Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1948, p. 1

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wednesday evening january 28tb 1948 goiiiieil jyid ol4 m0nda jjfjary 1a h lrvjewvd harlorf wtflov imi t pduflaa ymryonitwbo vthefniiia ajifclicfnt jtarlme poiiitkm ofjlerkr utiu3loo1loct6r yi f o9e4ed to reconsider the appu tiota 0 d m linkers in tlio r tllkfct oirailottci from him to coun clclarlfyin statement in hia orir- sinai application regarding aawy because council interpreted hia p- plication to mean he would not ac cept the position at si 000 hu name juufnot boca considered in the lktrff voting on candidates at tho 1 january 14th mooting ljmoved by good let and herbert whitnaee mccumboir and arm- stronavotod against will make a definite choice for the position by picking ono of tho nine applicants at the next regular council meeting on monday febru ary 2rwl moved by davidson- and good- let held a rpnfh t dittcuaaion on sewerage with engineer c r ha- rey town solicitor k m ijipgdon and mr blacks representing the scott- jackson construction com- jpeltiy mayor gibbons said iho moo- ting had jboon specially called be cause council was most unhappy about the whole situation so far hmgytryou tan drf anything au want on the aneraj but hw cariyou ak a rain to fwjyjfor sofn4thba ate jtrajtb oi i whl look into itvonov w you bvfpfi the end of the week mra towiv solicitor waa asked tor report on easerrtente and royiowed in tletau noati whia had npt been niiied two which wore heeded jinmodiately were those through property of jack toat who askbd 800 for the privuoige and jloon cook whoso price whs 00 and ai terbomc discussion a bylaw uiovgu by mccumberjl und davidson was panned giving a blanket authoriza tion for expropriating cortuin lands for sewerage asked the clerk to writo the di rector of postal sorvico to see when drop letter boxes would be installed hole moved by goodlet and herbert received a deputation of taxi li- cencees including jim hobs who ac ted an spokesman jewe wardlaw clarence kennedy and stewart simpson asking restricting further licences being isaueu as no re quests for furilier licences had been received council took no action und auid the question would be conside red if and when uuch a rcqucut watt made point which needed clarification applied for the baunco of statu- be itemirod as uncertainty of ease- i tlu vmcu on monta thq poor condition in which j road endiuirca j t ii x l ii moved by good et and herbert roads wore being loft tho brooking of le and water mains ami delay in thoir repair as well as tho com pany not having proper equipment and borrowing this from tho town hagoy- scottjackson assures mo that all- necessary pipe is on order and what has boon borrowed will be replaced maclaren can mr black assure ua equipment is here for repair jobs black tho fitting are horc if ibe town foreman givca ua a hat w will replace them madaren what eauaea tbs wat- r main breaks t f timrgey no ono knowa whore the maina arc mr jackson says ho shouldnt be responsible such ea- ja j- gibbons what doe tho contract say hagoy that thoy tntut be repai red by tho contractor gibbons thn thfrea no mls- understatiding r maclaren i have n catalogue about a pipe flndor the town should have on glbbonb tho town has received lettr alboutan accidorit on no- them guelph street caused by a mound of dirt which carried no warning sign- leiagey that will be taken care of by the contractor the night watchman didnt put the lights up and ho has been fired gibbons thcao are small things but added together thoy make it hard for the olectod representatives maclaron have arrangements been made with scottjackson to put in couplings to houses nu they go along hogey it ia thoir intention from now on to do this armstrong can you backtrack in the spring and put them in where loads have been sewered tho roads to smith and stono must be put in shape as uoon an poasiblo and noth ing can bo done until tho coupliigs are in id hate to ace any more roads ripped up before thosa are finished hagey you mjst face jhe fact t- that roads will he in a mosa for a w wwlo 1 whitmee we have u short main streot cement in one xrtion lias been taken up for eight daya is this neceusary maclaren the jiovemcnt has r been brokon but nobody seems to be working there black we had to tunnol in tho alloy besido silvers and pavomont