Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1948, p. 6

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ite hcraud fwnmy 4tb 1940 saxe motors co3 acituidy ruy fnr ooojtmjw th for nrtlinory utw bcnumi c4hmlymitw lnat lutiser tiv you- iwr- miliar f uf ammtrou arvut fur 6 very tjotliir tltutv ln i tiruuciwiiiyf ofl it uuhiy ft oil t rtuul to happy irtwcuit rtiomyln not brttlul imiw giwulyujirm i wft liftvn your f mtuj mlles good more people ride on goodyear tires than on any other kind ear saxe motors phone 152w georgetown be an abc orivsr fkit7j be qatetf county assessment kflmsiititn of sssoaiwrint thvn dghout the county is one of tho aioet important question f tho 1048 wellington county council warden albert ucwillnun mid in his inaugural address the work wan last dona in 1941 and ainco then councils have need deprived ol the power to appoint valuators and gome definite move mint be made to appoint a county assessor the warden pointed out what we know about jesus j his nature 1 1 j flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flowars by wire anywhere la die wasu norton floral s1bw- c the sunday school lesson general machine shop work guns bought sottj traded and repaired excelo mfg co yeauf st gsa wiring or electrical troubles ph6ne 53 1 w schultz electrical construction frj schults prompt service memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come monuments markers moderately priced a card or letter will bring u kir service to your door oakv1lle monument works 29 cdlborhe st oalcville on highway by ltov it c todd lesson john umbiii col lwau ono of tho crouds of tho church nructically paraphrases john 03b- 10 i bjliovo in ono lord jesus christ the oulybegotten sou ox cod cod oi cod ligut ol lignt eiy oou of very cod demotion uoi inauc bumg oi due substance witu tho lather by whom uii things wore uiuue who for usiucn uud lor our sunuuou cuinu down irom heuvou arlicio 2 of the ju articles of tuu churcu oi eugiunu spousa oi jcjlki ay tho vury uud eternal cod aim oi ouu uubstoncu with ihu iu- lhcr ihu ijtuteuieut ol luiib aud ol tin united church of canadu says vvu oelluvu in jesus christ tao sou of lhu luthcr who lor us uieu and lor our salvutlou bccuiuc uuiu uud dwelt among us liiesu statements agree that to uuoto urticio 2 abovo againj two wuolo and perluct natures that is to say tho codhead and manhood wuru joined together in ono person nuvor to bo divided whorooi in ono christ very cod uud very aluu who truly suiicrod was crucuied ucud and buried to reconcilo uia liithcr to ua and to bo a sacrifice not only fororiguuuain but also lor ail actual una of men very cod and vory aluu i who became man and dwelt among us these aro astonishing utatciuoiita 1or in the nature of tuo case thcro is a gulf betweon muu uud cod man is a croaturo cod iu a creator man is u sinner cod is holy and righteous hut in lho persou of jesus these two op posite are reconciled tho world is uow divided into those who see and those who do not sou in tho life and work and resurrection of jesus christ tho redeeming act of cod lho scriptures and the creeds of the church aro ut oue in emphusiz ing the uumanityuoi jesus lie wasv un historic figure living at olcer- i tain moment in history and- in certain googrunhic locality this immunity culls toua from tbu pages of the tfospels and from iauls ep istles therefore ho hud to bo mudu like his bruthren in every re upuct so tluit he might become i morcilul and fuithful liigh jirieut hi thu service of cod to niuku expia tion for the sins of ihu people for becuuso he himself has- sufierod and been tempted he is able to help llluse who uru temjited lleb 2 17 imkjttftaiwc uvo not un high linchtwjrwu to uymputhizo with our weiiknciiseu but one wlio in every riuipcct hus beeu tempted us we are yet without uinniiig lleb 11b j although he was a sun lie leurlled obedience through wiiut he uuifeied und being mude jieilect he becunie the source of et ernal sulvuliun to ull who obey linil heb u tho scripture uud tho dfoedsof thu church ulso unite iu decluriug that jesuu is very cod ol very cod tho titeruul son of cod in tlie templu as u child oftwelvo hi hi buitism in thu temptation oit periuncu in his trunuiigurutiou e- jierienco iu thu- incidunt of iuters coufession of him as tho christ thu son of uia- hying cod in his contemplation ox i tho cross and us ha stood befor tlu high priest and 1ilau he felt himself and u decla- red to be the son of ke jrettmr in col 11620 a pot of our lee- eon tot jane to declared t be the eotffee and coal of erery en toll he te to the church ad bead to body being as be la the begin ning himself the firstborn from among tbe dead his supremacy is universal- and jt was lu obtaa pleasure in him to cause the entire t ulnese of god to dwell owed the first chap orf johns gospel and th word was made flesh if jesus ware simply a man we would not have to him that which is above oar human frailty and by which w might b sevei jmtbs h would 6 daogbt in fc pre dicament of sin in which man is caught astho sod of bd he is able w saw to the lattermost but since he is s man lla work is rejs- vantto our condition of sjnl since he hi cd lils wrfcvle efficiont he 4iaadeliver9d as from the bondage of sin and his msurroction is the sign andseal of thli dehverancet sin and death are congnered by the living christ see tim l8iq the lateliishop core once spoke of tho extension of the incarna tion- read sgain jolins allegory of the vine and the branches ii- his gospei charl tftul regsrtlcd the church as the body of christ christians are motober of mutt body they ure the