Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1947, p. 1

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the g herald wednesday evening august 13th 1947 council asks busses return to main street georgetown council voted unani mously qn monday night to ask gray coach lines to reroute their busses along main street as formerly the town has been without this service since july 6th when fihe company closed their terminal and routed thetr busse along the higwhay in answer to a request early in june from the council a h poster vicepresident in charge of operations and j e hurst assistant superintendent of mterurbanll service attended the meeting and mr poeter spoke for the company review tog the situation and pointing out fkjat he believed were advantages of j woe former service a central location be said was of benefit to travellers and to merchants and he said he did not think the busses created any se rous traffic hazard in the town he said that the company would do whatever the town wished and council wished busses to come through main street they would be please to come there reeve madaren said he did not understand why when gray coach received councils first letter they had approached the police force but bad not asked council why they wi sed busses oft main street bad this meeting been held before the extreme action of dosing the terminal with less than 3 days no- ttae this mightnt have happened said the reeve x think the com- patty was at fault j mayor gibbons was disappointed that the writer of the letter j o barker telling council of the gray ooach decision was not at the mee- ting i voted to keep the busses said the mayor but that letter was ex tremely distasteful and be went out of his way to discredit council which has always given cooperation down through the years messrs- poster and hurst left after this part of the meeting and the matter was reintroduced later on by reeve maclaren who said that in rthomwring it he felt it should be done without reporting everything in the press lyons nn wuttng to have any thing i say reported goodlet im tinfffrig my op- cause x think the inconvenience tfce public outweigh the advantage of inion not through pressure but be- better traffic conditions continued on page 5 james ellenton dies at nephews home in creemore a former well known resident of georgetown where he lived lor twen ty- eight years james ellenton passed away in creemore at the home of his nephew htuselj ijay on tuesday aygust 5th bon of the late george and agnes ellenton he was born seventyseven years ago in erin towshlp he was a member of the church of england five years ago he left town to re side in bowmanvllle with his niece mrs joseph levett funeral services were held on thursday from the mc clure funeral home to st georges cttrurch where archdeacon w o o thompson conducted the service as sisted by rev a c herbert of cree more pallbcarers were six nephews roy edgar and george ellenton 1 and guy day and hodgen barnes interment was in the family plot in erin cemetery relatives from a distance attending the funeral were from bowmanvllle milton creemore carlisle hamilton and hlusburgh mr buenton is survived by two bro thers george of burungton and tho mas of brampton he was predecea sed by three sisters and four brothers the weather the following summary of the week s temperature reading purely spells hot in reading an account in one of t week s toronto papers i won dered if the hot weather had affected the weather man because of course it could not be the printer whowas hot under the collar when the fol lowing appeared in what i read tho it will bring rellf to residents of georgian bay and dis trict its potney by th tim it rachs toronto will be lessened considerably hrn batkin mdf 55 aug 4 82 aug 5 84 aug 6 87 aug 7 87 aug 8 82 aug 9 81 aug 10 8kj average 83 42 street cars in geok4 now that busses will be returning to main street we thought the tratftc question was ended but a new prob lem popped up this morning when the first street car travelled down main street no it wasnt the heat we have witnesses we see this week that deputyreeve jack arm strong who represents the mutual life assurance co of canada georgetown his been made a member of thw century club of tat organi zation that hewbon motors have a new black and decker valve grinding equipment and can now do a com0jte motor job in their own shop that the lrunton family are buil ding a new house on ontario street across from james murphy s home 4 that mrs george walker was workingnphoenix gift shop last week while tfoan de vries was away oi vacation that stan lyons has a new dodge truck for his transport business that sunset farm is now at gte- waxttewn since mr and mrs corey herrlngton ai d family moved from their former acme on john street to that community mr herrlngton is a weukmown poultry breeder and editor of the monthly poultry publi cation feather fancier limehouse basaar georgetown high school upper school results engagement mr and mts sidney m ktrkpat- riefc wish to announce the engage ment of iheir daughter mary caroline to ralph edward turner son of mr and mrs richard