Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 9, 1947, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday july 9th 1947 the georgetown herald serving the conxmxdtuea of georgetown glen williams nobval umehou8e hornby 8tewarttown a8hgkovb baujnafad terra gotta mtscrlptlon rate 2 00 a year single copies 5c each advertising bates quoted an application walter c bjehn publisher and editor garfield l mcgilvray staff leslie m olark beg broomhead harold davison beg brromhead e herald la printed each wednesday afternoon at the office on main fit georgetown authorized aa second class mall poet office dept ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario quebec division of the cwjia the editors clunnn when thoughts do not coincide it seems that any reference we make regarding the high school district is to the acton and milton edi- tor like waving a red flag in front of a bull and we can be assured of an answering editorial the next week hence the following which appeared in last weeks is sue of the champion and free press the insinuation that the writer and mayor gibbons share a minority opinion in georgetown is so far from the truth that we should like very much tojiee a vote taken at the next municipal election such a vote might have an impor tant effect not only here but in all north halton we had not intended to refer to reeve maclarens position in county council but since we have been challenged we will give our opinion that the reeve was guilty of a tactical error in voting against the motion as george towns representative whose council had expressed by a majority vote their opposition to the district we feel he was obligated to vote against the county council bylaw forming the district no matter what his own personal views are we thought the high school district for north halton was all setlled but apparently the editor of the georgetown herald is not comfortable about the posi tion in which georgetown now finds itself placed and last week took occasion to tell his readers how badly astray all the north of halton had gone with the ex ception of one representative on the county council from georgetown it might be mentioned too that a georgetown delegation visited the department of edu cation and received rather a vague reception to their proposals we havent space to quote the lament of the georgetown editor in full and we gave all his argu ments our thought a year ago but implications he makes are not fair to the elected representatives of other com munities and we cannot let them go unchallenged here are the quotations we refer to we had expected there might be more than one dissenting vote but deputyreeve jack afmstrong was apparently the only one who realized the implica tions of the closing of the acton and milton high schools a sad reflection on the faith of the elected representatives in the future of their towns when an outsider has more faith than themselves the rural representatives of course could scarcely vote other wise as whatever happens they stand to lose nothing and gain something wherever a new school be built we cannot help thinking that the acton and milton county councillors have sold out their towns under the influence of glib paper theorists like school inspector stewart and we are glad that georgetowns representatives are sufficiently strong in character to stand up for their ideals let us hope that public opi nion in our neighbouring towns will express itself be- forogihe final step is taken and a white elephant is erec- teosbr spey side the georgetown editor doesnt mention that georgetown had two representatives on county coun cil and that one of them did not vote against the pro posal but because deputyreeve jack armstrong voted in accord with his views that representative is the only one with faith in the future of their town and ac ton and milton county councillors have sold out their towns as the old lady proudly said when the regiment went marching by everyones out of step but my son john th herald editor says he cant help thinking and far it be from anyone to put any impediment in his way but we would suggest that he accord the same privilege to milton a nassagaweya and esque- sing representatives and one georgetown representa tive and not insinuate lack of thought on their part when their views do not coincide with his it might prove interesting to hear of opinions of other citizens of georgetown as well as those of mayor gibbons and the editor of- the herald we cannot help thinnng but then perhaps those thoughts would only add fuel to a situation that requires not heated but clear thinking a conditions in new zealand mr james stewart assistant general managei of the canadian bank of commerce and mr c k highmoor supervisor of the foreign department recently made a visit to new zealand in connection with thebanks business the following report is a condensation of that prepared on the return of these officials the dominion of