Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1948, p. 1

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georgetown herald wednesday evening june 16th 1948 new wartime houses allocated 0 announcement was mad eat mo- day of the alteration of th tsraaty two virttiim hew in hoosing project mo 2 at the toot of george street bym f myers district ad ministrator- for v central mortjmt and hoasing which eosilrois til houses for uw government- the successful applicants chosen from k list of 72 are arthur arm strong fred j armstrong herbert arnold fii j don arthurs george h barber floi j brown frank w carter james cofell joseph cox j r cuth- bert clarence freestone a b guest r j gordon king prod maveal harry mcmurtry h w roshicr joseph stamp c e supleton l p pat vance and trovor williams the houses are all ready for oc cupancy and some tenants began moving into their new home yes terday the weather mr editor thanks for your ps on last greeks weather report it cleared ttihe atmosphere for meas some peo ple thought maybe the weather had me down this weeks summary la fairly consistent wkh the recorded temp- uraturos and the gardens are abra- ing theberfofit 6f the rain kt the rfrst of the week with the temperatures down in the gos at night it la ideau for home prod johnson j sleeping and nothing exceptionally high during tha day o cause axei slvo perspiration but dont forget tlic first day of summer will soon be here ern batkla marshall smith wedding at st georges church on thursday june srd at st georges chuxeh of england arch deacon w g o thompson officia ted at the wedding of basel smith daughter of mr and lira herbert smith and douglas marshall sea of mr and lbs- w g marshall the brwe wore a light blue suit with black accessories and a corsage of orchids her only attendant was her sister mrs leon cowtan of brampton who wore a salt of deep er mae wtth black accessories and corsage of red roses afar harold marshall was groomsntaa for hk brother a reception followed at the home of the brides parents her mother receiving wearing a light mauve dress mrs marshall chose a grey dress with black and white acces sories following a northern hon eymoon trip the couple have taken up residence in georgetown max juno 7 64 juno 8 07 juno 9 76 juno 10 70 june 11 78 june 12 76 june is 72 min 46 52 52 48 68 52 47 rain 5 28 i trace average 7167 50 76 fred w norton was long glen resident coxe morrison wedding last saturday at the united church parsonage hornby on saturday june 12th rev fred ainswortb officiated at the marriage of roth elizabeth morrison daughter of mr fred morrison of ashgrove and the 1st mrs morrison and leonard alex ander coxe son of mr and mrs stephen coxe of milton the bride wore a dusty rose crepe dress with abort cap sleeves and white acces sories and a eoreage of white gar denias attend inc ber was her cousin mrs k o mcleod of sud bury wearing grey crepe with banqtiet fetes oha hockey champions the smiling group abovo was cnted the cup dinty moore 01- annpped at the hockey banquet two vmpu hockey star vod wag- weeks ago when the john ross rob- liornv governor of the toronto hoc- ortson trophy was presented to the key league jack birtwistle team captain second row lto r art mur georgetown raiders intermediate a champion of ontario seated l to r harold me- clure jim coimulj manager of the thl stouey team tory gregg ojsa vice pros george punter oha president who pres- dock jach rhodes voted most val uable player by his teammates larl emoild mavm joseph gib bons ken mcmillan 1948 hockey nub president deputyreeve jack ruibtrong rotiring club president conch doug itunlona nick ferri hone martin hack row managor perc black burn hob 1ano ted king del ilcaumont max bradbury leigh iliadbury don barrager ken naah eddie binsell abhle kemahead grotty patterson photo by albert simeon for fifty years a resident of glsa williams frederick william norton died at his home there on wednea- 1 day june 9th after being bed-rid- don after a stroke suffered ebt late james norton and mary jane allen and was born in 1867 in churchvllle he had lived in lime- house and teeswater and pioneered in northern ontario when a young i man retired lor the past five years he had been an engineer and a splnnor at the beuumont knitting mills j mr norton is survived by us wife the former delilla dobble and eight children fred katherrn mrs roy hilts roy and thomas of glen williams wlnnifred mr james dolby of guelph alexander john of hamilton and allan and elisabeth mrs joe momenemy of georgetown he u predeceased by two sons charus and james there are 28 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren he also leaves two brothers jams of glen wil liams and allan of limebouse and a sister mrs dennis tracey of glen williams tic