h turner of tuha- more the wedding to take place on august 30th in umehouse presbyter ian church alexander douglas c zoo 2nd barnes violet e eng comp c ag lit o latin comp c french auth 3rd french comp 3rd ger man comp c chapman- virginia s zoo c devries henk h eng lit c alg c geom 1st german comp c harrison kenneth r- english comp c eng lit c french comp c ger comp c hauptmsnn ingeborg e zoo c hunter j reed e lit c ajg c geom 2nd trig c ptoy c chem 3rd french a c fr comp c kelly margaret j m hist c alg c geom 2nd fr a 1st fr comp and latimer douglas v zoo 2nd i long norman r alg c geom j c trig c chem c mcallister arthur e- e comp 3rd ostrander wuuam h e comp 3rd e lit o alg c robinson patricia m comp c e lit c zoo c chem c fr comp c sargent walter a e comp 3rd e lit 2nd mod hist 3rd taylor clifford r e oomp o e lit 3rd alg 2nd geom 1st trig c phy 3rd chem tod latin a o latin comp 3rd what council did on monday august 11 that among the many beautiful displays of gladioli this year we have noted those in the gardens of dr r t paul h l hutt william hooey and e b swackhamer that maccbemaoks drug store is the first in georgetown to ever have three graduate druggists on the staff that whltmeea taxi is now oper ating from the vacant lot beside the mackenzie building on mill street and mr wjhhmee is fixing up an of fice at the street end of thelot that the lions town census is un- fderway this week and h is expected to be completed next monday prize list issued for ge0rget0wh fall fair met with hughes cleaver mj ofi ficersahd exofficers of the lome scots and band representatives to see if band instruments could be obtained from war assets mr cleaver said be was going to orawa the next day and would do all he could to get new instruments received a petition signed by majority of queen street residents and presented on thetr behalf by cecil davidson asking that speeding on the street be immediately curbed by the police and that warning signs be erected at either end of the street were told by fire chief harry sav ings that a new fire siren would be tested thuredry night decided to deposit half of the 385400 received from sale of sewer age debenturs m the royal bank a letter from manager frank benner was received advising that the banks facilities were available for receiving tax and water payments etc and the clerk was instructed to write and say next years council might be interes ted in this deposit moied by hale and thomp son letter moved by herbert and goodlet asked gray coach lines to reroute their busses along main street as for merly provided all traffic and par king bylaws perta to buses will be o moved by ions and thompson appointed mrs w v grant as ac ting ijmsi iisiii during the absence through illness- of j amott barry- and as acting cleric during p b har rison a vacation moved by goodlet and herbert see local for news of the wj august 20th mr and mrs j w dalziel and mrs agmw and children of woodbridge and miss agncw of portsdown ire land visited lecently with mr and mrs jno glynn mr and mrs russell mcdonald and mr bobby mdoiiald of milton spent last week wltn mrs jingus mcdonald and sons on 4th line mr and mrs fred brown visited at barrie on sunday miss wlnnifred polkinghome of swansea is visiting miss ivens mrs frtd shelboume was with mr and mrs william shelboume last j wek end eileen and diane shelboume are spending this week with their sister mrs wilfred brown dtgueiph miss helen gale ivsited with the legges at aurora recently miss johnson or new york is vis iting mrs jago mr jno kenny visited mr and 1 mrs mcdowell recently mr and mrs herrtngbon and son foster are spending their holidays at the scott cottage eleanor spitser is spending the week with the sanfords at wauba- shene mr and mrs chapman of bradford pe and mr and mrs gradwell of toronto were recent visitors with miss swackhamer the agricultural meeting of the wl was held at mrs 8 norrles in geor getown roll call was answered by what x like most about farm life correspondence dealt with the pro gram for the area convention to be held september 4 and 5 at the joajc and that miss audrey spencer wis conduct a short course in leather craft at umehouse september 2226 since the convention falls on our meettng day the date has been chan ged to tuesday september bth mrs oisby was appointed delegate to the ooomttttarv it we flnauy ttedded to enter an exhibit at georgetown fall fair and further plans were made for the wj bazaar on august 40000 fire at wasaga fire which broke out at 4 am last friday morning completely destroyed the edgewatcr restaurant a beaut parlour and olarge bungalow at wa saga beach with damage estimated at over 40000 cr thomas bason of georgetown who with his family was occupying a cottage near the restaur ant was one of the first to see the fire awakened by a crackling noise he ran across to move his car which was parked near the building and joined a bucket brigade which kept the flames from spreading to other cottages until fire units arrived from colllngwood and barrie the building were owned by basil sornberger of walkerton lions bicycle racks will be placed downtown permission