Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30 1948, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wedneaday june 30th 1948 new advertisements trucking for that odd trucking job phone 460w harry scott quean and guelph st dressmaking dressmaking curtains drapee aoendlng and alterations phone 499w washing machine repairs waah tig- machine repair er nies radio phone 46s main st for sale store and aperltnent rhardwood floor large garage centrally lo cated in glen william w schenk gjen williams mo lkcohatolg jdecdrating express tndividiiellty vrtlstlc interior and exterior craftsmen in the trad c a grant kb 3 qo phone 84 r 4 sewing machines sewing machine needle aid re- bir to ail makaa and models at bmiee radio phone 466 main 8l for sale girls bicycle for aale phono 4ij7w for sale ught acres of standing hay for nolo j u miller lot so cone 7 eseiuosing strawberries for sale strawberries fof sale 25c a box 6 0 a crato phone 669j fill tor sale 60 0 yards of good fill for aale at glen williams 76c loaded otic load yourself jtufloajloey phone milton 162 r 32 77 liveslocjc wanted wo rd in the market for 16 calves a week all jdze f k ilolmbs and son phone 96 r 14 acton 721 baseball team drops another game to milton board available eoomandboard available can- tral location harold scott church btreet phone 668w plumbing plumbing repair and alterations mastic tiling and tile- board hlcken and clapham phone ssi 4 georgetown 638tf electric fans all dsea 746 to 01806 at ernie radio phone 45 main s pok rent comfortable furnished uetbt housekeeping room rested by the week mrs watt we t por sale 1047 glnerel motor custom- built ear radio built in for 1941 42 40 47 chevrolet at ernie radio main siroot phone 466 for sale masseyharris 101 junior fcracj tor 1940 modei on rubber in good condition phone 92 r 22 georgetown wanted wanked wttwn town limits dwelling with conveniences must havo- 3 bedrooms will nay up to 1500000 cashj applytojbox 7 herald for sale strawberries for sale by the box to phone 19j cedarvale school rent electric floor poliaher for rent fcy the day ernie radio main a phne 4 for sale monarch ice box 100 ih cap acity white enamel nearly new bay whltmee phone 241w painting and decorating saaueeted and sunworthy wab- askar sample hooka intarlea and aaatarie- painting awhmalaa free baa ilacriaejton main st phone 4l 62 painting and decorating exterior and interior painting and paperhanging latest wellpa- hr sample booka bsrlmaio free jaa kennedy phone 189 fl2tf help wanted stnart boy wanted apply at laveie knitting co brill bid apstair oppose post oflke lawn mowers attention lawn mower pusher 1 li your lawn mower is not cutting aroperiy hard to push or in mil ef repairs phone c ledwidge 44w for trtt plckop and deli ery in town 618 wanted young man who has come froee peine to tax position la haalcs eatd steele paints ing deat asla 2 or 3 room unfiirnlaaed atait fee- himself had wife jao cadjdjr rail george tissard must 212 j sales help wanted man wanted for uawleigb bu aiuea sell to 1600 families good pfil lot bustier write today kawuigi dept mlf214s elon- treel quebec 630 wanted to buy cash paid for old glassware old as ornaments vases oil lamps dells old battens old silver and fasnaitiire etc phone 47 or write po box w airs keith barber king and union streets chickens custom chicken picking with ut- sse ataebinery also ugbsst market price paid for fowl alive or dressed t ailing flock a specialty hut- senvllle egg grading station phone brampton 848 r 14 rarer har- personal special opwee send see and receive three aampl personal hy- v robber goods postpaid by return mail in plain sealed envel- pe imported hswmettcaly sealed electronicely tested products- free rk list adohat only w nor- aaan box 6 station bl toronto ontario 11 chicks if you want profit aaxt sail l winter order thompsons quality ssweka today barred eocka light hampshire cl whlu wldc b8 