frn o had to move to other rooms for the day but next day the room was warm and au was fnrsr lusch and singing enjoyed at 88th birthday party weekly editorspresent car to retiring officer on his retirement as managing director of the members of the associatto at then- annual con- canadian- weekly newspapers association after vention at halifax shown above is dr hugh waj orpoented with n new 1946 pontiac sedan bj r charters some birthdays may be just i but when one reaches the age of si celebrations are in order such a cel ebration was held in norvai on mon day november 25th by many of mrs dr i websters friends and rela tives to offer their congratulation wrifj bring back memories of days on the sunday preceding was the guest of honour at a dinner prepared by her nieces mav jorte mcpherson and prairie magcosw guests included her sister mrs black brothers george and sober gouop nieces misses gladys and mar garet gollop and mrs f hull ne phews george gollop montreal har old gollop kingston and frank bbs toronto grand nephew john esfll and mr a mcandrew georgetown during monday nekdibours eassd in or telephoned those far ajwaj sent cards and letters there many flowers and gifts of a tdad stw could enjoy tn the evening as as been her custom for several yean xx this date mrs webster was enjoritf a game of euchre with mrs mooften han mrs fitagerald and mr and m yates mbton when the strains of n accordion were heard at the door and alex watt gaifleld and hyatt no cture in omtkne costume ntod by their wives osme m i happy mrbiday to yon prom mbton georgetown ton norvai toronto kingston end montreal they came to do nonour to one who has been auntie to to many by adoption as eonld dakn her by relationship the evening wag spent at endbrejfe3towedby deaoto refreshment one of the cakes wtdekj brought great praise was baked bf mrs webster that day just to keep her hand in almost at the stroke of tiretve tbr tnrtbday cake with lighted osttstol wts carried in at the turn off sm boor it became a joint oelebratton tor nephew george gollop whose mrta e is the sobl be helped annus blow out the candles after a tow toasts and stories the guests prevai led on mrs webster to dance vjm yesuviana with brother ottorse fen years her junior accompanied by al ex and his accordion oldtimers wsl nesb which these two fled the rye watt i onrlte she danced with ne har old oodop and when earns of ttto guests spoke of the lateness of the hour mrs webster said why fm just getting warmed up the singing of raeat be the tie ttn jinda- and auld lang syne liiiiinin the ptesswnt evening to a ctose as goodbyes were said prmileto nam made that au would be on hand tor 1mt m minist speakest as fdttyfffty oltjb dinneb the first annrversary of fifty dob of o obnrdh was celebrated tost wettoseday when the group met tn the cbnch basement for a not tartar dtnusr pro vided by the womsnni amdbmry t the church oonwenom for the mc were mr end mrs b and mr end mr jtonw v toow porter padre and now mk ttad ohnrdh was dor the jmii waa provided by e i nil nf itii st mil n- tomwj ito smt hfas asms

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