Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1948, p. 1

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wedi u y evening march 31st 1948 rhodes stars as marjckam downed 4f play here thursday and monday quoting thomariclian tuhon -aires- from the plutocrat class georgetown ifieviderft luijidfcd them a 411 deioat laatnight si ouhawu in the first garni of tho intonnediato a playoffs the ncriea is a beat four in vuvon affair with markham playing here tomorrow night and monday night the third game being in oahawa on saturday night a fifth game if micesiary will be pla yed wednesday with markham possibly bringing their homo gumo hero as o trim wa areiia ia not avail able und georgetowns third iimc will be hero friday- the team was well supported last night 175 fans travelling by sne- ciol train with dozenii of others go ing by car to witness tho match iklnrfcham provided the seasons toughest competition with thoir amoothclicking wellcoached team which was superior in team play but fell lown around tho net and watt nonplusttd by goalie rhodes who was everywhere at onco in a scintillating display of net mind ing elmer in fast has given him the whole three stars thin week and well ho deserved theam markham got thoir singlo tally bate in the first period with gibson evening it up for the locals a fow seconds later a goal by storey late in the second period put th raiders ahead and seemed to taka tho heart out of the millionarioa who wilted before the usual last period rally when beaumont and max bradbury whipped in two more foals a goal by birtwistlo at the end of the second period was disallowed when it was ruledthe boncr had sounded before tho score it was wo believe the first de feat for mark ham in nineteen ga mes played this season and it wont be any pushover for george town tomorrow night a special train is planned for oahawa satur day and fans are advised to watch for posters advertising this and fu ture games fivat period 1 markham bangny perry milroy 1850 2 georgetown gibson m bradbury 1928 penalties g scott martin second period 3 georgetown storey 1 f 11 penalty martin third period 4 georgetown beaumon t 1 l i 5 georgetown m bradbury gibson storey 221 penalties perry i scott l bradbury georgetown jack rhodes goal jack birtwiatle ed hinsell def ence kent storey centre max bradbury hal gibson wins nick ferri del beaumont bene martin ken nash scotty patterson leigh bradbury art murdoek markham j jack harper goal dick perry austii linker defence bob bungay centre charlie nes- bitt bert baker wings harry mil- roy bob lawrie jack watson george stark george itumney fred scott geige kcutt officials jack mckaehern aiuiy bellemer box social furws for new bulldlng a- successful tiiichr and box sot rial in hornby orange hail last thursday was held tiv raise tooney for the buildiuc fund for new liuu jlclfd onthe- 25th of the month every 25th person entering the hall received an easter curd tho next day u number of men wcro seen netting out stakes for the neirtf-buil- ding kuchre prizewinners weo ladies first mrs stan learmont half way doris brownridge consola tion eleanor stark mens first charles austin halfway gilbert sinclair stun eyre travelling pri ze were won by marion cunning ham mrs george bailoy w a neilsqn and t ilowden and mr clobert mcdowtfl won a prlzo for the most lone 1 lands u judges for the best decorated bo xes were mrs j ellerby charlotte mecullough and mrs c mcdowell and they uwardedtho prizes to june neelunds mrs gilbert sinclair and gertrude mccurdy during the judging stan hall mpp was cul led upon to say a few words and to conduct a draw for the chil dren a prize donated by the georgetown creamery was won by marilyn may candy and orangoa were distributed to all the children under 10 the committee was asked to di vide the door prize of 1q0 lbs of sugar into three prizes of 50 30 and 20 pounds and these were won bp frank brown stan loarmont and hurry price w 0 brownridge was auctioneer for the lunch boxes old barber house now modern apartments jiuf iclc wail thvlbvulybhi nool of thu into jin u berber ikas had a eoiiapluuij fdeliliiifg and ha been converted by liv w- fcy brad- ley fch new owiioji into a modevn apartment building tht old house stood vueaht fot jnany yokytand through tho yearjji noglect uiid- pet ty vattdalmm took their toll until it became an eyesore- bn main street- south the bujlding hua been com pletely vehowiteil the red brick ix- tcrior is being stuccoed a ii d ber wick hall will once again be a beauty spot surrounded as it is by jovely trees the fourteen apartments are te nanted by dr and mrs j ii cham berlain mr and mrs ted arnold mr and mrs iuib houre mr and mrs larry mackenzie mr and mrs ed holmes helen and bill mm hugh clark mrs h m ken nedy mrs mary jourdain mr jim taylor mr and mrs l mackin non and baby daughter mr and mia h roberts haw mr and mrs t l shipway mr and mrs diaries- eve and mr thomas el- hon who is acting us apartment superintendent st georges club the semimonthly meeting of st georges club was held last night at the home of mr und mrs har- old bickle a surprise feature of i the evening was the presentation by archdeacon w g o