bjtxwlvbbx aasd ubanst most of ovr for sale for sale in wholo or part about 14 acres good mixed itinrtlng hay at norval alex l koble norval lost three small key est in envelope reward mrs e duncan valley- view apartments for rent furnished apartment for rent for july and august phono 221 for sale choice hothouse tomatoes and radishes jack eertcher phone 412w end of john st- at ninth line for sale double oil burner for cook stove phone 328 wanted wanted to purchase pullet 8 uccks to laying pure breeds or hy brid cro6ics advie aire number and price apply tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus on tario 714 wanted man or woman steady income averaging 45 weekly call on cus- tomers for famous watklns pro ducts in georgetown no invest ment business established im nnd is to earnings write j r wat- kins co dept ocg6 2177 mas- son st montroal pq notice relatives of mr a smith who is believed to reside on a farm in the vicinity of georgetown or norval are anxious to onatt lur in order that she may hear something of advantage mrs hraiui was for merly mr arthur wall of dramp uiu please coimu ikate with mrs ada bailey 2b nelson st bramp ton ont clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements j he undersigned has received instructions from mr alex tt black to sell by public auction at lot 6 ztui line west ghlnguocousy 2 miles west of lirumpton on monday july 8th 1048 at 1 80 pm tlio following houses 1 uhuk mare 7 years old 1 black mare 0 year old with eok by ld these are right good workers 1 pony pigs 7 fat plgei 8 ehunksi 1 fat sow implements 1 mocormack mower 6 ft 1 tiger dump rake 10 ft 1 dam hey loader 1 ph drill 1 adams wagon on 6x16 rllhx ber 1 flat rack 1 box 1 sloop sleigh i 1 ph cultivator 6 sec tions of heavy harrows a set of 1 ton scale with stock rack 1 international 2 furrow tractor plow 1 walking plow 1 cockahutt 2 fdtrsw plow 1 brooder house 10x18 1 stewart clipper a set of team harness some horse collar and some ottier odd pieces of har ness 1 maasey harris cream separ ator 1 milk cooler 1 oakland ear good motor urea and battery woald be suitable for buck rake a qoaamtp ef baled hay a quantity f avail 1 0 eto and nnwaniiii likl net mentioned here to be sold as he 1 leaving the favm anal has no farther saw far cah fssamk ravoh i he local buioball team enter tained milum list saturday in the 1ark ond perliajw this was a good way of express ng it iho final seoru ended 8 to 2 for the visitors with the locals kuepiti up tliero good reputation of practiealjy givcp the game away there seems to be a little more interest in fooling around with tho bau than in actual ly playing ball llavy comofie started on the tlound for georgetown clenpents pf milton liddff vith a single and this hit pliis t walki and an error put milton in the liml by two runs luure was no furtlecr scorliig until the 3rd when miltor addvd another run on it hit 4h error a fiuldcrs choice and a lont fly t the out field 1 hen cam the innings whpn the roof literally cived in on the locals msphall led off with a single marshall singled clements went out catcher to 1st with both ruauors advancituc evans doubled scoring both runners fay struck out stover singled evans home imolanson got on thiough an error illmco singled scoring stover don herringtan came in to replace comoric rusk got on tnrough ono ther oraor with melanson scor- iag on tho play mcphal and mar shall finally endeei the innings both grounding out this mado tho score 80 georgetown got one run in the 8th when wilton got on base throughan orrortheautolclgnd storey singled coring wilson the next 3 batters went down in order in she- 9th inches led off with a suiglei then stole second herring- ton came through vuth a single to scyrc inches and thcro endod tho scoring stover cf 4 z 2 0 melanson 3b 4100 ilrush 3b 0 0 0 0 lilinco if 4 0 1 0 rusk s 4 0 0 1 mcphull c b 1 1 0 marshall p 6 1 1 0 so 8 lo 2 glorgitiown aft h e