sitters pre deceased him mrs charles suther land and mrs richard marchment mr norton had been a member of the orange lodge since he was sixtoon years old and belonged to junior farmers lacrosse ebenezer still undefeated alloa gains in lacrosse loop 5 w 1 the red cross of the black knights navy blue seturias sad a corsage thc fllneral conducted by y of uumon ptok glaiioll mr george k r f home on smlllie of milton was groomsman for his brotheylnlew a reception followed the cere- friday with rev f j dunlop of vorvsl in charge of tlic service r n i i pallbearers were fellowmembers m uj h0 of 0e order of the bride s fjithtr mrs florence tindall received for thc bride wkh the grooms mother assisting after a honeymoon trip with twelve games played in the junior farmer lacrsse league eb- enzer looks like the team to beat with a record of three wins and a tie in four amea played streets- ville are also a strong ontry and in creased their hold on second place with a win against norval on moo dy alloa are late starters and won one and tied one in ttteir last two starts to leave trlxie in undis puted cellar spot alloa 3 ebenezer s playing at woodbrdge last thurs day alloa and ebenezer played a close 3atl tie ane a newcomer tuinema scored twe alloa goals und fraaer the third with wadby moddlson and hogg having assists j ross 2 and c boynton kopt ebenezer on the ruthr side of the uore sheet picnic supper for iode meeting the june meeting of countess of strathmore chapter iode took the form of a picnic supper on monday at the home of mrs em ratkin a short business session followed when plans were made for t lau n tea later thi month and a discussion took place on presenting i lever bros pageant of fashion as i n fall activity i mrs batkin child welfare con- ener reported that an excellent liule of felothlng had been sent to thc chapters adopted northern school mrs wallace thompson educational secretary reported on thc movies of princess elizabeths wedding and the royal south afri can tour for nubile school children- mrs jack armstrong reported that thc chapter was still sending monthly food parcel to a needy fiimil in england interment was mpdc in groen- i wood cemetery georgetown take up residence he couple will n aahgrove womens institute will operate park booth the regular monthly meeting of thc georgetown womens tristltuiej was held in thc auditorium of the public library on juno 2nd it was decided to adopt a british family and to send them parcels at intervals the institute will take a holiday from rcgulur meetings for the months of july and august the booth under the grandstand at the park former- owned by mr thos wames has been purchased for use as a means of adding to in come it was occupied for the first time last saturday on tlic occasion of the miltongeorgetown baseball game and tho committee in charge report a good day and look for ward to a very successful sosaon mrs w v grant and mrs her- ry bailey were appointed delegates to the annual convention in guelph in september it was decided to plant petunias at the war memorial for this season planning to look into the matter of permanent bed of shrubs later mrs c freure and mrs harold cleave gave an ap count of their trip south in march showing pictures and snapshots it was amusing interesting and edu cational and thoroughly enjoyed by all those present tullamore 7 a postponed gam was played at norval on friday betweon tulla- mo was a more even rame more finally winning 75 lions win seasons opener in fastball one to centre field to make first wfoly brandfnrd brought him home with a throobase hit to left ficd loruso filed out to centre and brandford madt borne to the up thc game allan filed out and norton struck out fifth inning three up and three away for lions ditto for meadowglen stamp making a sensational catch on andersons fly to second t stamp out on a liner to third al- slxth inning tott made two on a hard hit to cen- tril stole third but died there when lleaumont and halpln filed out no rcoro for the opposition seventik laaaag bill anderson replaced densraor on the mound for meadowglen lien hill bounesd onu over lomaso und made second korzack moved him to third on a two base hit double by cotton brought in two runs with two men out meadow glen had allen norton and h pres ton on bsse but r preston filed out to end the game limehouse playing last msht in geergatowu trixie s i p duffys ihowd a irons en try by walloplnc meadowgun 2712 i in the second game of the aeries nrv 7t i meadowgun trailed 234 colas into rc and trixie w th the luckless ti u a f ln last period when they staged a trwies again on tho bottom end 11 of the count two of their star b players were late in arriving and at half time the lulls led 41 with i wth major p ball gibbon inxe at