new zealand has a population of slightly less than two million people of whom 80 per cent are native born and whose origin is 95 per cent british the population is well spread throughout the country with many moderatetized towns but no great cities the country is proud of the high level of its production from the intense cultivation of its land and of the position which it attained before 1939 in total foreign trade which was the highest per capita in the world x as the two main islands comprising the country lie in a latitude comparable to that of italy and as no point on either island is very far from the sea the cli mate is temperate variations in heat and cold are within narrow limits and the valleys and the plains which receive plentiful rain are fertile and eminently suitable for grazing with 1 8 million acres available for pasture the sheep population is about 34 million mostly rrossbreds of the romney type the annual produc tion of wool of all types averages well over 300 million pounds fourteen new zealand woollen mills use about 8 million pounds each year and manufacture a very fine product vfc thecattle population of the country is about 5 mijlion with a dairy herd 85 per cent jerseys of about 2 million head specialized beef production rests mainly on aberdeen angus hereford arid shorthorn breeds butter and cheese production is high with nearly 400 registered factories receiving from approx imately 54000 different suppliers many of them ten ants there are over eighty rigidly inspected export slaughterhouses and abbattoirs throughout new zea land handling over 17 million animals a year of which over 1 4 million are sheep and iambs wheat and other field crops linen flax fruit honey hops and tobacco are all products of importance wheat averaging about 10 million bushels a year under legislation designed to protect primary producers from tiharp fluctuations in market values guaranteed prices are in effect varying if necessary from season to sea son and are worked out quite scientifically butterfat- meat and wool arc the three pillars of new zealands primary industry and production of all three was in tensified during the last war exports of pastoral pro ducts have grown through the years and the economic future of the country depends on the continuation of their export as well as on the prices obtained since in the past most manufactured goods have been imported largely from the united kingdom the present eco nomic policy is evidently toward greater selfsufficien cy but while appreciable progress has been made new zealand remains dominantly a pastoral country price control has been in force for some time and has been most successful in keeping the cost of living down wholesale prices of items made in new zea land have risen only slightly but those of imported items have almost doubled very few steps have yet been taken in the direction of decontrol the present labour government in new zea land with 42 seats has a slight majority in the 80seat house of representatives the opposition the na tional party with 38 seats subjects it to intense criti cism the country is very heavily unionized ancl la bours greatest difficulty will be with militant unions who in the last six months have called numerous strikes taxation direct arid indirect is severe almost 80 million pound out of total receipts of 100 million pound are provided by income tax sales tax national security tax and customs duties etc on the expendi ture side on current account the largest single item is about 35 rriillion pound for the unusually widely provi ded social services in the past new zealands foreign trade has been in essence an exchange of primary produce for manu factured articles and materials required for home con sumption with total exports averaging about 70 million pound and total imports slightly less the difference be ing required to discharge overseas debts foreign ex change control has therefore been essential and the regulations are still quite strict all imports of goods being subject to licence trade with canada is important our exports to new zealand in normal times being quite varied in type with paper and paper products motor vehicles and parts including tires fish fabrics and many manufactured articles predominating our imports from new zealand usually running at lower figures are mainly wool skins casings tallow and seeds our future trade with new zealand is uncertain aa due to the shortage of dollars needed impottsmust be restrai ned although inventories are relatively low then too the trend toward selfsufficiency in new zealand which was mentioned earlier must be kept clearly in mind dancing huttonvuxe park wednesdays the merrymakers saturdays al kohn and his music styled for dancing featuring hal wright regular admission 50c fish n ciups v fried fish is regarded ns a good nuislchall oke but the medical pro fession and thoe of us who lake a special interest in nutrition know that in