Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1948, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 23rd 1 948 jim cofell i announces that the businrsa of the georgetown electric will in future be operated i from his- home on churchill oecent wartime housing no 2 phone 57sw fixture corjj rplr heavy duly srvii and i bit la i la lion ptlmmimmlmin foot ailments treated by miss allan rag chlropodiat light comforuble arches and other afphaneeo for foot comfort earriad by appamtaaemt pba 13mj z7 arlw si c u e l p h is- jojitf ccvkns v cotiduttrtr of tho tiillli choir i ornntoi it i turor 7ii church ald- mc at wjrhftv cwticrt hjnlvorslty qf jorouto musi bditor of the canadian oiurchmnn which ia tho official paper of the church of lnglund in canada secretary of the canadian uualci council which iimi sir liuout marmllfim an it chairman and prurioont 1i1748 of the lorontc iranch ontario ucipiuicd muic toaclicri aao elation in addition to his lectures at church miihil schools through- out canndn mr co7i ns is uoll- knowi as a urtti on musical aub- jtrti in such national truirimncii na saturday nigl t and the canadian kcucu of muic and art tallis choir to visit st albans with the anglers fresh fish daily at pensons fish and chips fc phone 293 main streef and how about ice cream for your warm weather dessert we deliver deliveries monday to thurs day to glen williams and stewarttown of 1 00 and over orders change of time table i elfactlve saturday juaa 26ui buui leave georgetown to toronto a 6 s8 a- 2 21 p m b 7s6 w 4 bo p pi 9 11 am 6 40 pm 1201 pw 8 41 p m dll 11pm to london 1029 m ab 14 p m 244 pje 7 09 p tb bs 59 pm a except sun and hoi l b sun houl d sat sun rilol to stratford 1029 am t 14 v 1028 p at 7 09 p m iv44 pj a 8 b9 pu yllld p u a w kitchener daily to stratford hun and hol y to ktt only xkjwto and information at loafs store phono 89 tfay coach lines h cieorir houil streamers and fles its surprising how many fisher men there arc who don t know tho difference between a dry fly and a stroarhcr most dry flies art made amul to lesemble the natural flics fmh feed on tlil ma tenuis jsd are tht best obtainable 1 be hook are as a rule very light usually made of light wire i lght hooks ire used no the fly when made wil be aa licht as possible and more apt to flout ihc leaders used are fine evon j lb test is used by some anglers some times- the trout sm ish at the fly as soon as it hits uic water oth ers will rise cautiously and look it ocr and if it suiu them they will suck it in if they ace the leader they will go down again without touching it sometimes a trout will jump out of the water and eome down on tho fly thm la to knock it under and drown it then they will take it under the surface this is u great sight especially if it ii a big trout w by moht people get confused about dry flies and streamers is the fuct that sometimes it u called a streamer fly instead of just plain streamer moat streamers lcprescnt min nows more thun anything else its our belief that if streamers md bucktaila arc used more largo fish would be caught because the lar ger fiah ire cannibals and will strike saugdy at the minnow imi tation when a 1 irgc brown or speckled trout is on the prowl hc looking for a mcul not a dainty tidbit like a dry fy lucky anglblti duncan ton crc ed some nice onea last week one was a 19 j lb fiah lhcy were takon on streamers tied by the writer i he spot where duncan hooked thu big one was m rough apot to pluy a rood sized fiah ihcrcfore tho trout had to be brought to net quickly with the result thu the drown hud enough energy left to jump out of the net buck into uih water und had to be brought in again llpyd cnrihton h taken beverul browns lutely on fiies tied by the writer 1 he biggcut one weighed i lb 2 oz jack crichton fished the ilftaver ner at maxwell recently from tho bridge to the uppo dam with a dry fly jack says ho caught over 100 hpeekled trout i ourteun of these were keepers the eat were retur ned to tho water unharmed i ho 1iggctt kcujer weighed about 1 lb joe mcmenemy jr took u 11 leu brown last week on a rod dtapuir fly tied by the writer jim cofell creeled a i lb 1 oz blown over the week end it wua a deep fiah ii nuely coloured tim writer