thompson of a vase to the host and hostess who are leaving soon to make their home in oslutwu as a parting gift from the club members court whist was played during j the evening with joyce bedell and mr sam orpjm winning the prizes grc hockey when it was found that several players would be working on good friday the juvenile games an nounced for thut afternoon were postponed on monday b afore the brampton industrial kume brills and norva1 played their second game to a scoreless tie brills thus takes the round 53 in jwiints and will stack up against the winner of simmons richardson who play their second game wednesday night ot fi30 richardsons are favourites carrying a 4 goal lead into the game mondays game was one of the best this year- with both goalies turning in a whale of a game par ticularly dillon who had more pucks to atop thats what norval says anyway bill bullivant wu mis sing from the norval lineup home with a bout of the flu alf sykes was the whistle tooter brills ross dillon goal har old hilts john nodwcll defence jack hamilton albrrt norton jim kirk wood denny mccartney doug corbett jim ford norval glen elliott goal jim olden hugh cunningham def ence bob leslie dune robinson carl iaidlaw arnie hazel lloyd sedoie rush fcndley bii ivurdon raiders eliminate penetang in intermediate c semifinals sailors were no match for local entry i i i midget and bantam hockey night at arena winding up the hoclaiyaeaun sponsored for the bantams and tho midgets by georgetown recreatio nal council the wo top teams in each group will meet in the play offs this friday in the arena the arena has been turned over to the youngsters for the evening by the board of parks and the first game- is slated to start at 715 bruins and leafs aiv the contending mid get teams for the john d kelly trophy and the reds and norval hornets play off for the now leon ard j boll trophy presented for competition this year for the first time cups will bo presented to the winning teams ufter the ganics tickeu are being- sold around town by the young hockey players i- with plenty of competition for the two hockey sticks autographed by all players of the toronto maple lsfs hockey team which are being ocfered as prises to the two boy selling the most tickets all proc eeds from the ticket hale will go to th ghc hockey fans are urged to show their interest in minor hockey by iurnlnk oat kruuy nlchb to see the young lku in action the intermediate a semifin itl series between ienetang sailors mid groivttown raiders proved to lie a disappointment to local hockey fans a- the visitors here last wed nesday night y eic certainly otin elased ami no match fdr the raid- iix many hockey tans must have had a premonition as to the type hockey that would be on dis- pla as only lmi pnsrd through hi- gate the sailor- hail held the local extette to a 5u score in midland mi a previous occasion but in the home contest the raider- comma ti lled the i day tli rough tile entire piece as a result the score on wfilnesdas s aini ot imi very well indicated the play and sent the georgetown team into the final with murkhum millionaires the game had at least one high- light und thut was the fact thut it was probably the cleanest game of hockey played here this winter there wasnt a good body check thrown out all night und the only excitement the fans tn joyed was at one point in the game when it looked like penotang might got on the score sheet after a few good rushes uround he local goal from wu telling this game fans wonder just how a team uko pene- taug could get into the somlfinau with the brand of hockey exhibited delly beaumont nick ferri and kenny nash scored the three citars in tills kpme with nash getting more than his share when he stop ped a fust puck with his mouth and had to retire for part of one per- iod but before this lu in print the haiders will have matched their skill against markham millionaire and thette passing gomes up to the finals will be temporarily fohirot- ten i iy18 11130 firt period georgutown 1atterson lurduek georgetown ferri beaumont jeorgetown mai t mi second period georgetown stoiuy i iibson birtwitle leorgetown- -ferri- martin georgetown iatt i on ienalty binsell third period jeirgrtown nash grorget iiwn 1vri i binsell georgetown gibson murdoek tenuities swales birtwistle educ beaumont ferri referee peivy allen baitie linehinan at woods bun ie meettheopposition lit oidttr to acuiqti hookey fajis with- ihu jirkkm fillli- aitr9with yhoirt 0ricotown bi lavinjj i mf ior- e iniijtmodiuto a hockey championship the io lowing uniiilistehcjihv4bioii ku- npa from uhe yearly piroiramput out by the marlilutm jrcjckoy oluh jack -riarpci- f marklumiy iroa- ifii vce u4 1 icvpt for a bo- journ oiunuilm wltli- tlic cuira- iliun army in alio a btfslmll hud ifjihiil player of inpute he in iihiployicl nt cunnila wire ami ca ble it fred scott defence and cap tain is employed as a truck driver with qanada wire and cable and is a resident of north york a navy veteran he played jr oha with north york in 139 intermediate the next year and uf ter a year with campbellh in the toronto mercantile joined tho markham squad george scott defenceman is freds