aad to bo broken first armstrong have we the assur ance that the smith and stone roads will bo in shape first thing in the spring t tblaek yes herbert wator hydrants havo been almost c6vered at times this is very dangerous in case of fire goodlet- why is there a delay on draper street black we ran into more water aat we figured it will bo comjilo- ted when the present main street job is done forrtlrulnake gibbons can the tjiocal impro- temant portion for sewerage pay ment be set before the tax rate is aem hsrgey r how can you assesii when the improvement isnt there thats the protoam v wsrlarrn wfrr honstiiot im contacted the bell teurphonc xorrogardingthc deplontble condi tion of equipment ucd to service the town and asked company offi cials tolrncotwith councllto-dis- ius remodelling equipment moved by whitmco and macla ren aakod tho clerk to obtain from local insurance agents the amount of commission thoy rocoive on pol icies of tho corporation moved by armstrong and mac laren this motion was tho result of a discussion inaugurated by deputy- roevo armstrong who said council hhould bear in mind the way in which a e wilson toronto insur- ance broker who handlea a largo- jwrtion of town insurance had ad dressed council last yoaf mr arm strong would like the question de cided at least a month before the pojicies como due and that the in surance should be placed where a local agent would gain nioit bene fit from his share of the commis sions cr whiunoe asked how tho situ ation stood regarding widening the john street subway and waa told that almost all evidence- had been collectod for the towns claim that it was- the railways responsibility mr wiiitmoe said consideration should be given this year to mak ing elm street a thoroughfare by bridging the creek which would take hoavy traffic off other streets and opon up buiding lota inapeetqr recommend extra room at pub school a recommendation that consider ation be given to establishing fcno- tber classroom and engaging- ano- the teacher at georgetown jpubhol schoob was- one o the main potnts in tko ropoxt of speitipr 1 kkufejiaa by eecretaryp a jlmrclson at the- ihaugnralac6ool jjioaw tneotini last wednesday mr akbco cited the 866 enrolment which meant uti average of sa pupils per teacher anjl aaid staha- tics show that whon u class exceeds 3v propor care cannot be given by ji usachyr to each childs needs lie askl the board to cbnuidor a new room in tho only ixissible- location tho part of thv assembly room which ia now usd as a ntago and sunptng smpitlieatre mr skuce praised tlo teacliing stuff ns being uniformly excellent his only criticism was a low stand ard of english among students which was attributed to lack of suitable supplementary reading ma- teriiilajjd the hoard will take ac tion immediately to purchase sup plies of hooks for fliis purpose iil j iittttilnc was chosen board chairman for lflig other members are harry shortill mm perc gimvv kdward wilson garfield mccilvruy and walcor riohn mee ting nights wore set for tho socond wednesday in each month com mittees are supply iliehn cleave property shortill mcgilvray wil- on p b harrison wius appointed at tendance officer at i salary of j2iiu yearly howard wrigglesworth was leappointed as one of the boards two roprcsentativoa on the public library board and a successor to it k mc icibbin who hasmoved jo ottawa will be later appointed tile treasurer reviewed tho 1947 tntcment which showod expendi- rurcs of j22diiof wiucli h7200 had boon contributed by local tax ation teachers salaries amounted to 13761 and thia will be increa- od by over j600u this year duo to hiring of two now teachers and tho adoption of a salary schodulo in de- combei which granted substantial increases to all staff members council will chooae new town ottkial avneir clarkleasurertaxcol iocto for georgetown wiirbechii- sen next if oiiday jiight at the regu lar council meeting nfhe anplt- cantacrappllel tot uiis position which cturjes i bsury of 0oo yeaaiy applicantsare i jdhri r barber koith barber join fpr- oior kd peters- nooi royrlqlds fiouguia sargont d m timbenj ralph whitmee and charles wlllf son i qrtjejnaary14 tho applications wore opened at a council meeting and council decided to fchboso two of the applicants for personal in terviews at tho next council meet- ing on january 19th by ballot vot ing charles willson and