Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1948, p. 13

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si llir georgetown herald wednesday june 16th 1948 activities report of georgetown rctreatkmal council cnntjnnad areas face s tto i that the interest of the generally miat be aaentad with therein aad okjectrcas a this overall roiamoeuy effort it 1 ra hoped parttaataty that a caoa ieantlina of tbk orovip of h tbteas would be on head ht ariar to bbtaia greater poblic support far a more ambitions procraaamac unfortunately very few fathera attended tnis ntberiac with the reaalt thai the main objective of she occaamawas -jefcated- kow- jever approximately vl40 bbjra with gjcc meaitmn ain- as footer fathers crowded hsto the hall and fflfl tn a representative front the maple leaf hockey club gob kodaan- ovuitteaoaae of the fine pointe of canada nationhl ame chaaxnioaachip crerta and trophea ere preaanted o the winners of le bantam and industrial softball league and medal to the winners of the track and field meet in addition a buffet supper was served dorine the evening each father and ghc member present paid 75c inwards the coat of this activity but the coat of tha meal for the boysthe rental for the hall and the advertising expense was carried entirely by the cec late in october the georgetown lions club and the gjlc- jointly sponsored the lirbuoy debonaixes orchestra cy mclean for an adult j dance in the rase boom of the ar- ena the public response to this event was very encouraging as a i capacity crowd of 367 filled the dance floor the board of parks management donated tha use of the i fioae boom and the lions club tur- ied their share of the receipts to- ward the work of the gbc a tii leader liag this group cf drama enthusiasts i under the capable eadershjp of mr jack thompsoai made arrangements with the grc to prodoce two plays during tha season it was agreed that 50 per cent of the ex penses he shared by each organi zation and the aei receipt divided equally in this connection it anmj be added that apprentice produc tions turned over 60 per cent of tha net receipt of the first play in or der to farther assist the gjbc the first play to trf beview was presented on h i i iaai aah to a record crowd in the old town mali it moat be borne to saind thai the production of this l le was a moat difkiupunaortakmg-at- tha time tfo major repairs had been made to the old twn ball there was bo lira tiny eqaipeaent no toi let or running water the electric wiring stas in a daagvrsaa rn uon there were nc stage sets s propertiest ne footlighta no curtain and no chairs for an andienca to sit on despite all these handicaps a curtain was made by the ladirsj temporary footlightt were imtslled stace sets built properties bor rowed and through the hindnee of the local churches over 300 chairs were obtained the cbc managed to purchase two secodd hand circsl- iting stoves at a cost of j6600 and these gave the hall a semblance of warmth the spirit of this group wax excellent aud they rendered s splendid first p immediately after christmas the group went into rehearsals for their second effort and despite the cold and very limited f produced a rood three act comedy which ran for two nights in april the gbc and apprentice productions divided the net receipts 5050 for thk se cond effort jes saturday mormng art classes uere inaugurated late tn the pall and commenced with an enrolment of 27 boys and girls that was an exprunenta group drawn from grade 7 at the public school it was started tn this manner in order call joe for the man you know eavestroughing sheet metal work all kinds hot water heating and steam fittings new idea furnaces georgetown plumbing heating joeprucyk bade of hurts ism rfsotaelszm pluiribing j repairs and alterations f acastsc tiling f phone 381 r 4 f ie a- hicken t w clapham i georgetown i bowling at the lucky strike bowling club daily except wed i pm to i p m wednesday 7 pm to ii pm saturday 10 am to ii pm last weeks winners high lady kay iters 281 high man ken horton 339 315j bill anderson manager toteat the very limited avciliics which the gkc had at lneir dis posal frosress w15 very satisfac tory and the yoonf students showed remarkable ability and enumisnn in the initial stage of the sork dae to the cola of the town hall the classes were traiiifexred to the iiblic school and continued tbere during the winter months late in april when thewthot rooderaud ihcr class was attain r back to the halt a good deal of worthwhile work was