Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1948, p. 2

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the georgetbwn herpld wednesday lime 9th 1948 the old and the new in flying eleven yfars ifrj aviatiok it at a far cry front tiles plane m whcrftramcaiwdt air unn first began opfcrstions li 1507 a tfiij boge 40 pasatiikcr prp smnicl north- sar wludh oliidally glilcrut iron- continental pervlec on june j when bca hettji trjiltcotitmcitnl ongva- tion in april ipjo thoaockheel 0passejicr shown l4low wissuf ficlent to meet traffic demands air travel has tfrmvn to such an eictenl la the past it years that the lock- heeds have llccil replaced svitlu the powcrftil four-cnkined- north star shown at top it u canadas laroeit and fastest plane and holds a traox- contivlental ipecd recori on june 1 the new ic phnc il i i ml totercity apd ramatlantic scrvicts news and stems of interest to halton farmers spraying cows against flies splaying duty animal atfainwt flica aj lcgulu inu ili dunni tlic aummcr months ahouid be a must in the routine of herd management spraying the hcstocl should be be gun at once if action in this dlrcc tion has not ilrcady bltn taken it should be coninucd at rtgular in- j tcrvala of from tw o to f i c v cekb depending on tht tu ration of the effectiveness of the pray intd af ter exposure to hca y rains addi tional spraying is ucesan there arc a number of commcr cial sprays available some of these contain ddt and other poisonous ingredients while oth rs have ary- itig concentrations of d d i mixed with water or paiaffm ab a result oi tejto made at the central expcnmenta i arm the following a pray u now being uaod pounds of r ddt water dlsjyorsible powder in 2j to 5 gala of water this gios a concentration of from one to two per i cent spray which has proven satisfactory for controlling flica on caule a similar sway out of greater ddt concentrat on is used in and about dairy stables to control cattle flies tius spray is made up of one pound of 50 per cent d d 1 water dispcrsibl powder in one gal of water care shojld be taken to see that all food or drinking vessels art co cred bqfort- spray mg since ddt is poiaoious when swallowed in nrgcinridunts halton cattlf command high prices h r wh1te1 addresses shorthorn meeting twilight barn meeting wiih held i 1 1 n tly at the farm home of j h i uiuii well i ilown and prominent shoi thorn hreedci of aeton a iol jiumbtr nf shorthoin brccd- tis f hulton ind wellington eoun tits w tre in atten 1 mce in addition i to member- of the vcton hoys and n i calf lub in the members of the haby ikef cetion of the ii il on talf e lub ii k white itrctaiy of tht shorthorn ass n of canada and lrof a d kumons of the department cf animal hus bandr dutlph w tre the eluef sptiaktis two occ client classes of shorthon s wut sckctt 1 from the learen turd i he programme also includtd dt moiibtniii ia on curling ind showmanship in 1 c vmos of moffat and agricultural keprescri tatie j l white lock delicious lunch served by tht iearcn family brought to a conclusion one of the the moat uc cssful farm meetings htld in cton ditritts in some church news first baptist church rev i chai i gower miniates 10 am caat thy burden upon tho lord sun lay school tho trcastrru we ned looso monday by eu wwl lusilay prayer mud 1 a m 7 p m not it p m 8 p m mooting aim dlbld study vorval rov parish of horntbr and sivwartsnra anglican jt e maxwoh tfa ltfc rector st slphn church horbr 1 1 a m morning senrleo except lat sunday in moni vtninrig stji m i st pauls church nosral 7scjpm evensong oxcepl at sunday lrt roontt loly coimufion at 11 ajn st johov chuish stawarttowa 8pm etfenlnsr service except 1st sunday in mqntk jornlng sorvlco at 080 am st george church rthdluion w 0 ihompaon j hector i iiihi sli vy itir trinity hol communion k a in sujrwlay schoil 10 00 am mat ia 11 00 am lctsonit 7 pm st albans church clon williams i hhtd slda aitir trinity ho communion j 30 am unda school 10 30 am gsoryatowii united cbttrela 10 am sunday school 11 am rev russell macgull- vray formerly of wlnnlpej wtll ir ach norval united church antmdrinrj services sunday juno 13th scrncos at 11 am and 8 p m dut4t speaker for tho day rav j luvall smith b a d d of toronto special muhlc by our choir striclfl at he glon and mount pkaannt uithdravvn ll are wolcomo to thoso servi- hely cross bc church rov pr v j morgan 2nd and 4 th sunday mass at 9 m tat 3rd and 6th sundays mass at 11 am 10 15 11 15 1000 11 oj a m a m j p m 3pm balllnafad sunday school public worship churchill public worship sunday elchool melville sunday school public worthlp norval united church anniversary services sunday june 13th rcv j lavall smith b a jb d of toronto special music by the choir services at ii a m u 8 pm personality portraits and child studies appointments in your own home albert simson phone 436 ii j iiiimiiiiiiaiiiuiiimirauwiiiiiiaiiiiuiimiauiui plumbing repairs and alterations mastic tiling phone 381 4 e a hicken georgetown t w clapham muitumnuittimitiniurutu iiraiaiimj jl today vre lire in a gteatdrgnada a visitor here from england mi- l i s utt of i teds i nt land airnod n town last weclc to hit with nor son it jaw ind daugh