full strength the last half the mound hal 1 hoy shall not with tulla- nowman behind tho plato andj m a short programme that evening jirk slugker armstrong at bat a largely attended showor was the guc industrial fastball league had it official opening at the park i on friday the gluirger scored a hit trip to norval juniors strcetsvillc right in there pitch- from major gibbon and with for group l gained ken mcmillan tells hockey i streetsville 10 norval b two nusccllanoou showers were rioentl held in lanehouae memor ial hall miss margaet klrkpstrick ind mr john foster were the recip ients of many usefu gifts and good wishes on wodnesday night prior to their wedding next ssturdsy mrs l karn boukjo and peter mulder and betty curnc took part an informal talk by ken memil- iu8 win over norval on monday ian president of georgetown hock- m froticoring gnmc which saw cy glub featurod last tuesday j norvala early leai disappear in a opening ccromomc dipposod the of um femsha with ticket mo 149 won the radio offered as a gat prrse at taw opening grc indus trial fassball garde on rviday- da- pntyheave armstrong made the mooting of norval lunlors at the homo of neil and hetty van vliet he described the hockoy teams trip to st joseph daimn this spring dealing particularly with the good will such evontfl engendered be tween the two provinces he had si veral picturos newspapers and souvenirs to illustrac his talk at the girls mecung which pre eded the joint mei ting mrs ward krownndge explalncj thc prepara tion of a picnic haiket lunch a presentation was made o mr nml mrs ward brownrldgo who wore married in april both of whom have bcon valuable members of the juniors congratulations were extended to three mombers who won trips as pr yes at the ach ievement day in milton mae wlngfiold and eld- on stark will visit washington d c as guests of lincoln county juniors this sum mer and eraser mcnsbh will go to cttlca4r the first week in decem ber to the 4h club congress strong strtotavillo rally fondloy loslie and leslc campboll scorod for norval xl ellis w itainc for strcotsvillc leslie again for norval und douk allen and w kaine for strectavtlt in tho first piriori i he visitor addod two by whaky and j lyons hamilton to lead 53 at tho half scoring was c en in the third leslie and louth for norval and d aon for stroota- villc allon whalcy and wedge- wood notched thrdo streetsville goals in thc last period and leslie louth and campboll equalled this for norval alloa s tullamore 1 card of thanks we wish to exttnd our thanks and appreciation to our neighbours and friends who resnonded so quick ly and fought so valiantly during the fire also t the milter tele phone company for taahr eo-ope- etlon mr and mrs alex m hume r r 5 milton alloa trounced tullamore 51 monday in their drive towards a playoff spot piling up a three goal lead afterssroreleh first period moddlson scored unassisted and ag ain on an assist from cricbton and ifloutilo coppod bbe third gardhouse of tullamore got tho only score in tho third and tuinema seattle and crlchton moddlson scored the last two goals for alloa mr and mrs lloyd walters and son of hamilton were visitors in town last week this is a 11page paper the starting teams lions and mead owgun placed a close 4- game winch the lioiih won bill korzack for lions und densmorc were the opposing pitchors with stevo hal- pin anil georg brandford behind tlu plate rirtt inning llonb were first un and joe stamp kt the only good hit of the inning stretching it to a rwohagger partly h hit and artly by ajj error in li ft fiold he got no further men dowglcns first batter was a strike out bramlford maiu two bases and i orusso hit into a double play secofad inning halpln struck out sehertxl hit ami made first jin an error by dens- tnoro and camo omo when hill banged out throe ases into centre field korzack madt first on an er ror cotton filed out to second three strikeouts for moadowglon allan norton and anderson in order tnlrd inning for thc lions walt cook was out at first stamp out on a foul fly and ernie alcott out at first h preston and r proston struck out for the mushroomers ron latimer at bat gave the bal a tip which hit catcher halpln in the forehead and was later out at first j fourth lamlaf halpin got a walk to first seher txl made first safely en a weak hit halpln out at second beau mont filed out hll hit one straight up demrraora caught it for masdosglen densmore poled a lichlon fridav evening for mr and mrs harold brown recent nous useful and lovely gifts both i ouples made suitable ropllos after- u urds cvlen cross insecticides repre- jliitcd bj mr cotton of guelph showed a numlcr of educational films for the benofit of the school girdcners und others interested st the hall ono evening recently and