produced and it is hoped to in clude this in an exhibition whieh wfll be held whcti this class and others arr -reformed- classes rere not started in the fall of ji7 du to the rwconstssactibn fvork and ifve uncertain o bst in the hall but it is hofcwd that elasaes may b star- odas soon as liossible l au art sappuea such ms water coloursi letnpra t pauit brushed art smpcf and pads jmncils snd era sers etc were sujpp each pu- pil free of charge by the grc stw rlniw cwb in mdseptemlcr s nurnber of men in town approached the direc tor with s view to organising a ileas itrvdre club which might operate during the winter months at the old town halt this sugges- ton met with th approval of the glrg and notices publicuung this event were inserted in the local paper kesults of the first bridge session were encouraging when 4 created from week to week until 8 or 9 tables weie id frequent use tables were started the number m- llowever late in november the cold at the hall became unbearable for this type of recreation and it uu uith regret that this club had to be disbanded until other facilities were avaialble this activity has not beeareformed due to the fact that to the fact uc have no assurance that the town hall will be warm enough to carrj or throughout the winter months sir girl club on parallel hne uith the mens bridge club a girls club was for med which tool in the older girls of the high school working girb and especially thos- uho boarded in ton n and v no were anxious to participate in zotae form of organi zed recreational actn it in conge nial surround ings for thii group the lsilc mauiged to stcure bad minton equipment cribbagt board and vanous tiies of gumes at uhich thfj might pass an amusing tven- ing this groun eventual j number ed 4ll girls but it too had to be dis banded before c hristmus due to cold juauur carls club similarly the jun or girb club i ub forratd for th- oungtr girls of the high bcliuol and grade 8 of the iubhc school- this group met occaionall in tlie cltuug but most of their activities took place afur school hourt ihe cold also closed ttff tins acuit as it uas found that desute uie active gomes in vhich the prls it ua impossible to luxe enjoyable reereatiqn in a frigd room when tint group ceasod tiiere uere about t5 girls in atuniurit tea age and junior gyaanaiut clan at the reijutst of a number of teinager a mixed gymnastic class uas formed and hfd its activitisa in the arm our i at the park this group gre from 10 or 12 initially to a membersnp oi ov er 35 at that time the lome scots regiment had consented for the grc to uti- iwe the drill halt oh wednesday evening and it was honed ut the time to enlarge tins roup so that it uould take in bos ice thai floor hocke volleyball i larger group in badminton ii ad- lion to boxing and uixtling however earlj in the xeu year the gilc ukn ad- tied by the offic r convnanding the local compaiii that the armou ries was to be utilised by the dept of national irfeirt as u winter storage comjiouno foi army ehi- ckh and could not be used hy the t ilc for the remainder of the sijison the jjm noetic class uas then mo ed back to the old tow n hall but onl iasd a very short linn due to the luck of heat this uas but aiiotlui of the gkc ef forts uhich had to be shelved due to conditions myoptl tiieir control hockey cuihion coast rue turn j uuliiiiik uiut the hoard of turk manugen nt ut re allowing ui much tinru as uuy available for the baiituiu midget and juvenile hockey the hc riianned tin con struction of an out ioor rink fucing thr hii hall at the mrk the iunidial toiiril was upproarhed for the purjtol of anctioning the purchase of tin iiuiuuiry lumber and this request u granted at an i tnditure of lij00 meiubcrs of the kc under the sujiervision of mr ltrure ma vtnzie devoted several evenings al the ueek and ii number of sundays jo construct and erect this cushion the george- town volunteer ptre brigade ery kind flooded the urea unfortu- nutelv a mild january aet in and it uas found impossible to obtain a satisfactory ice surface ho that the hockey cushion was not utilized the side boards wero constructed in such a manner to permit easy trans portation slid erection on a mono thte wfd b t tkalmzll t hd the big sports programme of the grc is undoubtedly hockeyi af ter s registration period the coun cil found themselves with 89 ban tams 65 midgets and several ju venile teams shed u lea were drawn up under the chairmanship of mr alf sykes and each saturday morri- ing and several evenings lsch