Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1948, p. 6

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rn t- s the georgetown herald wednesday june 23rd 1948 the georgetown herald serving the communities of georgetown glen williams nohval lufehouse hornby stewarttown a3hcrove baixjhafad terra cotta subscription kite j2 go a year slncle copies 8e advertising rates quoted on application walter c biehn publisher and editor garfield l mcgllvray staff leaua m clark page 6 harota pavuon ccray herrfnctnn ft jfee brooioherfd the herald a printed each wednesday afternoon at the office on mala georgetown authorized as second clam nil post offlea doptv ottawa i members of the canadian weekly newspapers association ad tba ontario quebec division of the c w mju the editorscorner whos fooling who tle trend towards a centralized government pro viding the people wjth increased public service by re funding large portion of taxes to the people- is nowhere better exemplifies than by the present optario govern ment while we do not disagree with the theorv we do not feel that our elected representatives are olavipg fair when continual reference is made to these refunds as grants and the implication that they ave rifts to take education as only one example much was made of the fatit m the recent election that increased school grants- have been and we cjuote a saving in the tax bill of every local property tax p lyer in every iwunicipahty in the province much was made of the fact that in five years education grants to georgetown had increased from 2756 to 20 102 is there any intelligent tax payer who thinks that a kind providence has provided this extra 17 000 out of a blue sky and that the tax dayer hmiself is not paying the shot quite the con trary for the reverse is true we in halton one of the wealthier sections of the province are in fact paying more for education than some of the poorer backwoods municipalities which cannot bv themselves support a decent educational standard looking at it in this light we ar proud to be able get your w lucky ticket georgetown lions cub third prize locker storage space for rent a lockers available for fruit meat and v getables temperatuie guaranteed prices reasonable gminin nl bookli t in willi i nil k r n store you winter supplies now md yivr stvl money georgetown creamery gui i hi mri i i i ion i i4w mini i iiiiitu i to share with our poorer relations in order that all may benefit to make a greater province there should be no need for the hocus pocus of free grants for this that and the other thing our government should have the courage to fell us the truth for we believe the people of halton would be happy to jcnow that they are givers rather than receivers the conscious minority a though provoking talk by john w hamilton of ancaster at tlje- lions club meeting on monday was a challenge to his listeners to- combat the rising tide of communism in canada being promoted by what he teems a conscious minority who sacrifice everything for their ldealogy in the belief that by this means they will eventually gontrol the majority small groups such is he addressed dont realize their own importance was the speakers contention but in his fight which he began in against comnaurnsmhc hi proved that the conscious tninonty doctrine tah beborrovycdfrom the communists artd used as a wea pon against th m as an example hit spoke of a small group which he originally organized whicji has spread to branches in cngjand and the states literature prepared by himself has had a widening circulation some printings reaching as manv as thiee quarters of a million eopii s and all from the origination of a small group of citiins pit dg d to battle reaction and class strife i le warned that the recent