Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1948, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 10 1948 tettejr to the editor georgetown ontario lurch 8 1948 dmi mr editor fbst of all mr brown had better reread my letter for apparently he u about the only cltlaen who fai led to understand its meaning if mr brown were one tenth as well informed or interested in mun icipal affairs as ho leads one to be lieve then ho would know that time and time again oar mayor had expressed publicly tho earnest wish that every cltlion avail himself or herself of the right to attend all or any council meetings to hear pub lic business discussed for the same reason tho press w always in atten- wiring or electrical trouble phone 53 1w schultz electrical construction frl sennits prompt service rosedale floral cut flowers wedding and funeral design work phone 283j mdc st w dllv1 h c bailey eltktwai contractor electrical wiring fixtures and repairs prompt service chayu st- phetw 3mw general machine worlc jhofc guns bought sold traded and repaired excelo mfg co yeaa st c iu dressmaking and alterations specializing m childrens wear mrs f perry over hewioni garage mill st phone 308w shoe repairing prompt and efficient service james cummins ross thompsons shoe store ep head optometrist eyes examined scientifically hearing aid batteftleft quick repairs to ft amwm blhottjtau ribld cilasse etc u si tit b phons 1k guelph 7 em m dance at ihm maattoca to wipe ta inutraimtum to i of m per tharo r certain mattars which aa i akl pratiooaly an bat ter laiv ampxinud in a community such aa ours whara evaryona know evaiyona also for e pie would mr brown like to haya us publuh a liat of the namaa of people found guilty of drunkenness conducting disorderly nous etc or would ho grant these people the privacy which is only common dec uncy on the part of fellow citizen this and any other information ia available vat- the clerks office for anyone genuinely interested 4 again if mr luovyn had kept himself polite on lown affairs hu fvould know that 1 as a resident of qutcii ilruut personally canvas- dd our atreet lust summer with petition rogurding txeeasive auiktfl- f ijfer and presented it totkuricil as 14 timuw of till jkihiieity thiro wus tiyu ttd improvement in traffic movement on our stroet on thu jttuttor of law en fore u- uiont i mil explain nt most ejcmciituvy terms why wo iulv that- motou t and pedenlrmtu ohnervo euie eoutoy l and uiimon hcjihq ut dl tiinc i in cuiuidiun jiiiitico a inuii u ijinqeeut i a timi until hi u nioli irtdtj ihis mum dimply that heeuinc a man ippeura to be driving lifty milcj nn hour on a iitreei iil cannot bl lunvictcd unlti nn officer hua aclu illj clo- tj ni him with i plcdumctcr ovlt a jufliciclit diat met to i atablish guilt hcjond ull it iioiinhlt doubt while tliu tjjit of jubtice worku hardships omc him hiuj through cualdnig ouciidcra to glt iu ay with u good deal jt u ttill infin itely better thin the tjpo of justice now prtmiiluir in czechoslovakia and othei uiuiitiics behind the lion cm turn lvcn jou mr brown hould agree to that aa i pointed out previously the puipoai of a hhec forec in u dcmucrney such as ouru la not to punibli crim inals but to help ptovcnt crimo if people would onlj ohc tlil lawn of food common acme then there would bo little or no need of a pol ice force aa to air lirouns rcmavka about the eouncil being one hundred per etnt guilty for the death or injury of any auto accident ictim through upecding this in uttor nonsense if an driver i foolish enough to drive at a upeed which doou not give him complete control of iil vehiclo whtaever the speed limit may be than he ii to blamo for the accident and no one else if an accident oc curs through neglect of wmo muni cipal service such as road sanding snow clearance etc then there is reason to place the blame on the municipal authorities for not hav ing corieetcd tlm situation but how council can go out and sand every motorist to low him down is beyond me ionrav cry truly cecil davidson to tho ligw of traftfr bo hu deceive you with rain words bpl 66 aa on commentary porm- phraesm those words let no soph istries deceive 70a what are sophtstriest 1ey axe ways of ratio usin evil ways for twihwg vll seem good- they mean ttmpun to find good reasons for doing what we want to do whan wo know that what we want to do is contrary to what wo know wo ooght to do we may bolster up immor alities of every kind by calling them elf- expression- wo may excuse temper by calling it a matter of be ing born thai way wq may expose drinking by pleading necessity or custom but thfese sophistries bring no light to bttar upon what is evil bather are they like attempte to wash dirty clothes in dirty wawr ao that the result js still n attic tale gry i- j paul advjtfes the kphciiaji chrls- tluns to hove no folfowakjp or on- nt etion with this t0rt of darlcness lint ty walk m lndrcti af ihb sunday school lesson 1hl wokth 0i- ch1us1ian chakagtbli ugfcl bpa- bow child of ht wsikt we flwl the answer in bak i ho walks u uv bead 1 oor 1 for a description of christian tore- it is the lore which foond e olon in christ who loved ns and gave himself tor as 2 h walks ia slla he is good for something that is he is positively good and attractively good 3 h walk in rlahuooaaas it doe not mesn that in every act he ik righteous as perfectly as god is rufhtoouk or that