week during tho hockey season theso teams played through to thou final games xy ihe juvcnije gr a allstar team was entered in the owhva- and outfitted jn so far as sweaters stockings tsksf c4 by the g1lc the uim was successful iifi elmiinmthu hilhsburg aiton and lost a auddeh- death game to a strtng team from hespd- lcr asotwo gijls hbekey teams uere formed nd they played be- xeral exhibition gamef in the arena tsb towwiiyli teen town which held its oport- mg dsnce sessibh on july 7th 194v had developed into rather a size able organisation by the end of the j ear in november they held their first sadie haw kin a dance with a record crowd of 217 teen ogers these special night were followed with almost equal success by a christmas party i new ycsrs might dance valentines st- pat rick easter and spring parties in all 41 dance session were held with an average attendance of between 150 200 teen tger at times the dance were eold pfim affairs and on several occasions the director i nearby neighbours and parents of various teen ngcr nupplied coal t for the fires when the town coal i bin was exhausted i during thcuarly wirt of the year t it was found that a good proportion of the teenttgcrs wshed to engage i in group game in addition to the regular fridav iiirv dancer also the rental of the amplifing system had been increased from 500 to 800 and finally 10 00 per even ing and it wa felt that this uas loo expensive a proposition a raec- ling was arranged between the teen town council and grc and it uas agreed tuit hit guc should take over the collection at teen toun hall and uoud in turn pur- i chose an uptodate amplifying sys tem and rtcortier records games and such other equipment us would i be required from time to time teen tou n council donated the sum of 15000 towards this expen diture and an amplifying system to the amount of 28u0 uas purcha sed immediately al an additional amount of 2000 uus tpent on n eu recording and vurious types of games uere pun based to tho ani- r of u 00 the programme on fnda nights uus also varied so that tiiere was a garm s session tuice monthly radio procrauiaie karly in tlie tprii wtllards on tario panorama progntmme was broadcast from the old iocin hall over mtaliou cfuu when u number of prominent eitizars including tlie mayor broadcast from this paper- making town a chtcue from wil- lards chocolate company ltd was turned over by the lions club to i the g1lc for use m its work baard of trsde tewta plaamas karly in may tlie georgetown hoard of trade held a town plan ning meeting in the old toun hall at which prominent planning ex perts were preient and jhuhted out many of tlie auvuntages of a plan ning programme f small towns and hou closely tins was allied with the recreational activities of u pro gressive community first metorcycl mm a very happy relationship uas tit v eloped between the toronto mo torcycle club piid the g 1lc when a motorcycle meet was held on tho j4th ol may ai georgetown ioirk by these tuo organization this ltent had high cut itainment value and one of the luiest eroudu on monl atheied ut the park on uiut tcasiiii the financial arrange ment w ith the 1 oi into motorcycle t lub was oil pi r ik of the expcn- s s and i i ut ot oi u r tint of tho m t prot i idh i lit share ret eiv ed bylie u c was vi 400 00 und this unmunt puid lie 11c on a firm i r finauruil foting lluitt it had txniiiiud tis fin uaeball lii tht snin thi- bantam and m- dustl tul oftiuih leagurn w t re again iiranirt d uid jtluyed u bchedule throughout tin rumour numths i he midj t hasceiali whith hud also been luumhed had i be abandoned due to th- ink of paving facilities it uas found that the najnrity of bo in this uire giittiji worked lur- inj tu minum i and it was impou- ihl to ihcduh jrums for them in tin dun mug oi ifti rnooii as the int din diatt h kiid juvenile teauii in t ii d the dmniind for league jamet in tin evtiiiikfl d hibo tliuir t ii tn t pinuds tin re wasnt time enough for thu midget group the juv iile team uus entered in the olt and payed t double sche dule i he g h c purchased com- ltete iiiiforius to he amount of li and m udditlon purfhibhed over 10 worth of pluying equljv- tnent transportaton was ulso a liioblem so that arniigements were made to transport the team by bus for their six outoftown games at a r xt w each home game an this amounted to 2400 with u total gute of less than 000 it an readdy b realized what it cost to sponsor ju venile baseball in georgetown community picnic in july the gjlc organised