ontino elections showed how lost communism wis coming to can ada s doorstep md ih t tin ccf would soon realize that tin v i r om lo b controlled bv radicals dedi cited to tin niilliioiv of w i of life which has been volved ovt i llu p tit luindietl ars organic ition purpose md i oik f must b tin ncipon of those who opposi communism it wi ir not to ro undi r was his v truing clearing the air 1 st edni d i s nuetmg betwi n the town nuntil and gr c icconiplisln cl what h d be n hoped a closir hason tween tin two groups and a brigh tilling inline foi oiguuid rtcn ition in tovsn a vote of cohtultiue m til crc hid th din etor aared tin ur loi the futun and both groups cunt out of the nut liny wtli i in tin understanding of tin others it u point lu cj k c m idi four sp c f t r quests whuli tli hi should bi unpli mcnlin to give full siopt tor i u l tin n piognm 1 on most of these w is th in i mil of th old i own fill md the provid in r i i ii inpptfl ottiri fni llu dm tor with in nriharv roi in toi nts md crifts 1 jrther suggts lions wu toi in n i iiilml ot the p rk md fin th town s u i n s i nini ust ol ll trmoiirirs for indoor spent y li li i e il 1 ne t i i pi t tid th it council at ran mi tinj ill iv e l n p iss ii to the whole pio llj t i r nfitl i i his be n followed bv 1 finit iltion ti is h tlin tin li ill md i v pro mis to si it nil 1 rl n with ih iiineuiri iiinis w i s ni l i n ult ill i iu m in it tt is lift tin i n i iwli 1 i ii in 1 i pi k i li n e ioi us ii i i aeli s in ei i i to iumt ut ciu lllliel i is ii w p ii l ii tl ci r t t i o ill i m on e input 1 l till lil 1 will 1s its tltlltv tiiivni nil i in tli li id i is worth whilt 1 still n t wi i nt ill l i li i posslblllh ill it ll i p ul in in w m n t i i mil ei ovi i to the c i r c ti in l ot i sn i in p its i iitu siinil ir till ti ii i w inch i 1 um i re ill m h id u n li i pot pourri lin si 1 i 1 w ill 1 11 i llu ii e iv s up a uiisl hit mi li i iliiitl v it tie rloo i m i n 1 n i wl i i v will e mp it with i ntiivl i i s it ml tin mini int ink in in tti ilitv ul in i i i i i v i md ilt town is li pin i i n i pi t km mill li it th it i on li n i i h i h i 1 i i it i h 1 ions 1 o il i l pi m ll linn 1 v il inllli s i c iv ug i w is p sl um lull i i i i i i i lut t i i old w ttli i n w i i i i i with i in whnh ip phithis v k i i ll liisl tmu s tn in i v ill j 1 1 torn celebration orangeville harness races thursday july 1st 1948 purst s no i 3 v ir old hot 1 2h lrotttrs ligibl no 2 3vtaroldpce 28 paeers llgibl 500 no 3 2 24 pate with 1 rottt rs allowt d r sees 500 no 4 1 ree tor all 00 three heat plan every heat a race 4 races belting privileges allowed prizaa 2300 00 starting gait will bft usld dancing june 30 in the main hu come arid join the chwd the night before tk race admission to the races adulti 75c including j utx children free xlbekt cfaoses r walker montgomery vimivss lee cooney srury i e c maxwell tisr f u tom hews0n prlsentitg willoughby real estate agency international motor trucks woods electrical equipment milkers grinder cooler de laval milking machines mruf cream separators goodisonoijver farm implements ferguson tractors mad equipment our mill street office i jut around the corner frosn the bonk of commerce office 332w imzi directory i dr j burns milne xray dental surgeon georgetown phoae 80 aaaaaaaaesnamewnaaaaaaai4otasa as dr clifford reid lrxs tja a dentist 1 open kvettincsl s georgetown a iiiinsilumiiiiiliililnsiliiite 1 lbone 410 majn street i elmer c thompton insurance sibtvtcb 5 re auto wbidstorm f c f railway and ajliod e stoaraanip 3 sumvier excursions phno 119w or j georgetown 5 uinutticiiiiiiiiutikcuii ituuiioun i miimiiiiiiti iuiiiii iiiiiico nielsen the chirooractor diafku tbirialit scc year of practice lady