Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wednesday february 4th 1948 what council did on monday vfbruary zd appointed churlis willson as eleratraasuror ana tax and watar nta collector at a balur of v2qo0 hj duuef to start- aoon po- dbla cmoved by tywtrnco artd maclar en ijalo vousu agamst gave a 4mlll fniiji land tjt ex- omption to proporticj owned fey c collins ralph toonuy and j a wllloughby a municipality can tve a tax allowance to ony plat of 6 acres or more within thu town limits which 1b classed lis farm jand and which docs nat benefit from certain town services such- as fire iprotectlon earbafo coutctlon wa ter etc ah such ropcrtics were roviewod individually and those not granted exemption v ire harold cleave misses moore t om flow- ion rhoda hvdo w t bradley goorgo bcekott george ii leslie a madaron moadowelcn growers s w orr jack tost and e b ty- aikeittho inspector of provin cial police to moot next week with council to disduai spetding njnd othor infraction of toun bylaw moved by armstrong and dav idson will install a telephone in the residence of corp rcnoldpay- rng the standard monthly charge in place of the tclc hone in con- stablo sheffields rcbidmre it was explained that the t c ihono had been installed thcro before corp reynolds had a horre hero and it was logical to have the telephone in the residence of the officer in charge moved by davidson and mc- cumbor offored to purchase approxi mately 2 acres at the lower end of john streot from mrs harwood of toronto at a price of 100 part of the property to ho used for a pump ing station moved by goodlat and mccum- ber h made a 25 eront to the salva tion army movod by wbitmco and macla- ren received the tiro brigndo roport for 1047 from firo chief harry savings which ahowedilhe firo loss to bo only 85 last year cecil dobie appointed milton bank manager ordered a firo hole nozzle cost ume approximately s80 on the fire chiefs recommendation moved by wbitmco und herbert thomas wamoa appeared beforo council to ask permission to sell his equipment and booth in the park to thp recreational council ho was granted permission to do this or to remove the equipment if ho so desired moved by goodlct and horbcrt a petition addressed to the pro vincial police and signed by ten residents of the mum und george street area was hi ought to council by charles brown on behalf of the algnors it asked th it uelion bo taken to stop the nui anee created by cars parkins on the sidewalks and along the roodi ihia precipi tated a general diheussion on park ing in severul bei tions of town with some members uiijing tile gflrtrc 3toiitiorr existed nl the post offlccnnd on queen btnet m lyor gibbons said he wis in nmpatliy with the petiti n und til it it should be turned over to the pi lice whoso duty it ii to enforce all by 1 two w w scott appi in il for cen- tral mortj igc und lion mg to say that tin eorpoiution u u v tiling to pay 1000 of m estimut d s17hi 80 for eucriiig wntime il u inj iro- jeet no 1 but felt tin tiwn liould pay the balniue us it wis eoini to co it cm and ii 7 1 1 foi huol nig up the houses to tin o tc in hi ii ud the town would hem fit hecauao next eur the liou es will he up for sale to ten mts mil ewi ij i will- increase their value iuor gib bons asked th it c ouni il def r i de cision on the piojisiti i until they consult engineer c h lligey branch 120 can tdi m legion requested th it exsi rn mien bo sivcn preferenc providing apph- canth hud the tuecsstiry cvperli ncr and ability in tin iippomtnn ut of lhi clefktrcimuii rtux eolleetor w answeringcouncils re qui ut for sin interview uth bell 1 1 h phono company officials w o m miner wrote that thu compnny would b pleased to come at uny time ahd an appointment will be made for th march neatloa the post offlco department in toronto wrote that dropletter bo xv were atiu nottrvafjable and this hal holdup inauguration qf this service in georgetown ct goodlot presented a letter from town foreman alf collins on behalf of the town mon asking an increase in wages to meet liffnff living costs