Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 18th 1948 what council did on wepnesday feb uttk- accepted ujth r it t hiu icidgna- iion of hnvry uu fc councillor fior ward 2 myvul by wwtmoo aiid mac-a- rw llorbivjrt voted agalnst wr halo who did not atleid tho tpactthg gavd no roaaort ih hu wriitcn ro imitation for- hw action j i authorlzod s mayor and clock to hwuo n wnrrant for an oloctlon to fill tho vacancy creatod by mr halos resignation mvod by whllmca afcd david a nomination meeting bus boen called for next monday at 7 30 p ni in tho now municipal buildinp on main street if more than one candiduto qualifies nn election will bo bold on the following monday with the polhnr booth at cyril fordo houiic disciminj policing with pnsjioc tor knipht from provincial poiilc hcndquartci who had tjcin aaked to attend the meeting to talk over certain problems particularly apeo riirrg rnsjtccfem said tin provmcialn would not sanction apced trapa and that thero was lit- tie police could do about bpncdmu other than to eautjon motorlau or ainat driving rookie sly will continue tho prcflont polit iftp ojbtem on a monthly basis whan the j early agreement expires tho end of tcbruary the department had notified the town that when a survey ia completed tho prencnt agreement by which tho municipal it pays 1t50 for each of tho three officers j lus a mileape allow ance might be revised upwarda- pirat road in jj moved by david son and ilerboit 2nd and 3rd rea ling by wlutmce and maclnren acknowledged a letter from hal- ton preabytery of the unitd church which regretted tlw deci sion of the 19 it county council endorsing a n ltional aweepatakofl plan tho motion pnasod in coun ty council by a 151 vote roovo maclarcn being the opposing voter moved by armstrong and mac- laroa agreed to the suggestion of central mortgage and housing that the town assume the cost over 4000 of constructing cower mains and a pumping station or no 1 housing project the towns share is estimated at 700 this confir med a verbal proposal made at the last mectinjf by w w scott of c m and h moved b maclaren and arm strong received a letter from the firm of wallace and ticrnan advtaing the coat of a chlorlnation syutcm to bo around ig00 council asked the firm to send an engineer to explain details at a future meeting authorized the property commit tee to accept a tender by mcclurea homo rum ihing for installing vonetian blinds in the now munici pal building moved by mccumbor and whlt- mee roeve maclaren repott th the nomo plnlay which would bo placed before each council memboru seat in the now building would not cost the town anything duicuasojl holding a votl on tho question of making a 1200 annual grant to the band roovo maclaron wild thnt if tho bandmaster were appointed under the gftc tho town would be in line to rccqivo one- third of his salary from the govern ment xiv horbert aaid tho band was jfdoo in debt at the preaont time a letter from pnginoor c u ha- gey uaid tjint the tipeciul anaommunt rolls for the local improvomont share of sewerage j ayments would be ready by july crwhitmco uaid the town was gettuig to tho point where a resi dent engineer was neoded and also pointed out that a storage iihed waa needed for town equipmont a letter from tho micromtttr company asking tlio town was interested in parking motors was filed cr whltmoo iiald lio favorod flml parking meters tltat they woulh ul low parallol parking and would ba a benefit to merchants cr david son disagreed and said it wouldnt defeat overparking as one could kp going back to put another ni- ckl in authorid ttv mayor and curk to rifca an agrmii with cntel uvartcw an4 housing ooncarnbttf cartaln changes in the original agroonient for housing project no 2 moved by davidson hid tic- cumber v mr and mrs w w fisw celebrate golden wedding lho homo of mr and mrs w w tosher at jot id kth lanp lsqueb- mg was tho scene o a happy occa sion in monday jobruary 16th wjeii uioy celebrated with thoir far lnil and flvndtf thp fiftieth annl- irry xf their jnatrlago mrs rishoi iotorly margaret jlinetorb6a coshe is the daughter f jhe jdto joseph and christina luul it- of ccorgetown the mar- tiagc toqli