douglas sargent wore selected tho appli cation of d m timbers was not considered in this bollotting be cause of u statomoni in the applica- tion which council interpreted as meaning hoi would not be interested in the position unlosa it carried ji higher aulasy on january 19th mr wilson and mr sargent wqre interviewed and a letter from mr timbers was read saying council had j taken a undefeated intermediates win two games last week thle weather far editor thie ayocks suimpary is jreally one fat youtb renlorrtber auid tfiink ubout next july when hot under the pollay atk max y enf min itaikin snow jan 19 22 0 jan 211 31 7 jan 21 j- a a- 19 jan 22 18 8 jan 28 ft 28 jan 24 14 8 1- jan 26 21 4 l 2071 157 2 ehstrict governor visit lions club district governor bill phipps of paris was a guest on january 19th at the lions club dinner iutlic mc- gibbon house and prcsidod at- ths induction ceremony for fivo now members alex- maclaren john cunning keith barber norman wrong ineaiitng from his application smith and allan norton mr pfiipps weston sunnpa qrsingccviba r strengdbeaea tf leagiie paaaea half- way irurk v coor s 0wii1 lsio i hugh school news vic and jo even with tho cold weather and a hockey game a good crowd man aged to crunch their way to the school party jaat- friday a record player with on amplifier outsido gave music to the guys and gals who braved the oold to waltz around oh the rink tho crowd- arrived about 831 and skated till approxi mately 10 coming inovory now and then t6thaw various parts of thoir anatomy then at ten the pooled box luqchcs cake and- weakcolour ed cocoa were served to tho hungry mob after onjoyingtfoe nourish ment given them everybody danced till 1130 there were some com plaints given about tho cocoa but it was hot and anything hot was appre ciated by tho majority of tho crowd und were sure all in all everybody had a good time and can not kick the school has- a hockey team and uro busy practicing to take on a milton team the squad was hand picked and consist of pillars of strength only boys with a chest expansion of twenty inches wero ac- ceptojjjwo hope to give you the lineup in next weeks column limehouse church holds annual meeting tjtcannuol- congrogauonal- hear ting of the limehouse prtsbytertan church was held on wednesday ev ening janunry 21st at the manse in geofgotown from the chair the minister spoke warmly in appreci ation of the support he hod receil ved from tho congrtfation during the year and oif the many acts of kindness of which ho had been the recipient in reviewing tho report of the kirk session the chairman paid tribute to the work and mem ory of mr john newton whose passing in october was a severe blow to the life of the church congregational reports showed ev ery objective to have boon met and the congregation in a sound fi nancial position several persons were shown to have united with the congregation during tho yoar anil the baptismal font in memory of the late dr j g and mrs su therland had been usod on more thim out occasion mr cochrane stated that the elders elected in november would be ordained early in the present year v the mooting voted gonorous hon oraria to mra harvey norton for her services us organist and to the ministor officers elected- during the mee ting were as follows stewards fred ted brown andrew mino gordon price and a c patterson managers joseph ross and andrew mino frod brown waa clocted to fill out uhc unexpired term of mr john newton treasurer a w benton auditors k c llnilsuy and donald lindsay record secre tary- mrs sam glsby t itrubtoos thomas appleyard and joseph ross the congregation agreed to uf- f iliuta with the pension fund of the church and a motion was passed authorizing an increase in the am ount of insurance carriod on tho church building und- contents at tho close of the mooting the ladies served rofroshmohtu and mr gordon price depressed the thiinka of those prosenvtortlie use of the manso and that ho was applying at 200 salaryjjwugh ho felt that if he were hjrod and proved himself the job would bo worth more mo ney lator on council decided to ioconsider mr timbers on a split vote with whitmoo mccumbor and armstrong voting against the mo tion deputyroovo armstrong said it would bo unfair to reconsider one applicant without reconsidering all and council agreed that all nine ap- jilicarila wero still considered intho