Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 14, 1948, p. 1

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georgetow herald wednesday evening april 14th 1948 georgetown raiders oust markham win intermediate a decisive victory of 4 games to 1 clinched title for georgetown team has enviable record were aemifihalists n 1946 4 contenders for tjtle irf 1947 wild celebration as team returns home girls pipe band leads early morning parade fire siren arouses towns folk congratulations from all corners j r with hundreds of their aupportera on hand it tho oahawa arena wat thursday night the georgetown raidors captured tho intermediate a hockey championship by defeating tho markham millionaire 48 in an overtime session in tho fifth game of the playoff aeries while the georgetown hocuoy club has had an enviahlo record in heckev circles down through thi years tho victory of this year team has ohdlj set the name of georgetown in tho records or all time to come the team deserves all tho prnise and congratulations they arc re ceiving for a great display of liockli throughout the ontlro season and rf there bo still greater laurels to bi fought for vie can count on these boy battling on till tho final bell this is tho first oha title a georgetown team has held since the arena was built in 1923 and with the series won the fans went wild with excitement the girls pipe band were on hand with their mu sic and when the special train and municipal building dedicated sunday morning tho team returned home paraded to tho four corners of this main stret where mayor gibbons officially congratulated the team on bhalf of the town tho fire siren arouaed thou who had retired to tell of the victory and many more joined in the celebration which culminated c the wee m hours of the morning but let a word be maid for the losers the starkham team played some grand hockey too met defeat with flying oolourd and were the first to congratulate tho winner by the fatt that tho fifth game went into overtime play one can pprrlate the calibre tf both team the markham team were in termedin to b flnaluts last year while the home team wore a fln- alhiu being eliminated by c rant- ford hedmon the thursday game at oahawa was in all probability the best game of tho series doth teams tore into the game with all tho steam and pep at their command and went the full twenty minuted of the flnt period without a tally in the second frame hal gibson who starred brilliantly throughout the game otpened the scoring while markham came back quickly to cv- on the count and with another tcountrtooktheleadhowevervbe fore the period ended patterson bad again tied tho score the third period ended with the score still deadlocked each team ha ving added a goal by gibson and lawric the overtime session was a hectic affair the minutes ran into seconds until there was less than a minute loft to play gibson swept in from tho wing and inter copting storeytt pass rifled home the championship goal hal gibson playtd a wonderful gamo ilia fine bleating parsing acoring lurned for him the first atar of the game while gibson sparked his team to victory he was well backed up b ccr man on the team it wua a great hene a champ- lontilup well deserved markham goal harper dofence perry stark em kanga wings c ntabitt stark alternates mil roy la wrk watson f scott g jcott rumney a llakcr georgetown ironl rhodes dc fence oirtwittlo luntoll contro store wings m bradbury gib on alternates putt raon nuuh l bradbur iyrrl martin hoaumont m unlock officials chailu jood al woods firtt period no scoring penalties patterson 2 milroy second prlcj georgetown gibson storey marhara llangay noabltt markham nebltt bangay 1228 georgetown patterson gumhw 1001 penal tie glbaon murdoek itark f scott storey rtlrd twj 5 markham lawrle 0 18 6 georgetown gfcson flfcorey 151 penalueamurdock biiiall f geottfuky gibon ovrtl t georgetown gibson briefly and impressively before a gathering of town officials inclu ding tbe council hydro commia- alon school board and fire depart ment members the new municipal building was officially dedicated on sunday morning archdeacon w g 0 thompson conducted the ervico which included tho recita tion of tite 8th psalm in which rev it c todd assisted the lords prayer and prayer for the king tho nation and tho town the sin ging of god savo the king ended the service after which those pres ent attondod the service at st georges church where archdeacon thompson pre ached an inspiring jcrmon on good citizenship and the responsibilities of public official the sentence of dedication pro nounced by the arcndeacon was a follows to the glory of god for the use of the mayor of georgetown the council the officials the citi zens the transaction of all business for the welfare of our town and it poople and all good works we ded icate this place the municipal bull ding of georgetow n in the name of the father and of the son and of the hol ghost amon the new municipal building a handsome addition to main str the intermediate champs of 148 the smiling group above was snapped by albert simson aftor downing markliam and winning the uuwnmg itmrmuini anu winning uiu i unm- nvu uu ontario champlonxhip standing left iell managor perc