place at the homo pf hor tutentaoh lebruary lgth 1h98 atid wjia condneled by lio lute uov i verriti uieit pastor of knox 1iefbytorian chuieh ceojgotowrt lho bridesniuid a coutfln of tho biidt annie laylor now mrs herb be u ttau pieiont or tho unnl- eiaij crooiusutau waa tho lute or robert 1 mhci six gu6sta at tlic wedding mr and mrs trod i hump ion mu v b meatpint of huimplon mi j wultei i aw sou and icoige and 1 homau 1 uhei atten ded uie leeeptieuu mr and mis 1 nhcr j loin elul ompftoji mcmurdo weddmg at st georges qxx saturday fubiuary 7 arch deacon w g o ihompftom officio ttd at the wedding in bt oorftes church of unpland of morma mc murdo daughtei of mm mcmurdo of glon waimma and tho latq wil liam lemurdo and lrnlst douglas oliver ihompaon son of mr and mu soptimus lhompson of glen willmms i he bride woie a light navy tailor mnfle suit with corsage of red roiej her attendant miss phyllis munay of stewarttown wro dark blown lulorod tuit with mat1 hen i c he of nnulhon thuw un filing accostiorios and corac ot tlil home faim lohn of st louis ei earn rojej groonumiin was mr muluj in and kibel mt4 wiltud jamou stewart i bud wcie ail present aj well as a reception for the immediate ihcii bi giandelnldren helen and carl cross buried here on monday a native of stowarttown where he waif born sixty- five years ago carl prmglo chruo cross died in cobalt mi friday february i8tn mr cr6sv was a son of the ate william cross and bella barber and wan n student at georgetown hlih stliol ip the qa he leff the dbtrict i ljiii and had resided in cobalt utnee tt0fl his rtandj fathop and father operated a tao- nery m stwnrttvn lp a bullding- i one u some time which was hi- iuated between tho jowor dam and the main road latr the iamily moved to barrien where bin father updated another taiillcry m crow will be remembered by ilenild readeru for a letter ho wiote la t fau in leply to an rthiclc e iftributed by mr iloward oran of loionto mi oi mi had rumm- i tt 1 about rejiiltj of the lintt ear nnneieinl eln tg at georgetown hij i seliool md mentioned a few i i nmw he ha 1 loii t m u of h cio rtccned a coy of tho aitiiu ml wi k hunui usl a few fietj about lumaelf saying that ho i i loni in tun in iljalt jj his iicn name of carl but had boon itid ninied chailic by hu friends j home of tin t ic absence groom s parent j in of the bridosx mother i frnm 1 nrl- p f t m 11 n rlr v t ft vnrll rtf 1 itmpr m ion eore and lelju jjud of lie mi- through illness the grooms nothor vbuut a bundled guejts visited leccrved tho guests wacmg a pale he i idier home dui rig the day for blut drcijimakcr suit with corjage the uumcioui v the fust of it t t rui b h v ifo intermediates continue to win defeated fergus 1 32 monday the weather f ol pink rosea lho couple loft on a honeymoon trip to brock villc and will live in glen williams on their return mrs l mccltntock is iode regent mrs lawrehcc mcchntock was elected repent of the countess of strathmore chapter iodl at a meeting on monda at the home of mri arthur beaumont in glen wil liams officers of the i hapter flro hon regent mra w g o lhompson regent mrs l mcclintock 11 vice mm walter biehn 2nd vice mrs r h ireland secretary miss hilda erwln ireasurer miss jean mackenzie lchoej soc ty misa helen alacdonald standard bearer mrs ra wlntmee v lmpirc study mrs harold grose child welfare mr lrn batkm i dueation mrs wallace thomp son postwar service mrs jack armstrong mih sam vlackenzie and mrs ra whitmec were assisting hos tesses with mrs beaumont and tho retiring regent mrs norman ver- dee un- in the chair prior to tho election a report of work accomp lished in 1947 was read a present piojoct of the gluiptoi uum kni ting of irapea for elderlj ladies i i ritam mimes jean and marcii mac kenzie invited membeis lo their home for the march meeting kind in the i lshei lunuly many lovclj iifts were picjcnted to them t7 lamilj and friends noon din ner wad served to the immediate iamilv and relatives and twhv s- eompanicd with afterdinior ex- prcaaions of good will to the bride and groom i be afuinoon and ev- ciiiiil were iven to the happy fol- i it iti mi of the neilhbuuiu and fi lend who called mrs thomas shearer