Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 9th 1948 what council did onmondxy jxjne7h itocoivcd u douiiuon runrosen- tinjf the joorgotow labour coun cil asking for eontido ration for flkndy itcponald who wu onahlo to bu14 on hie lot in tho wartime fkioutlng district bocaiybe us plan- fced house did hot corrtorm with the sulldlng uyiw the dologaon ms comio8od of joaephtlfal r r ernest hyde harry ilaiu and a j william mr mcdonald had appeared at the last council moot- hag auii hud oecil t6ld that the house wpuld have to conform to the bylaw or it could not bo oroc- feed z hall this man has bought a lot put m u foundation bought a bouse to move onto the lot and now cant go nhoad we want to know why hes deprived of doing this hydo it is fall to ask if any one cast of mum stroet had their namo on tho po tit ion to mako ward 8 a 5000 area are the assess ments to bo higher lecauso of uiist the wartimo house are m tho jgo00 area and it wouldnt be out of lino for any other sections of town to ask the same privilege if this happens the working man will have to go outside town to build gibbons thoro wae no petition in connection vth tho bylaw the u petition was a private ono and was not presented to council hyde whore did tho 5000 or iginate was 4iere petition sent to ottawa firet gibbons definitely not this bylaw go back over two yre the citizen have lukod for it and it has finally bfcen passed we have no knowledge of any petition to ot tawa hydo there are many pla ces in ward 8 wbno a 6000 re- atnction is not practical there are no 6000 houses in the area where mr mcdonald wtrts to build youre not protecting anyone who has already built there ward 3 should pay for the privilege of this restric tion armstrong i believe the coun ty asosor has zoned the town and ward sua number one dis trict so the assessments will be higher hall if they r going to keep the working man out of that district they should pay and pa dearly gibbons is the labour coun cil in favour oi u building by law hyde ye gibbons is tcrc any other clause other han the 5000 that you object to hyde we vc come on one is sue gibbons we jidnt do so bad if we onl erred on one clause hyde i didn t ay that gibbons i think it s a mistake to bring in the individual the matter should be dii ussed on broa der terms hyde we thinl lertain parts of ward j should not be res ncted gibbons do u think any area of town should be reatrieted if the bylaw uri amended to leave out the 5000 clause would you think it better than now hcrbert woulc there be a complaint if the v 0u0 arm took in on the park iiruf goodkt the vnd owrilrs up there hav e asked for protection hall why do tho want to keep sonubodv u cras that we e tr dfl utodlet jvetl to e ounctl signed b the n idints m tl e liimh ds t the peti in it ha the diicuhai n m w hitnue it um of am numlur o k building a house i hi the enlran l f tow tie oi 1 a cant prop r eft l n ward 3 we fell that taking thit in vvoud en sure t iroi i r ntra ee o town hyde oue built wartime houses her a read this restric tion wont remedy that whitmte lou jon i hu e to hae a contractor onild your home the restriction doesnt mean that 5000 cash has to change hands i built m own house and it ertainly didn t cost me anything like that hale this by law was compi led -th- t cehcitor -lanh- cji hrouht 1 i r cent of j rk area dn t eel no be ir th on per capita consumption of 200 gl iqis a day the installation of metura should cut consumption by 50 per cent and h stressed this saving of water which would result t wre aakd by hwjry jialo about wultt service to two houses hplpg limit on ontario j5tret and was told tluitne water situation wae lp be lev tew od and no promises could til mude ut tho proicnt time ivpmisod wdtson winfiold ap- juannjf on behalf of latopayors on main street hill that water pre mre uduld be tmmpdiutoly lrtcrea- btd wtre proaented with a lengthy leport of recreational council ao- tivitioi by president e v maccor niael air maccormnck appeared ininuwer to a request for a report u tlie last counicl mooting sev- eial guc members attended the nucttng with rim