Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 4, 1946, p. 9

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imwinmiiihiiinnnaii worry about coal shortagbs ob is available install a torridheat chl burner in your furnace quick and efficieac mrvice b f murfim faxnace work ettvcatroagjw thwmwjag sheet metal work dart couectms systems shop at rear of uroia knthssg phone 138 re 428w smday school uoton tbk 8tjndat school usson taxjl admonishes thb ohuboh by an a o todd i oar 10 11 17zi nan 1 1114 don brlmo ooandbrmf tbatr pagan background it la not surprtatdf tnat tnerti m oc- oaalrais vban fanl utt caltod upon to rtrri bla qantno u to obrlatlanlfr ore rdlevn tended to reupholstering wnt make mat old faraitme look bke new we redesign cherterfieu phoiw 89 for estimate the upholsterer acetylene welding areaskm of reugkws seal sexual io inlsouuy aiav the worship of ttw tavrtcmm goddttbos of ffffsobf of which trtw of tbe 1tw who figured in last melts lesson mi one ttew ttaus bued upon nature wor ship tended lo encourage tbe gratifl- oatfcm at the physical appetites with no festxatnt fromany sense of a ttgb r moral authority than tbmt grwtifi- ftamvtoek tbe god of the hebrew- who reveais himself in acta of rtght- itoousness was not known tottde pa gan nature worship inaeea tm t terly foreign to k and it ajeared to fihls type of pagan that the purpose of hfe was not to reflect clods righteous ness but to indulge tbe desires of tbe body i a failure to realise tbe demands of tfcts higher righteousness soon mani fested itself in the metal life of the gentile ornirches and repeatedly paul had to admonish them and bring them to such a realisation ltaeems evident that in the early ohuroh at least in oorinth the lords supper was conducted as a con gregational meal in oonneotlon with which there was a ooaiunemoratlon of the last supper jesus had with his dis ciples it was not part of a formal service of worship as in our day in the passage from 1 oor paul oou- the nrtomoot mbb broujht his own food ana stety- one ate his own food at was mi a potlues meat tbe e wealth and extreme poverty which in a pre- oedmg lesson we saw crlsting aw by side u oormtb inanlfeetod fctsejf to the church with tbe rests tbat the rich made gluttons of uasoaseries while the poorer nemben went with out it la not at all certain tbat tbe word dnmn v 91 raters to in toxication paul may mean that rich drat while tbe poor were a to do so but in view of tbe general moral condtttona in oorinth it is quite probable that actual ofrurakennces was one of the- vices or abuses vhtah at tended tins meal in this lesson paul ia concerned to point out that this social toasting is not tbe lords supper it is some thing entirely different vj and then he goes on to give an account of the lords supper as instituted tease ex ba ptwtttoe iesuk of a new frwotsbtp it is otwtous thai we ttattas in an age where there is no levwsnsss of the demands of gods toamsesaelent righteousness and has become a law unto bimsesf and defines whats right aooor- cung aa u pleases bhn or sutta bis cxmvenieoce in the face of tbe resul ting immorality in tbe world and even in tbe chnrob the world must be con fronted by the awful sacrifice of christ made to satisfy the demands of oods righteousness over against the looseness of modem living stands tbe purity of the lamb of obd without spot and without blemish a world which has witnessed the cntdffadon tbe bon of god cannot afford to anything but sober about the moral questions which face it today for that crucubtion represents the worst that stn is capable of doing as well as the judgment at god upon stn the church at least cannot be absolved of seriousness about these moral ques- by onrtat oontffasttog its sigtnoosnce se umjl twt whh the type of thing that went t won christ most certainly did not in the corinthian chiuob by con- uponthe cross to create a so-cal- aatlled christian society which should sanction tandem marriages laugh steel cast iron brass bronze aluminum etc as types of fann sngaienmoas iveueor expert colliaion body and fender repair auto spraying lincoln auto body oor hchil 0ktcnbotn bmvkng next to the oddfedom hall phone 44 eggs- eggs eggs wanted uifhest prevautnc rrlces paid careful grading prompt kcmlttance we pay premium for strictly fresh large brown or whtfe shell eggs ship direct to dominion stores ltd 833 old weston road toronto 0 regd grading station 009 oases returned free fronting the oortathian ohuroh with the true significance of the feast they take so lightly he hopes to shame them into repentance re contrasts the manner of life of the corinthian ohuroh with the love and sacrifice and seriousness of the lords death he contrasts the sordid whh the sub lime human vidousness with divine grace in the other attacks the same problem from an- other angle callng upon his readers the roman and epboslan churches not to be swallowed up m the dark ness of the corrupt pagan workl they must purity themselves and as befits christians put on the righteousness of god ie jesus christ the vices of the pagan world wantonass strife envying sensuality thuntenneaa must be excluded from christian con duct why seek joy in wine when true joy can be found only in the holy spirit why sing the lleenuous songs of drinking bouts when there are songs to sing in praise