died in newmarket card op thanks harrv leiry who has been ill for ome time wishes to thank the can adian i egion imperial section can i egion and other oigamzationo who have sent cigarettes during the time s i he klndl thoughts have been very much appreciated v roswient of di org tow n for j8 jeu- mr 1 homaa shearer died in newmarket on indav 1 ebruary bth at the age of 79 born annie i id in iielind she me to can ada in 1910 with hi r husband mr shearer who psedeceaied her in im18 vmiit a veteian of the loer war in which he served with tho t onnaught hangers and during the fir t cieat wai he drilled the home mi ird in georgetown lor the jat few jvar- mrs miearcr had lucn making hoi homo in loronto with lici daughlei mrs rordoii juckonshcwaa nionr bcr of the huich of i ngland utvivnik aic rout daughters mr i rank khik kithleen and mi- wnltei ixuth siuiil of geor getown mrs gordon jackson ed- ii i of oionto am mra m gar- j n t r i ih n of hamilton viehdeaeon w g o lhompson onducttd the funeral service on ttti from the meclurc luntral home pal i bearerb were ii grandbom i rank and pore king ihomai and all in arjenter v ci mm jat kson tnd iltei iouth inttrinerjt u i- m cieenwooil em lei i in letown card or thanks 1 in familv of the late mra tho rn is sheai er w ih to ekjiresfl their appuciation u fiiendj for nympa- tlutu kindm sis ie l in their b n in i mi ji one son nelboii two brothers iveiuictli of new vbtk cit and lr stanlev tf london ninl- four ais- tci i mi r r sparks- hope of ottiwh ui i tt sic mauon and g- i ca of loronto 1 1 waj a eoumil of c ii haibcr of ticorgetown inttimeiit w is in ide in green w od c c me te y georgctow n f ol- itwmg a funeral service on monday iftiinoon from tin met lure i un ci i home i two games left in regular schedule brantfbrd redttiea here saturday night for exhibition gajnc v goorgetowri itritiocuates conti u nue4 a most auoeafjil season witfc no loaiobvon monday evening whk i thpj defefttod tho fcrgtia- tjiutla 142 at tho arena here duo to uw ivt thatahho ihirtlqn had defeated actin in irregular brlieduled ganl tltuv were more or lest regarded aft a pqtontla throat to the papornrajav eja and n good crowd woji on han4 for tin killing itowovqr this ad vance tip proved to he tax troni the actual fact and the visitors wera much ovrntcd in comparison with tht stntu of the- paivomakotte in the first poilnd tho rerfras t am w i nt all out in an endeavour to puih the home iters into their own nd of tht rink hut they tired taptdly and in the next two periods i r t no match for the speedy goor rotowni rn wlio commandod tb rilnv from then on banging in 18 fo il to n w oak effort by forgtui in iiptting only two the tcrgus team icemed to hav tftkt t ui y far mi liirr i luu week f ummary shows a vry bad start but theo was a biinlp c weather at hwtt and on 1 ndnv tlic ibnteenth tid you iay vfav it onthluc 1 was am- u aid nt the ujituicvof the four girls in i ridaj n t h gt un puktting the w nth man it newaik n j i should ii nd th m m addresi may- 111 i frn butklii an mv vin 9 or u 0 in 18 lib 10 17 21 11 11 11 12 iii nr 31 12 1 s id i j 31 3 1 ie tt iiii u 28 m nurrion id 15 28 4 v rapo 25 14 3 1 snow m ml itjun m mission band has valentine party n onjojablo valnt petnrty wifci held by the roebudnislon pfand on mondav nftor school in the united church sunday school rwii tort three member at tended and plaved games after which lunch waa served bv the len ders j jamagi estimated over 10000 in main street fire a lu t which bioke out rf wiuisduv morning at tho rear of ebb n ii ikerj caused damage ea- itniated at owjr 10000 to tho bake shop pi emi lea and maecormacku uruj store 1 he fire wo- noticed by mits savah jenknu of themc- gibbon ilouto staff who turned in lie alarm about a quarter to five i he lire spread from the bake aliop uhove a false ceiling which extends aerosii sienkos bhoc hepair shop and jack williamsons barber shop and firemen buttled the bluze for inuii than un hour working in ho- iwing amoke mt re damage waa euuicu bv wa it i and boiokc than b tlic actual fire itself llic bake room at webb was gutted and motors da maged while most of tlie stock of sue ir floui lard and thi r