Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1947, p. 4

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the gcorget6wn herald wednesday jby 30 1947 mew advertisements r bedsprjng and mattress for sale mn s junes phone s8b wanted xrpertoriced fanner married sep- te bouse po box 396 georgetown fob sale 1991 chevrolet sedan needs clutch 100 george graham r b 1 oeorgetown wanted plokers wanted for blade currants apply now meedowglen growers ltd- phone 143 fob salic cabinet radio for bale first class condition george smith phone board available oan accommodate a lew more men with comfortable room and board mrs- watt queen street george town or phone 256 1 boyd to id- and mrs lloyd boyd noe pat edwards a son at ouetph general hospital on friday july 26th 1k7 a brother for gloria jean an david bdward ajkleiy mr mid mrs gordon barley wish to announce trie arrival of their son douglas ifrederlok at at josephs hospital gtielph thursday july 24tfa 1047 sykbs mr and mrs alfred sykes nee alma foreman are happy to announce the birth of their son torujthomas at peel memorial hospital brampton on saturday july 26th 1m7 a brotber for pat and sharorr trucking for that odd trucking job phone 490w harry scott queen and guelph bts for sale purebred pedigreed black and tan dachshund puppies 10 weeks old rea sonably priced for good homes in georgetown vicinity mrs d greer john st phone 16j fob sale wine baby stroller with mattress and harness in good condition 15 electric fan 6 blade 3 mrs j h carter main st nrpo box 106 86 fob sale two springfilled studio couches both with bottom drawer one with the otter without hi perfect phone 266 after 5 pjn or apply at tbe herald office sewing machine repair guaranteed sewing machine repairs dd service all makes thompsons hardware pbooe 46 georgetown korvd agent carney s hardware fbone georgetown 90 r 11 bramp ton 806 r 13 91t custom chicken plckmg whh latest stiliuiij also bjgbest market price fsdd tor fewl alive or dressed culling flocks a specialty huttonvule eg oradmg station phone brampton 348 r 14 reverse charges wanted woman or girl wanted as house tablemaid sleep in or out good wages permanent position phone 256 or applj mrs watt queen st apts 730 wanted wanted to purchase pullets all ages torn eight weeks to laying in barred books new hampsblres white leg horns good prices paid apply tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario 66 house wanted pour or five roomed brick bunga low style house wanted in georgetown apply box 26 herald wanted to but cash paid for old pictures old sli ver old dishes clear and colored glassware oil lamps ornament flo wer holders etc phone 47 or write po box 36 mrs keith barber cor ner king and union streets outboard motors outboard motors immediate deli very 4j bp at 61s6 350 gallon per hour automatic pressure system com plete with fittings and tank at usa 1 fcp garden tractors at 100 3m h4 garden tractors at 380 attaohmenu extra transportation prepaid anywhere in canada chris tians ktootartc and hardware osba- w ontario 780 electrical work electrical repairs made to applian ces and wiring f o whltmee fbone 313 young street georgetown aroxic in memoriam mino in loving memory of my mother ell el mino who away atgust 1 1942 bweet memories will live forever time can not change them its true years that may come cannot ever our loving remembrance of you son wilfred nnd family semple in loving memorj of ar thur semple who passed away aug ust 3rd 140- always remembered by his wife painting and decorating estimates given on interior and ex terlor decoratlrg see our latest wall paper samples james kennedy phone 189 2stf for sale mh tractor 101 twin power 22 x 37 case thresher with straw bruiser and high elevator rubbprtlred oliver manure sdreader international cut ting box like new used rubber tired wagon 1938 lafayette sedan 1940 dodge truck with 12 ft stake body new motor 1920 chrysler tom hewson m1h street phone 332w painting and deoorattng cu us for an estimate on your painting and decorating our custo mers are always satisfied d lar- kln phone 83 r an opportunity established rural watttns district available if you are aggressive and between the ases of 96 and 56 have or can secure travel outfit this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own for full particulars write today to the r watkins company dept o o 5 21vt maason street mon treal quebec by margaret cobb xxthen sally carter spied the vt crisp green of the bill lying against the white of the sidewalk that bordered the engineering build lng she dropped the handle of the baby carriage and swooped down upon it look rlchey lookl she cried happily to the cheerful bright eyed boy in the carriage a tendollar bill a real brand new tendollar bill i found it myself and i can spend it any way i please turning the carriage briskly to re turn the way she had come sally sped her son back toward the trailer camp that nestled at the foot of the hill a haven for married student veterans once inside her trailer home she hurriedly hung the pinafore in the tiny clothes closet and reached for her best skirt and sweater do you know what i m going to do with this money first thing richey she cried hap pily i m going to get you a play pen so you can stay out in the frebh air all day long and have plenty of room to wiggle around in sally dropped the sweater to give the baby a quick impetuous hug we 11 get daddy that pipe he wants and maybe there 11 be enough money left over to get me some dress material speeding