Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 14, 1948, p. 1

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wednesday evening january 14th 1948 own fe boon fo dju iudirfry eyebjiiuy v il was shocked whou hon domr ties afcbow daldype had rio trade ba lance anywhere that we had con- nnufi all our own production plus slf our imports last year that we had dbho nothing to aidin 4ntomax tdonatrsoovsry so said hughes cleave of bur lington heltons federal mombor speaking to a group- of civic digni taries gathered in thcpeotcibnthall on monday ovcnlng for mayor jo seph gibbons inaugural dinner mr cleaver aald that a national cam paign was necessary to ask tho pub lic not to buy or do anything un- rjecesaary to restrict orocting now buildings and buying large quanti- tjs of semiluxuries so thalf euro pean industry could have a bottor chance vat recovery i am as guilty ns anyone he aald polntinjfotit that ho had tra- aea his old model 108 g car on a new one last year and put improve ments on tils homo which could welt haveebn postponed another year or two mr cleaver as iucst speaker at tile dinner explained concisely tho embargoes caused by the american djrflar shortage and blamed the situation on the failure of some slgnators of the bretton woods ag reement to live up to their- tionsi at brotton woods it wok de- oideduosct up monetary fund to sottlc trade bal ances all trade balances between member countries would bo pooled in this central fund to equalize situations where a country might havo a favorable trade balanco with some countrlob and tho rovcrse with others tho plan was excellent in theory but itis net func as it should because some nations have not been able to live up to the ag reement the present austvity program in canada whereby many ameri can import have been banned and other restricted by quota lias been caused simply because wo have been buying much larger quantities of good from the states than we have teen selling to her through atriot control of exchange by the foreign exchange control board throughout the war and such meas- ore as the hyde porkr alremnt whereby canada sold munitions etc to the states canada had a fifteen hundred- million dollar us fund surplus at wars end in 1946 tte situation was reversed by five hundrod million and it is predicted the 1947 unfavorable balance will be nino hundred million which will exhaust this- surplus and we will be on a pay ob wo buy policy from now on the governments pron to re- medy this is twopoint negative in gotowrtb first doputytoeveand cr james goodlot speaking- as the sen ior council member paid tribute to tho mayors guidance in his educa tion as n municipal servant sov gueu spk mr dale cakod on several other guests- for a few words including lleovo goorge cleave of esquesing who said he would do all that he could to soo that the doorwaskept open should georgetown change its mind and decldo to join tho high school district town clerk p b harrison- skid he thought thero was some lack of community spirit in town that tho town was inclined to support a project for awhile then- lose interest in favour of a diffor- ontprojccts rev it ctotld advo cated adopting a citizenship sun day when clvlrofficials would at- tcn public worship in a body and jiosslbly a community religious ser vice could be held archdeacon w j o thompson asked mr cleaver if it would not be pobdblo to place an omburgo on one export that of so many good citizens attracted across the border by better sola and more opportunity harold mc- clure president tof tho lions club commended council on adopting sewerage tho waterworks called duloi folly- at the time had jus tified itself and he was sure gib council fo- the year 194g v caupledwith my pleasure to b as sociated- with fjve oi tti 1947 members i am taking advantage of thin opportunity o publicly- wel- come and- congratulate- mr whit- nulomiv mccumbor uhtl mr da vidson whom 1 am convinced will be worthy representative of the people in the wards in which they huvc been elected it is my deslro to remind the pooplo of the corporation- of the town of georgetown that in my opinion soldom if over in tho his- toryof this municipality has a municipal oounfctl been obliged to make so manyimjoruirit docigions ui tho council of- the past your wo ha carri out wliat wernn jj- a an intornauonaltk aom n b e lin this would gain equal jtaturo in years to come arthur spoight president of the board of trade and himself a formor councillor said he hoped the 1948 council would have the courage which past councils sometimes lacked to put the tax rate where it should be roy r c gowcr said that as a nowcomor to town he was impres sed with the roligioua aspect of the inaugural meeting and hoped coun cil would not forgot as they trans acted pjibllc