Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1947, p. 2

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the georgetown herald november 19th 1947 stewarttown wtr november meeting o esqu- c womans institute was held at bfly home mrs h p tw- prmldlnar roll call was ans- wwh my first photograph were baby photographs and were school photographs but kb were interesting mrs lawson icra mclennan conducted a on flowers fruit and vege- ev table mre- walter lawson read a on the beginning of hakon county diacusilonb and com ments on these historical papers are always keenly interesting mrs henderson was hostess for the lunch period meeting closed with the lords prayer in unison w a meeting last week was at mrs c e smiths home several families from here went to toronto saturday to seevthe santa claus parade the bravel ling wasnt good on the return trip owing to the ttow and treacherous roads lucky strike bowling club where a snack has a smack everyone says our hot dogs are the best in town drop in after the show and try one remember whether you bowl or not you are always welcome at our modern snack bar the sunday school lesson open bowling schedule monday and wednesday 4 to tuesday and thursday i to 7 friday 4 to 7 and 9 to 1 1 saturday all day 10 a m to i hal gibson manag arrow taxi 454 a ourtesy onven1ence book now for your trip to ice capades of 48 by rex r c todd the way of love lesson 1 john 2 7 11 16 17 3 13 18 the epistles of john take up the theme of the gospel of john and carry on jn them is expressed the conviction that jesus of nazareth ib the only perfect revelation of god hence if you would know what god is like you have only to look at jesus the strongest im pression left on john by jesus is his love the love that accepted and bore the cross from the redemp tion of the world that impression leads john to the conviction that god is love in the first epistle john deduces from this fact that it fs the will of ood for us that we should live in love and that oui jove like that of the master should be expressed in sacrificial terms the central commandment of je sua wab a now commandment give i unto ou that ye love one another as i hac loed you that ye also loe one another john describes this lommandmcnt as both old and run it is i fitting wa to describe it ror whik old and known to every christian it is also new always this command i ment demands ne in the light of modes of ex irtssing love which sufficed a geiiiration ago are noi sutiiuent for today i ove is the root principle of com mumt whether j be the commu nity established when a man and i woman come toja ther m marring to c tabhsh a home or that slab hshed when a number f h mis joir in establishing a milage oi a town or a cit or that which is est ib lislud in ni societ of nations lom ii tic pr niipiil which cstabli shea individuals- in lomrmirnu and according to the varv mj i omlitioi of life particular in the ctiii mi and political sphncs low deman i new methods or m di of inj res bioti in diltcient accs according i the ncces hies of the hituation it ma demand new political institu tion or a new organization of nomt a communitv a natit n a eiet of nations it is c is howi er for a llttli word like oe to remain ub stract and vague with little re i bearing o act lifethelttj b be abstract and emotional or real and expressed in terra of life christian love finds expression also in attitudes we have in can ada ample opportunity for chris tian attitudes toward members ot races other than our own our at- jtitudcs towards other classes in so city than our own particular class reveals whether the love of god dwelleth in us john has penned a word which judges every one of us in 1 john 4 20 21 if a man say i hwe god and hateth his brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen how can he- love god whom he hath not seen this com mandment have we from him that he who loveth god loveth his bro ther alao doth in his gospel and in his epistles john deals with the oppo- sitcs light and darkness life and death in the epistles he adds loc and hate love of god aniuhe world he makes it clear that to him men fall into two classes those who are in fellowship with god and therefore wal in light and love and those who love the world and therefore walk in darkljebb and death it is the same division jesus insisted on when he said he that is not with me is against me we saw james and peter in their lpistles emphasizing the tension interpretations which exists between the christian irrent events and the world 1 ht must choose between lovi and love of the world john also emphasizes tho e who choose love the world are unable to discern the true path of life thej stumble in darknc s thc are anti social foi thej think onlj of their own lusts i he abide in death sugestinc a condition complete lacking in happiness or satisfaction on the olhci hand those who love oil abide in the lilht and meet not h me which tan cause them to stumble lhe find their true being in a nalni of life which 1 lit erv nature whnh is love becomes life ten ll for it- shares in a love which ii divine ided huron are nerval soccer bluebirds win softball ending the fall soccer series at norval last week the hurons took the championship by winning two straight games from iroquois both games were won by 82 scores on monday sho teramoto scored two and george grasby one for the winners while arnle hazel got ir oquois two goals wednesday ter amoto grasby and jamie cunmng ham got the hurons scores and hazell and jarvic totalled one apiece foi the winner members of the winnmg uean who will receive crests from the norval recreation council are sho teramoto captain george grasby jamie cunningham harvey hazell ross cunningham gord loxley howard