joyfully across the cam pus toward town her hand straying clarkholm ayrshires for bale for your herd sire choose a son of maroon brlgaoler class a whose dam howell annetta 40i imp has a record of 76007 lbs milk 2074 lbs fat in a 6 j lactation period including one record of 17432 lbs milk 666 lbs- fat our production herd of large typey cows is now freshening some every week i select the calf that suits you wp i offer a few milkers and springers i herd accredited and vaccinated clark bros nerval rk 2 phones georgetown 62 r 21 brampton 3ur22 clearing auction sale 125 acre farm the nsoal line of farm stock and implement and all furnl tore except personal effects the property ef w j cook lot 10 4th line erin formerly fred smftti farm saturday august 2nd commencing at 1 oclock if the farm is not sold the season s crops will be sold at auction in tbe field as the owner is moving north immediately hindley elliott aucts wanted dead horses and oattks for free pick sjp phone collect gordon young ltd ad 3638 toronto piano tuning and repairs c w timer for brampton soboot write or phone b37j brampton a2 deoorattno decorating to express individuality artistic interior craftsmen ln tbe 0 a grant r rl 3 georgetown phone si r 14 plain drana clothes a specialty phone 4w7w heatoons m r6auy a coll i just loo tuls sad because mv master tttsht wrm a jtfte king furnace bfmurlin ftjkicaqb wottk tdtsmtthing 8bset mbtab dust collkcttng bfcsp rear et lave- tiillljag 138 i428w wally wicken star of the weekly thursday radio program listen for wlcken over the obc retwork pianist wally wlcken leads his band at toron to s club norman wally is a na tive of gait and is a rising star in the canadian tntertainment world in mid afternoon about the time sally was unwrapping her gifts often to the money in her pocket sally suddenly slowed her pace her face sober ob dear the thought i v been to happy about having torn money all my own tbmt if hadn t even occurred to me that u belong to someone elie oh jiarr darking the carnage at the door to the engineering building she entered hesitated a moment outside a door marked office and went in the secretary looked up as sally laid the bill on the desk i found this outside the building miss hanson so i guess it belongs to someone in here she was talk lng fast turning to leave wait a minute mrs carter the older woman called you may as well keep it i don t see how we can ever find out who it belongs to finders keepers you know now you just run along downtown and see what you can and to buy do her good to have some money all her own miss hanson muttered as the door closed of course i should have held it a day or two in case anyone asked about it but that child probably hasp t had a dollar to spend as she likes since richard entered here in mid afternoon about the time sally was unwrapping her new pur chases at home richard carter was frantically going through his pock ets i know i brought it with me he muttered as he searched one pocket after another good grief what 11 i do it s all the money we had left for the rest of the month a nice inev3 tendollar bill i must have dropped it when i opened my billfold sometime today a moment later as tie was ex plaining his plight to the secre tary he was relieved to see a quick look of comprehension in her eyes you haven t had it turned in have you he finished hopefully why yes she replied ilowly i have at least a young ad gave me a tendollar bill this morning and told me she d foundit outside it must have been yours wajt a mm ute i put h in my pocketbook for safekeeping reaching into a drawer in the desk miss hanson pulled out a well worn black bag after a moment s search she found a bill tucked away with several onedollar ones that was erisp and new and had the numeral 10 in its corners here it is ihe said hnndfng it over with a smile the boy took the money wrth a grateful grki well thank good ness we can eat for the resist the month anyway he said as he left the office thanks jimillion hias bauson i rptarm halton o ba juvenile standing milton 10 0 oakulle 6 4 acton 2 t georgetown 2 9 ust week july 23 milton 13 georgetown 1 july 29 otfcvule 1 georgetown 0 knox piesbyterian church georgetown rev chas c cochrane ba bd minister 10 am sunday school 11 ajn puhic worship morning service only lrniehoose presbyterian church 3 pm service withdrawn georgetown taxi phone 30 j wasaga beach going saturday morning v 200 one way 400 return sunday or monday phone early v h qui day dance stanley park erin monday evening august 4 modern aires orchestra dancing every friday night upwells limited chevrolet w lifn people are pleaded itn natural for them lo say thank you but never apparently liae any ear owner been o pleased a thonc lucky enough to own a 1947 tin rolet their enthusiastic thank ou letters mrcam in from every nook anil cranny of th dominion from fleet ojnntor and lmmincmrn from purrhahcr in every trade and ocrupa tion ami rach letler oayn in a different way 1 know now from experience that crievroletfi proud boast is true only chevrolet offers big car quality at low cost the gttnnnf demand for the ivu chevrolet u telling an alllime record we cannot hope for many month lo fill all the order pouring in if roil are amoni the mtlny who have set rour stftht on chetrolett bir car qttahty at lour com toe wfticett that irhtle rati trait you rely on four chrtralel dealer trrvire to hfep your prmsent w nvxnmg smoothly and safely scott motor sales phone ml georgetown

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