Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1948, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 16th 194 t monster fireworks display i every nigfii during brampton lions club a n n u a l j a m b o r e e huge midway amusements 4 rjdes including ferris wheel merrygoround and kiddy rides lucky draws valuable prizes each night gala parade 7 oclock thursday evening june 24 4 big bands miss pee county beauty contest friday june 25th first prize 50 caih 6250 lorie watch and bouquet dale autographed roses for entry form and full particulars write v a mountford 1 1 3 queen st w brampton brampton fairgrounds thurs fri sat june 242526 a luamim m m mmmm m m mm wi x- the georgetown insurance service north american lire a mutual company canada health and accident auto fire theft etc howard graff mill street phono 392 w 17ftj money on first moktgaou county election results the official count of th jons 7th election a raleaaed by w q mcdowell chief returning officer hows that stanley hall prog e conservative mpp rhd a allm majority of 118 over hie liberal rival to return to parliament for his third term in 1945 hi major ity was 1071 ln ball recewed 6877 votfu aa eoiopared with 8580 votes in 1945 dr f m deans re ceived 11264 libera vote while in 1045 mrs mary pettit received 6169 tbo c cf- whjch gme cecil millwbrd 656 votes in 194b had a strong opawiocand w- k- adainaon increased this to 8324 votes the report shows that 1165 wen tb the polls in 1948 a considerable incroase aver the 1945 figure of 14544 s statistic in last weeks herald erroneously showed a liberal tnsjv oritj ln georgetown andthe cor rect figures for the wholo connty appear below georgetown pc lib ccf ward 1 128 160 74 ward i 216 241 164 ward 8 288 165 62 676 556 800 esques1ng ward 1a 31 85 10 ward ib 60 86 48 ward 2a 104 84 16 ward 2b 47 46 17 ward 8 92 127 16 ward 4 84 107 49 ward 6a 60 84 85 ward 5b 20 89 zt ward 6 189 90 76 677 697 286 acton ward 1 227 281 221 ward 2 196 176 1168 423 407 884 milton north ward 180 166 66 east ward 71 92 49 south ward 177 220 78 88 467 108 oajcville ward 1 10b 181 116 ward 2 148 204 211 ward 8 26 280 66 ward 4 260 298 91 word 6 185 227 188 i 946 1140 616 burlington word 1 818 172 146 word 2 811 262 126 ward 3 289 19t 104 ward 4 169 106 68 1077 721 448 naisagaweya ward 1 10c 178 66 wuid 2 105 114 62 ward 8 66 116 72 21 c 408 iso trafalgar ward 2 164 119 47 ward 1 109 167 55 ward 8 68 60 48 ward 4 83 122 77 ward 6 74 102 29 ward 6a 114 101 68 ward tb 73 64 17 tovraship 1 ward gb 1 170 172 bronte ward 7 zio 206 92 983 1101 695 nllson ward 1 60 48 11 ward 2 82 73 18 ward 3 68 68 42 ward 4 64 67 87 ward 5 64 86 14 ward 6 68 61 11 ward 7 61 85 62 ward 8 107 69 188 ward u 87 68 25 ward 10 90 66 68 wurcl jl 171 77 49 ward 12 7o 26 28 ward 13 61 88 40 1029 701 518 advunic poll 4 6 summary pc lib ccr gcorgotown 676 656 j00 enqucslng 077 607 286 acton 428 407 884 milton 887 467 198 oakvlllo 946 1140 6u6 burlington 1077 721 443 nuiiaagawoya 270 408 100 irafulgar 988 1101 696 nolaon 1029 701 618 advance toil 4 6 5377 6264 8624 only cowards change by vicroh i castri wnu ffntura mrs r lathi iihugii lookid over the brick wnll of lit r pink tn race into the unken jriidin ui low and tin the dm pliytd on ujt i lumps of purple arid yellow flower sie resolved again thnt no matter wliat she would moke tluit mnry srfilth realize that although j nf only been pfe in the army he wii ntlll n reathcrhugh unci n fcitbciv hufth hnd no business marrying nursing sinter rolled mary smith under any cirtiiimstttrici h well it wouldnt be voiy wg now any mamont car would stop in chc driveway at the mot of the lawn which rolled awuy from the rock garden it would take qourage to put hor son s wife h ber proper plucd the moment she arrived but it had t6 bodona mrsfeathoshugh believed it was nlln the way poo pie itnrled their relationships that counted but here was the cor slip nmoothed her carefujly groomed gray hair nervously and an the car came to a top she steeled herself for the test she knew was immi nent in o matter of neconds a girl with dark hair falling to her shoulders and wearing a blue coat with large white buttons stepped out lopked about her and then up the flight of flagstone steps that lead to the tcr race the girl waved ci u after what seemed to be on eter nity her son slowly got out of the car and as he got to his feet he reached for his wifes arm and then he steadied himself with a cane mrs featherhugh wanted to tun to him but with an iron will she rcstrajned herself he couldn t be seriously wounded or he would have told me she told herself besides if he thought so much of the girl down there that he married her without my approval why should i r0sedale floral cot flowers wadding and funeral deafen wot phone 283j st 283j i w imlrar she steeled herself for the test she knew was imminent i fall all ovorhim now 111 stay right here till they come up mrs featherhugh hoped ahe wouldnt cry everything within her wanted her to rush towards her son and take him in her orms but that girl with him was an impossible barrier no i won t do it i wont do it mrs featherhugh screamed silently to her heart she watched anxiously as the girl whispered something to her hus band and then while he just stood there she ran up the steps i m mary the girl said and held out her hand mrs featherhugh reluctantly ad mitted that mary was even prettier than her picture but this was- no time for comparisons how do you do the words were brittle mry was