Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1948, p. 8

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lyjjwpflpprt the georgetown hcfald february4th 1946 the georgetown herald itaervina the oommnnfitea of georgetown glen williams norval lombhouse hornby stewarttown a9hgrove ball1nafad terra cotta bobacriptlon rat 1260 a year r sile ooplea 6 each advertising rate quoted on application walter g biehn publlaher and editor crfleld l mcguvray staff lu 1l cta yg broomhead harold davison- corey herrino jr the heram prujwd each wednesday afternoon at the oconjju st georgetown authorised aa aecond class tamb poet office dent ottawa iembrs of- the canadian weakly newspaper aeoeitio and te ontario i quebec dlvtalen of the cwna j s m news and items of interest to halton farmers wm booth wins cil prize itorfe halotons new warden next beat thing to georgetowns reeve being- wdruen ie to have this honour fall to our good neigh bour esqiicsing townhip and thutl we congratulate our rural neighbours this year when one of their roem- beret george clewettvilhrbvheadtrnoninhalton for 1948 it is indicative of the quality of representation which jesgueaing sends to- milton that esquesing has had two wardens in the last seven years howard may having been wardenin 1941 the new warden is an oldtimer in county poli tics having twice worked up through all offices irtthe townokip since helsrgtofferedtiiflliprviceajome twen tytwo years ago he has spent a good many of these years on county council asdeputyreeveand reeve of esquesing and is well versed in municipal affairs a natural fluent speaker he will do credit to the position during his tenure of office which sees the advent of many important things on the county scene among them the halton health unitthe three new high school districts and the county assessing system the realization that we in georgetownare behind him will help mr cleave in his task of keeping halton among the most progressive counties in ontario and one to which others look for leadership a welldeserved promotion at one time or another in the past seven years practically every citizen of georgetown and the great majority of district farmers have come in contact with mrgecil dobie in his capacity as accountant at the jocal bank of commerce branch mixed with regret at his departure from town is the pleasure at seeing him gain a welldeserved promotion to managership of the branch at milton and the timeworn phrase our loss is miltons gain has true meaning when applied to his transfer cece as he is familiarly known here has been popular with both the public and his fellow- members on the staff and his courtesy in dealing with the public no matter how small the matter might be speaks well for his future success as a bank manager he will be missed too at knox church which he has served faithfuly as attendant and as church treasurer the congratulations of his friends in town and district go with him in his position and we are glad he is not so jar away that he wont be back in town now and then to renew acquaintances glen taxi 24hour service the report ofwn booth tra falgar township the winner of the canadian industrie special in the halton long term feature compe tition will bl of ntereat to our maris- farm readers- meldentally this 1 but one of he many fine reportsiprsented at the annual meeting- of the halton crop im provement aeepelafjon held in mil ton on january fceth jwv- booth refwrti v- toe area enwred in the wng term torture competition for consists of 4 acres demonstration plot and 4 acre check plot fpr compraison- the- demonstration plot brnie grass orchard grbsa excellent reports presen ted by local cooperators at halton crop annual timothy meadow fiiscuo alfalfa whrttttdutch kentucky hluo canada blue mixture of jthe consisted of 1 6 bw 4- lbs 4 lbs c- sib 3 lbs e-jb- 2 lb 1 lb president w it reek mbe of the ontario agricultural college alterc lutntnjr to reports presented by local cooperator stated ha was cj muchlinpreaaeci by their report arid discussions whjch followed bnt bo would recommend thea- apcintlon dispense with nllyjutelde speakers- r the eighth annual meeting of tkr hnltuh crovlnipoveinentaeeocift- tioti vaa held lh the court house milton with preaidont c l 3 ralmer in the chair while ihere wuh iin iexellentattendarici the cowd wan hardly up u the record turn out of tha papfc two or three years the or a totnl of 24 lb o the acre the mixture of the check plot confuted of improved timothy r 8 lba alfalxa 0 