younger brother also a north york vesidont where he o iterates his own trucking business a north york junior in 1038 be phfyed junior with aurora the next year junior with ktobicoke thon entered intermediate ranks with markham in 1012 bob bangay a resident of searboro jet- who works at thjr krigidaire plant at loa- srde boh is a native of colbornc who bus been with markham since 1139 as a junior then intermedi ate he played overseas with the championship army team charlie nesbitt a rightwin ger was born in bradford li ves in searboro jet and is a salesman in private life in a league game last year against rcaf fly ers he accomplished the double hat trick plus one scoring seven goals in the game george stark a newcomer thiw year this willowdale left winger started in 1942 with aurora juniors played senior with sherbrooke red- raiders in 1945 and after serving with the overseas army playtsd last season with new market vets harry milroy centre and a highland reek native started his oha career with markham 1 has played with sutton inter- dintcs west knd mercantile ague three year- overseas with i armoured corps he was one of first to line up with the mil- naires last year he operates his hkl gravel injhtliess tn 1 special easter services at georgetown cburche icshter was marked in al geor- grtwn churches wlin special erv mr editor- the firtit week of spring has parf- ed spring did you rtuyv vvell if yoti dont believe it just read a few of tho many articles 1oui prose jiui poetry which ar tu numerduif ili iw papers these days kastor sunday certainly excelled in sunshine tempered of course by that old march wind after all the followiiif worne lnlmary could lc em batkin 1atk max m1n uain march il 4h 38 13 march 23 ij1 31 march 2i 5 28 march 25 15 2t march 20 01 2 65 march 27 41 2c ao march 28 3h 1c averuire 4u57 2757 78 euchre raises money for c p and t fund twenty tables of euchre were in play last night at the oddfellows hall at u party jointly sponsored by the rcbckahs and oddfellows j aid of a now fund known as the cancer poliomyelitis and tubercul osis fund it is their object to have a sum of money available to help any local person suffering from thee diseases who is in need of treatment miss lucna camplbell won the lucky ticket prize as cell as being first prizewinner ut cards with a score of 99 mrs harry sa vings 94 wus second mrs ken davidson 89 third mrd h prust hh fourth and w g marshall 87 fifth the ladies served tea and cook ie after the game norval party raises money for chairs the firnt euchre party ami dang to be hjhnsorel in several years by the norval improvement society was very suclcattful on monday sjiecial jerv- on good friday tho u4u1 houru devotion at st gobi ctk three ifuh church commenced at twoli noon with larchoiibcoii w g 0 tlkihiionconductinii the service die- church wai fille to overflow- illi for tlio sunday morning- chorl communion the gitlo choir o- lihted by jnolc thompson and dlr- ected by mm a e dawson nan a special anthem special music at the morning sof vice at tho united church included a nolo by miw ruth evans and duet by keg irbomhed andavfrodl tost in the oveninir picturo nlldm supplemented the eastor atory told by itev it c todd and tho choir assisted marjorie kentner alfrod tost and reg broomhead bcinjr so loists there was also a good prl day service at tho church comtminion servigo and dedica tion of a now communion taui marked the morning service at knox iveabytcrian church witlj rev c c cochrane officiating the communion table is of quarter cui oak in natural finish with brass plaque inscribed in memory of the late william barber and hu wife mary ann scott it waa pre sented by mr and mrs j h mac kenzie formerly mildred barber of montreal in memory of her par ents und mr and mral mackonria attended the service the conunu- ion set presented to the church by the limehouac congregation wu used for the first time the junior and senior choirs combined for g special service of easter music in the evening soloists were anns spitzer sandra scolt bobby tr- cey kenneth harrison mrs l d vries mrs allan norton of line- house and mr a e cameron jean beckett and joyce mcmillan anjt a duct and a mens quartett fom norval united church and a mixed quartette composed of ula cameron jean ruddcll clark ly ons und itev c c cochrane con- ribut selec itev j l slf of norval was in charce of th service on good friday the guclph a night when about 50 people k h v ercd at the hall proceeds of the t churcn special music by party were earmarked to purchase cl marl both sunday aer- rruttir malve rn tliytri 11 35 ip2h 7 111 cio 11 16 elmers three stars georgetown at markham march 30 lirst second and third george town stars go to jack hhodos ue was durnan urimaek and broda combined the flratjhiriod was all in fav our of murkhum as far aa play went but not in putting the puck in the net the second urtod waa in georgetown favour and the third period was ubout ven if a tally on shots on goal had been kept no doubt it would prove the markham team outahot georgetown h to 1 markham has a fast aweet passing team but aeenu weak pn dofentois and goal georgetown main strength waa the storeygib