blackburn to right coach doug itunlons scot- j t it hal gibson max bradbury ty patterson rone martin kan nash earl emond captain jack nirtwmtlo kont storey eddie btn- sea- nick fcrrl jack rhodes leigh bradbury dol beaumont art mur doek photo by albert simson ionship a hockey pictvial this weak v we aire particularly proud of thi is me of the herald containing ah t does picture of the four gttc bantam and midget finalists and george- tnnj ontario champion in termediate a team thank go to albert simson whose excellent pliotograplu made the pictures po dlblc 111 work u becoming increasing ly popular in town and he ha already had many requests for copiuof the pictures ai a florvice to hockey fan orders for either the picture appearing in the herald or another standing pose may b loft at tho herald office- priccb for 9vix7 picture are unmounted 1 00 mounted 1 50 framed 2 50 pic tures may alo be ordered from mr simson direct or by bending monej cither to him or tho herald i an enlargement of the water works building and was contracted locally by j b mackenzie and son 1 hi- building was greatl enlarged and is finished in yellow brick with lare windows und venetian blind and fluoresce nt lighting tlirough- out it includes a largo front office for the clerk with amallor tax and atcr office idjounng and builtin ault behind this urc washrooms foi ladies and men a small office foi the isseijaor an j the council humbf r 21 ft square runs across the hack of the building 1 he pump room rem nns as foimorly and on the north side o the building is thqj 1iomiuial police office and deton tion celli for mon and worn on mas tn tile in 2 tone brown is laid as f lo iring throughout the building which u hot water htatid with coal burning furnace io de 9th anniversary dinner at limehouse official opening of motor scott sales on saturday the new building on the queen and guelph street corner which houses scott motor sales will be officially opened this saturday with u houso- warming to which all district people have been invited one of the mot modern garage between toronto and guelph the new building has been used for the past two or three months since tho local general motors agency moved from its former location at the top of main street hill with the com pletion of painting the offices and show room in two tone green last week the building has now been finished a feature of the opening uill be a display of new models of chevrolet oldemobilc and chov- toltt trucks visitors will see tho large well lighted shop the equip ment of which includes a twin hoist and single post hoist a steam jen ny for motor cleaning and an ex haust system which draws away all 7umes the b ultd 1 k hna fl u ore cent lighting throughout itjnd is oil heated on saturday the garage will be open from three to five and from seven to ten in the evening when i all visitors at the garage during i these hours will receive lucky num i her door tickets for a number of valuable prizes which mayor joseph gibbons will draw for at nine oclock william itobinson and sons of guelph were contractors for the building the site of scott motor sale new building has an hintorlcal re yrtrronhhip with general motors for the original building there was onntructed by the last gmc dealer lure j n ottfoill and on ns a service station operated in injunction with their downtown ejirapfe it was later bought out by thi b a oil company and opora ttd as n lessee station by dlfforcnt lot a men including jack squireb 2 s 30 806 this is a 14page papei 1 1 ii jth uuihcisury of cdununa f sti linn jil chipteiv i o i i w ii lt it hinted on monday evening with a lurl y dinm i in l ii ill 1 1 ctl by the i iiiil house insti tute 1 iui k ihirty one members at tended thi dinner which was con vent d by mrrf 1 in batkin miss ruth i viyis sung two solos aecom- panitd at the piano by miss hilda 1 t u in winnii at touit whist wore mm harold hancox and mrs j b hughoa with mrs lorn how son got- tlng consolation prize cookies and tea were nerved after cards mr uatktn had also arranged a number of unique contests with amall pri ze i for tho winner mr l mccilntock presided at a brief buslnom meeting when 6 wui voted to hal ton mualc peetival mrs frank ijennor- wa appointed representative for the institute for the blind and mr norman verdec will aatrist hero in convening a tag dav in ma sever boukflhavfl buon sent to the adopted northern school and a bau of clothing will be forwarded after the may meet ing which will b held at the home of mlaa ruth evan and ttruco mawkenzie it was clo sed for a few years during the year scott motor sales is operated by art scott who has boon in the ga rage business hero for ten year zone of influence of the dealer ship extends to milton acton hor nby campbollvitle limchouse glen williams terra cotta cheltenham md normal iho present staff in cludes a shop a tuft of five men fred maveal joe ambrose cecil walker cecil adam and tom ledwidge with art speight as 3cr mcl manager and jack hamilton and i at omalloy m the part de partment a native of limehouse and uon of mrs john r scott of georgetown and the late mr scott art is one of tho youngest gmc dialers uestdes operating a grow ing guragc bu sin ess ho is active in town