Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1948, p. 1

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s wednesday evening june 2nd 1948 what council did i 3 on wednesday may 19 set cornon lot rxumntieu for aisjweragc assessment under u10 -l- esd inproveinerlt act as 50 pereont f the long side- of a coiner w with a maximum allowance of ico tv spr cnu triangular corner tote the exemption is 60 per cent each side with a raakimum of 76 ft on each bldeforouhlch eaj tend- through from one- street to tavrthprsshere thero is little or no possibility of one mwer being use- fnl tho prqperty smill- be assessed lk0percenton each street moved wjr macaron and ara- atrbng increased the salary of tho elerk- treasurcrtax olloctor from 2000 to 2500 a year effective may 1st the clerk must himself pay for any extra help needed for his duties moved by hill and whltmee voted down a motion that owing to the heavy prosauro of immediate business no delegations will be heard at special meetings moved by gopdlot and david son recorded vote goodlet davi idson and whitmee voted for oth ers against will instal the ncceaaarly drain age across- george street at the rear of- georgetown motors auth ority was received from other prop erty owners p v blackburn mar gery mackenzie and bob lane to cross their properties if necessary on monday may 31st advertised for applicants for the position of building inspector at a alary of 76 per cent of fees collec ted application to be in by june 7th at s p-m- moved by armstrong and hud appointment of a new building inspector n made necessary by the resignation ot hlehard hawes who said that other builders appea red to resent his appointment be cause he was in a similar business he said he would keep on until a new man was hired discussion on the bylaw atarted when sandy mc donald appeared to enquire about moving a house to lot he owned on guelph street next to norman fendley the house was valued under j5000 and ha had been told that this was in the 5000 area herbert i was under the im pression this took in the park dis trict only gibbons other prospective buil ders have been enquiring and this is included in the 6000 area herbert his lot was purchased in january i helped- put in this bylaw but it seems too bad that a working mn has to suffer i was under a misunderstanding gibbons this puts us right on the spot if the bylaw isnt en forced wfe must repeal or amend it we cant expect an inspector to do his job and then overrule his de cisions- whitmee we have already spoi led the bylaw by letting a pinball game building go up on main st maclarcn the police arc hero to enforce our bylaws gibbons yes it is the inspec tors duty to is3 on information to the police if the bylaw in contra vened the other alternative is to repeal or amerd it maclarcn there should he no question of appealing it whitmee we should all resign our positions ic we dont enforce it gibbons ive been in a lot of tough spots bit i never thought of resigning davidson im in favour of enforcing the bylaw and backing up the inspector maclarcn i rcniurked when it was passed hat somebody was bound to be hurt goodlet iepple wanted nice houses in wart 3 and thats why they asked for the 6000 clause its unfortunate if it hurts aomo people but i worked for it und vo ted for it and must stand by it armstrong ive heard plenty oferitieism but the same can be said of any bylaw herbert much as id like to help mr mcdonald i voted for the bylaw and as a matter of principle ill have to stand by it gflbonsrithas eomoto ray attention that several buildings have been started but orily four permits are issued wliat action are you haws taking hawes other builders seem to resent me as inspector we hawes and nelson have applied for five permits but the other have not been near me they resent having to show ma their plana i goes i am fcaadme in my resignation u inspector but wiltstmy on the job snatfl yen gat a replaeameat aeaesaren anyone who has a bullduig under construction should apply for a permit a jttraw vote of tho members favpurdd this ex cept for cr mccutnbsr mccumber i want to paint myjlnbitfospd shutter do i have to have- ajernutt y i maclaren you voted for this bylaw dad you should know its provisions goodlotrlf iiiy wombor doesnt ilka tho iylnwtio should put a mo tion 011 tho table otliorwue it anquld b a clohod issue voted a-roiirlng- allowance of 10 a month to slonry marchwemt for faithful service rendered as a town employee moved by whitmee and maclarcn received a letter from constable j w shoffiold new head of tho provincial police detachment who introduced tho now constable