norton c 2 0 0 0 wllson cf v 2 10 0 storey as 4 f 1 0 lhon lb s j a 0 1 0 chaplin rt 4 0 0 0 scott jf 4 0 0 6 iichos xlb jj 2 1 2 2 wylie lb 4 0 0 1 comorio p l 2 0 0 st jmngt0h p r 2 0 10 30 2 6 g as tev batting averages ev wilson und hal gibson are having a battle with wilson continuing to hold the edge team battiug aver to dat ab r h av iluiuulictfte milton b runs i hit 2 errors jcortrttoun runs 5 hits 5 cr- ror milton ah r h e clcmcnu rl 41 2 0 bvana 2b 51 2 0 fu lb 61 1 1 taylor tractor service offsr the fomowia new and used mssasyharn implements for im mediate dslivsry no 10 manure uprcader 7 ft grain binder no 26 2 furrow plow no 27 2fumw plows no 28 jfurrow pious rubber tired wagon 10v tractor grinder 6 electric grinder toriuido hammer mills no 11 electric grain separa tor no u nana t ream separator hhallow well pressure system also the following rebuilt massey harris implements no ca 3 -fur- rove plow vio 20 2 furrow plpw wagon with steel v heels and tires we can also offer cheaply a used oekshutt bindei afid 2 furrow plow taylor tractor service georgetown phone 100 wilson 27 9 13 gibson 27 4 11 hernngton 5 0 2 inches j 13 2 6 storey 29 9 9 adnchl 13 1 4 scott 304 9 pattorson 10 2 3 chaplin 15 2 8 wiley 20 2 8 norton 20 3 3 spence 10 20 dillon 7 3 0 comorio 5 0 0 hrjdon 2 0 0 a ritchie 10 0 thornton 0 0 0 481 407 400 385 310 308 300 boo 200 150 150 000 000 000 000 000 000 for sale opjier tub heatt washer good condition 15 mrs it conn phoni 14 ij for sale new hhinnei t of table oil cloth htrgu ehuke tide u yard hroendu table cloths 51 all sizes 111 gold beal longiileuin ruga at doodlets 1 oiiomy hardware mam street ihune 124 wantfcd young married eoiiplu both work- inc wish to cut iiuo or more rooms furmshe 1 or unfurnished room und board ftox 12 herald i oh sall 1 01 i ilyinoiilh no ian motor rec ently ovi rhaulud 6 new tirus itualod beam liglits und lieuter iliuiie vhtuiiu 17 i 2 buildings moved all typos of buildings brick or frame raised tr movud w l davey stewarttown phone jhlr24 for sale one minneapolis mollne tractor new one boll city thresher new international ha tedder one fann- ull h mccorinlck doering tractor with power ultlvutor one w four tractor on rubber with manure loador one rnrmall a mccorinick tractor with m jwer and plow one mcgormick deoring cub tractor now with one 7 ft mecormlck power mower new one gem 6 can milk cooler oiu used dump rake indian motorcycle model 74 with saddlo bags buddy seat new battery 6 ft doering mower used used tractor disc used 8 furrow tractor plow dne used eulti- vstor two used 2 furrow tractor plows i one massey tractor on rub ber lights and starter one 1047 kaiser sedan car 6000 mileage ford and fergusofct cultivators and tandem discs for immediate aebr- mry good stock of ford and perga- son plow abareal one 1848 wulya jeep on used dexaval cressm aep- araeosrt eae wood deep unit teas hewson mr1 si jssw l j t- evidently the old weatherman doesnt want to sec he game played between oakvillc and the localds last wednesday the scheduled game wns rained out and then when this iconic uns up for lost monday night nun postponed it again it is hoped that this gomo will be played as so far this aeiiion the only team the local- have played ball and have looked like a ball team was the p nnik game in oakvillc perhaps georgetown should play all their iramci arainbt this team at leat a far as a spectators point of view ih concerned there is a scheduled game in oakvillc tonight weather permit ting and with somp ball playing of which the locals nr capable of playing georgetown should again c liter the win column the next scheduled game in town will be against thin same oskville team on wednesday july 7th at 6 30 p m birth notice bradley to mr and mrs william bradley christine dick enson of hornby a daughter linda eileen on rhursdey june 24th 1948 at milton hospital hay io mr and mrs ivan hay a daughter elizabeth ann on