ge he wednesday oct 22 1947 a u if you have ever been faced with an emergency you know how important it is for party line part ners tof give each other rightofway on urgent calls please clear the line immediately party line courtesy is catching patting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the lime for you 1 keep calls bnef space your calls 3 give nghtof way to urgent calls news amd items of interest to halton farmers halton holstwtn wd top honotjbs at cham pionship show the sixth annual black a whtt championship show was held at brantford on october 14th with ap proximately 160 head in competition from the ten counties of central western ontario the highlight from a hatton standpoint was first the showing of cuenafton k- monogram for harold bingham and son of georgetown this animal won first in the class for three year old ldulls and later was declared senior and grand champion bull of the show by prof geo e raithby who incidentry received high commenda tion for the able manner in which he made his decisions e j meag her of oalcville was also in the limelight winning first on graymar anna champion his senior heifer calf in a strong class which brought out 41 entries she was later declar ed junior female champion of the show anna is a daughter of gray- mar bessie pathfinder mr meagher s world famous daughter of armac sylvannus pathfinder in her latest lactation as a 5 year ow bessie roll ed out 27 542 lbs milk and 1175 lbs three times milking in her nrst three lactations bessie has pro duced 77475 lbs of milk and well over 2800 lbs butterfat this is de finitely a canadian record and thought to be a worlds record for all breeds but to return to the show r c given and son of georgetown won first in the two year old bulls on raymondale salax gordon sinclair of freeman got sixth on his junior yearling bull in a strong class while f pelletterio and sons of milton and e f ford of hornby were well up in the bull cah class hays ltd of oakville and john picket and son of hornby were fifth and sixth respectfully in the mature cow class which brought out nineteen entries sprucelelgh annabelle the grand champion female at milton was second in the our year old class for ross segsworth of freeman the same breeder was second in the seni or yearling heifer class and second on his progeny of poplar row chief ty herd class which brought out en tries from all ten counties feel ooimty managed to retain their laurels by winning first place but jhe helton entry made up of six animals from the herds of harold bingham hays limited boss segsworth e j meagher and f pelletterio gave them a real scare by being a strong second the placing of the remain ing counties was as follows 3rd wa terloo th wellington 5th brant 6th welland 7th haldlmand 8th wentworth 9th lincoln and grey in 10th j halton club members make excellent showing at erin fair ductlon cannot be stepped up or de creased by turning a tap and hence an early announcement regarding future contract mould be welcomed at once in order that poulteymen may plan accordingly referring back to the labour situ ation we do not feel it wise to make any comment on the packing bouse strike no doubt much might be said on both sides of the question but i it does seem clear that as long as meat ceilings prevail it is going to be the livestock producer who will pay any wage increases which may be granted if one neads history one can t help out realize that labour un ions have down through the years corrected many abuses at the same time we cant help but feel that la bor leaders would do well to remem ber that great britain united states and canada became great nations because they worked on a policy that increased effort brought increased reward today the policy would seem to be shorter hours jess work with more pay is it any wonder farmers have difficulty secur ing satisfactory help efficient farms alex sandy buchanan of mof fat who had the winning calf in the re nt operated on such a oasis halton baby beef club at muton had a real held day at erin fair on thanksgiving day in the infter- county baby beef club he again won first on his steer and first for show manship he was also on top in the open class for shorthorn steers and st georges club this and that tmf bell telephone company of canada to prevent scum forming in a can of paint pour melted paraffin over file paint before you close the can thta seels it before the o8s rise the surface when thftpalnt is nee ded again the paraffin can easily toremoved the opening meeting of st geor- second in the class for steers under ge 5 qh for current gessois was 1000 lbs open to all breeds beia m t oltfbroaras last tueday three halton swine cftjb members evening the principal item of bu- namely gordon mccready of milton siness was the drawing up of a sche- and geo burfcholder and haroh dule of