hnlripg ingredic nta was a complete loss matcorjnncks irug stoic wan also a lieav v loner from smoke damage vhen tlu fhe ate through wooden joist- in tlu brick wall on the ac- nd floor it wiib fortunate foi main street that tlu rt was no wind or it might hav e been diasti ou for the block of buildings which includes tlic iio- tald offue i iremun did a uonder- i ul job in einiliiiiiig the file within a i clalivi lj sin ill iilca brother dies at richmond hill boys band turn out is encouraging 4ine teams entered in minor hotkey tournament pee wees and midgets hold forth two saturdays at geor getown arena zone champions will be declared something now in georgetown is the roundrobin hockey iiorios which will bo held for the next two saturdays in tho georgetown mem orial arena lho gurnet have boon arranged by the dirostors of recre ation in central ontario and will be for the central ontario zone hampionslups teams will compote horn harrle i aat york koreut leaidc swamoa urampttm gooksville gi orgotown und wos- ton lho plan en the inauguration of an integrated sporting program which will include a buiiobnll hcrics this summer which will probably b plajed in weston where gordon al- tott a georgetown boy sparks a lively ruereation programmo his saturday ih rohervod for tho 44 wees lads who wore under is un of last october jhbl games will commence at 0am ami continue on into the afternoon with a nomi nal admission charge being made to defray epenne next saturday the mldgets under 16 will play their series both tournaments will be on an elimination basis croat are being 4ven to the winning ttiim in each group uecreatwn director hal newman is in ehaige of locftt ariangemenu i ii th tournament saturdan game schedule follows a si rils u jo a m georgetown vs hrampton it si rii s 10 15 cooksviiu 7 swansea c slum s n 00 i oaiddo vs east york 11 10 rorost hilt vs barrio j pm a and h winners i tn d and c winners i 16 fina ga allstur teams to reprosont gtmugttown have boon chosen by tho grc and are poo- woe david cooper kou- ald ilreen jim wilson goorge webster jim huck iloy guust iyn maokeale bonny hewitt ri chard slonko george gruaby ja mie cunningham dal eudor don jarvlo llrlm ilaatedo don smith midgets bud haines keith scott bill hewitt joe touth blake hui david barber bui maccor- ihirtcight bos turned out lost ight at the band rcomj to give an ticournginc start to the reorsrnnlza- ion of a rovo band hero and andmaster a perrott and the irmbcra of the senior band who ere there to register tho boys are nthufliaatir about the future of tho md sovcral more instruments arc teded and the public is asked to ontnbuto anv instruments which ould bo used lw the boys a prac ice m being held next tuesday and my bos who are interosted and ould not attend last night arc as- ed to come out ti hilliaid 17 lot onto street u coilduotor died suddenly while usitmg itori at lhoinhijl last i ui daj and was buried in melvillo liniltery on lhurulny native- f alton ho had been a loronto lujidont foi eighteen eaiu suiviving aic hia widow hertha kobirts a son william of ulch- mond hill his father 1 homaa of alton a sistci mu u sheriff of toionto and three brothem mer- vin of geoigetown t i dgai alid rid of alton merchanu will hold monthly meeting at u mclting of tho huuiil dlvi- uon uf uio liuurd of lmdo hold lutit i uobtluy in uu muiucipul of- fico it was docldou to hold tt mon- llilyopoii moctuitf ot monhunta to diuiuim nuittera of ifonlral lutoroat llurcnco bain proaiilont of tho div- luion waa in tho ihnir nnd somo timo waa ukun with mombors tag- knalini ltoma for 11 rojobod con- atitution lho cxccutivo will pro- piuo un uirondu for luch monthly nilttin nnd ono of tho ducmionu to bo mitdo at tlio lurth muotinv 111 whthor atoroh will cloao t tho ro- kulur hour on tho lhuraday proco- dmif clood ividuy or romaln open till 10 pm herbert seott buried in limekoum cnmtery a resident of ijcorgotown for twtntfvo jenra herbert k scott passed ireaj on wodncaduy tebru- uij 11th aftir a longtliy illnou horn in i unehouse he was tho aon of itobort h scott of goorcotown md tht lute mrs stott nnd had bun linplojid at the mcglbbon llouie until his illncsa sgimiiik