Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30 1948, p. 1

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page 9 georgetown herald wednesday evening june 23rd 1948 junior farmers sponsored plowing match at hornby ideal weather corditlons greeted ibe annual junior farmer plowing hatch which u bold recently on the farm of clebert mcdowell borwby eoufleen halton- plow tkrya were in action and aorne ex cellent ridges were tamed a most interesting feature was the dernpn- tratlon tidgo plbwed by krad tim bers intomationallj famous cham pion tractor plowman of york county mont clark young of q lunch u truest of the oaic prea- the oil recommended la the oom- idept reek mbe- spoke briefly to ere ui cleaning fluid or solvent extending welcome on behalf of known in the trado as stoddard the oatc ix keek stated that solvent most of the oil companies while large iarm la operated in connection with the institution the in bawsnthoir own trade nanu for this sbiutuon the j materlal a fisw companies arff ow ataff welcomed and required th designating a special oil for weed practical viewpoint and criticism of- spray which u a cloaning fluid with farm operators generally in order a certain aroqunt of aromatic apu mhllken and it g mcleod of gait p upated m by tho entire group un- thai many problems might be aol- fit contonti od r x lbe hpqclfwatioili for a judging competilidn was parti- ry stoddard fiolyenl oil for fear- were the official judges their awards were a follows class 1 walking plows plowboys under 26 years x hs- rold ferguson 2nd jack ferguaon both of nassagjweyu township class 2 walking plows plow- boys under 20 year 1st gordon ferguson nassagawoya township class 3 tractor plows plow- boys undor 2g years 1st jack marchmont rlomby 2nd keith merry hornby 3id wm gallyn hornby 4th geo rae class i lractor plows plow- boys undor 20 year former in tercounty team members were bar red in this class 1st earl price milton 2nd cla rence held aton srd sherwood hume milton itli wm grice frcoman 6 th colin marshall mil ton 6th john hae hornby milton junior farmers won he 6 00 special awarded to the hal- ton junior farmer group having the largest number of their members in action two days following the halton junior farmer mach twentyfive of the top plowing match judges of central and western ontario held jntlire this event was held under the dir ection of j a carroll secretary- manager of the ontario plowmans association in order to bring about greater uniformity ir judging on th part of official judges at county plowing matches according to mr carroll the alto including the ridges turned by halton junior fanners and the luncheon arrange ments ably provided by the hornby wi made tho whole setup ideal from tho standpoint of the visiting group of experts inci it is rumoured that the official plac ing of the judges school varied slightly from that listed in this ar ticle which may or may not be of some encouragement to those who did not stand as high as they had anticipated dor the direction icopresentatives b v safisfac- rot woed spray are as follow h whitelock the official judges of the classes df hblateins and jer- sivys were geo drennan holsteln ftrldraan and proi geo e kalth- by iho- prlzo winners were as fol lows houteju gioupt ladies 1st mrs g leslie poor milton 2nd mra w n steen streotsvllle men list hose segaworth frooman 2nd v j lawrence oukvillc srd john lyons chelten- hum junior tarmera 1st jack gra ham georgetown 2nd jas gray pool county 3rd iruco rieldhouse ieol county jersey group i ladies let mrs larry g don- jaldson 2nd mrs jean douglas milton r r 1 men 1st ian nelson calodon 2nd m c beaty milton srd ken neth ella hornby junior famem 1st henry bes- scm acton 2nd david williams ot agricultural aromatic spirit content 1216 s beer and j per cent by volume boiling- range junior farmer with a future 300101 degrees flash point above 101 degrees evaporation rate high iteaidue truce or less t the oil hr applied without dilu tion the most satisfactory time to apply an oil apray is when the rota huvo formed true leaves and before the roots nre luiger than u lend pencil compiolo coverage of woeda is essential lor bcit results 1 his oil is inflammable but not us dangerous as gaajlino smoking jhould not be pernutod when hand ling the oil wctmg of the akin under clothing ma cduae blistoring and burning a warm bright dn witli little or no breeie is cons dcrcd ideal for tioatmcnt on cool i loudy days the evaporation is slower and undor somo conditions slight injury may occur if the carrot foliage is moist equipment required small plots up to an aero in size can be cover ed by a knapsack prayer tor lar ger acreages a power outfit is re quired fitted with a boom of noz- actou 3rd don gowlsjid bramp- zles and geared so as to apply tho ton the days programmo also inelu- otl at desired rate from 76 to 100 lb a pressure of is sufficient for typtr with explanatory comments by pro- aproy nozzle gives best results feasor r b knox bead of the anl- all common oods excopting ragu ocd are wilted in a fow hours mal husbandry depl and members of his staff another interesting feature was a demonstration on jiheop herding by a shepscrd dog a most cnjoyablo and worthwhile days visit to the 0 ac was con cluded with a programme of sports which was run off under the able direction of a t woodley mutoa chas mckeown acton j w paw- ley caledon and hi castor of cheltenham individual members of the large group were loud in their praise for the many courtesies extended by the staff of the o ac and it is little wonder that the popularity of this annual pilgrimage to onta rios college of agriculture increa ses year by year 1200 attend holstein and jersey field day at guelph oil spray on young carrots for weed control twelve hundrod halton and peel folk attendod