afttr his roport mi alnccornuick said that in viow of lrrtieimfl ho had heard and to i larify tho situation in tho public mind he thought council should pnan or jcpjcct a vote of confidence in the guc and a vote of confi dence in recreational director hal newman davidson i was one who asked for this roport and i certainly ap preciate the thoroughness with which it has boon compiled goodlct its the first report i have hoard wouldn t a report more than onn in three year be kood in order or council and the grc to work together maccormack pcrhape were at fault a report was presented at the end of 1946 anj this 1947 re port is a little late we did assume that this year when council sweated a recreational committee that the chairman of that would serve as a lioson between us and council gibbons i dort think a vote of confidence u required there is no criticism i havo to offer i un derstand that two of tho five mem bers of the official grc board hav c resigned and wvmld suggeat tli at they be replaced with two teen agers maclaren i doit think thats a good idea you need men of maturity to serve in responsible positions tiibbons i don t agree teen igera have on interest in tho grc program and thou d have a voice on the council mccormack the man coun nl is jit a figurehead ny and all utizeiia are weliome to attend ill ultc meetings our actual group eomposld of twenty workers gibbons pie recreational dir it tor is paid from public funds and i is to take constructive criticism hid suggestions l the director h is the confidence of the grc and t en offers he 3 the right man in the right place we haven t any j horny to dismiss the recroatio- 1 al director ten if we should w ish tonight t repoit has been hjhtemn and i suggest we all h 11k of the futur ind do our best r he uth of ih town i lii mi kburn and ken mcmil- i tol 1 l uiiil thi a joint com t 1 the ii arl of parks uock- e lub and tirc was discussing 1 jo ibilit of mring an assis- n ru or whi would have ar of louc ng d ltiee for hock- jnd 1 aebal tuy were told a the town soh tor was gong f nd out nim moi day in toronto ihi oul i be cone u ider the act h h a r n a some am- m 1 ta made barber robinson wedding at norval t social and personal mr and mrs vrank keptner and jill have mvmid ihti the vpartmont vuuud by mr and mrs s p chapman abovo mr kentnera drug ajisre on main streak tpr and mr bfuco collin were hure front camp borden lot the woeic nd his jjavonu mr and mi ah colbiib 1 mr and mrs john kennedy hiqnt the week cud jn wardsytlld with mr and mnf john hilton mr and mm il u hull at ha rnilton apliil tho weel end in town mrs j ij uiniln ol walkervllle upent u few daya- th ipienda in town toiilg 011 to oriljia wlure alio spring flowera decorated norvml presbyterian church when bffv j h self omlclatod al ule double ring ceremony between wtrlcla ma hobtnaon only daughter of mr and mrs keuon a itoblneon of novftt and porgewnjianl peiv bert barber oljlejt son of mr 3d mm george u fturbor of george town on saturday juno 6th mua marion lfcpburif was bojolt ahd mrs nortfi keatty lindner prosi fied t tht organ given in jnarrago by htr father tho bride wore- a white satin gown with nylon yoke tmbroldei cd in ute1 pearls a cermet elicrtated l vtt t with sliver btuds held her ftill leni th embroiderod veil and alie carried n bouquet of white roses and lily of the vnlloy groen and ilnk brocaded satin was chosen for tho frocks off miss isiibcl cunnlnifram maid of honor und miss vloloty bancs bridesmaid both of uhom carried bouquets of pink rosea they uorc putch cape uid lonfj gloves of umilar matorial ua their gowns mr owen hugligj acted as best jnan and the ushers wero mr dun can hobinson brothel of tho bride und mr jimmie cleuve heccivnig afterwards at tho hom drew government returned with reduced majority dr urtd mrs c h howaon pf los a ill c lea alifnrnm und mr and mrs v a ilowuon of i oronto isittd on monday with thur aunt mis b k uuddtll hurlci streot- on ihursday af crnoon neigh- hours gatfiered at tho home of mrs i red armstrong mcnab stroct fi a lawn tea and irtuliitation honour a rccen brni mrs joseph hall