has been granted by the council for the placing of bicycle racks downtown it was announced by lion chief harold mcchire at the uons dinner meeting on monday at the moglbbon house painted the club colours purple gold the racks are tentatively slated for positions in front of the golden gate cafe the bank comer longs and whltmees parking lot fion ray whumee inaugurated a series of short talks by club me in an interesting thumbnail sketch of bis taxi business which was estab lished over 25 years ago by bis father waiter whltmee driving a model 7 ford suggesuooa for future activities in cluded a soap box derby and a turtle derby the club pledged its support on fair day to the agricultural soci ety several donations were made by businessmen members of the club as prises in a guessing contest in con nection with the town census which the club has underway the esquestng agricultural society has just issued its 1947 prize list and it is probably the largest list ever to be issued by this society which is this year sponsoring the 101st annual georgetown fall fair mem bers of the society and anyone wish tag to show will be well advised to peruse this list and start now to plan exhibits if jou are a newcomer to george town district and are not in the habit of attending or showing at fall fairs a little explanation as to how you go about entering at th fair might be welcome in order to show at the 0llr be it vegetables flowers bak tog ladles work or what have you it is first necessary to become a mem ber of the bsqueslng agricultural society this will cost you tl 00 for which you mav make ten entries in the hall displaj if you are showing cattle horses sheep pigs or poultr there is a small entry lee for each section should you wish to enter in more than un classes in the hall a ten cent entry fee will be charged on all additional entries if you glanre over the prize list you will find uvt there are dozens of classe in which you might enter and you are almost assured of making prize money that will more than pay you fof your work and at the same se help to perpetuate this century- s institution which is doing a fine for the farming community as wcu as providing a day of enter tainment for those who are not con nected so closely to the farm special awards are being offered this tear by the purity flour mols and robin hood flour mills for en tries m the rkxnestic sofeuee class baked with their l uours wouldnt you madam bousewlfa uka to win 3 00 for baking home made bread 3 00 for an apple pie 3 00 for a plain cake 2 00 for sponge cake 150 tor oat cookies or tea bis cuits besides vou can bake an extra batch of each and enter in the regu lar classes for which a schedule of prizes is listed turning to page 43 of che prize list under the heading ladles wosk you will find 77 classes open to competi tion for ladles in haiton oounty and adjoining townships to top the hall classes the robert simpson co is of fering a beautiful silver tray valued at 1100 plus tax for the exhibitor winning the most number of points in the hall this alone is well wortii trying vour hand at showing at uie lair it will be on display in the herald show window shortly emphasis is being put on the spe cial handicraft class this year every member of the arts and crafts should take note of this class as well as the other exhibllois valuable cash prl zes of 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 3 00 are being offered bj uie dep t of planning and development of the ontario government in order to pro mote canadian handicrafts for the tourist trade it is hoped the local handicraft group will cooperate this year and if slfflcient entries are re ceived two weeks prior to the fair a i judge from the department will be supplied to place the anards the foregoing pretty well takes care of the women s section of the prize list for the cattle breeder horseman etc we will go more fully into these classes in another issue in the mean time start now to get your exhibits ready for georgetown fair on sep tember 12 13 and mall your entries to the secretary a soon as possible so that adeqwue space may be allot ted for each class passed third reading pf the by law approving a capital expenditure of 30 000 for altering improving and installing artificial ice in georgetown memorial arena moved by maolaren and arm strong authorised the reeve and deputy reeve to offer the county 600 for the grader which the town has at pre sent on trial learned that under the new agree ment the town 1 respocudble for in stalling sepur tanks at the 25 war time houses to be built in reservoir park mayor gibbons is to talk it wer with official as council consi ders this merely an extension of the old contract and as the 30000 ex- rpense authorized for wartime housing cannot include this extra cost will omcialy open normandy bou levard on september 13th with cr harry hale in charge of arrange ments gave permission to the lions club to put bicycle rack downtown at lo cations which meet with the approval of the road committee moved by lyons and eason continued on page 5 20 mrs a benton read current events and mrs h brown enlarged on