Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1948, p. 7

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page 7 the georgetown herald wednesday june 23rd 1948 o no job too jc p n too small complete tractor service telephone 1q0 georgetown tractor service taylor farm implements nabhioaimmla mimiim mlblubiiw mum buaiua j county health unit milton the board of health and staff member invite you to inspect the unit offices at milton on saturday june 26 1948 from 2 to 4 pru the honourable russell t kfjjjey minister of health will officially open the unit james h mather md dph director mrs mary s pettit chairman chatting with aon wakened oarly saturday morning with tho fooling it was good u b ulivu ioki jiroiurod for u busy day our first cull took un to wild- wood to tho himo rf urlgudior and mra cirvim hore wo folind mra girvuii charmingly informal and kni enough to toll us about tholr roton t trip to new york going by plane thoy report a wonderful rip staying ut tho now orkor uad honing iih much time wiu intoittiting of tho city a pons ml had a ooc ut pitf beautiful atvhiiui tea ijfrvico in ahull puttvni which woh proaon- tcd ttf brigadier iiud mra irvali upon hu rltjrumtnt an head post- mhtcr for tho cit of i o onto pricing along the glon road wo aaw jqurrtji duwtou kappijlbuuy- in hor gardpn derrouw upaklug hap- jidicas reminded us bf that ohf cap tion uhea jovtly dhoi engaged i iii- lucky luj howard stayed to that with mra dnwjon and admire hir iotoh pwdt aricf jy whitih wjta nln6ten little ducklings hurriiitf back to town wl drop pod m at tlm cceamory for a pound of our favourite bltler and heard the sjlnc family were planning a gettogether in honour of jithp day at tht gitat china ftcutaurant on tht queen lliiibeth waj an interesting feature of tht occasion is the cclcbiution o two birthday annivciwiricb ltlir jjridgor and milton fleishman 1 iibbnnd of tho formtr ltonn snxc had u look at the locker ttongt plant which mr save guauintcts would freeze an lakimo after fpci ding about threo minutes in tht rt xt were quite m agietmtntwith him dropped in at he bank and found tht taff with complacent jookn on thtir faces sterna that don itund had hud a blrthdaj unm- vtisurj tht da j- btfire and wad re ttntd a delicious birthday tuke from his mothtr mi tvd spcnce and lluinor who ire honeymooning huh wttk here us mrg ilourc fur ious counting taai and muttering beta ecu tht thousn l i mubt mtivt tht 1j 09 anj io u have i rtd hcliion weekend l with tho hoarts continued on yui waj up main strttt to i arm it lis 1 hi j tttib hnl as uttl uid i ui sis mr and mrs fa wtbbtr ol uiljrarj i hey utrt planning to stt tht aqiiu tar- of 1118 and t atl in comfort stlt m that l uirt liiit mon scott motor sales phone 161 georgetown asktd our good rienda maralinll uiwl ella hmbtrb nht thoy wtr plannnip for week end recroation and mar hall with n piece of toast in i m hand and a pen in th other wild ht had no timi for recreation ii wan a busy rrn so wo loft ik ion we committed onrholveb to an more jnsurince wl hud u h ippj hi til did too dn and hope was freight and mail trucker here you cant wish your worries away with an alladins lamp adequate insurance saves worry consult walter t evans and company log cabin mill strt astra portable radios battery pack c400 playing hours leatherette case 4695 complete ernies radio main street phone 465 ad and arch i ound mr kej j mgdon admir ing htr cun cnrdt tntl who tan blafnt hcrt and en crtoining mr and mrs w o la nation of tim- mina mr and mrs bid orr hud as thpir gucstt mr and mri adam orr of hamilton mr auun orr and miss norma ntaj juit had to atop a moment to take in tht bejiuty of the luuns and gard lib t ht htop took ua down town whtft wl stopped chat with gen mil jim i alor and enquire if win n and where he planned to i it nd his hulidij f 1 ha t no time for holidays said ht 1 am hero to 4tll machine he wiun t xool- intr uefort wi 1 ft wtren t too burt whether w haj bought a-taa- t hairih combine or not i bought wt had better have a loqk to stt what ktta waa jflon niiiftf for the ttk tnd and found htr liurulry up to htr ntck in straw btrrllb iceaehing a tentative hand for a iurlio ik looking berry wt wtrt k informti thoet berriee weit for sundaes i nd not for us rcjta has