attendant taw ttw vwc xa p wei set zs apj p over dominion store georgetown phone 1b0w rimti usjeae lever and hqskin i succegnrs to a jenkins and hardy 1805 mdtropolitan bld 44 victoria st toronto 1 el 3131 mlitttnpuitttitttiinittitlitlttiriititttik jmi nan noil in i ti n i m win mi i mum i i inumiuiii leroy dale kc a m sybil benrifett kc 3 mill street barrister ttnd sollritors gcorcttvn phone 19 0- ii mi iiti i ii n ti t i iiiiiiuii iitini in mum i i j 1 1 langdon and aylswortb i irruuru and solicitor votaric publitr kcniifti m lanprdon s georgetown it mnclntyr aylstoth da acton a iirst morttage movey to loan offices roxv theatre hiiik mill s- hone 88w gcorketown cooper bldtf phone s15w acton qlti iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiuiniqii i luiiiiuiiiriifititiniiiiiuiiiiifiiiitiiilii gy d consult i j a willoughby soru d tot j s complete real estate a service i head office toronto 3 idg yon st ad 0805 city anol country homes farms and small acre industrial and business prortiet i tom hewson is your local representative phone 332w ilitii until i iiitiiiii ii iitu nun i itiiin i uti iuiiit u u i frank petch mllsn aug homer i nimi r i i 1 l itfitowa i i i px 113 1 ii tin mi in j ii ii mi n nij radio s i repairing l spccinlic in thi9 1 vv ork a 1g years hitpertence s j s nford son phone georgetown 3 1w j ti i tun m o n l ments domestic and foreign gran tes 1 1- 1 ui ii i t f 1 tteni orsuceillf an u me nt work i i nt 1 i i i d i 1 11 i t lh i i i n pollock campbell 02 wattr st north g a l t li j lu on request 1 non jui i i i t t ir worl in 1 m i t tmtttry lltrltlcl it i nun i i v i uti of in ntlk uosmp com in i i v i i i in 1 i vvlioin hit loluniii 19 i ui i in ii i vvt ui an j i v llu t chtor mi n mutli looc toi thought i i in i ll 1 n- c lul llu- vmil liv lohn w l i in i i i i i win opinion it i- h it i con i ii um i fi i i in t- niut li comb ittt tl by 11 ii ll llltlt 1 it- oi t lt oi11i11u 11 i i 11 lllllol 111 dili tountiv ts tluv i v i i i i t low ii ii i 1 1 llu ii lirst imp i li i n i llil- lull jt nn vvlun llu y ippt ii i ll i in iitl uti mondiv in 1 tt llloits ii 1 i i i ll t tliiniontl m tl i i ion lilt ii i ii i n kin p in h i i swimming l ii i 1 i ii 1 1 w ili tli il c ii oi i i tow n ion id 1 i i t pi nn i tin on il luk m n u p rt t t u w n in the mail bag dun i in i i til mi roap i i in in 1 uon must pay liot t ui if i ioli liurt h 1 us uliii i ililitl i ii 1 i c lo rt u 1 ul llu do iiitfs in tin ir o o i ii oi iiof town 1 lii uvk i u it ilnl to ni hil ktttr ttnl ii bi amu llait a ftw moii of thi- kinj would hclii u irnat dtal and it would tout no mort aa fur as uil councillors are ton lirnud uicj ilhoivl a lot of crtulit mat tad tin aio criticituul for aundink by what tiny beliovo to bo vlffiil and boat for they ato cer tainly juuaiiiut tltrough a vory diffi cult an trying tune a lot has baon aaul concerning the new sawerajte sybtni i am quite aura tkat afur ketuna ntmlrhtttel away no one would want to ratumi to the ow outdated ayaleu one- cannot have alteration without aome nconvenlencea and one cn verify that ever time btfteaeclaanlna tira cornea arottndl i really think that georcetowta hae accomplbhed aomethintf worthwhile i il 1 lm l no rain- i 1 l 111 tuhv ii id il l ijia no it iri j iithfull jours vrthur norrrtmtoa i s 1 in 1 1 il id 100 for tick- iu on tlio lions draw for tho how haniulioll i card of thanks wi wish to thank irioiitla juvl in iurhboura for ktnttnoaaos exteudel ouring the illness mid death of the into william john hall mr and mm will gordon wl- luit llm and jim card op thanks i wish to thank fnenda who eenk mo cards fruit anil flowers labile i was at patient in guolph general koeplkln doris 0hsjra

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