business that they wore working jor a higher power the ifcrald editor walter biohn paid fbibutpto mr harrison who is retiring this year as clerktreas urer graham farnellcharrmanof the hydro commission thanked the mayor for including members of that group as guests ut the dinner j l lambert high school princi pal said he was glad to hejtf so much emphasis placed on education by different speakors the chair man remarked on the faithful tor- vice rondored the town bv henr marchmcntwhmmflhe oldeottown mayor gibbon wo are amblod ker bcrtijht terprctod to bo tho will of tho peo ple the- installation ol a com- luete aewiige uyatem tho erection of voteruna homea tftc itiutalliition of mi artificialico plunt in the geoif- kllown mclmorial nrena thcpujf- chasiins of cquuiauml spx- bettor- road maintenance uml unowiough injj trxiienditurc on thy towii hwll ro provide anopport unity to carry jy1tat ln turost vri 4ewe dbimture b 26205 80 tpprcttcntineaoverei mill of u amount au imo an t equat to woufcmxiiijrfvrb by waj impikiyemonb ipyjuzthe umgunt jcbfitihm to bo mued wtfb- ty the cost ipitfcmt pfojcvt6 pro vide hpmoa for vctotithrt will be oh iiiiijlintccuuv c about mul motidicrssi the 1147 cbun- cll realiitwl that it apparently wju tho utiartimoua opinion of iho eiti- rina thiit u sewage nybtem ahould be completed without delay and it waa uio opinion of the council that younu men who miaaed ppbrtunj- tie in civil ufa for upnbrbf umoi offered uiolr aervicea aivd fought for their country and this commu nity- wora at leant entitled to our tffortb to provide a pla for thorn to live tirantlntl thut it ii not only the privilege hut tlfo duty of ouch and every member of the coiuiyil to vote fcurlaaly unj independently matters prchcntcd- to thora for thoir deicuiion 4 ami-ncvcrthcr- kha- t is ray duty to call to -their- attention that thu taxpuicra of thin municipality ftre committed to an uiiprocodented dobt und therefore only noceaaary expondl- turuit cuivsibtent with necoasary ci vic services should be considered in tho immedinto future qoirig pro- pared to share to a considerable lex ut a recreational and youth pro- t tho- responsibility of a legal 1riira two of these nuijor project will produce aonie revenue but the icwajte ayatem and improved civic servicoa ia a direct chare against the corporation and this year thoro wil be u considorablo incrcaso in tho taxrate and after recently jrl- ving the matter sonie time and ijioucht it is my opinion that there will be approximately a 50 per cent increase the amount to be rained unnual- error in presenting the question in volviiik tho payment of 1zuu00 to tin- georgetown band i regret to have in inform the council and-cit- isens generally that unloss and un til a bylaw is prepared under soc- tiuii 405 subsection 5 of the mu nicipal act and bubmittod to ttio-ol- ectora iualified to vote on money bylaws thli council is powerlcs3 to make this rant with no hesitation in having crowd of 1600 on hand for artificial ice opening intermediates hard presed but win opener 32 frornt milton- oifangeville here friday night employee in point of service announcement mr and mrs robert patterson young stfoot acton will be at home on sunday january 18th from twothirty to five and on banning importation of many clas- i monday jmuiary 10th from two to km of luxury and somi- luxury looda and positive in taking stepe to promote manufacture of now oods that can be told to the 9ttea where we are now export ing pulp we hope to export paper be aald to give an example such measures will be an eventual boon to canadian industry ulthoujeh prb- aent restrictions are admittedly liard on a country whoao pu reluming po wer wasi never before at such a peak firat mayor 1 chairman lo itoy dale kc who was tho first mayor of georgetown when tho town was incorporated twenty- aix years ago was qhairnmn ut tho 41nner for which the ladies of tho legion wa eatercmj with mrs mary morrow providing music at the piano then as now said mr dale the town wua faced with ma jor improvements and he reeullod that waterworks and mvemetits had been the big iusuesthen lltx apoko hitmorously of a atrilte among men laying pavement on main streot and that members of the council tad pitched in to work on it ev ery timo i pass in front of tho oneill lluiltling i look ut the jrnvu- mont i laid there to aee how it is standing up he said ieeve favort citixent forum huove alex maolareu upokc iu be has done in the puit on the need for a beiutriliiwined cleclitr- t and huid a ritwiis forum la the answer he apoluiof the value of education and taid thii i0latl0u orf jeorgotown from thu north halton high school dlstrlut bliould- ot make ua stop thlnklug of now wy o4htlnffintf thif bust in oduca- mdn to our young people peputylleeve jack armatroni