lba red clover i lb or a total of 18 lbs to the ucre both plots wero sooded down in 1944 with 1 bushclof oats to the acre at a nurse crop our guern sey herd of approximately 21 milk- inr- eowu and three dry cows were turned into the demonstration plot on may 29th no concentrates were fed just a few rolled oatu to ficp up tlie cowb body weight diregtory rii eoe a e lepage realtor head office toronlvj bio bxr street j ifriaslav sibtirliaus hosnaa siinitim lou c a wiulson geoegtoww owtllw talephotm w4v w mat demonstration plot the number 3rd lbs vnluo muy june july aue kept total 1st column represents thu uf dnyu 2nd no of cans of milk 4th test fith the 3 17 kim 44 4710 13 71 fiu20 5 214 co 3 17 13c4 47 4845 a 28 2100 45 7766 l 22 17fih 48 ch 30 28 118 12570 j45307 3 llolsteins cows milk was used to feed the calves dojn and cnu and kept the house 100 lbs daily 335- per cwt 9380 45307 54087 check plot june 9 43 3470 s 12599 july 6 24 1920 47 0840 sept 0 28 2240 48 8004 total 20 95 7030 27503 plus holstein milk 0700 prompt service mmmm 533r2 fully insured bob bouskill 34203 the difference between the two- plots with the demonstration plot having 8 more posture days 63 cans 5040 lb of milk 20484 1 day 24 hours value of milk at toronto prices less deduction the demonstration plot was clip ped the 26th of june yie 3 ton of cood hay at 1000 which nmounta to 3000 oji sept fith it wasr clipped a second time yield ing 1 ton value 7q0 tho check plot was clipped onco july 21st yielding 2 ton suitable for bedditur valued at straw price the demonstration plot waa har rowed on tho 1st of october also fertlliied with 2120 at the rate of 600 lba to tho acre short courses conclude at milton i ihterlutlonall if international motor trucks sales andj3ervice parts carried in stock yur dealer in georgetown and district tom hewsbn phone 332w mill street the short courses in agrlculturo andhome economics held in mil ton during the month of january wore brought to a successful con clusion on friday afternoon last the two classes met for the after noon in the sunday school room of st pauls united church and for the first hour mr goo e el liott of milton presented- a rnoat informative lecture on the subject of wills and insurance judging by the attention discussion created and general commonts mr elllottv three lectures wer much apprecia ted by the thirtyfive or forty young people who were privileged to be in attendance the young ladies of tile home economtcn class were all attired in drosses made during the course nd what interested the junior farmers oven moro wore the eats which the girls had propored and which- were served by the joint ex ecutives ot the conclusion of the afternoon programme somo of tho othor highlights of the final week for the young men included a trip to tho farm of hay limited trafalgar townawp where two oxcelloiit classes of uolstelna were judgod prof n j thomas of the soils dept oac on the ec onomics of farming ken he- naught of the crop seeds and weeds branch toronto on weed- identification and control cedrlc harrop milton on the coat of hotf productlon arthur diamond llock- wood on soldering etc d 0b thursday afternoon in the j w hlgglns farm implement shop the programme centred around care and management of milking mar ines local co-oporutors- reporting were ii craig held georgetown and geopcllottcrio milton on renovation of unplokvable pas tures wm booth milton on his iltcturns in 1947 from 414 acres of long term pusturo douglas- cnrrle of ewjuesing township on uisului of tests with 18 varieties of oots and barley in 1947 victor 1 lawrence trafalgar township oniwlll liming pay7 frank hall tiurttsvillc on reed canary grass and w e breckori of freeman on tliu feed and scod grain situation president reek of the oac li ved up to his reputation of having a aancj practical grasp of tho prob lems facing ontario agriculture in his introductory remarks president week stated this organization of fers vie greatest potentialities of any organization in ontario and- pilslnts one of the reasons why county committees were not too successful in this province after reviewing some of the achievements nf the ontario and county frop- improvement associations presi dent keek in referring to the future stated we must stand or fall ly the foundation we lay now the world is short of food be stated and the export markets areina very umettled condition great ilritain has pot to buy whoro she tan buy cheapest and easiest but iieat britain is coming back fast