obviously taken back as she repeated i ro jims wife mary yes you re his moth er arent yout yes well don t just stand there say some thing mrs featherhugha eyes narrowed the girl had spirit for a moment the two women just looked at each other and then mnry said calmly but with obvious bitterness i see you ve got all this with a sweep of her hand mary took in the gardens and the huge stone house behind the ter race i ve got nothing i m no body well that s where you re wrong mrs fentherhugh people in love have everything and they re very impoitnnt people they cant add it up and tell you whnt it is or who tht irt but mnr tumid took a sti p towards hn luibband ind thin changed her mind sin fated lu r motht r in low aid said quietly mrs ti other hui h jim is very inxmus to see his mitlur nain he remembera you is i irv special sort of moth r he 1 is lold mk ibout you doz int if ninth i llmuihl i knew cu sn well that i was sure that whin ut mi t i would fi el as if i hid known od ill rav lift but i i in ss voir i handed w ir i linnet twivone onlv toxoids change mrs i i ithi rhujh how dart you i m smiy mrs reiitherliugh but ut e an t keep inn waiting down hit it fort vct lit s come home to it the mnthii lie lift hi hjntl ihit theonlv ont hr s 1oinj to be ihli to set foi n long timu jun has had a p irtinl blind m ss for some time it s improving and with propi r attention idle smilid and added of course tin n j more than a chance but vou and i have got to pull to gether jim couldn t see that his mother lad her urm iirqlnul iiib wife but n a little while he heard mary call heres jour mother jlml tennis club elects new officer at an opon ulr meeting r st georges tennis club last threday evening art iteinhardt uas elected vlcopresldentv filling the position left vacant by thi resignation of mrs mary bedell the fourteen members who atten ded tho mooting aj3 gave attention to the mattbr of junior players it was dvclded tv bold regular cluaaea- for the youngor club mornbers va rious ot the older members volun- teerlug tholr services max brad bury local hockey stor will bo tho one of the first to conduct a class- ihti membership fee for juniors is 2 00 1 was decided at tile meeting to gp ahead wijli proriirntion of the ujfper court now hat till lotteyorio is being ilnjud upon it is cxpec ted that another couple of weeks will soc the st georjcs lonnls club right hack to pri wnr condi tion with iwo good fast cloy sur faces in play pious for ociuj icvenlnfs and tournumonts are progressing satis factorily and it do- the hearts of tennis players good to soo the activ ity and enthusiasm that is ovident nearly every wcik night up at the tennis courts now member ar still being wol- comod tho fivodtllar membership fee for bcniorj paid to tho treas urer miss margaret hoarc will wreathe her face in amilo of quiet bhas home helpers meeting of knox church ladies the woiiion n missionary society of knox prcsbjterian church held their annual home helpers meeting lust wednesdaj afternoon at the home of mrs r b foulis a splen did programme wus jirtjiaied by the homo holjieiy with mrs cruick- ahaiik home helpers secictary on the council lxecutive of toronto prtshjteriul as gucut speaker she gave an jntcrcstini talk and sug gested nlaay helpful ideas and thoughts on hou to lave a true mis sionary spirit emphasizing the gicot need for a prajer lift how to pray what to pray for and when to jiray mrs l d vnea and mrs w r cromar sang two duets ono bwcetly iioixmn lhlought and hold thou my hand aecom- pumed by mrs h graham mian rcdmound home helper sec retary thanked tht speaker and all who helped make the mealing success tho meeting was closed with prayor bj mis crulckahank and lunch was ircd by the homo he ipers mill employees honour d p crichton salaried employ tee and girla from the bolting and counting departments of the alliance paper mill said farewell to mr d p cri chton who has rcired aa mill su perintendent with the presentation of a mantel radio and an illumlna- ttd address the presentation was made by mrs j g glllls who ex pressed appreciation for mr crich ton b thirtj seven years service with the company and wirtied to mr and mrs crichton man cnrs of hap piness to casta a bowling notes t a plottaant eveniiv wm pnt on jiuiay juop llfti ttjonjrbiiavoad of bowlers from toronto paid a vi sit to the gcorjjetowr greens throo frames w ere plyd and a nic luncb was nerved bj some of the lady bowlers i ijrht prizen wen driven four of whilh wont to toronto two to icorgetown ani two to strcelaville another evennir hn been arrantred for june 25th to locate trmiu infested areaa in ontario 18 inc spruce btajte nrt driven a foot into tbe srrotind in tin spring nnd pulkd up and cx- aminod in the fit s4950 to 19500 simmons jewellers phone 536 main st- a dover to calais tunnel wonld take nlno years to build and eats an amount equal to half a days warfare on tho 1989 45 seals 8 and 10 inch straight blow 10 inch oscillating choice of colour ernies radio main st phone 466 sviiuiiuiimaiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiliiiiiiiuuiii m aiuun uium aiiiujiuiuiuuiuuiiiiiiniitjiuiiiiiiiuohiiiiiuturjuiiuuiitttiaayiiiiiisi ssss jj l llteentioiraii motorists on and after midnight june 21st 1948 all parking regulaiions applying to george town will be stric i y enforced you are therefore requested to carefully observe nil such regulations titorgetown police committee c davidson 3irmn hta

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