prosunt wagos paid are u00 golutulr ji85u her rmgton and o korr and 1305 marchmonl i his la on a salary basis with no oyortimo paid cr herbert said that in another month basic wage rates at local mills were being rovitted and in vlow of this cr goodlot- sufgostld the mat- tor be bold over f6r a time doputy hoove armstrong had asked dr mather haltons modlcal ilealth officer to submit a report on localwatcr samples rho report showed grade d in most caos and tho deputyrcove said immodiato thought should bo given to a rem edy a motion was passed that teps be tal en immediately to find jut the cost of chlorination moved by armstrong and mac- laron cr davidson presented the mon thly police report which showed 19 investigations with no major crime he h id discussed tho question of liwding work- on tho provincial polico car among loeal garngcj and hud found that all brands of gas ind oil used must be approved by the department and that repairs eostink more than 12 mujt havo departmental approval in almost every case such work is done in tho toronto shops of tho department consequently the actual local pur chases for tho police car oro of very little real value to tho garags operator when lie considers the extras he normallv nrovi as a service to his customora cr halo roportcu that legion members as well as servicemen who did not bolonb to tho local branch scorned to favour placing the names of district serviceman who lost then- lives in the war as woll as local ones on tho cenotaph psquosing council will be contac ted to sco what share jof tho cost they might bo willing to assumo ecclestone wright wedding in toronto sr puuta church of iflagland loronto arranged with snapdrag ons and candlelibhtcd wua tlio sot ting for the wedding on i nday ev ening jununry 30th of lorraino wright daughter of mra william j wright and the lute mr wright and robert john ecclostono son of mr und mrs a e lccleatone tho bnde formerly resided with her fa mily in georgetown wheie she was a member of the uell lelephono toll kui ulward morley performed the ceremony mis r d bmc wufl ut the oruuil und miss mury mcau- ley vu soloist jiven in murriage by her brother hurry wright the bride wore a i own of white velvet fashioned on rineeas lines with u full lenfth veil held by a bund of shirred vel vi t vhite rosea hem was maid of honour miss uurbara bnwtenhcimer bridesmaid in miss bharron wrig llower j irl all wore gowhu ofamencaa beauty velvet with matelung heud liessis und earned colonial bou- queta alfred 1 eelelitoue was grooms nun unil iibhers wen william aua- lnv mil the bride n brothir verdun wiillit i ollow u rieeption ut the inure arthur iiou e tho couple left for a honeymoon in woihing- tull cecil doble for the past aevon yoani accountant at tb canadian bauk of commerce branch in geo gctown has boon appointed rosna gor of the lianks branch at mil- ton succeeding the ltoil ij mc- aulcas mr doble hid bn aot- lirig manrigqr in oliltpn during the illness til mr mcahdloss rogmnnig banklnir wltfi the stan dard bank twontyilvo years ago mr ddbie joiped the commorce staff wlien tho two banks amalga mated a native of tho wingham district his experience has boon gai ned m ferarichea at xillsonburg woodstock kitchonor waterloo und goorgetown at present mr doblo la commu ting from georgetown arid mrs doblo and their children david and judith will remain lh town un til a homo is sccurod in milton what esquesing council did on monday february 2nd roaphintcd rcc goo cleave and gr craig item as reprosenta- intermediates still undefeated close gameat oraneville the weather my kditr ivotty nice to bco uio fltarfc of n jiow rriant on ihia vocktf kutn- jndry jumiary wiu bomothinb id rtimber it i intertijitlnt to note tli4 tho nvtva ttrtiyitium t jun- uury ig 13 whf n thiri ymr it wan oluiojit l6 clotn ca btlow nrmal ajiu il jfi- lm of tho jl havi re intcriwl bclowzoro ttmptfiiturctf ninj we nccft dh tt tliat junu nry tlinw tum yurl tive for 0q on the munnkora of norvnl kocrcatlon centre moved by lghhq und currle je schertzl joo schorul lorval