she is on the up grade but it is go nitf to take- ten yviira to get there our luime niarket is always hat and he further stilted we cant make very much change so we must settle down and do the very- best we can do soil fertility tated president heek is our biggest job- our soil is the greatest asset we have originally this province had a lot of good soil but there arc tre mendous areas in ontario whore soil is getting poorer and poorer our greatest problem is humus and that can only bo rcplacod by barnyard manure and the plowing i down of green crops and plenty of j clover in referring to his boy- i hood days on the home farm in kont county preaidont reek sta ted we never sowed grain with out seeding down clover went on every- year we grew our seed and after initial investmont will pay for itself leta get a long term view in ten year umo wo can bring back our soil fertility level to that pf twenty ycara ago other interesting features of tho full afternoons program was the presentation of award to tho win ners jn ihc long term pasture competition and the halton fifty bushel winter whcot club the el ection of officers resulted as fol lows hon prcs a t woodloy president c l s palmer vice prcs c h lawrence ses trees j e whltelock directors trafalgar frank hnti v j lawrence j h wlll- mott esqueeing john bird robert miller t j browiiridge mt mcnabb nelson w e breckon ver non mcarthur nassagaweya a diamond m ncllis l crawford erin and eramoaa w swack- humcr junior farmer director ceo s atkina gordon lcalie cameron wilson dr x burns milne xray s dentaii bueqeon go dr clifford reid b lds dda dentist p phone 410 open evening i main street georgetown luuuituuaiuiutuuioiii i inn a elmer c thonapaon- i ucrauranoe- service s pire auto w g j c p railway and allied mp summelt excursions ti phone ilbw or j georgetown awuuaouiuaaavuiuuuiaoitunuuurjiuuuuuiaiitiiiisiik iiiiiinusauiihglntoiisiinuiiasuiuiiiuaiattiiiittniihrtmii wills on i insurance autoosobil fir ev casualty i h plone 013 c uiusutcuimuuiuraniiiiuuiaiiiiiiiihiaiiiiiuiiuniiiiiiiiiii lmimmiquiisuiujiumitiurauimiiiiiinuiuuttinthiaraj leroy dale kc 3 msybu bennett kc uill street i barrieters and solicitor j georgetown phone 19 miiiiawiiiiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiidiniiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitniinimiir r llllluuwdultlluiiuuuuluu10iiuujlui ilangdon aybwortli h barristers and solicitors 2 notariea public kenneth m langdon b georgetown i r maclhtyre aybrwortft ba g acton i first mortgage monev i to loan i office rtury theatre r bid mill st phone 88w georgetown cooper bldg b poxmm 218 acton aaaetaaaaisiiiiiiaiiiiaimiaaiiiiifiaaawmtnmitiiiiitiifc monuments pollock campbell u water sl north c a l t parian en requeet hhuia s04j bkapect ota work in oreesnewod cemetery aaeraamaawrimaiiiaenwaaeiiiniiiimiahniiimiiai twin jerseys at cl farm female twin jemey calfa were horn last week at cluredale form to volunteer luclna lilly who has an rop of 80g8 lb milk and 4e4 lb butterfat in s05 daya test as a 4yaer old tha aire u volunteer dreaming count junior champion at the royal winter fair in 1938 how did your wife like the diamond ring- you gar- te jo her birthday t delighted she was awfully nice for a couple pf day but ahea herself again now r0sedale floral cut flowers wedding autd funeral design work phone 283j muhlsek sl we deli ivr mmts in nmpbjatyi electrical contrexting fixture general repair light bulb fluotrcnt lighting heavy wiring intftnariotu estimatea gladly given georgetown electric jim cofeh phooo 30w imijelsein i the chiropractoif j drugleaa sard year of praeue lady attendant hear mon tua smvl pjn sal 2s g9 pj cloeed thnraday over domintoai store georgetown phone ltow lever and hoskin snocahaoiat to jenkins hardy 1s0g metropolitan bjdg 44 victoria st toront el 91s1 seabacauaatuucwiuiisuoumiuusuttuaaamqma nilimumnuuiliiiiiiniiinniiiiiniiihiiinurt c o n 3 u l t j a wiuoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toront 156 yenge st- ad 0606 city and ceuntry uueee lunni end saudi acmm imdoabial aud 1 ivepertles tom hewson b your local repreaentativ phone 332w irttiljifnilllhlllaletalttsatmx radio rcpairinfl we specialize in this work 1 taaaw atarlevee j sanford son geeawtorwa s4w frank fetch licensed atjcnonkkb rvocapc marlew phone ml ce p o bm 411 mbmherailhaatmaiblblbtblllmblbf a t w with the modern aires o m c h k st m a i evtnry fruky oddfellows hall brampton arvif a t

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