aid he d been proud to be gor- fivo and sevonthirty toninethirty on the occasion- of the fiftieth an niversary of their marriaae mrs al gamer of and son john of peterborough are spending a fow dayu in town with her aunts tho misses flrown charles stroot sixteen hundred and twentytwo persons wcro admitted to the goor gctwnjimorialaona on friday night with milton and the dedica tion of the now- artificial ice plant which was recently installed deputyjrecvo jack armstrong who is also- president q the geor getown hotkey club acted u mas- tor of ceremonies and first ceiled chairman w g bell to the pa hytom who in turn t asked mayor gibbons to accept on behalf of the town and dedicate thenew artifi cial ice plant and memorial arena to the men who had given their all in the second world war tiny mcfayden 1st vicepresident of the oha was also present and gave a brief address after which mayor gibbons faced off the puck to start the game prior to this two mln- uuh silenc was observed in mem ory of the men klljlcd in the war the lyorne scots hand were present at tho gnmo although the i teal team wax hard pressed by tho visiting milton club nearly all the way they man aged to eke out a 2 win to con- continued on lack page ball1nafad mr and mra aloxandar- irvine have returned from a pleasant christmas and new years holiday viiumdetiwitv michigan with their son and daughtcttnlaw mr and mrs douglas irvine the mission circle meeting was held at the manso openinv with the cail to worship by mra el wood snow the prayer and dpyptlonal was taken by mrs ernie mcenery a piano solo was contributed by miss uotty ann kon tho topic was given by miss dorobvy warao the unnual report was filled out for 1947 the installation of offi cers was conducted by uov o h klindall some sewing was distributed am ong tho members and also the pro grammes for 1148 the mootlnff came to- a close with the circlo pra yer after the meeting miss lydla snow held an interesting contest mrs klindall then served a dain ty lunch which was enjoyed by all coinjfiaerteo- in the future progress of thihxmmuhity wuh the satj- fuctioii of knowing t shall be fisso- elattil with members of cqujicii hoardsrand coiftmiaaiona whom lam convinced- have the ih t areata of the community iroaj i yhuu cpnti- iujf my efforts in tho best interests of civic welfare and community betterment the weather rigid econpmy necessary to fray lor civic iraprovertientf jfcndhriiit hlegal n vbite nkceiifiry owncil wat picl ney cltmutaat collector iilit gmtfiuyvru will havo an auatar- ity proaram for the next few yatar ft predictions- mayor jo gibbons in his inaugtiral addreaa t council aro correct major px jeeta unilortakon in 1947 will booaf hio tax rate by- 60 per cnt this year tho mayor osiihlates ani li rtommonds that only nee paaa ry oxpondituroa cotialstontwiux eaae- tlul civic services bo contampiti in tho immediate future sharing rcsponhtbility for a la- knl error mayor gibbons aald b recrottod to announce that th band rrant of 1200 voted by tb citizens in u the docember election is illegal and that a new vote wiu be necossary bofore tlio money caja be granted coniplete toxt of ha tnayorsaddress appears inzanotnav section of this edition town clerk pv b oiarriaon ministered the oath of office to council and eov c k gower read portions of the 2nd psalm and of fered nrayor in tho religious por tion of tho meeting only item of buslneas was th presentation of nino names of ap plicants for tho position of clerk- treasurertax collector for council consideration and a meeting is be- inv held tonight t discuss hiring a man for the position create through resignation of the olerk- trcasurcr p b harrison and tha tax collector k m ijtnedon mr editor there arc no below zero readings to roport this week tho first thaw last year was on january 11th so nourwo will boexpecting -r- erti botkin max minsnqw i date jan b lun tp inn 7 i jan 8 ian 0 jan 10 j art i i 32 34 34 32 22 33 18 1c e 22 3 average 31 1 1w mujtary funeral for distinguished soldier qtizen officmtirir lit the dedication of the new artificialice plant in the georrctown memo- riul arena were left to right w g bell chiirmnn of the board of parks manage ment j j tiny mcfadyen of gatt 0h at victprebident and mayor joseph gib bons tiny is jodking over the seasons schcditlc of games to be played ltcol james m ballantino dso was burlod with full military honours in greenwood cemotory on saturday afternoon this distin- trulahed citiren who had resided for the past i iftoon years ut his farm near goorgctown succumbed on wednesday january 7th to a strokv which he buffered tho provious sunday the son of the late john ballan- tjneand margare mcnab he w torn near ashgrovo on september 3rdr 187g und attended public and huh schools in georgetown