turne 1 w old inn with a jittk help from win vtttre into a modem ti i room ind in her own inimitable way look aft on i jiapjij to find mora tuck and noima hapmun h nu from tal and lomaletjcinl lifter illmtsib mrs vimann ki len ajid marsha wt i k t ndmijr with mr and mra w schitllu of kite hi iur i and ht it r ltvr buay with tin li nt w houic ith air porter cominir from toronto to help witli tin fmishini touclu b al hopes to inot in in aufunt it looks like a iut hoiiae al eer- lioojn- recent lllium john hull younjftat soul und lust remamintf member of uic f fimli of the late hrihtopher and i saruh hall died in peel memorial hopit il hiamjtoii on snturdny june jjth ht liad alw s enjoyed lood health and n er knew what it was to bt uid up until atneken ith ineumoniu two wttks before 1 1 is death horn it hornbj in 187u he apent his caik box hood in that part of the tuuntrx lie lped hia entire hfc in und around cicorjfetown with tht ei eptton of t ft w y tara ajitnt in oraiilftxiilt 1 oroutti and dueljih m w hilt in jtoiietoxn ho droxc the mail and freight to und from the tatiun of late tara ht has been kardenti at iscotsdnlt i arm on tho m 7th ljnt ol a q jitt disposition h iit made man friends by hia acta of kiritlhcaa he was piedt eased tmhtetn ears ayo by his wift the formtr majijie uallatt v horn ht married fortfixt ears ayo surxivink to mourn the los of u lox intj unelt art i numbtr of n icti and ntnh twb iie jolin aiulerton of knox lilsbjttrian lliurtl acton con ducted tht fun lal ttrvices on june juth from tlit job intone und hum it i mitral homt in aeton iall- btarera utre old frienda und neiirh hours harding priet jack c oir ivank bmith vndrew mino w il ham btaxtrs and iernard miller honorao jfllli eartis xvtrt morria i haktr ijnd altx mi chell i lower blurers wtre iirtat ntphews ktn llojd dordon and lornit hull iritndt attended the funerul from j uilph toronto i tawuttr wind sor kitchener aithur hornb hurlnilton an 1 itrnrnpton inter mtnt was in crtenwood ctmtttr itsurifetown i loral tributes wtrt rtctntd from tht tordt n lamilx and alon zo mr and mi s ht t jhornton and lamilx mr and mn itobjohn hull i utts und mphtwa mr md mra s ktnnttt mr and mra it i le ata mr uth mrs john ok the boys at sit t dale i arm mm il mei and hit mr and mrs a oi ton th i nit neifhbourh n h u h i m h m h h j jl h h u h i h h h h h m ii h uh m st albans church of england glen whjliams 1 45th anniversary services friday june 25th 8 1 5 pm the tallis choir toronto conducted by john cozens rev f c jackson of 6akviule former rector at norval r 1 1 a t j o lc n the oirl a t i t ball ttum m htii hlw inn f mis o nison oi uie dior eft tou n in n tt ituxt home t ht er the eirls on tli bout for all sidt all ipt rintt n lilts to jftt busx on iln it owi pnxati hi w ul x tt in 1 but won t bt h id f i tht fust ftw fttt maxbt n ii hv iblt to borrow m t stoit jatk n a maclnnea w 1 axt on hand a supply of 1 til and rt dutt r just for tin pin pom i it tilt are 10c 1 i i f t uil tht it dm era 2 00 mil t u al th andy lublo l tin iod1 im its sat- ur lax afttinoon on mm how n iwn n miin int north i h i iiinbi t malki n7il and son coal yy oldat405o6o man youre crazy ikynli up wiui omit tintli i tilow y trbloii nny i pit wwt wvaiwa h om sl rnn i pit ux woain uui ocl tw y nw fcwiukltitml mm wmtt tarn u kt kii tug itorm rywl 1fe11tiihliilifl mmmai mutw i p lauaaiiwn ui m m hhbmnwi wi starting tomorrow brampton lions club a n n u a l j a m b o r big days e brampton fairgrounds jmlkk fri sat june 242526 huge midway merry go found fmrr wheel clir4 plte kiddie rides game of skill refreihmend exhibit building monvter bingo gala parade cawboyi from shamrock dude rnck four big hands dacortttad btcyclei carl floata thursday evec june 24u parade forma up nelton st e al 7 30 pm beauty contest miss peel county 1948 will b clioicn from the parade of bathing beauties at brampton fair grounds on friday evening june 25tli lucky draws loric watch will be ffiven way free to the holder of the firtt lucuy drew jidmiition ticltet on eeclt of the three nifrliu other valuabll prizes too fireworks a huge colorful display of t1reworks will climax the events every nigrhl of the annual thror day jam bore don 1 miss it

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