d d hodgins and siid iho pollco woro always ready to cooperate with tuwn officials 7 told jim cqlior who was asking for water servico to a now house that the wholo question of water extonbions was ttlll under consider ation and no promises could bo made at present will instal a street light on young strcot between edith and markot moved by mccnmbor and da vidson were informcj by mayor gibbons that tho now wartimo houses should be rcwdy for occupancy and allocated within ton days cr davidson referred to tho spires bushes on quoon street some of which had been romoved during sewerage installation dep uty reeve armstrong agrood with him that they woro pretty but dan gerous and should be romoved mayor gibbons reported on a mootinc last woek at which ho the reeve and deputy roove had met with georgetown high school board and dr carl martin chairman of xorth halton school area board gibbons there appoars to be little possibility of a school boing built at speyaido stcjjs aro being taken to onlargc oad improve tho milton school and possibly a school built near acton it would now seem that should we enter tho dis trict our school would be cnlargod und improved we nro inviting the area board and representatives of the various councils to meet here on june 9 to discuu tho situation maclarcn i dont think thats quite it tho dept of education still holds to the central school idea they agreed to- spend about 75000 to- enlarge present schools i till the new one hi built the build ings to lator be used as public schools i believe the area board tends to favour the threeschool 1 idea with acton possibly tho only one holding to speysidc 1 armstrong the north halton citizens certainly dont favour a i central school like ihey did before 1 herbert this vlndioatos our i decision just year to oppose tho i central school gibbons at the milton moet- i ing a resolution was passed that ac- i ton school beard hand over its iihool property to tho new board tui have turned over nothing as they didnt owntheir school builds ing marlurun 1 noiico the herald iditor taking copious notes wo will havt- to lie careful not to give iliusi things lohl m us in confi dence gibbons i didnt understand that these were confidences im still just as firm in my stand ag ainst losing our iiigh school iden tity lljrc mucluren thju isnt speaking for publication but i think itho whole mutter can be put on tho shoulders of past high school boards gibbons i think thats a good statement for the press i have sst through 1 manyconimcncemmitguili at each olio tho board chairman whoover he might bo has put the blame on council for the condition of tho building i think they should bo wjlling to uko som criticism jromus for a change get rid of the auxiliary system which had boon an expensive instal lation many cltizous ut that time were of tho opinion thut a hotter souice of supply would liaye boon from- killurno lake will instill u telephone in tho re creational directors office in tho dill toilhalh moved by whltmeo aiidimccum- bor nrbcrtnd duvidaon ybtod ugiibikt i tlsitbd tho council jo submit urijport of work occom- pllsnld during tho past year moved sy jiiyldspn and gqodlot cr goodlet brought up this mat- ter and- said cpunciljahould huvo a lemrtaitheywiirejpayig partof tle directors salary cr rnvldson sivid he liatl montiouod tltiji last yoar at the nomination mooting ami had been on the point of bringing the matter up himself sevoral coun cil- members expressed tho fooling that they werent tuitisfled that the- job was being done a3 woll as it might be cr mccumber said that the ilccreatiqna council was in charge and if they were satisfied he didnt see why council should interfere cr whitmee who is uhairman of recreation loft- the meeting early and was not present for this part of the discussion deferred action on a request from town assessor j a early for a raise in kalury coineil will make enquiries about what other munici palities pay for the job newlyweds will live in timmins will instal a orka door letter box in the cr- hill said union street rcsi dents were cornplniring nbout wa ter pipes which had been lyina on the street since last yonr and won ted them fnovod cr whitmee snid the liona club planned to start excavating soon for the bandshell in tho park and aaketj nbout moving the hydro polos wbicharc on the selected site thin led to a discunriion on towji propor- ty and the proporty committee was usked to look around for a suitable location for a itornfje shed yolloy and whlto spring flowora and a lurgo ptefcur window forced lovely background for the veld- dnsr eeremoriy whleji- united