ttr mr and mra stcuart young mrs scott muli the troiain on ik uitama wins new ford in lucky draw the national holstoni sail held in thl oakmllt ina on mondny afternoon of laat icok and tin col- den gulrnyt iiali at tht oakwllt salts tltiii mi wtuntdda t tiling of the hanit uctk both attracted capacity crowds an animal consie nod by j j l met luc of alhston topped the holstcln salt bnniini 6001 a two ci old lauihlcr of sovereign consi ittl in albtrt stage of oakillc brought 2ij0 whllt a paruicon dniikhtci lind t l j mtatfhtr of oakilllt hiought 1600 at tht couu n inins s 1 1 a htiftr consu ntd b s biouks if iuris brought tin top puce ol 1 1 ill hit t ip ii i tin in ifi i brtd and consent i in m 1 mtnabb and sons of inritown lnoucht 725 otlnr ii i tin in in c brttdtis miikiui t jiismnintnla to tins salt win vtni ii oth mil ton mil vull nt i ii in iii oakmlli high school news by vic and jo at our jubi nt leaders leulily unow thm column i oui fin il mui terpivct- 1 his wet i tht studt nls ia411 emtrlre from th dim and dusty hulla of old ii b to tnjoy a brief rtt called tin hunnur lioliday- with no school iu huvt nuthnir to report ho no ulumn iolu il isn t u u i hted of lulfph w ho is married to the formi r mary itludd of len william t i- tlil winner of a 11mk ford in a recent raltle r indue teil bj i vi i i elub at stamford was bank clerk here now in brampton ffy lands produce meu weatic we readily almit that our col umn haa been no litciury master piece or a kn of the 1 iikiihii lan- gajle for it bus betn full of corn hftlbkod witticism and harcastic comment however we have had lot of fun wmitttf it and wt hope you hava enjoyed radik l now cotnw tfce quti of w a vld and jot w have triad to kep ik momewlut oi a wseret initi il ly tecaue w uk to live how- vr u thl im our uat column ad tium we uw leaving th country o th adrk of the editor we boam lei mm tm readers lo on it 8 lton b lfe eeof eeeieii douglas hrackcn u her at the ii mk of montreal h re until he was ti uisfrrctl to 1 mini ni hai betn ilpointit a hi stunt u i ountant it tht btnk br inch m irampton dug m in u 1 tin i iriiui lit u ii i lionip n f 1 unimu tint years ao j nil nie will h j nu iif bun in 1 iiinipt n is sn n tht ml an i u tnu nt tht 1 1 i in v i th i- mntil1 is v it tor i kim i t il laik im stupid i iim m th par of i m ii i itltd john stntt 1 m i fifth fonn fuimer ti i in i i tlu studt nt souneil o 1 li id i 1 1 and a kin ill til ii ind ii i 1 li i moit i i u h i b i ill jliu rutj i ill hi ball in i kills my i i ui lit i tun i lo 1 inn at in v i us 1 tin ui i ti nniirkb i i h i iluniii inn fi n nw md i ii i ill l t pun h i in tin nost for tin tiouhlt i in jo tliu 1 1 i it jm h at i i in tlu t il h tiidsiuiu sctuiioe with tht i il h i i i inhibit a jmrt liam- im i liltb f imu nilinher f tin touiitiy t iiii ilm wil jutant of tlu i tdi t rorp and a pretty itunl lialf wit m might loutrihuti ui to the i oluniu is tlic outubdtuhi it iie trotumn- la the so eallld wi moflt ii ports iiilert t mt njtetull awim- mi njr jfirlh rugby kora bamsliall and gtrla i occupy my spare ttpie w itli ploying the tor net and looking ut new cars so we have ilnul confetued to our crimea but try and catch us uut we would like to thank our fews read era for ondurnuj our non- heiihe every week also we want to thank walter ulohn for printing our column eveh though the cir culation of the herald dropped and our enfflleh teacher mr- lambert who tried to tech u aome eng lish aint it aham7 at steep rock tht- mjr avl mem of i hie of ihr 1 1 i i i ii f iron on on llir iiim m ivii m j iirw i in koiifhi priiiuiv in lutlrv lodi iimlrr tin jrdmu ithmrt of uiiuvj in- jrrj of hilli ruilr iron orr i nou rnil i tivrlv ix plorrd nl h mini s new power trains uliol iww lominii- nitith an rising uht onl rstrla wjs iio1hi but a udste of rm k uatcr anl irns uwl fro n tundra ioila anald lii a n w iiifir in tht u iltli rn s i lit ilt v lopintmil of our onrtinii w iti limn i- nn of tht mol imii tint pliiist of in kii modi rn nl aiu r i n lllldldll i- in in in iiiv iriiui th it ji niion iotia t i niti rtittr an til t i it m id t ilitin hi i i i km w im fm i a land of ii u oui t itiu oppurt tiinln li ilu- i om- lll ik m tin ii i til m oil iv war created ir n n i lrt i n r i i i or ii im ii j im h i th in i th il irtlitti t in ilii i ill t i th i rl turn s i i r i if i irml mil f i it 1 1 a l i i i mil r where ief0re ihr war a- a n kiiom utt ii ttililrrnrhh siiih1iuu ih now priului iiil more tliein u iiullion hornr iuvrr f lrt ln a i rtnrjv vl velloukilif on riiil sftr iuli nth rold w mr ii if nrtra tir iwiiil drvruijwj itoiii rat uear lkr near the arc lie pirrlr ttimra pnrnun rdiuiu new opportunities 10hn aoatkin sou of su iiiuuiereni wooil worker developed ills launls as niusi isn lo wul a dislinanubed place lu caustlisn rsilto he beeawe cucs seulor programi pnujuivr now bae hie own productions minpsiiy ui toreailo bae produced over 1000 redio ebows bselodius aoene oi use bsoel popular uu tbe cauadlau air ia master oi ceremoulee aad ssl iswuallaaaltalsalabow opprtllv kalu oseelssabasisisssilst mhh ii1ikih lissw asmtl twl saw essswransv mtm yo0na

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