fried fish and chips ou have all the constituents of a balanced meal dr edith summerskill parliamentary secretary to the ministry of pood addressing npuonal federation of pish friers at blackpool t oh humble meal of fish and chips too long the butt of wit and bard enduring undeserved eclipse in gastronomical regard because forsooth thou toothsome ph- 1 j from rural or marine mlleau the sizzling bath of lard would share ard oft deserve the cordon bleu of cookerys art but then alas would oeer the counter porcellecl pass i the humble street and modest store were frequently thy habitat where watchers turned ihee oer and oer to brown thee off in boiling fat too pale implied not cooked enough engendering scorn in hungry pat ron but goldenhued thou were the stuff to please impatient maid and ma tron yet on this fish and chip shop scene the snob looked down with scornful i mien mo breached convention had he brooked nor lifted dainty knife and fork to fifth and ships that were not cooked at home er at the royal york 6t but now comes one with rating high where health and food are under stood informing britons far and ntgn that flsh and chips are finest food having between them all the real consutuents nf n balanced meal dold in the toronto daily star jiiiiiiiiiiikiimiiiiiinnuiiiiimiiniiiiriiiiiiinimmii manna- nmuiniitainmiiniiniiiinraim dir ec t o iwiniitauuuiinnnannmiitaiutiiun radio repairing a imjuumiimminiiiiiminitxinm iimiiiiminimiwiininmiwmpotmnmpmmmntmnib i a e lepage realtor toronto telephone ad bs81 farms country estates surburban homes city houses summer properties uemhsr national absooiattott op real estate boards local depreeentattve telephone 416j c a whjlson oeoroetown ontario head office 330 bay street specializing in we specialize in thia work 16 years experience uinnmnidiihtniiiui dr j burns milne dental surgeon x bay georgetown phone 60 niiwiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiirn friiiibomiintinnimiiauimiiiniaoimuintaouinwamaio dr clifford reid b ldfl d jxs dent1bt phone 410 open evenings mam street georgetown niuofluuiiimmiiiiiimiauuiibiiiianinaiie oiiuimiiniaiuintniuqutiiiiiiiiidiniuimuqmiuiniiuiiuttbma i elmer c thompson h insurance service fire auto windstorm c p bauway and allied nielsen the chiropractor druglets therapist 83rd year of practice lady attendant hours mon tues fri 25 pm sat 25 89 pm closed thursday over dominion store georgetown phone i50w a stone school farm forum strawberry season inspired the stone school farm fin tim to enter tain the summer cottage folic in their midst over lut hoi ida weekend em batkin being master of ceremo nies there wtre six tubhs of euchre lht winners being miss redmond and mr harold campbell and four tables of crxjklnolc the winners of thli fame were mrs jim klnbburgh and mr tom appleard with little ann campbell and barbara lindsay win ning at the childieiis table straw berries and cream were the feature of the refreshments mist clialotte mccullough and mrs- em batkin be ing hostesses for the evening magistrate sympathetically could the motorlsi ha c oided you henpecked victim sadly he i could that your worship e ad the choice of ittlng me or the missus and e picked on me s summer excursions i phone hbw or j geoigetown mbmbummmdniiiuiniinmrriimuuihuuuiimui 9yuiuttnabuniiiibojiiimiiiiiiuniiniiuiitiiiminuc u roy dale kc i m sybil bennett kc 1 barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown phone 19 langdon ayuworth banisters and solicitora notaries public kenneth m langdon georgetown r maclntyre aylsworth ba acton first mortgage money to loan offices gregory theatre bldg mm st phone bsw georgetown cooper bldg phone 316 acton mnumrahtmn nnam imtni laumuranrj lever hoskin chartered aocsdiuntants successors to jenkins hardy 136 metropolitan bldg m victoria st r toronto el 9131 frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service phone 391 georgetown po bar 413 qualified corsebere for better class foundation garments girdle surgical and garter belts all garments made to your personal measurement phone m at can at the home of emma mendham guelph street- j sanfordson phone georgetown 34w monuments pollock campbell 63 water st north g a l t designs on requestsphone 2048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery insurance and real e service walter t evans nd company ah lines insurance pretecttesi ad lines of real estate ocean and inland steamship tickets waht t evans clayton o hogg james p evans and k f evans are readv to serve joo we are as close as yoor telephone ofnce hours 830 to ft open saturday evenings phone 183 office mill i ddtumotnik mi i inn iu i imitnn m unmoiumwiiidn uniiuum ami h 1 1 unni i mi 1 1 miunim i in iiqiu consult j a willoughby sons for oompletb real estate service head office toronto 1m yonge st ad o00b t city and cosmtx farms and small aereai indsatrial and bostnesa ton hewsou to joar l rep fhosl stt

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