a eommunity picnic which was hold in stanley park krin this picnic was entirely free ty all the young nople of the town t adults were ulko welcdme provided they could furnish their own transportation 1 he merchants of the town were nost generous in donating prizes participate in all programme activi ties of the ghcj in the age group of under 13 vesurm teenge xnenv berahip of 100 per annum for those 13 years and under 20 years would entitle members to all grc activities on the regular program a senior membership of 800 per annum uas set for all adults who wished to participate in the v arid us dpt activitres membership in thiti field were not sold this year due to the indefinite conditions which existed at the old town hall forthti various events ajid a grand 5umuy 14s pr to oat afternoon anj twining of aports f game- andjbsseball was enjoyed by v lown c6ntiiiu lb opcrato nearly 200 young 1hji1 und twine dnnbg thi wintei months but due 40 adults thecovof renting the t the pbor results obtained from lurk pop and co crimin cones io- the heu heating uiut it was diffi- getherwith rentaj of tw buseu and j nf malnuin the same enthua- two trbeks uas borotf by the gtc- hwrn umongxi th yong pnojjda m r-p-j- to lb ok town hall hwre was a definite feeling am- when sattikig tjfe 1siv budget gst them that someone wis thouumcipal cqui1 i budgeted thcjtgthepldewu ilowevr they um of ilooooo t bt sptnt on had many huccesfu artfh and at major repairs to the old town hall mooting hel otaj jasl week it the main repair wcrk of reglaxini was decided that they would reor- the uindous caulking the brick tfanirc their council and assuma work reroofmg the lower room and ore responsibility for the develop- installing space for the dual toilets j ment of their programme ju given to j h mackenzie and the 104741 hockey programme son irnd this work was started du ring the summer months during this period it was impossible to hold any organized activity in the hull this work ex tend j over the sum mer months and late into the fall making it extremely difficult to carry out various plans which had been planned earlier in tlie year the cost incurred for this uork is not known by the grc but it is understood that the original esti mate was in the vicinity of 800 ill addition to this amount 25000 was spent on re- wiring the hall also 35000 of the balance of the 2000 00 was grant by the mun was one of the mont successful yet attempted by the guc five teams operated in the bantam group four teams in the midget series and foui sponsored by ocal merchants in addition to this one merchant op erated an ailstar juvenile entry in the 0mila and the grc also entered a second team in the omha playdcuna a total of g8 league games w er played in the arena and the llc are exceed ingly grateful for the splendid co ojeratioti they rece ivcd from the hoard of parks management in addition to the regular league game the gitc uss host to the icipal council for the purchase of central ontario htireational zone an oil heater apart from these ex- hockey tournament on two succcss- pendituics which were made by the saturdays in the bantam and town council the gilc purchased midget groups a total otf 15 a 100o gal- oil drum paid 1800 teams representing vurious towns in for excavating labor and undertook ontario particif ated in these tourn- thc installation of the furnace at ununts an additional cost of approx 288 under very unfavourable condi- the lions club also undertook the n- t the toun hall apprentice installation of the dual toilets at produi tjons produced a modem 3- an additional cost of 400 these uct comedy while the sun shines toilets arc now complete except for um ia for two consecutive a tile drain frov tlie septic tank an j whts to audience who were cora- item which the g itc cannot af- polled to keep themaelves well muf- ford at this me although the llld u during the performance la- major part of the work n comple- cr m spring lhb group repea ted all this renovaud area is badly ted this pcffoimnnct in acton to in ncevd of decoranon however larger audience after two years it looks as though several members of the lome our dirtetor will ut last have an l hod the grc offitt to centralize his work with a view to reorganizing the purchase of war a i equipment lio iian in georgetown the through the tfforts of the direc- kc were assurcd tluat there to i and the generos ty of one ciu- ttl plc instruments available en who guaranteed nnethird of tht c0111 would be very small tin purchase pree