lutnds und ifeot of that body carrying on tho work of christ who is the head of the body they complete what re mains of christs afflictions for the sake of his body that is tho church col 124 and it is important to remombcr unit every brunch in mo that bearetb not fruit he takuth away john 162 kuch christian is an extension of tho inc faul puts this very well- in the following quota tions it is no longer 1 who live but christ who lives in me gal 220 1or mo to live in christ ihil 121 that 1 muy know mm und tho powor of hi r undmuy ahiiro his sufforuigs ihil u10k an extension of tho incurnutionl tho living and in dwelling clirist the indian chris tian sadhu sundur singh was in london england in 1u2u and mado a cull at a certain house tho maid who unbwered the door wctft to an nounce tho guest to her mistress and said i couldnt mako out much about his name but ho looks as though ho might bo jesus clirist high school news vie and jo nothing worth baa happened around the whole school this past week the only break in the monotomnu routine was the showing of a couple of sctlon-pa- cked thrlllerdlller scrumptious movies on linotyping and physical exercise these visual education 11ms are becoming weekly occur rences in the school- the pictures are shipped from- toronto and pro jected an the schools lovely jjsmm camera operated by six projection ists who with their oeisblned jnen- tlity manage to run a fifteen rninr ute fumin an heuvj u exams are drawing evernearer with only about two weeks more to udy of oourse- everyone will rer rosin in for the next two weeks studying constantly to fall we really do wish everynovly the best of luck and extend our dtspw sympatlvy in thl time of great sor row and strife x we said last week that we would ciye you a -list- of the- schools ho ckey toam arid who sire we to gb back on our wordt theystlu want to engsge in hand combat with tho miltonites and nagotistlons are under way here is the lineup iw d llppylmcas rw k baldy sykcs c skip wsjter sargent d j sleepyklrkwood e clamourboy thompson g e fuxxy walters alternates k baldy scott k kookio king d peewee norton h dopoy denham k muscles thompson b casano va howltt d scotty ireland jl k ayl y ttfl- boy bums tho team has notyet been cut down to the final twelve players using the term loosely wo havo been digging around this week and have managod to ex hume a few fresh off tho cob jukes mr irouic had been giving a vory graphic account of tho reindeer its haunts habits and uses kathle thompson however was not paying the slightest attention so tho tea cher asked now wlmt is tho uso of tho rein deer kathic looked up and said it makes cverythinpr in tho garden look lovely honey t mary oarheds was about a iseetaotti aha what b that ansa tun-t- aha that la a loeomotlte bofter aald john hunter but why do they boil locomo tive- to make the engin tenderr alias plercey in latin what does qnaque msant join latimer brilliantly a duck order bray chicks now ana be next fao beena or aasaa ma nght away neohpw of cfjfc couaem i it haif beportaln the dairy newspapers of the stnauscalelejivll war hi pal estine between arabs arid jerrs might appesx to be far removed from any local connection and thus when wft ad last weak that a british officer was shot and woundeov in the leg yarak snlper only passing attention was paid to mk a few days later lc- col g b s cousens coorgetown postmaster received an air mail letter from him sister in tcn telling him the officer referred to wiu her son lieut maurice tngt well the incident occurredwhenr lieul tugwell was walking in the oostern end of kingswsy in haifa luckily the wound was not too ser ious though the young man will be hospitalized for a- spell decoration in wutclsstar weve got this most awfully tal ented youngmuralist coming out to do the rumpus room one of two subutbanish ladies was heard saying to the other at saks the other day und the most wonderful thing about him is thot ho isnt terribly much more expensive thxn wallpa per thi now yorker wtm dressmaking r and alterations specializing in childrens wear mrs f perry over hewsons garage mill st phone 308w e sc mrmitm i om geo c brown nonral w- wotarirji i 74e more toufoi with many corn farmer hmvc discovered that vigoro com mercial grower brings them a larger net return thats because vigoro commercial grower helps them increase yields und improves quality follow the lead of these smart farmers and get better corn- crops- use vigoro this year on yoh-cornl- a hew lease on life at ono timotho pronghomod antolopo ranged from alborta to mexico in numbers comparable withthobrrof tho bison but overhunting throalonod tho ourvival of tho prong horns until vaol sanctuarios woro gotabliohod for thoir proloction in alborta and manitoba in tlioco rofugoa thoir numboro increauod and thoy havo oincp aproad into saokalchowan a tributo to farsightod connorvation authorities showing how offoctivo cbnaorvational moasuros can bo in prosorving a npocioo from extinction to promoto public undorolanding of tho nood for conflorvation intorosting authorilativo litoraturo and fullcolour roprinfs of our wildlifo picturos without advortisingaico available froo by writing to tho carling conservation club waterloo ontario s- rpnimiaw v rriijm v v- ljr on tho othor hand proloction waa not 03lablifliiod in tlmo to dave tho cuban tricolour macaw from fading into oblivion ii was liuiilodinainly for food and bocamo oxtinct avound 1864 cartlngs the carling breweries iimited watir100 ontario mm d- yours jo enjoy yours to protect 01 til tv

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