programs for the balance of tyrrell of freeman competed in the this year the next meeting will provincial interswine cluto compett- take the form of a tour through the uon at erin as a group they placed lower provincial paper mill later second to middlesex county with programs will include a scavenger peel in third nine county clubs were hunt a euchre aoutaale partjl in competition a a christmas jamboree party i mrs harold blokle was in charge of last tuesdays program which consisted of some very interesting halton a fall or winter wheat acre- contests lunch was served when age is up considerably over that of iile games concluded 1946 with the demand for wheat both for food and feed this would seem to be a definite step in the right direction while some of the acre age was sown late and without ade guate moisture the crop in general looks good halton farmers havs experienced ideal weather conditions for ensiling corn harvesting buck wheat and roots and picking apples corn for silage buckwheat and mangels have been taken care of but moisture is needed for the wheat and to make it possible to get along with the fall plowing one of the biggest headaches for halton fanners aside congratulations hubert wallace managing director of yarrow shipyard eequunalt b c is shown above left as he received the congratulations 01rc vaughan cmo chairman and president canadian national railways on the euoeessful launching of the tss prince georgetbe largest pas senger vessel ever built on the pn ific coast the pnnce george wiis designed f brhjervice by the caoadiaa national steamships between vsa- j couvcr pnnoe rupert and alaska t the launching ceremonies which took place recently were highlighted by the presence of mrs lionel chevrler wife of the dominion minister of 1 r inspnttr who christened the new madras on khe east coast of india was the first territorial possession of the british east india company universal disarmament was pro posed more than 200 years ago jy jeremy bentham british jurist as ft means of world peace tain maid hays ltd oakville were i u dunouity in securing farm in second in the two year old heifer class on robros dixie piebe bred by w h robinson off hornby this lat ter breeder also bred the third prize junior yearling heifer owned and exhibited by j f trimble of trafal gar township f pelletterio and sons also won second in the junior getofsire class on their get of oakville k a dandy the grand champion female of the itiow was glenvue noelle xnka for hays ltd from then- peel county farm she s a great cow and will take a lot of beating at the royal as usual the keenest rivalry of the day was manifest m the inter-coun- hetp which la any help is the un certainty first of a market for their hogs and livestock due to the pack ing strike second the feed grain sit uation little or no w gram be ing available and rumours of the celling being removed on coarse grains in this connection it would seem that farm readers and farmers generally are justified m requesting an immediate clarification of he whole situation by our ottawa auth orities another point which ottawa might well clarify la the egg con tract with the british food ministry the present contract terminate fco january 1949 egg and poultry pro- aitr- give a man a horse he can ride and youll and one of the moat exhilarating of autumn sports every year more and more canadians take t the trails novices nervously eyeing their first hone and veterans of the saddle eager to feel the grip of the rains in their hands again everyone enjoys the thrilling sound of crisp leaves crunching under foot and the galaxy of colour flaunted by our canadian countryside 1 ride carefully 3orft 6 roeum hm both path and horn arm rtranf to you slowdo whan approaching pavad roadl or tm bring your horta to a walk whan ratuming to thm ttablat abo all rmmtmbtr hortmt hovjmungt bt mattmr of your aorm but bo a land on mbhton oktatio 1 lien i look at out sawjmls bmllhj i ee it motlero mtdien wh khat woman doesnt want to improve her home whether she lives in city or country kitchen bathroom living room playroom verandah there is always something that can be done to make work easier life more comfortable but such plans take money and moat women want to be sure they can be properly carried through before they start that means savings and thats where canada savings bonds come in you may purchase up to 1000 in any one name they are as safe as canada and may be cashed at your bank at full face value any time they pay 2y interest for good measure and are registered in the owners name for protection in case of loss they may be bought for cash or on easy instalments the whole family can get behind your plans to make your dreams come true with qanada savings bonds consult your bank or investment dealer today lettdn never he sorry you saved ajictm mini x o tw i