a vet- eraii of two wsrs7 ho received tba queens medal and three clasps for service in the boer war in 1899 1u0o where ho saw action in the transvaal at belfast and lyden- burg in orngc river colony and in cape colony ho was an nco in a unit whose platoon lieutenant wus john mccrsc colebrated author of in flanders fiolds col bsllantine took military cour- ses at toronto uayltivg island ilythe and alderahot england he rose from the ranks of the halton kotriment to be commanding offi- cer and was adjutant of the rsaji nient for seven yoarsntthegrezt war he was acting commander of the 1th uatt cef until severely wounded in action mentioned in despatches he was invested with the distinguished scrvico order he orguntzod and communded tho 7gth uatt commanded tho 109th victo ria oim iloliburtoif batt cej in england und was officer comman ding troojts on tho empress of bri tain in lyiti a former univorsity profossor ho wus appointed director of military science at colgate ny univor- sity in 1917 and was on tho teach ing stuff of that university for six teen years an uctivo sportman he was coach of lacrosse soccer bockey- and boxing teams atrcoi ljute he wus u member of how vork zeta of lhi doltu tlietu and of an american chuptur of tho ma- honic lodge lie was uutbor of history of the llulton hegimen tjol- bullantino took a kebn in- iu georkotown uffairs where i though not u resident he was a pvojhjity owner he wub u past president of georgetown lions club und during his term of office in 012 promoted the clubs war work and the lions war fund for uritihh children uetook an ac tive role in reserve armyworkdur- uig world war 2 und leetuved to classes at thu armouries while advo- tuting thut civilians sliould ju pru- pmeil for any eiuerjoicu4t5ring tho ilurli du s of tlio early wur yours a member of gcuxgulown united church and of brunch 120 cunai tiiun i hii death preident of the leorge etown uud cross society survivini art liis wife the for- nior minnie- k llurbor one son krod t an i uu aihliini mrsi wil- liiim ltogith catherine of mon- teul quebec uud mm william kd- iniston luuline of dlaloy huaka- tehuwun a private funeral service wi held al his late homo on saturday at one oclock where members of the futrrljy and close friends gmth- erod to- pay their respects pall- grc hockey tfhls saturday opening the hockey season atrtha arena this saturday morning us bantam hockey league organised by tho grc will play throe games tha grc has been given ice from 8 to 1 lam for the panes aod the games will be between 111 baroais bears hornets bisons and red wings- barons the drawing usr of a schedule awaits the outcome of a mooting this weekend betwees the board of parks mmnatfeuan and tho grc hockey committee represented by chairman alf sykea breaks knee cap in ladder fall william hyde suffered a psinfol uceldent but friday momins wbea he fell twelve feet from a ladder while working with g r muckssi at the thompson motors in aetoa i8lwsutak6ntost5 jjmapba hospital guelph where it ws found that hut knee cap had beasl broken in nine places and it was hecosssry to remove it he alsa sustalned a badly bruised arm bcurers were six nephews harou barber charles barber marha barber william barber jack bal- lantinc and albert baluntlna among tho numerous floral tributes from oranixauons ami friends wore those from the ath butt 76th batt lorne scots offi cers moss lorno scots offlcara association legion branches of georgetown and acton and the ac uity and staff of colgate univer sity a military scrvico was conducted in goorgetovn united church and ut uio sravoside following the fa mily scrvico 1a number of men who hsd served in world war t under his command- attended from many outoftown points including toronto hamilton urrtt st cuthar- inos mombors of bvancb 120 can adian logion mwivkwi to the church in a body and six members of the lorne scots regiment were pullhearers a number f former army officers uttondbatirtinlfow including col h y- conovorlt col tlerbcrt chlaholm v of f icor eom- inandinb the lorne scots rogimonl li coi g b- s cousens llcot jack barber lieut paul barber and cupt donufd gullughor lorne svots adjutant a numhor of mom- bors of tho lions club nw ntton- ijion he wus ut lw timo of deil- tho service us a group rev w brook of lorno park who dor- vijil overseas as n pudro in this war mil rov it c todd minlstor of the church wero in chargo of tv serritfel a thf lruyvi arch- icucon w g o thompaoii legion 1inlro read tho prayers and mbnt- liora of col bulliintinos rujtimonta each plucod a poppy on his casket a firing party of iorne scots flrei three volleys a lorne scou piper played tho lament and reveille aa sounded by bugler charles lands- borough of the lorn jcow hh

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