in hia ufc formerly udrty mli tod i aiimll doughter i it his frith tr nnd olit aiattr vhct ptarl hl j l btlf tondutttd tho funtral stimtt on i rid ij fiom tht mtt lurt 1 untrul ilumt 1all-bta- itra wtrt william mitchell koy mtlill i homah wood jumta noblo jack noblt und c harlco mortdlth inttrmtnt nis nuidt in limc- oxhjhi- muck don lawuon goonco smith hud vmrky jack uttka jim kirk- wood allan glllht keith king earl walurt trry uludd amlo hm1 bi ust ctmotory john hepburnwas imperial veteran vtttan ol iht firat world win when ho at nod in india with tht lniptnala john hopburvtpaaimid uuiij m cluiatlt btrttt ilojpjtal loionto on iutsdu lobiuary 10 in hiu iijrd tiu lit had bttn ton- fmtd to hoaintiil bj illntau for tho past mx monthu a nauvo of aboulttn ijtotlund mr llopbuin tamo to cuuada forty- thitt j tars lino and lived in ham ilton for foui 0ar3 btloro uoiny to cjioh wlllianm to make hia homo he wnb a membci of lirunch 120 andian 1 igion he la aurvivod bj hla wift for- mtrlv chribtinu hooth howit tliroo sona nonnuii j of klamutu lalk orlbon and lm daujitera mra leonard maithmont and mra wil liam schmik ciltn willmma mm ioity pair mm charltu willa and mian lleanor hepburn of loronto 1 he funtral uorvito waa hold on lhuraday from thu chapol of 3 ii koblnaon and co hamilton with intormont in hamilton comotory hev sormau of chrlatle street hot- pital conductod tho nervine iallhoarora wer au krandaona norman marchment william har old and donald schank bob hep burn and murray bvrr the pame nnd their rouh tactics at the oatict ucre ooonaubducd when munlock camo out on top of the heap when he nnd kelly tangled ijljrh bradbury also camo in for a mauling for wluit he didnt know but tho rofereo soon had thinp3 under control nnd there were no serious outbreaks nick kern played the type of irame the crowd onjovj and tliere- foio nierls the first star while the storocilwn combination compe- tbt three star selection roicurdleaa of tho fact that they overlooked their third man on the line when pnasinp the puck around onl two firamej are left in th rerulul chedule the papormmk- ea po to atton tomorrow thure- daj nieht wtather und ico condl- tioiu jiermittine und oakviue ar- m pla hero nttt tuesday the next series w bt tho playofflt with the four a ttama battling it out for the group lionoura ono of the big amea of the year will be hokl on saturday niguy wlion krantford hcdmon laat yeara a championa will play tion game hore summary first pariod 1 georgetown rorri martin 18 2 georgetown storey m bradbury gibcon 10j4 j georgetown fcm 12jk0 1 rergua quiihi 1840 penalties murdock campae niiro brudbury uttlcy second period 5 georgetown gibson store patterson g2k c georgetown birtwistle martin so0 7 georgetown rerrinaah 72 penalties murdock kelly pat- ttraon babson storey third period b georgetown inrdock martin 240 i georgetown storey gibson 1140 10 georgetown qibaon fatoiv 620 11 i ergus brown uood 740 l georgetown storoy 800 i j gtorgetown martin l bradbury 1810 1 1 georgetown l bradbury ltirtwutlo 1900 l gtoigotown martin murdock 1940 itnulty nosh mus emily tyndali last member of family onl uurvimug mtmbor of a fa- nulj of ulx children of tho late hey and mrs hobt lyndall mlia emily 1 1 ndall pashtvl avjay in mlmlce fallowing a atroko on tueaday ev- tnuig tobruury 10 born in han over alio luid uvud at balunafad vhero hor father waa minister of tho bullinufad circuit of the meth odist churth following ids doatl tht family raovad to goorgtom and lived fo- aovorol years in tlua house on queen stroot recently oo- tupled by mr charles wution bhf moved to tqronto neveral veur ago and had mado her kozn with bei albtei mlsa hatuu tya- dull who died eight years ajfo mra w w lyndall of goorgmtowa waa a aijtoi inlaw of the decoaad who ia survived by several uiocea and nephowb yv faitliful membei of thu con gregation of centennial united churth hor minister hev mr ureenaladu conductod the funeral servlte the yorke brother chapol roronto on friday after noon and officiated at 4 graveside- hervice here leter that efternonm when she waa laid to rest la tk family plot in greentrood tery 1

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