saturday juie tuth 1948 at guelph general hospital johanson to mrs carol jo- hannson and tho latn arthur jp- liannson at nerval a son robert arthur albert weight 7 jb 8 or kbir mr ud mr lloyd keir wish to announce the birth ocf their daughter donna marie at w memorial hospital wednes day june j6tn 1848 died hut1 at but hom- in georgetown on sunday june 27th 1048 howard laing hutt- beloved hus band of anale t pook ut his 82nd year page 4 junior farmers lacroase w t l p ebcnezer 4 1 f strcetsville 4 1l lullamore i 2 1 2 s norval 2 1 2 s alloa 114 8 irlxle l- t s last week c june 26 tnxle u ajloa 6 i cemiseg r friday july 2 norval va auoa ebenezer vs tullamore at norval friday july 2 streetaville va irixic at bumbamtborpe j monday july 5 alloa va tulus- more ebenerer vs horral v at norvaf r in memoriam royd in loving memory of a dear husband and father david abner boyd who passed away june 28th 1947 in our chest of chershed memories are locked up thought of you your smiling face your tender heart and thing you used to do this token of love and affection of a dad we shall never forget ybur memory to us is a treasure your loss a lifetime regret god bless you desx dad until we meet again sadly miawd by his wife and family harris in loviajf memory of a dear mother mary e j harris who passed sway june 29 ims every memory is a keepsake with which wj will never part god has you in his keeping we have you in our hearts ficr remembered snd sadly misod by morjorie and harvey hawes in loving memory of our father lexander hawes who passed away june 30 1942 and of our mother maude hawes who passed ovay july 18th 1982 we think of them in silence their nnmes xce oft recall there is nothing left to answer uut their pictures on the wall ever remembered by the family brampton norval corrtbanaa wirt first game ilramptonnnrval combines svt off to a good start in their junior hu rouse srriei on saturday at uranism vhen thev trounced wes ton miliars 14 4 t lark lyons led the ombint idlarpshootcrs with 6 g ils sutlurlnid and fvuns had thrtt aptitc and dctourciy beau inont and 1 iidiaw each scored i t ft y chun stjrio twice for wes- ton with i onimy itennott and hill hodgson snaring singlos i he rrampton vorva aginrcgs lion it under a combined executive with itiv j l self and jim clark rt prt m nting non i and walter smart uiul jim cltcy representing llriimpton 1 wo more home games ait stated for ltramuton and two nt orwi1 1 lie llruiupconnorvsl team in i ludes severul members of last mais nnrvul imiior team among them lark i yorts 1111 laldlaw junior ileaumont spike scott hob hepburn and johnny haines from last y ears st vinrentv team sre joo docourcoy grtsi and dale while llrnmptmi players include gwyl lvuus i ob sutherland dsl- tol gardhoiiho and kingihott junior a01a schrule juno 2vtwsstor st bn st ilrmmpton july 9 bn at midund july 16 st catharines at bn at brampton july 20 bn at st catharines july 22 bn at dnadaa july 30 midland at bn at norval aug 6 bn at weston aug 7 mlmieo at bn at brampton aug 9 bn at mlmlco aug 18 dundas at bn at norval the first three teas a tesi standing will play ff tor the 1a aerie rhaaqpioaifclp r0 play st male help wanted 3 messfjstger 1617 years of age smith stone ltd pnone 212 georgetown outdoor sketching develop your artistie talesit under the guidance of an artist terra cotta summer art school every thursday at u jadaaus vaus der vu4 phone 81 r 12 omtmio stock ttw atulxctin jt wallv poets u u chmi 900 718 u with a profound bow to the orient we present qftlc jream laden fragrance that hold- you hew itched lenthencq shanghai his its heart in tiic onrnt lyrical land oi the lotus pekflme from 2 40 io 50 00 boi cltt i 3sij 1 7s uaih powdhr 2 00 dath oil 1 30 anj i9s sachet 14j bath salp ijjs maccormacks drug store phone 327 main street during july our store will be closed all day monday m homef- 00 jt

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