and district affairs a a mem ber of the lions club of which he iiimtvicoj2rrntdont the oddfev low- lodge knox proebyterian hurt h and the halton garage op- t tutors married to the former myrtle kirhy of glen williams thy have three children sandra km en und john ten year dealer certificates to local garagemen as a feature of a dinner mooting for district shell dealers at orange- mile last week two local gorage- mun david saxe and art scott ww proiontod with framed ncrolhr sigmfying ton year of pleasant bu- inesh relations with tho cotfnpany vmoiir those who attondod the din- in r were gordon and dean harloy and percy olney of georgetown gtmgi preston of gloa williams in i h irk i tofferjof caledon father of four killed when sewer caves in william balusiak 45 of port robinson an employoe of the scott- jackson construction company which iff installing the now sewer- nge system in georgetown was al most instantly killed last thursday afternoon in a cavoln the acci dent occurred on emery street near tho quoen street intersection where a big steam shovel was dig ging a sewer trench four feet wide and ten feet dep balusiak wa working m tho trench with a hand shoel in company with thomas ateman 20 who was laying tile when a fellow worker shouted a warning y a to man managed to jump back and was buried to hi wuist in tho falling earth balu- siuk however hud no chance to sa e himself and was buried three feet deep within five minutes rescuer had cleared the clay and sand from his face but severe injuries including u fractured skull fractured rib and internal injuries had taken hi life albert dawson who uv acre the road from the accident bcflne heard the shouts for help and ru- hid to the trench to assist in dig ging doctors c v william and k t paul were both called to the bcenc but could do nothing for the unfortunate iccident vie tint tho accident was investigated iby cpl it it miolclft nnd consublo j w sheffield of the local provincial police and dr c k stoonaon of milton was coroner a pojt mor- tt in was conducted by dr dead num provincial pathologist of ha milton mr hnluoiak is aurvned by hia wife and four children what council did on tuesday april 13 passed a building bylaw far georgetown first reading mocd hy mccttnv- her and whitmee 2nd and 8r4 readings by good let and hill hired ronald don arthur aa4 erwin lewis as town employee fc u rate of 85c an hour for a 44hoor week plus time and a half for over time they will replace jack kara and orbey herrlngton who resigned from their jobs last weekend moved by goodie t and herbert increased the salary of towm roreman alf collins from 2000 to 2300 yearly a of april 1st moved by goodlot and herbert hired mrs henry tost as care taker of the new municipal bulh ing at a alary of 10 monthly iwo tender had boon received tltf other being from mr s hunt at a 50alaryr sundridge beatacton for b championship acton lanncrs were beaten in thiec straight games by hucko mc donald t sundridffc team in tho in termediate m play offs last woek tiiinu orts wtic 12 c 7b and it r nnd alton nftir a good sea son hangs up their ukntes almost but not quite ontario champions mocd by armatrong and mae loren granted permission to a g il itruyns to have two tree removed from in front of his home on char les street discussed at some length wata unicc extensions chlorinatlon and the town water supply a motiom by win tine o apd goodlet said twc due to tho groat demand for waur extension council folt it impntwlhlsl to proceed witli tho ring street e- tcnsion to smith and stones plans no 2 at the present time v decision on u roquost from th i egion w a in company with other ladies organizations that tho ladle loom in the municipal building b miidi a public washroom was defer red untij sewerage was in opera hon continued on paffo 8 water service interruption sukday april is- houselioldefb are notified that there may be u service interruption this sunday between ii am and raiders enter eastern canada finals play saturday monday at oshawa on to quebec next week 3pm while repairs ure being mude to a damaged acreen at the reaervojr oortfotown ualdori with tliu on tario cluuiiploimhiu tucked under thur boltu lioud for bluster thttur twi wookond wliun they toam with dolbuau qul cuatora in a beat i of c rorioa for tho eastern cana- i diaji chaniplonahln tho caaur tpok bathurut nit papcnnakerh in throo straight kmnea and should j provide formidable oppoattlon for i tho italdom th tt bard to make any nredlcuom till urn taama play their tint game the anrleif u under 0 ha- aponaorahlp with that orgianiaation paying the bill tha fin two kamoa uill lie playod in onliawa thle saturday and monday with ptw trains both nighbi leaving georga- tovn at 0 to uka the tkaa who follow tholr favourltea tw ronnuning game will be played at st josoph dalma width u in box thorn quebec on lake st john is tho saguenay district and ara arha duled for friday april zs sunday april 2d and tueaday april 27th the team will leave town by apodal coach either wednesday night r ihuraday morning and any faaa intoroatedln walti ola pip m lontact lome patera jack ana- i strong or any aeenbata rftha cuthre train fare is 40

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