jr mr b weston pro- ciited u tray and tfiss aqto mrs hall on behalf of ho vhb lilijan watand mrs l hamilton of aejfl attended the funeral m iil xathurmcs last week of the late george hoarc a for- check names for memorial tablets v arrangements arc being made for j memorial tablets one ot width w 111 beiplni jd ou the ceno taph- mid che other la the moraorlal- arena list has uecn cbmphed hj tho i eirion antf it uf impprtfnt that tins 111 complete and accurate lf any of ht- follauin napiee c c f makes strong cains t6 become official opposition stan hall mpf wins 11 i haton ntpiiittlv ljiellcd or if any jime of thosttlcnrrdon uttlvc- service in wofld wiir i iri omitttd noxt-of- i in 01 fiiliid i iii iskcd to contact legion im yui n jv i cowmah ov the ijkitl offici tyh4j friday niglj wie- progrosktvi c6ris4rvaitiv 1 ovcrnlnont pf k ptemlor geoi drew was rt to office jb mondays ctocllon in otltarfo n will hiivi an ovur pll majority in the next house standing of th fire j pikrtieu in the lest twq olectlons u rwnrns at tho noma 7 of tin bride uio brides mother i lnt of town wu wore a twopulc grcj cree suit demub ox gleir with navj accessories und corsage of 1ura ul j uf pink carnations lh grooms moth- twduj held a party for hk lr wore an vmoman beauty suit j- i nc with black accessor s fox fur and wayne norton brian puckering a ceraago of white captions l j ker nld jh i he happj couple left by plane i warj kobert harris his from malton for new york city three cousins gordon jimmy and the bride travelling in a navy suit v ith picture hat navy accessories uid a gardenia corsage gilbert preston weds dundalk girl dundalk united church decora ted with pink and white snapdrag on was the scene of tho wodding on saturday june oth of hlva do- ioen marshal daughter of mr and mrs robert marshall of dundalk and gilbert george ireston son of mr and un george preston of glen williams- iiev j h dean performed the ceremony diven in marriage by her father the bride wore a white atm gown styled on princess lines with swocu he trt neckline hor full length veil f tulle illusion wa- caught with a eoronet of ieed pears and ane car r el a cascade bouquet of red roses whiu larkspur aiui ulyof the val- u the jjroor h istcr ml hir it v 1 rt ton was maid of ho hour bearing jale blue jwinteyj d esprit ur tufftta wuh shorterjuiigth-veil- nrinxake and mittens of the acmt shudc her eini taicade bouqupi was of pink rost and swee jear the groom a couain mr itobert 1 reston was best man and the 1 ride s brothers george and har t marshall were ushers the ued- hng music was played by mrs mc- a1h ttr t a re c e ptio n d fterw a rds for ii e immediate famil es at the home f the bride s parents bir mother received weanng j grey ensemble with corsage df bjt i rnflowers and lil of thevalley i he grooms mother chose a na v blue nylon sheer w ith cordage f f j ink sweet jea and ha of ht lev r or i hontvmoan trip to musk oka the r u wore a white ulk jersey dress il na jccesor the eouple v ill in ir die i w ham ail hancock and his brother tor- lance celebrating bu uxth birthday lust saturday brydop shields had i arty at tho home of his parents mr and mrs joseph shields maple avenue out of town gueeta included mr and mrs harold simpson and won hill of oakville mrs wm shields ard son barry of ictoriu misses eleanor and vir ginia shields of may field mrs w h rerner and children kathleen ruth and david of streetsville brjdon s guest from town includ ed r ay e murfin darlene walker sylvia mcilurtry vancy booth june oliver caro y n biehn and m i na c oo in honour of mis patricia rob- nuin sorval whose marriage to mr deore w ii barber took plaee last saturday o wm g m i uuthlin ijo urmun sutclffo lieut job l iio man leut bruee mmcrman i o norman bailey po william murphy p o james i outh 1 ltsit i awre ec beaumont sgt su wart maclaren j t hubert to cpl hedicy shaw cjil carl hyde lac william onmey kfm j dttvla pte harry dickenson pu stanley dlckenaon pte claude dllon pte edwad doyle pte ervino hlits pte tred kldd pte john okane pte john olive- ab victor mi iar pte harold simpson pte robert wiley pte