of gods good ness eph 5 18 19 it should be noted however that paul makes no mere prohibition ra ther does he summon the people to a new faithfulness to their fthrtsttan destiny he does not forbid he chal- he challenges positively not tolerantly at drunkenness talk in sophisticated manner about tbe con- negatively not just toabejroialthat selfrighteousness to leave them behind h toward the goal whether or not the prcmlenee of drinking and sexual lmniqralttt in out venlence of cocktail lounges and ap plaud governments nrfhlch cynically promote tbe liquor traffic at the same time as they try to promote pub lic health and root out the reds who would destroy our christian 7 i pauljwey of life a new puritanlsm however is not going to solve the moral problems of our day as we have seen in this les son the preaching of the law against sin was not pauls method rather did he preach deliverance from sin and the responsibility of the modern ohuroh is not to lift up its bands in holy horror at the sins of the world or the fr of some of its own mem bers its responsibility is to ifaold up to view the cructried lamb of god who opened up a living way into the holiest of all a way into life where in mn may walk in the light and not stumble the constructive work of the church is to speak of what is in christ so long as she is only half- serious about her faith and her teach ing her spiritual life will not be suf ficiently fraihwg as to be an adequate substitute for the intoxication of the flesh let individual christians beware of which comes i from merely taking a stand on this 1 or that moral question and i do not mean they should not take a standi and realise that the only effective rnwina of combatting immorality is by the fidelity of then- witness to thetr f alth as a whole on the other hand the church and her members not sidestep their responsibility as spiritual agents on these gx sticking to the gospel and keeping out of politics by not demanding govkwnments aoospt their responsi bility of preserving public order and of having respect for the righteousness of god it la always the duty of the church to require of governments that they carry out their appointed task of wielding the sword of authority for the public welfare what we are say ing however b that the church does not effectively combat vice by de manding parliamentary leglsl action the only effectual means of combatting vice and promoting virtue is the preaching and the bearing of the gospel tow mf wm lit here an wwwttafl way to find out the probable bm- ber of years you haw aneod of you based oo life assur ance mortality tables 1 subtract yotw present age from qo 2 multiply the resn t by 7 3dmde the result by 10 given a full life span yon have a good chance of canyr ing out your plans for the future life assurance wilt add certainty to these plans should death or disability pre vent you from seeing them to completion for further particulorsconsult howard graff orarlm street hion 317j georgetown ont work night for st georges club the meeting of st georges club on tuesday november 28th took tbe form of a work night when pitched in to clean up the at the rear of the church during al terations to tbe church much of the sunday school equip ment had been moved into the dub- rooms and this was rearranged a well as a good cleanup of the kitchen the club decided to make repairs to the roof of the building and to pur chase a new piano for the sunday school the old one to be used m the club rooms plans were also talked over to hold a series of card parties and the subject of a dance was brought up but no decision was reached on the latter because of the difficulty of securing a suitable date for it light refreshments were served by tbe com mittee for tbe evening george wal ker and mrs william mcnejly at the next meeting officers wfll be elected for 1947 whitetailed deer by w b habert the above ilhmtratfott stows wlulavtaiud w at uw daw ol day poised h alert i the loricjtlening shodowe at a snow crusted bush trail stand a book and a do yt at tho crock of a twig the white tails vanish into the iustnoss truly a superb axarnple of canadian wild lite whose canhnned existence in oar forests oast be ensured tbroagh the whole hearted support of conservation measures as a sptmtsmaxi or simply a person interested fat exifoybkj nature we can help by strlotrr obeying th bsgnlatlcais designed to protect oar game animals nvnom amd cui bjoaaitt jbbv arthtjk datpoot bnoagkd to canadian norsk in china his friends in town will be lata ted to learn of the a of the rev arthur daycoot united oriurch missionary in latshan rtejchnan oh- pfariahsg 9sert metal f wain nigh wossv wcrlurtg furoaoe stoves the fixit shop w young the hunter m conaorrarionirt brwwjal anabac ol d watoa oajghramozao port pad ay na iiiali llial oip dlan none b tba aam mjaato bem tbm dana was oontatoed in a lakar l zaoanuy firom an daytoot bj ola mart jant atarlaran anas jobao a sarttn or maatlaj la a na of tta or the carlins breweries limited wrnajoo wnsnimn omn memories to lmtmot ttvbba lor bfethnes to cosva mooanmr priead vaamtrttmarkt to cmna h duttjov a anoaata ot oeocvetowa hteh stabool esn tejs wu heratty ot iknots a aon ot aod lata a b daytoot ksai bar a a earflqr bring o i to oakvalu mk oak

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