tho annual holsteln and jersey field day at tho ontario agricultural college guelph on saturday juno 12th during the morning conducted tours woro mado to tho experimental plots dairy farm and long term pastures farm machinery dopartmont poultry de partment college greenhousos and macdonau institi tc following tho use of an oil snray to idll u eeds in carrot ficd is now a stan dard practico where hand labour is iarce and expensive the cost of an oil spray per acre varies uith the amount used if all the soil surface is covered it will require up to 100 gat per acre but if only the plant rows are sprayed uith suitable nozzle the quantity mn be reduced to 60 gal or less und eomplotcly dead in a day or two carrots and other related crops such as parsnips celery and dill have resistance to oil spray in jury but celery plants should not bo sprayed after rtuy true loaves are formed the oil hiu a tendency to collect in the heart where burning results oddfellows convene at st catharines parents aik for a oopy tj our bookul financial trautwf for your son and doughur ttb imn of practical an3 ktlpfuj tf 0tfom on tu uiporiant mlijirft avauabu of h brand boating trmcr kemp some hvertodk of hi own and he sve hi money like many another ntrmer ion n luu puntf mad u doing something mboot them ww mm is wise enough to know that the hafafe of mtring something ottf of everf dolhtr he mm ctn be the y fioondstion of his mturei it k mpr am rhf 0 turt 0 simgt4 mr jomta mccutcheon of bramp ton uill be utitailod aa l g m- in st- catharintfl tht convention of the independent order of odd rllloua district nlnaber 33 with jurisdiction over lodges at oruritfo- ille milton lirnmpton gcorgfl- toun and alton on fridu of thu uoolc mr mccutcl con uill be in stalled in office inruntditttilj fou lomn tho initallution of tho new jrand mutii cf ontario w e knox of ottawa lht lojrd annua comcntion of th i o o i jf ontario la in sls- sion this yltk ut li i louard ho to i in st catliartnea 1 iil conventio ojitiitd on bundu night vitli a church parade led dv the iatriarclui militant under doi artmejft com- the royal bank of canada georgetown bpxnch f p bemner manager i warnings issued to bicycle riders iiuiwuuaiuuuuiuaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiuiii un n iicn ut uiiauiiiiiiuiiaiiiiiuiiiiauiuiiiiiuatuui liunuaiiiiiiiiiuaun j piano recital by the pupils of kenneth r harrison knox presbyterian church q thursday june 24th 815 pm 3 guest soloist miss katheleen thompson g silver collection in aid of choir funds 3iiuuiuiiimiiuuiiiioiuiuiiiiuauiuiuuiiaiiuuiiiuiciiuj i mint uuiimii lonmiiiianu iiuuiik4 the danecrs of riding double on bicycles la bein brought to the attention of citizens by the local iroxincial police d tachment this i ractice has ik conn increaslnicly i nuindir major ijcn ral udl cole of i revalent in ton n ond la extremely 4iiiiuiiiuiijuuuii lunuiuuiiiiiaiiiiuniiiicjuiuiiuiiiauuiiiuiiiaiiiiiiuiiiirjuuhiuiucuu 1 c a few pennies a year will give you i guaranteed mothproofing for your garments the famous berlou process is guaranteed for a 10year period aalc about it at j barragers cleaners and dters phone 233j n pickup and delivery t kidictoun ontario this sorvice be- mp foluml bj a t inorial mrwie in 1 nipire lodffc litems on queen strut m memorj of dljiarud sis- tcia and brothtrn o tht- order i smiultancoua to the subordinate i t ii inl i odic bliona the arious branch of the oruer the hcbck- alui tile cir md lne uiijinunt und the latrureha milimt with their ladiei vuxihar alho are convening m st cuthaniil tiwe weleorac uasoxtendud ty lit rcbeltahs on londa night bj mayor w j mae- uonald m i of fat cathurmea on dnestlin eeung ills worship r k major llouek o niagara tails oil extentl a wel no to the full rfroup ns tht aasemble for a aoeiul leiiliii i iulira lulls following a seenic tour of the niagara dis- tllet it is ejected tliat the 1u48 19 objective for the cpt camnalgn the anticancer p 1 omelltla and h tubcrculosia vork earned on by both jw i ulloui mul itebokahs ull be raised tu 210 000 and hulp oxtendod to uiosc in need in each locality wher a branch of tho order is located now with tho campaign work shorouffhli organized in tie districts the ioop feels justi fied in tripling the objective these funds after collect 01 aro held and administered bi a central commit tee comprising the heads of all branches of the order with grand master j w mccarthy as chairman and mrs ruby webb bekakah preslsvant as ssorburytrestakrar rh addition to immediate asaastanm given to the needy these funds will be ased t- extend seiesowh work of th cpt campaign langorous it ma not bo generally lnown that it ontravenos the hhrh- tnffic art and offenders ore liable to prosecution numerous omplamts hac been received by he police vvhj ar asking parents learn to fly experienced instructor available for afternoon and evening safe easy to learn reasonable rates visit the brampton flying cluti j brampton airport 1st line vv est phone 1251 w nnrn their ehilurcn of tho din- uarmhtiwtniiimuuuntmiutt of accident i u reeause sb minubes datily are lost by rain in btrlldinar in bijtsda giant umbrellas for ronetruewon itjbm so keinf eonstderw follow the leaders get the proven advantages of upftau vssxkec vtes thouaands of leading canadian poultryuen ruarj their chick investment with sunttay althsath chick starter with the ivovon advantage of semisolid buttermilk only sunray issss tlie semisolid buttermilk fermulsvs which give your chicks extra minerals for bono specialtype animal protein for better growth extra vitamins and lscti svem for vior bemeubar synray srowinir mashw and egw mashes too widely preferred for produesuii body weight and health hi isrgfav flock thompson poultry farm and hatchery pboo48r is rrs

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