william wiley pte john kendall pte reg blair pte john hemphill pte george latimer harve dav dson clifford beaumont r allen j jamieson howard conn william kay 1945 1048 1 j co b 1 merit il l fcr 8 2i 1 ih i nb 3 1 1 h i r ig 2 2 90 00 i remier drew wai personally iefcated m i oronto high park in the cct landslide i hat city but will remain as party leader wilh indicationj that a seat will be found foj- him in the house lib eral party leader tarquhar oliver and ccr leader e b jolliffc wer both elected and the latter will lead the official opposition when the now parliament convenes- in halton star hau mp p conservative member won his third election but with a croatly reduced majority unofficial rotums how thm is 120 ympareu with 1071 in 19jg georgetown avo the liber- ils a 10 vote majority and esquesv infj 20 vote halton county i pte pte dvr pte ipr pte hepburi dlen ill ami entertai- ne4j at a cup and aucer shower mrs lh laird my- otorge c 1 row and mia jo g laird gave a miscellaneous shower miss isabel i unnuifjiam u id miss isabel ilur ra a tuthroom shower and mrs tea andniandker ehief houer on saturday may j th mrs nelson robinson en truiiied at a trousseau tea the tt table was attrac- vely decorated a h ahite flowers and pink can dles mrs george h berber mn jt re c brown mrs lawrence may and mrs l h laird pourod tt a thobe w no aitisted w ere isa btreeuville gains second place in lacrome group with leogue leading ebeneier miss marion naving a week t uy off streetavllle gained second pla t by defeating i nxie g4 on monday as part of tlie double header junior farmer iaerosie game at norval truae e 1 j o t half time but strceuville tut a trio apiece in the last two j eriods hali pc 6028 deans l 6608 adamson ccf 3089 georgetown pc l ccf ward 1 123 160 7 ward 2 1r5 241 114 ward 3 238 1g6 02 526 550 260 brownjoyce wedding at ballinafad at the ballinafad manse on sat urday may 29th rev o r plh- iall united in marriage mary leon joyce eldest daughter of mr and mrs larl joyce bonte and ha rold li 6yd lrown fon of mr and mrs harry r bro n r r 4 ac- i ton i the bride looked lovely in a light blue jersey dress with navy blu and white accessories and a corsage t deep pink roscb mlae grebm i vedgewool dunton u i i i mr- j -t- j r- tjoyce of hamilton only sister or iinfini t2 ngisured for trucie i tii i i 11 t t the bride wore a pink jersey drea i hlis j wilson u i tame d y j j itauie and wedge wood tox iitresv t mile normal and i ullamore fought a use game w hich ended m a 4ali lie and left tnim tied for third j ate in the b ng the game as btrielly becaw from the time n a ang pass from cllae tteored hi 1 0 unninghani violet bariich goalie cation f tx norval till car- i un a mcclure alma may hunter jean l heater isab murray mar jarer iexander jo g iaird mrs albert hobinson eton and mrs 1 1 ri l kobmson guelph halton election 1045 iy i mind i rem is at the weather t 4ppral necessar from the rnment for a etriue clause gibbon we have uien our licitors advice and he aajs ue approval is ntkeaaar tm disctaastan enaed with couu dl pronusin to ri eonaldermtiab to tla r4uast of the labour coun cil uut the j5000 restriction be jrppd m 1 l i 1 i t fithtr o 1 oi v ha is so rmre- lu ur could be he as a et k e i 1 the the ms w ek has boon jn 1 rv iry and i m are thursday shower was apprec- i td b alt ht gardens- a bit n re would no hur tther era batkin the weather man was a lack tf space rasualtv ast week but ifit r h res toning to take it out on the editor with some bad weather ht rel and gf ulinothef ptrfect week lai weeks aunv min appears in another section of the taper ed max three georgetown girls varsity grads y i m ut iry tow g r barbara 1 ar mi hrn tap m i nn uow- i a art i amb rtvi wn ng he gra 1 iu of tht li i r of toron thi- war md received their i a h 1 r f ts egrets barbara i in the four h year general i ur i an 1 the other two n the hrt war general course r ngiri tr i g nul released laat as week at tlie l ersitv of tor- nto listed william hellv as passing hi nd year course in civnl engin eering itou petcl t 3rd jer civil ingineering student had sn anxious day