boy who tarred lunt year with ilooton olym pics is playini rlttht defenco this board of ic with horahey pa fiouw appointed ala bame wardens for 1918 daniel allah alfrcbrle- den uay cnchton lorno mulhn ilarvcv nume tred ruddol spen cer wilson john lnwson wealey louth w j mcdonnld mcldrum stark wixu shelbournc wilmcr watkin georpe woods moved by bird and currio paased accounts includine iloadb r709 61 hawca j nelson roraffe ant hall acct 03 1 saakatchownn feb charity acct 20 1917 division court cosu acton 9 relief 22 65 ontario honn- til woodatock 39 instructed tho tax collector to re turn his roll by tob 28th movod by bird and currle pauod h bylay to provid for road extjonditurca for 1048 iti the tilukon pf 1915ic when the oljmpica won tho eastern ama teur hockey league championahip jot played 61 games scoring 13 tgula and 12 audit for fipobiu in the playoff o ho acored a tfoal and j aaaiats for 4- points laat eiihon he played 37 karnes having 7 koals and 14 aiilbts for 21 polnta joe 11 21 jcars old 5 feet 11 in ches tall and developed his brawny 00 pounds working on his fftthora fiunlfjirm at norval hu oarly jlrnnf join 8nd sllly of hocke experience uaa rained irt nnd ft n mgt dohfl tie llalton bu h lcaffue in interme diate b competition with the nornlgcorcetown combines and in junior c with milton during the war yeara he is married to the former mary smith of georgetown card of thanks mtus marjraret murray wuhea to thank friends for their klndneaau and mcuaagoa of sympathy during jim roccnt bereavement john bird president for 1948 esquesing agricultural society fair dates set for sept 17 18 194s 1 he annual meetine of the la- ue3in8 agricultural society apon- orine georgetown i all i air waa hold in the counail chamber on saturday afternoon thero waa a ood attendance and a ver en- courapinpr meotinff held lohn itivd who has acted th lat 1eepres1dent of the society dur- iifg the paat car was unanimouuly el oun pit sidi nt for the coming t tr wlun ci n keid who ban hold the pi cauleuey for the paat f i t eaib tnn mat t i hi retirt 1 nt 1 herbert luii who haa bocn an aetie worker with the society for n tn eaii w 11 lien a hfe mem- h rihip aiul w g marshall waa her caaeade boupuet was of do an lumorar director muu mildred step- 1 he following dneitor v ppointed also wife and daughter join theatre manager here mri lutk 1 oll and d uihter u m kathlei 11 arrived in gtoyje lwn last 1 1 iilaj to join mn 1 11 who i manajtr of the uoxy llu itre lure lhy crohaed from i 11 1 m 1 on the aquitama mtfli tolly etmiet from chuntchurch near bourn mouth and met her husband while he una nerving with tho licai niveau y engagement dtrl and mra ifejrlnald t annoujipe the engagement of paut their laujfhtir mary kathleen tohobart grant gary son of mr and mra jl arnott farly the ftiarruir will take place saturday february 2ut 1d4k at knobc bresbytariatt church guorpretown at hhlf pait three oclock- nr keid u ii ireland prank litih hen mcmillan lanu s i 1 her 1icuuik priee i j brownndfc m i moer giajdon chester ho lm t alexander nth hobin um hinn c uuh h writaua- w nh itobt miller spencet xil- n h blow n lart m 1 sponce ii ir line i rico was elected let i 1 pr id nt mid neh kolnnion nd viee pie ident p w cleave ii i i mt ilri m rip u nted truainur and jitritury lmaii1 i v i lu it 1 it nt in ills address imntioiud the iohh to the society by 1 tl d nth of win 1 ah ml r a lilt mi mht r ai tl dm t lor of many 1 11 lauding lit also txpreaied tin thinki if th society to tho town founeil and buaineshmcn of llu town for their cooperation and nppi rt diniiic tlu jmit ytar and i untie 1 is ti rm of iffiee comment wft almv matlo on the display put i i9g 30 far the year with ejcqfin- diturea of j 107 57 leavjns a dal uile on tho ears activitloa of v 188 7 j ptizc money paid out waa vl761 25 mlifl hnlotte mcculloueh eao the rej rt on the district no 5 me e tint held at caledon in novom- hi r mr j 1 whitclock apricultu- rul ttfpi eaeiitatne was pieaent and biouth a few helpful hi nta to tho u itlit rnit imreetura of the variouaciaaaes k