his life is sln- leui hut jt loc moan that he is duurrmlnod that insd fav as in him ii h ho will do thoslght thing hs- vrncc been rodoemod by cod he can flotornitno nothing less and he ounta ul goda rfaco 6 sustain i1 m iri his determination 4 h wslk in ruih ho u rell uic like a good instrument may he chllod rollntlo ipalaohoo is always imrtliiilili nnd so is human life public womhlp thanksgrflng liirlbcboractct- buftt oji falsehooa for thu holy conflnualon arid sophistry but whan hi down in its works of j tfa prsblsav is not only to expose tfceas weeks mt darkness but 3m to d the influence they brine to bear the greatest problem is to find power to sustain the good life and to walk as children of the light that po wer can come only from fellowship with god in those well nrantaasrt moans of grace paul r them in eph g 1921 prayer the reading of the word of god wor ship tho sscrsmente may wo be allowed to see a leforence o the lords supper irt verse tii or even to the love fesst of the early christians the grace of god u sufficient to meet ail manner of tomuuon but christiana do well tfo romombo that there are well- cstnbllshed means ofgtace they mudt therefore hot forsake tb as- oombllnff of thomselves together for nd r si a real tar bmtal nta ifrriam lataa al ways for an latafa aais qai aas his jmher in ha jesus christ- f csnnot do who has lives the riiliaaiij not do enough for the one who has done so mock for them and ibs word is if ys krrs nsa aees saw oommandmenta bat tsis lavs far christ most be boohshsd fore it is incumbent upon the tan to twlw conheotloa wttk christs church and the means est grace in close connection with tfcs church it is not so hard to fa be fore the works of darkness for wa are constantly reminded of sea frailty and pf our need of staea there we hear the wow there wa ray there we engmge iri aptritasl songs there we submit ourselves ou another hi hhe fear of god thoro is developed tjiat character which is the only basis of a world by kcv it c todd ltsson uplilyinna 5 621 when he upcuks of the evils which mar people s lives paul calls a spade u bpadc head chapters four and fic of lphcsians und note the evil things hl mentions oj the unfruitful works of darkness eph oil whut vc need to bear in mind aj l rcud u that theje un fruitful works of dorkneaj ucra not confined to tho age in which paul hcd immorality greed anger murdtr drunkinnlsa mar our life today it lb pjtimatcd that in tho united states there nix iooooo ca ses of tuberculosis and 500000 ca- bli of c incur 13u 1 750 000 colics of chronic alcoholism bomewhtro tho writer li is read tliat one out of ov- er foui inrtlia 111 reat hritaln is an illi j ilinuitl hirth 1 hi i is tio tmntion hut two of the works of diirlm and aomehow in its luouiitlr with thesi tluius our lium in nature brui h down and becauie of tlusl lunba cometh the wiath of utnl ujion the eluldren of iivibedienc i ph 5 t 1 he wrath of dod upon these thinjru u nmnifeit in the crucifix ion of hritt hi i expoae of tho orrullon of lltmui life 11111 soc iety in ida time waa like a jrrcat sun slilinnu ujona rri it iarkilcus and it brought him to the cross win re lit bore the mm of inankimli and where od hud umhi him the ini quities of us all venting his wrath ujion thise thnut ihoie who havo been rodccnicd by cods rrai e and lit l hustaincii by dodti itiu i must hae no fillowshlp with the un fruitful woili of il irknlss ipli 5 11 uatlur must they expose tluln aa paul ays rather ro- lirovi them hi nig reproved thoy nre oxpoactl to hil light and seen for what thity arc ity word and by deed it is the christians duty to brine these mutts to tho light as christ did and for this task christ hall give tlioe lilfht- kph g 14 let christians awake from their sleep of indifference let them arise from the trespasses and sins in which they are dead i let evil be exposed i let it he dragced from its htdlns place behind empty words of justification and rationalisation la- moulders of canada unlimited m lllrlj annual value or paper aain to 0ntarjo 15 nearlv 80000 000 the paper ccinnd ons maue ueepi the world r t ding vrnppirq par ceu wnhng letter printinq boks ni w f nj f matjatino a j up plior of the mam product upon which all p manint knowcdgo ii r cordfd thn prlrrmakor is i y- panding tho imporlance of cirwida unlimited nearlv 600 tvpf of fi4pr afyp wade ih canada 0wcjmg1wlvj of chamms amu41 fi4aego07mof4soqooo7vs tanalu produces neabj 40x of the vww04 wewfi- pftnttfjftu hands at work j learning to ih m- jkwelhy and of i fan fmrchnhfil in pioph nil virtli lur ly dtiuiniuis tin nmn vrrtc y d ih 1 kill 1 i 0wlmmmtm0p pnnlurtu arr drmrrd nml vorlil i ml tht ip 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mul nkilltil vttuaiih hilii to mult i ut in wlm h to ii i nd 1 1 int i iliutt h to i in mlfure and hnppiofkjr juuiui11 maualiv it j i of ii j i iii id pillllll inond rino v m ttuif ring in jv jiil t nut xh of loronto a vetrrun t irn hi r it with tin itoal n ir 1 on t in nhouii u re llu uiifliuii tomhiri on i dm i h irn di nnoiul and xv it h awe onlar lu of ull lit r t ilit ii till hklwim industky ontaiuo mimiimion mil jlt i lii nonhtil wnotl of ap- pn ntitrtilup in tin jbwflry tradi hi lytunt i inpluyen liivt ni oh rated to roiioa tliiftottm year for veteran it tlu ttuiiir tinif sfgurtl- iwg their benton ty j

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