s waiting when the newspaper ist didnt contain his name but found out later that tt had been omitted b passed i u i a is of eomjaarison here is halton voud in tlie lims pro- i eia eiecuous lliere were throe in lida es m he field stan hall was re elertevi oi progressive i a e member with a maj- u lu 1 er mrs mary pct- rr tied it up for 1 ullamore cun nn gham ucu cuirpbei aud bob i eshe eot the othti norval goals ti d aekroyd 2 and gardhouse ured for the lu 4 smart and lewly refere tli guiileb 1 1 e teams noral cati n goal bill 1 on th jim cleave doug lowilauld j 1 c unninihaiu uuss rendley 1 nelj ai liet jl fj rendley j ilidtutk doug camj bell bob dav- iuach amtr can iron bob leb fashioned on similar lines to that of the bride with matching accea- i sories and a corsage of deep pink roses mr robert brow n was hi brothers groomsman following the ceremony a recep- mon was held ct the home of the irroom s parenta- the couple all oyed a wedding trip to manitoulls k und und other northern point lre r i i ti 1 lurd uai f t unoidull 1 u 1 11 1 lo 1 u tr ji 1 14 t bj ibj ur o i 4 4ou 197 mi u 4 j j- ibu luk 1u 4 tda 407 1 iui h o 1- 1j8 u j aut u ju 881 132 st ion j j j2j 90 trit kji um i j1 j7 ojl 4oil 2665 pc rih ccf tual car arcn u auoi h- wu what esquesing council did on tuesday june 1st met for the first tune is th new juncil chamber at stewart un ufttr holding meetings fo mm months at thi home of ua r ad superintendent w e town- nd at oral accepted the tender of geort mi motors for u one ton truck ulijtc t pljii of highways ap- vuthor ztd jurr i u for l ur i itl jjx bftll to aien at local peohje will fly to england 1 u un ort w u ji i err carduuuwl jri it kii vtl ic wiiuilj ward l lujd ii 1 carbiir rnjiuii 1 1 i 1 u nt nuon lioj lhla w edge- i jo 1 i jb tt iw 1 tlx uuun i unit l ulstn c ijoiliiam j hum o lija iti jol lons il ai ar irixil li iurl goal ii 11c- l uin k httts h allison il i unit h ttedjjtwood il duntott vbouth t ltutledjje t mccrack- tin from f c olifi for the town- ir itocl lonard incc tills- hli hall fix a 0st oth70 tcepttd the undir of wm e i ck und douglas shlardown tor in hndii bttwicn ht th snd 7tk l jiiltbsions lot 21 n auprovaj o it dipt of hghuas v pdrcnased a modified water sy junior farmer lacroue june 1 ms 31 june 2 june s june 4 june 5 june i art heard mala from ur tajior oi naptab sloten anoat tlie drlitav- mined by w watar ac la a towau goofc 00ox gabona a day t 1m7 a ram la a park aa 3a 83 74 81 84 97 eg 9 781s mtn 44 sb kl 47 e4 s 45 u rain 11 11 two local residents uill fl to mistake and he had y ngln fnr -ii- fi latives next ueek on monday miss lime dewhunt leaves from dorval airport for the old country her mother mia a dewhurt who mad tht trip kenau a year k eurhr party t ue ti f v h uu rooms bat pwdy a wdl att f j ded mrs alextayla- aa mrt- jm 1uu legjon auxiliary sponsors euchre at- donh forest openls bal hettrj shepherd convaaad tka party for the legion w a- pruawlabar at cards were mrs aji couaa mrs c e siaeay mm hanry shepherd and mia bob bomfiakl mrs jack wutaay won taa eoaae- lauon and aim albert imaim the door prise a bamjui tt u lea trip stewarttown conssatulatione aad beat ihia u i niaallj u mr ad mrs james l 8aa laaa who eabv bratad their kffta n stit1is asarer- aary on taaaaay j wk strtfctsille r 1 orval 1 1 1 i ullamore 11- uo 2 trixie last week julie 4 tiuajnbr vs tnxu rained out june 7 norval 4 tullanaora 4 strewule trbda 4 this whkjc june 10 tuuauor trlsia at norval june 11 alloa vs bbanasar at woodbruro ioaa 14 streaarwua monat aldaa a tallaaaare at narrat psid sheep t aims of 152 jaa ituiscll euf killed s2s spaneat valuator 4- rnery lamb killed 17 v w shaa t ill aluator u meldruni stark hep killed 116 t eurdla prfo i 4 uunbs killed mod on injur died later w0 ht a lituasay sheep killed 2t sheep injured aa died tlo a m stark valuator i trips 12 beeelved approval of tha vinenditure bylaw of t0va e rf aecoqbss larlaihmr rludd palnunc 1400 86 0 bajlaf 1410 kelaon tilb 10 toronto ntuaf limst mmltcf m aaataaaaastaa aaaaaaaas i atfjmawaiambga pbu h

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