tio folding th lader of the lome scots tables and uu folding benches were haii kindly consented to do- purehasid by the g icc for the trvics free of charge sum of juo 00 plus freight char- wlth this assurance the gicc ag- gs ibis purjui- permitted the r to l proposal but were j ulct to provide work tables for surprised to read in the local paper various groups and seating aceom- ihal the hoys band was open for mudiitiun aftir i fashion for ap- itmbership at that it was pre- pro j00 fieopt u uas found turned by the gicc that the lu- houever luttr us year tiut it was ti uments had been rounded up and difficult to ask an audience to sit iliat bli ua ready to start on benches for a period of time however it was found that when and still maintain their interest so thv odd bo had registered it was decided to endeavour to lo- vcrc scarccy a lialf dozen cute chairs at a iasonmble price instruments available and the grc again the director approached war atiro dud at the others could asstfth and was successful in obtain- not dl located from this it was ing sturdily built folding chairs at obious uiat a ielling campaign v20u eath the sum of 400 uas w have to be inaugurated to in- spent on thi- lew equipment teres t the parents of uie boys in fur the town hall purchasing uieirown instruments hdlon county cbmpiont0ip j became ver evident uiat most after the successful minor track did not desire to invest a meet held in august 4i it was dc- mr sum of rao an -natru- etded to extend this m- ro that ill ment which may or may not be used uould become know i us theainuai b ther uov prt hulton itoyb for this reason the hand has not been successful i uuilon county hump ion ships jointly wjth th- gl dstone athletic lu m n club of toronto the guc held 1 inadt to loiate u roup of band in- tiiis meet last sepmber with a trumcnu which might be loaited taggenng entry of over40 com- or rented uul the boys get pttitoin from sgme of the best ath- ou tlll bulld k iilittlubs in tliinli und the usa aa the wither moderated it was ih meet was offually leaugmzed f h tlmt tei um adult groujvs might by the ca h and any record es tablished would be ofljeiul it is of intuit si to knov thit the cuiiadian 1 ih shot put iccurd was shatter ed at this meet in georgetown park vvinneis ol mi duls fi first plate silver for sitond and liiuiue foi thu il und tups und shit his wtie givin foi the it lay anil tu of wii tennis i he it hud a spec ill die ant fur tin mi dais wliu h mcurpoiated the be formed in the i pring and that their orgiimziiton would be set and teudy for the fall und winter progiamnu 1 wp groups in thai field have bem formed one the ts were given gold a must lpi eemtion group w inch w ill tatei to those interested in better niusit uie second m parent iduialton giou which will study the hthaviour and problems ol children of all ages hotli of these gioups have nad enthusiastic bpted l thni and alitan- rgunirattonnl meetings uthir spiiml die w stuik fur uie lho uh f mu thl c revcist s uuji h niike1 the me- prtd the motorcycle dd as hulton cunt humpioii- mrit tlu oe ship lluse dies a eot the muety eiowd i he fmuncwl jv iiic ovr o0ua thet nuijii fea- ngfinenls wer the hluuc lie l88t uim of the meet the io mil relay thu iwl 1roteeds were u the iiitiinatioiu tfilvn trophy b int i0tiu- as won by th f unoiis llumilton olympic club 1 k high school clumpionship was won by iturlmg- ton high si luu id the public si imoi t hunijiio iship wus won by t ur tow n public school it is hoped hy the icc that this will tontintie to he an annual event for hullon cuuity aiku in this phase of sport the director gave his assistance to georgetown high school and public school liischool meets which were hejd iru georgetown this year mecebersnlp the gicc decided that there would be three r lessee of member- hlp within ih onmnffatjaa a p- softlmll and busoltall urc already orumzid nnd tlie teuins arfravratt- ihi tin- uiiiiink i this year senior girlb teuni lias been en- tirtl in the central ontario ludic 1luiuo uiu it is anticipa ted thai noma lively ball games jui be bci u by tlio jciilii at tlie iark thin summer the grc is having difficulty st this time in rejurik u suitable liampnd for these kaines but it is iiojkhi to liave this mutter settled within a few days for many years luerosse has not been nlayud in tieoncetown and an effort is being madr to prepare the clous club property for a box la rhls will also provide tn xqwsflw cushion acell fttrwmt

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