son max earfbury line plus a fair defence and an outstanding goalie lack watmhi born- in tor- nntu a rriiridaire einploee liiu jilayed two seasons with markham luninrs one with hamil- imi iunini and a year witli toron to army after a year at mi-mas- ter lni ersitv he returned to markham to play intermediate lat year al left wing llcili lawri younger brother of roach laiie iawrii- am a nrhtuiirger hub lias played i j hi imme town of malkhani ti-ain- since li7 except for uilr- jinn- ervire with the kcaf he is i partnej iii lawric urns trans- loitatinn llusiinss y lie ik- icurnne born nl raicd at icinia sijuaie gcmrc ilumd junior with kichmond hill anil stollffville be- fniv jnining mnrkhain he is asso ciated with his father in his farm and transportation business austie baker veteran def- cnciiunn ls a markham boy who has played locally since ihi7 he served with tho elect air arm during the war resumed hih job iis a printer when he retur ned hick berry whiowdale def- encemun joined the club this year he has been around in the hockey world with toronto ju nior martboros copper cliff jun iors and several iionior teams in tlio north last year was with newmar ket vets he operates 1ib own coal- business at willowdale bert baker u toronto boy alternates at loft wing and de- fenco served with the navy and haa played with navy jrs and srs birchcllffe todmordon and bowaera ho works for the uell telephone co lives in bcarboro jet ernie lawrle coach and a markham native has played with markham jra toronto marhboros young ranger and party were earmarked to pu new chairs for the hall euchre lirize winners were mrs wilfred cole mrs jack giffcn clifford hunter and georgo c brown ar chie fuller alloa harmony grotty played for dancing afterwards as- thsreil tiy a stuking quartette c posed of clark lyons and lloyd garnet and bill haidluw refresh ments were served and there were lucky spot prizes for the dancing strange find on mckane farm a weather obcrvin device mar ked willi the inignia of the us a iniy signal corps and attached to aicl paper parachute floated to the ground last thursday afternoon nil the farm of james mckaile on nil 2 mdcroad east of victoria alckanes hired man found the ina- wiinr in a field and reported its iliecvery to the provincial lolice at ilramptou 1 he machine was equipped with i balloon which ha i burst with the parachute opening automatically and floating it to the ground self- contained batteries were enclosed ia heavy tinsel paper with a small transmitter an i a barometer also well sealed ill a plastic case icjl aerial two feet long was attached to the machine which was evident ly used to send signals measuring distance temperature and altitudo to a ground station hockey programs tomorrow night auqtber hockey program son- hurcd by georgetown merchants with net proceeds from sale of ad vertising and programs- going to tlfe local hockey club will be av ailable ut thursdays gujme with murkliam there is a lucky draw prize for tho lucky progirasn num ber toronto post office while over seas he played with the champion ship hcap team harry watts club president la wellknown in geoixetontn where he played midget and junior hockey here with bob gold- ham born and raised in malton he moved to markham four year ago where he operates an oil bur ner buslneaa vices and in the evening nine per sons were baptized rev fr plunkett sj of guelph ixplained the stations of the croae af tho good friduy service at holy cross rc church on sunday jnornjni hj mass 0 cflpjiratefl by the rector itev fr v j mor gan a special event on monday eve ning at st albans church of en gland glen williams was the ap pearance or the famous boys choir from the church of st mary the virgin toronto directed by thoir choirmaster mr c h deiiscm key gordon hern rector or that chinch preached the sermon rev j l self preached at the easter sunday services in union and norval presbyterian churches at norval the sunday school at- tided the service in a group and it inioii two salvation army la dies ironi biampton contributed local ducts a special easter message was gi ven by rev it flindall ut tho sunday services nt ballinafad churchill ami melville united chur ches und on good friduy ho con ducted a special service at ballina fad easter services at st pauls norval st stophoni hornby and st johns stowurttown were con ducted by the rector rev j e maxwell v on friday evening at norval un ited church rev f j dunlqp con ducted n preparatory service at which a quartette composed ot clark lyons and bill gurnot and lloyd luidluw wing itho old rug ged cross on sunday afternoon miss muriel kean of georgetown wmh guest soloist singing the- holy city and the choir anthem wus christ is risen with mbal moiru kelly of georgetown taking the sold part counch meets twice in week with u special council meeting- tonight and thi regular meeting next monday council la keeping up the record established last year when 26 meetings were held seem u long time ago that council was able to dispense wfch one meeting in the sunnier bat a growing tows means mora business for the town father to deal with j

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