iri mar rhiko mtry porlor moyor leor danjhtor of alr- und mrs- huum itarohl moyor and irviho nell m lennan son of mxi- m k r of ijl maryv and ithd lato mr jjclenhuti tnn ceremo waa per formed pri atupduy may 29 ty arehdeacon wt c 0 thrfnion iho homo ofthc brlda8 prenturm the glenbisd j givun inmarrlngoby heij itatur the- bride- wo an ukshell colojred silk jorfiqy ballerinu gown vith a xrrrnkcoforcliids hhowotc agold cameo tho kfift of tiro jironm her only nttehdant was her mister olive vvenrinjr a pin it silk jersey ballerina with pink roue cor- haee the roomn rounin mr wil liam undorwood ot toronto wan jrroonisman at a reception which followed mrs moycr received wearing turf brown sillc with coranpo of yellow rofleh the rtom mother choao a powder blue ailk crepo with pink rose corsage for a motor trip through quebec the bride wore hor wedding dress with matching hat trimmed with royal blue cornflow ers a royal blue cnahmere thrco- quatter length coat and matching accessories they will take up resi dence in timmins where the groom who formerly manngod hobbs brupr store horo bai purchased a buai- imsb of his own outoftown guest at the wed ding were from toronto gaolph st cnthnrlnci acton and st marys acton beats georgetown in saturdays ball game engagement 2 mr and mrs sidney kirkpatrlck limohouse announce the ensaoe- ment of their daughter margaret jine to mr john russol poster son of mr and mrs russell foster of cheltenham tho marrlago to take place saturday juno 19th at 2 pm in limohoupe presbyterian church rhodes gets most valuable player award at hockey banquet were advised that town solicitor iannrdons report on the john st subway was completed and will no forward this week to the board of rallwsy commissioners favoured havm qualified wat- erworks engineer make a survey of the whole town water- systeij with recommendations for nipitrvernent mayor gibbon said he haul be told thy barry ont dapt of health ncinear nm anxious to loalie jack rhodes chosen by hw teammates as the moat valu able player on georgetowns onta rio championship intermeliate a hockey team vas presented with un oha cup by tory iree at the hockey dinner in the hoso room inst friday the dinner which officially en ded the 194748 hockey acabon was attended by a representative fironp of citizens including members of the hockey club the town coun cil board of parks management and oha officials jack wilson catered for a chicken dinner which wai followed tiy a dance with tho hill howe quartette dispensine the music jack alnlutronkv retiring presi dent of the hockey club was chair man andfirst introduced mayor jp- aeph gfobons who contrrntulated the team on the hcnour they had brought to georgetown and presen ted them with itoiwon lighters as a gift from the town kccve george ikjnvc warden of halton county waa next introduced and cxpresucd the pride of the county in having a rhnmpionship team- fred waghorn governor of tho toronto hockey league referred humorously to the fact thut geor getown had had a championship la crosse team in 189401 and won clerid what georgetown bail boon doing in between he upokc of the fine building in which the ban quet win taking place and thought it should be used in the hummer to promote a- revival of lacrosse jim connely of the toronto evening telegram manager of the stonoy team in the toronto mercantile said be didnt see how georgetown could miss with two livewires liko jack armstrong and ken mcmillan hending tho organization w g hell chairman of tho board of parks management said it was that croups ambition to plvo george town a bottor arena in each suc ceeding year tho arena had paid steaikmaml thero was monoy in the treasury for further improve ments next year ken mcmillan new president of tho hcckoy club presented a hock oy coat and a team picture to tie following jack rhodes scotty pat terson jck btrtwistu kn nash kduie blnsell nick ferrl bene martin del beaumont hal gibson max bradbury leigh bradbury kent storey art murdock abble kejashesd earl ktaietvd douaf run- ions perc bkckburn and don br- raer highlight of the evening was the presentation of tho john roi itobcrtaon trophy omblomatlc of the championship of what ho called the most popular section jjy george pnnter president of tho ontario hockey association mr pnnter snid there wero 25880 play- era registered last year in tho oha and it was a real honour to bo champions of one of the groups a champion he said is a follow who is just n little better than anyone else and has that extra little push necessary to win out ho also needs a good manager and georffo town was the first town he had seen