motto what a man sows that shall he reap mrs f brown convenor of agri culture introduced guest speaker mr whitelock our haiton agric repre sentative who spoke on the impor tance of begtawnc for our british export market he stressed that canada must stress quality continu ity of supply and keep up the volume to retain her market in great britain tf danish far mers can import canadian western grain to fatten hogs to export to britain why can ontario farmers not nuke a profit by fattening hogs western grain for our own export to oreatjbritaln he said mrs norrte served lunch on the lawn after the national anthem couple of georgetown wj ladles at tended the meeting first baptist chert 10 am sunday ft 11 ajn public worship 7 pm evening worship glen williams mrs vernon kirby evelyn and rose marie robinson and ruth gold- ham are spending their vacation at wasaga beach two georgetown fannttes have mo ved here during the past week mr and mrs jack lucas and family mo ved tato the house the recently par- chased from mr and mrs jsmni gibbons and mr and ufo ketqk spent and fsanuy bane moved into the house they purchased from mr and mrs john wuson mr and mrs gmbons have moral to toronto and sir and mrs wuson have gone to r mr and mrs jack hooper and bob by mr and mrs- herbert preston j mrs herbert preston sr keith and betty ann are holidaying this week at glenwcod beach lake ssmcoe accident victims home prom hospital melvta taylor and dennis mccart ney who were hospitalised after an accident involving the georgetown dairy milk wagon and a toronto mibc transport truck on aug- 2nd are both home from guelph general hospital where they were treated for injuries social and personal how many people tave in georgetown the lions club is cooperating with the town council in conducting a census of georgetown to find out the town exact population the number of people living in each house is all the information required whats your guess just to make it interesting prizes have beerr donated f those guessing closest to the correct figure licata s fruit store fancy box fruit georgetown motors 3 merchandise or service mcclures home furnishings 3 voucher georgetown herald 1 year subscription first prize winner will have his choice of any of these 2nd 3rd and 4th choose from the remainder in cases of a tie a winner will be drawn v guess can be turned fn on the following form to any of the above before 12 noon monday august 18th is my guess at the correct census of georgetown name miss jean mcniven of the smith stone office staff spent her vacation i at her home in shawtnigan falls mr emery thomspon is spending two week witli his uncle mr james leltch at his fnrm near erin mrs stan qrabb doris and jhnmy spent last week vacationing at brocks beach mr and mrs a h feller spent last week on a motor trip to the kingston district mr and mrs w g bell were vaca toning last week in orillla and pen cton palls mr and mrs john holden and fa mily hne returned from a vacation spent at crystal beach mr and mrs donald jourdaui have returrod from a ton da vacation i which then sptnt at glenwcod beach lake slmcoe mr h w hinton a former geor getown businessman who now makes his home in 5treetsile wis isiting old friends in town last week miss bett grant has been spen ding a few neeks at espanola with s esther shamess a fellow tea- rher on the arthur high school staff mr and mrs bruce kennedy and daughter cheiyl of toronto and mr leonard nell of oshawa spent the week end in town with mr and mrs george herrlngton mr jack evans is visiting in the west with his brother mr arthur evans in tyvon soaskatohewan and with friends tn saskatoon mr and mrs sknest alcott mr and mrs norton nelson and mr and mrs dk hawss dr families vacationed last week atr stanley park ertn mr and mrs edward gibbena and son peter of callander were in town last week visiting with his parents mr and mrs j j gibbens they at tended the alllston old boys reun ion during their trip mr howard oram or toronto a norval old boy was visiting with iriends in the district last week while on vacation mr oram is known to herald readers through his interest ing column of reminiscences which hs contributes from time to time guests last week with mr and mrs ern thompson included mrs jack graham and son butch of port dal- housle mr and mrs jack graham and children maureen john and da vid of st catharines and mr and mrs richard graham and son arthur cf thoroki mr and mrs jack lucas and family have moved to olen williams where mr lucas has purchased the former merrvd property near preston s btore the giobons family last occu pant of the house have moved back to toronto mr and mrs ken bailey are moving lno the house in town vacated by the lucas mr and- mrs w ditchfield and fa mily of windsor and mr and mrs bernard cowtan and family of bram- pton have returned home after spen ding two weeks in town with mr and mrs chris sargent during their visit a family gathering was held tn glen williams at the home of mr and mrs george sargent when the seven sargent children and tan grandchlldnm were all together for the day

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