unning and the choice ndxt mon day would not necessarily be bo- tween messrs wimstin snrccnt and timbers united church choir annual meeting the annual meeting of george town united church choir took the form of a dinner in the sunday school rooms lost thursday-even- ing tho choir donated 60 to the church to piy for a now light in the choir loft roy r c todd took the chait- for the election of offi- xersr 7 prosidont reg broomhead vice pros ray gertie scct treas mary dobson explainod to them the club- ideals stressing that it was nonsectarian and nonpolitical but that it prac ticed christian teachings and mom- burs should take a lively interest jn government he also presented 10year mon arch chevrons to dick licata and dr it t paul and 100 attend ance buttons to joseph gibbons dick licata scott ab tost nnd walter biehn key awards given for securing new clubmembcxs were awarded to art scott walter biehn ab tost and the late lt- jclocrjnmou-balluntine- whose son fred received it for him lc itoy dalo prcscntod u desk lamp to the district governor aa a memento from the club on his visit jack armstrong reported on arran gements fo the st patricks dance in march and lion chief harold mccluro announced that ladles night would be held in february caro of thanks the family of the lato mr a grace- wish to thsnk friends for thoir many kindnesses and floral tributes during their bereavement card of thanks i wish to thank all those for so kindly sending flowers cards and fruit and for other acts of kindness during my recent ulni mrs w gummar mother dies in cornwall funeral services wore held on sa turday in cornwall for mrsigoorgo woafgaiit who passed sway the pre vious thursday she was well known in town where she had visited on se veral occasions with her daughter mr c h barber other members of tha family are dr harry weag- ant and jmrs keg weagett of corn wajl arid mr max weagant of calr ifornla representative to church music coram s t faram librarians francos deans ray gorrie jack maclaren al frod tost gown matrons mrs c g shop ruth evans scoring almost at wilf- george- towns pounanthofidod intenhedi- ates koondly trounced the cellars dwelling oakvllle legion teim 81 on mondaylp oakvillb to gain nn- disputed first pl4cp in the leagiia itanding an enviable record of seven wins with nd losses has put goorgotown well in front acton milton and weston sharing second place honours with nine points tha week aw two surprises weston rated by hearsay as a major threat droppod two games including ona to lowly ornngovillo and orange- villo which got away to a slow start came out of the collar by virtuo of two wlnb their first of the year firt period 1 geoigotown gibson pnttonron 12jt 2 georgotown gieemi surejo 4s1 3 georgetown birtwistle libson binsoll 920 4 georgetown ferri l brudburymurdock 1367 penalties thomas watson 1 nash gibson storey second period penalties gibson storoy third period 5 georgetown murdock j fcrri 400 g georgetown m bradbury lgihaoilm artin 406 7 oakvillo speck five ladies join iode chapter yarnold 840 sgcorgctown jbirtwistie j800 3 georgetown l bradbury 1900 ponaltios thomas butwistle goorgotown rhodes g bin- soil birtwistlo dof mufdock fj ferri martini wings storey m bradbury gibson nash patterson emond h bradbury a kemsheadl sub goal oakvillo k davies g j da- yison b longtiay -de- g yarn- old c a thomas k spock wings d sutton j brown s mcaen f woodau e dux g wataoa w leslio dobson sub goal four tiow mimhnr wlrn wellnmed bi- sealskin boots made for local boy david flotchor son of mr and mrs john fletcher has received u pair of sealakin boots apocially made for him by the natives of hurrinirton harbour quebec the hoots were obtained for him by mrs audrey shnrpo who ycrved for a time last winter at the gren- fcll miaaion hospital as a member of the st john ambulance ansoci- itjon tho boots made by iund by nu- tiy women of tho canadian labra dor are worn by all members of llu family sometimes the fur m left on the lefts of the boota but in thih cane it has boon shaved the hoota must the kept cold and dry in order to avoid odour which oc cur when thoy ore too cloae to heat kour or more pair of sox are worn with the boots and a lace h threa ded through tho up to keep out the enow the boots are at present on din- play in the horald window into the counted of strathmor eiiapter iode at a meeting at the