with a 175 man executive for judging from phone calls and por- lonal visits he waa sure thero must in- at least that many on the xoc utjve as he whs sure there couldnt be that many residents willing to serve in an executive capacity ho aid they must be imported and while he hud heard of importing playera this was hu first oxpori- ence with an imported executive an olympic championship hockey t star dinty moore presented gold t medals- to each team member as 1 individual mementos from the oha i to end the evening the chnlrman asked for n few words from jnck miilwlstle team captain perc lllackbiirn manager krn thomp son former malinger and wllf ford of the smith and stone man agenient hall thompson wedding at erin on saturday may 22nd tho mnrringc took placo at tho homo of rev w d patterson erin of po- ris isabel thompson daughter of mrs james thompson of erin and the late mr thompson arid josoph hall jr hon of mr josoph hall of fioorgetowii and tho lato mrs hall tho bride wore a blue suit with hluok accessories she was stten- ded by hor sister mrs bruce smith of alton wearing n grey suit with black accessories both had corsa ges of talisman rests mr daid crlshton jr toronto was grooms man following the ceremony a recep tlon for twenty guests was held at the home of the grooms brother-in- law and sister m and mr dick plddafl georgetown after a hon eymoon trip to the states the couple have taken up residence b georgetown goorgottiwn suffered their second defeat of the present basoball sea- sori when thov aclotf tanners took them into camnby nhcoro of 7z int saturday hal gibson started on the jnourid for eorgqtown and pitched yey creditable hall how evir he did nobget thosupport to hack up his nitehliuthat and one or tw hnlf hroiiks speltbd dciory fot the tatiliorh liheupht t georgetown rtorey rs norton- shi glbhorf p- wilson cjr scott 3b wiley id adavki tnorntop rf j lllllntl if aitnn master fib wnterlipuso 2b masafes ns lindiiny c ftfotlfcf allah lb jordon if robinson rf snyier p 1st innings storey struck out nimton struck out gibson atruck nut 0 runs n hitq 0 errors masters singled to rf waterhouse struckout mnsales singled to left musters going to second lindsay bit a ground ball to storey who tag ged masters on the base path for the second out foolit filed out to rf 0 runs 2 hits 0 errors 2nd innings wilson struck out scott struck out wlloy singled to centre adnskl singled to centre thornton wnlked to load the hnses dillon struck out 0 runs 2 hits 0 errors allan walked jordon hnerlfteed him to second rohnson slnprled to centre allnn ping to third snyder went out to norton masters out short to first n runs 1 hit 0 errors 3rd innings storey slnfirled to left norton laid down n bunt to hm who made a had throw to first for an error with storey going to trd on thenlav gibson laid down a hunt to the first baseman but nobody covered first to rive gibson a hit storey scored on the play wilson grounded out to first run ners advancing scott filed out to if norton scoring after the catch wlloy grounded out short to 1st to end the innings 2 runs 2 hits 1 error weterhouse struck out mssales grounded out short to 1st lindsay popped out to 2nd 0 runs n hits 0 errors 4th innings adaskt singled to centre thornton sacrificed him to 2nd dillon wnlked storey sacrifi ced both runners advancing nor ton struck out 0 runs 1 hit 0 errors footlt hit a long fly to contre to wilson who ran off the grass and fell to the race track this could have been a serious injury to wil son oa thore is a drop of over a foot from the field to the trade as it was he onlv knocked the wind out of himself footit went to 8rd and was awarded a triple jordon hit n fly bnll to wilson who was still shaky after his fall and wil son dropped theball for an error footit scored on the error allan bit a bunt which waa more of pop fly oihsone misjudged tho ball and it went for a hit robinson singled to right to load the baios snyder hit a grounder to storey who throw jordon out at tho plate masters walked forcing allan homo wntorhouse hit an infield fly and was automatically out first and second being occupiod mosaics hunted to tho left of gibson gib son threw to adnski to cut off tho runner n home but adaski dropped the ball robinson scoring for the trd acton rum lindsay endod tho innings by flying out to centre 3 runs s hits 2 errors fth innings gibson struck out wilson singled to sveond on tho first pitch to scott wilson stole so- eiind scott filed out to centro wil son going to 3rd wlloy struck out i runs i hit 0 orrors footit flied out to centre allan went out short to 1st jordan waa hit by the