ereeleu hoiiic inco one on u streamer aat week i he biggest one wu 2 lb 0 oz 18 lone 4 i hat h all for thii week ao good luck until next the tallin choir toronto con ducted by john coanih which u to vihit st albaut chinch clun wj1- lama on i hduy ovening juno 26 for tho 45th uimivcnmry hurvlcptf of tli at clnireh apt elallzea in unac- comjmnit d church n uhic und ueeor- ding to tlu pruhh hu i sung in more ehurehoh than my otluir canadian ehoir at fulf hu ngth thu choir c piihlkts ot ourtci n l oicos it in mnuil m ize lueuuce riiaiiy choirfl i oiialder u luigo numbei of voices me nocimyury to ood hinging it jtings without accompiinjmuit bo euuae a poor qtgah i often bummi for ipsdifjiuutu hini uie tallis clioir ovpr tio jakt fiftujn yours hua jiad u greitt di ul of uueccsa in proving thubnijtht f ihwb thingti thu nuinbot of mngiis yiof tho stue of tho tfrgnn luivn unytlilng to do with ihc ehorul rcaultu uehieved ihc choir in ii4nio i uftej- te lbtli century compotier ihpmus lallhi known to history us the tathor of lnglndr church mumc and whoso tompoflitiona urr aun odny by the i worlds crcuteat choral aoeietiea the r pel tone ol the choir iin cludot compoaitionti fiom every part of the christian c ureh and from i the enrh at ages ol eomjioviition to j the picjcnt day among the later noup arc comiwsiion t by cana dian mumciofifl mai y of which were first lung by the lallia hoir how ecr the chief wore of the choir 13 to present the tra litional services of the church of lnplund in u wny that the loth cen ury reformers expectud them to be sung special emphuaii u placed upon the chant- nil of the pia i in 4 i nd canticles of the church and to the maintenance of worship and dco ion tlnoughout ill sinitm of jiubjit worship an unusual feature of its work is the fact th it vtry thing in ittt rt portoire could he sung by any mall tow n oi t ou r choir which possessed tht usual four oeal parts and by t example the lallis c hoir has t nubje miiny small ehoirajji inciens tie beauty of their music mrs de vries speaks to local group alra l dovrioa uiolco to tlm la- diaa of tin local council of womon at hoir meotlntr lout friday at tho houa of mian ilettlc lawaon 3h ljlluitratod her till on hor trip to holland hut year with a number of curloa including ullvur am eutlary th ladlea were invited to hold their flrat fall mellruj in septara- bn at mr paul oottac near th district girla graduate as nurses mil oc dltttri t kirt uru nurqberud in tlw fiaduntinir tlaiui of tho sdiool of nihhiiii at duolpli cn tlul llthital and iartillatod in kradllatinn ixiiiihu laat 1 rlday liulit 1 lie cjnlii in mum joyco mnitth iiuuki ti i oi mr und mrs i rank smith j i hullimifud mlas jinn i indsaj duiil tir of mr und mm k c i nidiiav and mikh llca nor cook dam liter of mr und mrn ilirh f onk ml kinltll rcicivwl tho dr 7 11 llcjut pi n for uurgiutl mnihik and lln alumnik akko- i lutlon prijtc foi uju tricnl nur- nii and miaa i mil aj cns uwardod thu lr a ii f irt r nriyc for htiundc lyirsin page 2 last weeks album winner mrs p larsen rr 4 georgetown every week win a record album free uvury record or nocdle purch ase cntltlo you to a fee chance on any album valued up to js 76 to b drawn monday mornlngr t weekly winners to be publbjhod in the herald jxz a u 1 1 7 i i iji y cfrfqkjtg home furnishings store iwiw ctbacttdwn aim canada post office the folk who thin our jokis are rough would quickly hanji their mcwh if they d compaie th ones we print with those w e re s red to use l x ys the best news i ve had in years n freedom from punctures an exclusive begoodrichextra ie only b f comlritli offers you lonber nnliiifif hiiiimilliir riilnif extra bloir- out prolv lion plim tlu miihiiiioimi riir xtm lltll lm i i1iuiis your it l mlnli diiilri uill filmlu itll you ull iiimiiii ill is aiiinini urw it v goodrich iliiilnliiition to nioloriiif li umirc and mifety sii linn lodav i or u supiri omforl rid uk for tin in vt b i oodnrli kxlra i oh irtw- mite silnrloun i in- molten of ti balhtriti auloirloljva atwiorlu subbar footwear induttrlal bubbar product one korotatij j b f goodrich tires o your georgetown dealer georgetown motors telephone 280w georgetown

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