home of mrs gerald mccauura on january 1 9th new membara are mrs j s hughes mra ray whitmee mrs it wicks mra frank bonner and mra harold irase he ports were given on the dance und doll raffle and on tho aale oi christmas cards the latter nettlnjf si 14 for the chapter the child welfare convenor read an apprecia tive letter from the teacher of the udopted northern school fiivinfl thanks for trifta and a clothing balo received nominations word made for the 1u48 executive with the election sehodulod for the february mccjiinfi which will be held at the home of mra arthur ieaumont glen wil- liaras hostesses with mra mccallum were mrs jack amiatroru and miss alice treanor jack kay and glorta jennings wed saturday at the united church manse on saturday january 24th hev u c vodd officiated at thcwodding of gloria maxinc jenninffs daughter of mr and mrd goiylon jenninjfa of uosseau road ana john fordyce kay son of mr and mm adam kay of geortfotowit j the brido wore a blue crepe dress with white mrs david hodge dies in acton a wide circle of friends in acton and district were grieved to learn of tho suddon death of mra david jjodge on january 12th at st jos ephs hospital guelph tlio former agnes mary chls- holnl she was born in acton a daughter of imr and mrs william chisholm and attended public and high school thero besides her hus band and little daughter joan she leaven her parents two alsturs mrs ooorfo ruidull fviiiices and mrs aubrey gorvals mae and two hiothors john and roy rev j m anderson conducted the funeral service from tho john stone aid rumley funeral hume ami pall bearers were jack coonoy sam brunelle pat waldie aux prank kertry crlpiw and bill bu chanan interment- was in fair- william huffman jr worou brown huit with brown acccuaorieu and corsage of yellow roeeh mr huff- i man waarobinamari following the ceiemony u recep tion was hold at the home of tha grooms parents his rnothor receiv ing with tho coujilo wearing a green dress with i black uccohsorios tho young couple will live in georgo- town view canietar ac georgetown 7 westort soveral tilings spoiled what might have been an excellent show of hockey- when weston played their homo game against georgetown ia town last friday when the oha referee failed to show up del beau mont was asked to fill in with weston man to act as linosman with ii crowd of only wo oar three hundred the ice remained hard throughout the game conse quently falls were frequent and se veral holes at mid ice didnt help- mattors then bocauso of a lata start 916 the first two periods wore straight time and tho jast stor limo goorgotown played well as a unit godly rhode was called on four times to dofond his nets alone when woaton provod fast and tricky on the breakaways and still cams through with we first and well da- served shulsout for this well give him tho fjnst stur sootty patterson managed te bo in tho right place at the right tlmo on two occasions scoring tha first and last goal star two woil fool you on star three how about del beaumont for a good job from a tough spot summary 1st period 1 georgetown patterson murdcck georgetown birtwistlo 800 105 accessories and corsage- goorgotown storey f pink roses her attendant mrs m bradbury 150s james wyl1e dies a brother of william wylie oi gcoiigotewn jamoh wylie 4u-year- old cnr section man was almost inatantty killed on january uuth when he fell through un opening in a railway trestle over the bramp ton fuel yards rushed bo peel memorial hospital he succumbed a few inlnutui after admittance to injuries which included a fractured skull born in ireland mr wylie had lived in brampton eighteen years and was employed at the dale eaa ut join the cmrfaur ponaltios patterson second period scoring none ponaltios storey blrtwistle mln a noal 5 min i third period 4 georgetown storey gibsdi 6 goorgetowh nash murdoek f goorgotown gibson bradjbjusv m 7 georgetown patterson l bradbury ponaltios richmond brigger r years ago surviving- his wid ow two sons jamesnand jack hi re o brothers and three sisters william of georgetown edward of sydney austrulia and itvomas lily annlo und sarah in ireland rev c c cochrane of georgetowa conducted the funeral service and pall bearers were thomas wylla and barry ctrks of georgetown bruce ross of weston cecil grif fiths thornton jsjrvli and gaorca

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