valuable literature was also dlstrt on tod we extend sympahy to tho gor don family on the recont doath of mr wm j hall mrs a w norton has been visit ing in hamilton recontly mr and mm d s mcdonald and family und mr and mrs glsby van tod in brampton on saturday recont visitors include mr and mrs chapman of brad ford ponn mr und mrs grad- wel mr and mrs best of toronto anil miss helen swackhamer of detroit with miss margaret swack- humer mr and mrs patterson of acton wlthmr andmrs a c patterson mr and mrs morrow and elans of toronto with mrs lane and the mortons mr and mrs geo pearson of milton and mr and mrs greenlees and children with the benions mr and mrs karn and children of london with mr and mrs e karn mrs e batatas project class made a splendid showing at ach ievement day in milton when kt- eanor spllser won highest marks b junior judgiag mrs batkin was presented with a rose bowl at taw tazna avast social and personal waekend visitors with mr and mrs ern batkin at wlldwood wet mr and mrs j 0 pace and mr p j batkin of toronto albert kemahead left on monday for edmonton alberta where h interfds to make his home mr and mrs clifford king and mr bob rawing of weston visits mr apd mrs ted ewingjover the wek end r mr joe mcdonald 8f h r actorr viajtad in toronto over th week end mrs w f gibson and miss hal en gips6n at grimsby were btm- day guests with mr and mrs keith harbor miss gall mcdonald daughter of tyr npd mrs sandy mcdonald main street visited her grand- mother and uncles at dolly vardesi last friday mr william ostrnndor emery street met with an accident when ho fell at his home recently and is recuperating in peel memorial llospitfll brampton mr and mrs mirvyn kennedy and daughtors doreen and fay and mr john burke of owes sound woro viutory sunday with his mother mrs j w kennedy and miss m kennedy rov and mrs r c todd and colleen of niagara falls were visi tors in town on saturday wheal mr todd returned to officiate at the mckinnonmllllerc wedding fas tho united church mr william farara of ottawa who was in toronto in connection with tho trado fair spent th week end here with his parents mr and mrs s t farara mr and mrs j e petorkin of toronto wore guests at the same home recent guosts at valloyview ca bins huntsvillc opcrsted by mr and mrs wilfrid hunter of gecsv getown were mr und mrs willlaa jlonathan and daughter judy and mr and mrs jack baliantine and daughter muriel mr and mrs g blttman and daughter joyce of brighwood ore gon and mrs t a leughlln of toronto spent the week end visit ing in town with mr and mrs a i chalker and mrs a matthews mrs a r speight attended th 8rd annus conference for unttest church women at mcmaster unrrasw aity hamilton last week as av- delegate from hal tor preabyterial mr ed mcwhlrrer left yeatesv day for edmonton alberta ab he will visit with his brother mr george mcwhirter who had baaaj visiting her mr and mrs j g collier mr and mrs mervyn klrby and mv and mrs art scott spent th weak end at the scott cottage at barro- lia park ore station constable william campbell of tho r cm p who had been visit ing in town with his father mr john r campbell left last weak for his new station at yellowknifa nwt he was going by train to edmonton and will complete th trip from there by plane he was formorly stationed at north battle- ford saakatachowan mrs spence mcknnon eleanor milllcre was tendored sevoral sho wers and presentations prior to he marriage last saturday a mock wodding featured u mlseellsnaon shower at tho homo of miss norm ihompson misses msrjorie kent- ner mary and isobel dobeon held a weincr roast at which th gang presontod tho bride and groom t be with a walnut coffee table th girls of the msry agnow mission circle of georgetown united church held a kjfcohen shower at the home of miss frances deans and the united cliurch choir presents her with a set of cake diet fal low members of tho bank of com merce staff whoro both the brld and groom are employed gave the a trllight lamp on june 4th tba brides mother entertained at a trousseau tea mrs jack needhaas of brampton mn thomas hev- son and mrs norman h browa poured tea toa rpom assistant woro norma thompson mr whal don emmerson agnes moclure mary dobson isobel dobeon betty odium nsncy brown xslay mev clure mary mcciure mrs- ern thompson mrs norman snyder ms william hlller and mrs ray coles moadowvale barn saved in milton fire good work of neighbour who formed a bucket brigade saved a barn from burning down an ha farm of mr and mrs alex ml hume r r k mutcn last thm- day evening a fire was start by some children in a straw stack only two feet front th barn who tho humes ware away fees kasha which might have resulted hi liag edy had it not bee dlss ear ly-

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