ie rejmrts of encouracemont and i huiueirient of faira activities in the tiutriet outtandiiifl woa the i i jkirt on the liflht horae allow ulneh tleapitu tlie fact that five oth- ti faim were on the bumi date as nt of the heat aeen at fall f ui jn ontario lhe hall exhibit w 1 another fe ituri of the ihow 1 he ladiea sociion presented tin ir slate of officers to the mee- tiui an i thio vtao paaaed as fol- i w s datl muv lqrn ijutkm mm snow jununry 20 22 4 jnufnry il7 18 7 flurrloit january 2a 19 t hiriaa jununry 29 22 7 jununry 30 8 21 jununry 31 10 17 iyhruury 1 20 fl avnrocrrrr ttzft mrs charles ijurns1dc dies in sudbury a reahlent of ci oijrctowji for many oar mra ci irle rurnido pained away at her homt in sud bury on friday janu irv 10th for- m rly grorpnnn blnmim mrs tturnaldc was horn novrmveicht vonra ago in stc annt lrrr1hrnft quthec and had bee i a it id nt of town fdnce her mnvcniec shi wn a member of tiolv crosh roman catholic church mrs burnsido wan pre pcoicd four rnro npro by her huihnnd ind since that time had made her home n colllnpfwood and udhu hn leav a an only son claude two a nlnoeame winning atreak foar gebrgotown intermedlatak waa al- ttfoat anapped laat night at orauifex vtlle when that valiant utua team extended uio cnampa ty overtuiml rooriiotown droppodm an early 21 ifcad to trau gb gomi ino the thii4 ptirtod but mahaffed to tie uingy up wwh coach bradbury getting the tioms koqi playing ten tnba ulea straight ovqrtnntf mlxacdock nqtchud thevwlnnlnk tfoajl goorgotown noorrs were il bradbury 2 birtwhitle waa u bradbury and murd6ck tho team wan nt full strength with kent sto- roy buck hi thd liheup the or- aiikcvillc goalie played a sullar j pie niiujiut a auperior team and ua tho ouiatoidms man dn tho lea georgetown fi oacville legion m crecne of toronto the funeral aervlce on tuerday mornlntr waa conducted from the mecluro funeral home to holy croan church for requiem hiqrh maaa at which rev fr v j mor gan officiated interment waa in creenwood cemetery georgetown pallhrehrers were p f blackburn td mcwhlrtcr josepb gibbons dick licata john kelly and jack watson st georges club n bv the nuiehants ut tho fair and lit hoped thla j ear would nee evtn grtattr interest tal en president ut td aai 1 he waa happy to nnnoiiiite to the ireetine the fact that wnrdbtrrwnridke waa thp fifth lt nt ration of tho brownridjro fam ily to show at gaoruetown fair lie thanked tho junior fanners and lio poultry aihtulation for thulr interiht in tho fair ahio the lady director- who had done much to make the fair what it waa today lrxjiaiiror p w cloavo had a very satiafartory report for the meutiiur uecolpta had totalled lie nlent mi s mululoueli ici 1 ie mr j llleihy sttretny miss m gault senior institutes mra 1 llerby i idies woik mi i fetch mu 11 ii inland mm u cleave mra g cheater junior institute mu j h huntei miaj betty uutldoll mi a uoui huidinp domestic seitneo miaa marjo- fie gault mra t goldcir i loweia mrs b wilson mmaoa it s nt wmejield and marion ourue i aby shuw mia u mcciil- viay mra olclen sehaol vvork miaa jean hud uell mra lapp aihck uiti directors vvero also el- ti d in the mens aeetion inelu- nj- oouuhu ciurio john mc- nahh harle i hunter neil van vhet w alexuntler donald lind- iy gordon pneo led iealie 1 in jireaulent aeeretai and treiuirr were appointed dyleuati8 tu attend tho onturio lall faira oineiiiion in loronto on 1 ebruary litb j tth i i ntativ e tiatea wero sot for tho 1uh fair u a of september 17 18 at tho clone of the meeting the lady pre hide nt miaa c mecullough moved a vote of thnnka to the reti ring pn hldent for hu capaho man- utfument of tho fair during tho paat five yeara the retrular meetink of the club waa held in the clubrooma on tuoa- day jnnuary 20th with the vice- president mra cecil davidson in the chair in the abienco of the pre sident georffe walker thee xt niprht shifts topowlnk a short husineaa moctlnp tho projrrnm con- venora mra el j etckle and wal ter blehn took overj thay had ar- ranpred a tour of tfc alliance paper hlla tne memoura went to tno