chester charles carney barry cleave r the iroquois teani was composed of araie hazell captain donald jarvie julian reed donald smith ronnie scondo laurie reed mau rice bastedo ronnie mclean doug hazell third team in the league the al gonquins had as tdam members mitch hunter captain peter fend j ley brim bastedo don mcnaugh- ton peter pomeroy bill donald son david rmdley jameb lera christian i rnoto david cunningham of cod i he two girls softball teams bluebirds and cardinals were tied last week oneall in their play off series and last week the bluebirds won two games to gam the cham pionship on monday they won 16 4 and on 1 humday 1 16 cardinals won the wednesday game 8 5 girls on the winmrg team will also re ceive crests the bos have issued a challenge to an allstar girls team for a game this week weather permitting meanwhile everyone is looking forwad to the skating and hockey which will soon replace sum mer sports at the recreation centre members jf the softball teams were bluebird lorraine captain mary carney on do captain mary carney ona bw stedo ellen palmer joyce me- naughton adele bastedo i uni webb dorotby hudson emiko te ramoto mltaoko teramoto pear cardinals edith teramoto captain edna buttrey jean orat- by in webb kathleen cascaddeo thelm hunter patsy carney joy blanchl eileen hanter grace bl anch lois jarvie louth o paradise gardens presents rev j l self speaks to knox wm s bulova gruen westfield watches fast service on watch dock and jawttry repatoa hnpamabd gapanaion btaoahn sjb simmons jewellers christian thinking and speaking of loe al wajs m relation to the life anil death of jesus of nazareth they felt that m his life and tn the cros there was an interpretation of the meaning of love which could be ap i plied to any situation herebv perceive we love because he laid down his life for us and we ought to say down our lives for the bre thren 3 is dr moffatts trans iation is significant we know cttunwi m ui what love is bj this that he laid g the i ot in a down his life for us the christian toronto and georgetown tiuy location in ttw gouen gate cafe antll our new stove next door it opened 1 he women a mibilonaiy toueiel f knn 1 reib terian church held the t iejuar monthly meeting list welneilu afternoon in the base meiil of the lliureh with a good at 4tjnehinee 1 he w bcrvice n as ted b mrs hamilton v ho spoke on thanksgiving basing remarks on different verses ol hook of 1salms and prayer by j l self of norval who also special speaker mr faelf out lined the work and activities of dlenmohr tamp and hoped that more eirls and boys would take ad- aiituge of such a splendid place for a holiday he also gave an in structive talk on trees compar ing different uees mentioned in the tonight only wed nov 20th cknx ranch boys cabaret dance every saturday featuring each week a special guest star 2 a couple 9 to 12 new years frolic tickets now on sale meals fit for a king at our restaurant specializing in steaks chop spaghetti and meat bll no highway a mile kitchener aide of gualph for reservations phone guelph 1991 t m i minttiui ii n i imiiiiiiiniimmttimii wiuimumiuij vote of thanks was given to mr seir for making the meeting one uhich was well worthwhile atten ding at the close of the meeting t i rf e member certificate and ad mrs w t lair in recognition of her years f faithful service to the society lanes haulage you call we haul definition of love is not an abstract affair but is made with reference to s life once lived and a life one laid down which life is the fter nal life of god himself john makes it clear that love for i d uas presented to the christian cannot be a mere emlsi otkm whoso seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his pas slon from him how dwelleth the l of god in him 3 17 we all tcnowtiow easy it is to read ac counts of the desperate need which exists in europe and asia in the wake of the war and then lay aside the newspaper or magazine allow ing a feeling of mere pity to take the place of the urge to find some practical channel for help the ca nadian churches will shortly make an appeal for relief in europe and asia to relieve the distress there we shall then see whether our love your prescription we are qualified to dispense any prescriptioipgtven you by the doctor a graduate pharmacist always on duty maccormacks drug store phone 327 georgetown fitness an obligation 111 health when it is avoidable is anti social declare health authori ties officials of the department of national health and welfare point out that health isnt a personal matter since it influences not only personality but work and living routine it is of vital concern to re latives and friends and thus a community matter it is therefore a public health duty to fight sick- new phone 375 kingsway cleaners for a reliable cleaning service phone 375 no job too big no job too small american cement for sale phone s does your motor need a tonic for winter driving mke the doctor of moton at femson motors pain to all mala of can phone 332w moulders of canada unlimited cwubo emhphjtowtuji hut tuc sntlwxkett iii canada- 14502 in 194 the heat and clamour of our tmenv ing plants the steady hum of our factories all testify to the skill and industry of canada iron- and tteel- worken they are mainstay in hi production of countless articles from tractors to towel racks from ships to shovels they maka the skyscraping skeletons of our great buildings holping to build thlr country to mould cartoda unlimited tmc ohms vmm of onmnft irmmpsrcnnmuenmuai htr exported m 1946 twaitfp ovnih7i5aooa pgoouesawm 8oqo0qo0o worn oftbqnandsrmpb0du5mf946 we ubsehcf emuesret w0hgb8 h mmmk mok niammumoaitceiw 03 o mewing comlnrflfk jk

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