pitcher taking a frbo puss to 1st while robinson was halting jordon stole aocond rob inson singlod to contro scoring jordon snyder was hit by the pitcher masters double to centre seerlmu robinson waterhouse went out short to first 2 runs 2 hits 0 orrors fith innings adaski singled to left thornton sacrificed him to 2nd dillon struck out storey struck out 0 runs 1 hit 0 orrors msaajos grounded to storey who mado a bad throw to wiley at 1st for sn error lindsay singled to centre footit hit a balf to the ht- cher who thrw tp 1st wiley drop ped the ball for an error loading the bases allan singled to rwht scoring smassles and uddsay ana that was all for gibson spence came in to pitch gttwon went to 2nd and norton went to right field re placing thornton bpence struck out jordon robinson struck out and hnydor pnded tho innings grounding out short to 1st 2 runs2 hits 2 oxvdrs 7ti innings morton replaced alluh at first base for acton nolv ton- wolil out pitcher to iflratv b- sonfliod out tjf conlro wllsoir doubled to right scott fyuled- iut a to the cu tcher urups i hit0 errors master singled to centre yrsv- terhouhc grounded to spence who threw to gibson forcing masters mk 2nd masajba grounded to storey who threw to gibson forcing wa- rnouae at 2nd lindsay was hit by the pitchoi to put runnors on first and second footit flied out to centre 0 runsri hit 0 errors bth innings wiley struck out adnski fouled out to tho loft field er spence went out pitcher to first tj riins 0 hits 0 orrors morton singled to contro jordon sacrificed- him to socond robinson struck out snyder popped out to 2nd o runs 1 hit 0 orrors 9th innings anderson catching in place of lindsay for acton- diloln struck out storey groun ded out short to first norton sin gled to right gibacci grounded out 2nd to first u runs 1 hit 0 errors acton 7 rims 12 hits 1 error georgetown 2 runs 9 hits 4 errors next saturday the team goes to milton to play their third game one tiling should be in store for the team here and tiiat is plenty of buttingpractico and also stiff work outs as to infield practice the ac ton gomo showed up both these dis crepancies which should bo reme died plana aro bciiig made for tho op ening gome in georgetown on sat urday juno 12th snd it is hoped that scotty patterson will be avail able for pitching duties boostes tickets will be on sale this week for opening day those tickou will also bo lucky numbor tickets member addreue conservative rally the ontario election was oalledt to stop untruthful propaganda whlck might havo wrecked the hydro changeover to 60 cycle power said stanhall progressive conservative candidate for halton and candidate tor roeloction noxt monday speak ing to a rally of local conservative in tho library last night mr hall said that aftor oyory member in the house voted for tho measure criticism hud boon expressed jy tha ccf and liberal parties and the government felt that that tho peo ple should bo consultod because of this and because of tho largo es penditure involved he attacked both opposition p- ties as catering to communism w all must admit that the liberals are a roopucted old party whether w agree with thoir policies or not ha said but ho did not boliove that farquhar oliver represented thm liboral thought and was critical of his adoption of two communist bills voted out at tile last session of parliament mr oliver had told at a meeting at milton tliat dr dosas would be a cabinot minister in- a new government but at a later meeting at newmarket ho rohoarsad the names of jll his proposed cabi net ministers and dr deans wag not among them do you want s man in power who cant rcmomber what he says fromono week to th next askod mr- hall itis communism we havo to light in this election continued the caudidato i have soon commu nist mombors ol parlismont shako thoir fist at our prlmo minister i am confident tho conservative par ty with its long tradition of british loyalty will como back with an ovmt larg majority mr nuilwiis introduced by kt v maecormacfc who pointed to tho grants rocolved for education uai said georgetown could never havo had manual training and klndesv gsrten without the increased grants brought in by col drew he was disappointed at the apathy of lec tors show- by the handful of eitl- zoiis at the meeting and said neepb who want good government must be willing to work for it the local oonservative axeeatko were introduced and each said few words including rved mchally president jack thaavpaoa crs vice president nd david fi hsstnin araott early and pare cfaevo ward chairmen iui

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