mill and were met by the night superintendent mr tom eaaon who conducted the party through the mill showinpr all stages of paper eoatmp from the color mixing rootn eoatinb machinob calenders and t ute tu to the final aortinp and ountini department mr eaaon wus very conversant with hla aub- jlti clearl explaining the many inquiries directed at him during tho t ourse of the trip sincere appreciation not only to mr i ason for hia iino efforts hut to the alliance paper mills for per mitting the tour was oxprofviyd 67i rcturnmp to tho clubrooma lunch was aerved by mra ron mt ndl am and mothcra little hol- nex during the lunch o rather warm discussion on the pros and ton a of golfing etc on sunday w is hi aril the rticipanta shall ho namoleas halton chapter officers installed on riuluy junuiry jfilh an in- i illutic ii iinmonj wan conililctcd is hl 1 x comp lorgo c hrown whin l18 officers of hullon liupli r im took over their now llllu i offuiia inntullcd wero i comp cum sinclnlr i 1 1 x mp wilhcrt clcavo i 1 com w iltcr uikk s 1 1 comp 1 i arnold ireiimiri r rfx comp john d kluv din ctor nf ceremonle i v ex comp w c o iliompaon i comp jnck jiucua s n comp jaik addv scntinil 1 comp trnnk cr- m y s s comp ken wmtworth j s comp wllllnm cromnr m f lilt v comp harold bm- jowk m of 2nd v comp edwin it1i m of 3rd v comp albort hun ter m of 4th v comp l41l cim gcorcllown rupermakertf chmlkd up their eighth straight win of th ulnaon laat ihursduy when oakvllla i icion weakest of tho four a tliimserl boundly beaten ill th third period after two period of uidiffcruit hockey which at timad i3 littlo better than a buth lcago shinny tsnme gcorkislownfpltth iom of kent storoy out with a jaw injuiy buflcred- in tho previous umo the ciirls ipo band waa il mu on hund o piwtha team to ucioiy jcorgetown juck rhodes goal lack biruistle ld binsoll de fence leigh bradbury contrej mux ilradburj hoi gibson wlnirg cotty 1attcrion kon nnsh nick 1 lm art murdock reno martin 1- arl lmond abbio kcmshead atib oahe oukxillc dobson goal datl- on leslie defence yarncht conti 1 homos speck winirs dust button brown woodall smyth firt period 1 georgetown ii bradbury gibson 208 penalty murdoclc soad period 2 georgetown l bradbury birtwlstle jfa 441 3 oakvillc sutton brown 84j d oakvlllo speck sutton 5 georgetown fcrri emond tblrj praj c georgetown birtwlttla m bradbury 7 georgetown blnaell l bradbury sof 8 goorflfetown murdoclc nash 7 0s 9 georgetown m bradbury 1b0 is oakrilbj spetk 16 8 xi georgetown l bradbury glbaon 1808 il georgetown gibson birtwiatlo 180 pcnoltios l bradbury gibaom iuxr 13k0 4k mrs w w cook bur1ed at beeton a onetlmo resident of geort- town mrs william wcaloy cook diod suddenly on january 23rd at tho homo of hor daughter mrs nl 6 mclcod sudbury of uniuj i mpiro loiyolist descont dhe watf formerly eva stull the youngest dnuehter of the lato mr aud mrs latham stull and was born uaai goorgetown whore oho spout has curly youth with her husband who died is 19j1 she had lived in various part of wiatcrn canada where h was cmployid as dcapatchor with th canadian national hallways thy hlttl lant n cajireol ontario wlilro tlily mado their lioms until his death sho hud hvod alnco then in loronto until the post yoar bhe uos a dlvout mombor of thai vihrch of lnglund and a dovotad vvifu and mothtr her main intorosfc b ni in her homo sho will b kieutly misucd by a largo circle of lricnda lltoidcs her dauuhtcr she is feu ivtd by thrto sisters mrs j if lunik and mrs w j roo of thai lortitown district and mrs j 1 indliurg siuttk washington giundnon billy mclcod and m lranddaughtlr dalo mclood two snura mrs 1 rtd morrison aah- bn1c und mrs lhomas cook wla- nil i prldccluiild hor somo yeam u0 buiy u the church of tho epiph any by ruv canon p r beattla with 1nt1r1mnt taking placo in baa- ton clinetcry on january 2ctk- folowlng servlcca held in st paul llmrch of i nglund there juvenile omha w il aclon l 8 1 milton r 1 georgetown 2 8 du plarl jan 80 acton v coarfetown onraiifabsj pta a 4

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