Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30 1948, p. 7

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the georgetown her all wednesday evening june 30th 1948 tegion plans bis holiday celebration a bis joly 1st celebration ptan- bed by branch 120 canadian trion ejeta underway tonight whan street dance and carnival will commence at 8 oclock on iflll st a fom day has allio been planned in the park tomorrow starting with a aeries of races for children i 141 and under at 2 oclock sun valley and levy aufct cants of the tor onto senior glrla softball league 1 play an exhibition same and sr in the afternoon an open y show will attract numerous entries tho lorno scots band will be in attendance with a midway bingo and rofoshment booths to keep the crowd amused at night a burden party features a toronto troupe headed by al bcrthiaume and xco magicians tar dancer jean somorvllle and ventril oquist bob logan with pat macintosh as coroodlan and emcee liter there will bo dancing in the armourlos with douz humes orch estra who will also play for the street dance tonight mrs j h liuico is rebekah district deputy on tuesday evening june 22nd verdun robelcah ledge no 184 beld its dosing meeting for tha summer month there were over fifty members present and all en- joyed a report given by sister myrtle dron of the rebekah assem bly which was held at st cathar ines last week and which was atten ded by herself as representative and sister edna mcglbbon as scholar also at this meeting sister pearl lillieo the newly appointed dis trict deputy president of centre district no 23 of toronto had her commission read by sister edna cleave who along with sister viv ian arnold accompanied slater liiuieo to st catharines the day she recolved her commission verdun is justly proud to have one of its members as district deputy president this year and know that sister llllico will fill this position very well sis aileon bradley noble grand presented sis lillice with a white satin opening bag with the best wishes of tho lodg- members at the conclusion of lodge a penny sale was hold for tho kitchen fund after which all adjourned to the basement to enjoy strawberry shortcake and tea at tho installation of the new officers at tho rebekah assembly hold at st catharines airs vldla eobinson formerly of thomfiaford lodge and win now u attending verdun rcbckkh lodge was install led as assemble marshal f thomas ledwidge weds toronto girl the weather mr editor with this weeks summary i feel that the mobt appropriate remark would bo to may tribute id- the memory of my faithful friend and prodecossor the late prof h l km balkib iiutt duto june 21 juno 2 juno 23 juno 24 juno 25 juno 20 juno 27 avorago max 74 ci 88 80 70 70 78 70 14 mia 55 55 58 09 1 60 81 61 58 42 bain 138 is 29 1 82 johnsonnorrie wedding at s st georges church decorated with peonies snap dragon and fern st goorgos church of england was a lovely set ting for the marriage on saturday juno 26th of marion louise nor- rie daughter e f mr and mrs ste phen nome and earl frederick johnson son of mr and mrs rob ert johnson of acton archdeacon w g o thomjpeon officiated given in marriage by her father the brido wore white satin trimmed with seed pearls her headdress uu of plaitod velvet with long em broidered vejl the bridesmaids were georgina mitchell thehiia lappln helen johnson and helen shelboume boautifuliy gowned in harmonhdng colours of pink and blue little bar bara allen cousin of the bride was flower girl woamng pink nylon sheer the bndal party all carried bouquets of roo from the garden of the grooms parents the groomsman wss burnees van flcot and ushers wero gordon in- glis gilbert jordan and george johnson mrs w f bradley played the wedding music at a reception at limehouse memorial hall for sixtysix guests tho brides mother received in an aqua mesh gown with white acces sories and a coinage of yellow roses- tho groom mother assisted wearing a v allow figured crepe dress with whio accessories and a corsage of whie rosea the hsppy emipi returned to the brides homo m georgetown where she changed to a suit of soft blue wool with grey accessories they are honeymooning at floral park lake cpuchi hing and upon their return will roa de tn gcorgo- owti russell kirkpatrick wedding st clements cnurch of england toronto decorated with bnapdragon and peonies was th settiiig for the wedding on satuhav juno 19th of kathleen ehzabeth wade daugh ter of mr and mrs william e wade of toronto and thomas henry ledwidge son of mr and mrs otiarles lodw dgc of george town ftov t v burnett officiated smd mr f iloiard was st tho or- during the sign i g of the rcgi- sar the bridos brushes roger and william wade sung because given m marriage by her father the bride wore a wedding gown of white slipper satin rih loagwaistod full skirt and sweetheart neckline her fjngortip veil was delight to an orange blossom headdress and she carried a cascade of white car nation and swiot peas her sister alias margaret eleanor wade was bar only attendant wearing a blue taffeta offtheahoolder gown with fall skirt gathered in a bustle affect she wore a coronet head dress of braided blue satin and car ried a eetalcascade of yellow rose and ins mr lorae hunter of georgetown waaaggroorasmaa and usher were baai hayward of a and alexander isaar of toronto at a recaption at tin diet kitchen the bridea mother received wearing a grey dress with black accessaries aad a oesaage of pink carnations- grooma saother ch t ola srtnt jersey with white accessories avad yellow reae corsage i vwoewtast a a t aonevneon trfe i ealaaie save takes op rsat- ia stewajrttown i the school tho uomena insti- i tute and the scnday school htid a i joint picnic in the school grounds last friday aft rnoon i a me a and races for all v ere enjoyed and j lunch seined fter lunch the mtmbtrs of the w i were called together and a life membcrahip i m of the women a institute was presented to mrs w lawson sr rtv j l maxwcllva present and said he hoped tho joint picnic would be an annual ntn in future mr e harris o georgetown mr and mr km harris evelyn pataic and jimmie of toronto were visitors with mr and mr e hodjl sunday afternoon canon 1 g wallace of london who uns the special speaker at orai annherary service sunday morning- accompanied mr maxwell to st johns chunh in the after noon he read the lesson and preached the sarmoa mr nd mm p r baily ot ham- ilton spent sunday with mm llaily conffratulatutns to me and mr w bradley christine dickenson on tho birth of a baby firl last thursday visitors here from holland mr robert bmyns who waa spending a few woeks in anedaj was a victor west weak with his uncle and aunt mr and mra a g m brayns he w est rottta to quebec city where be will aaa fear holland as a memoer of te adsai istrabva staff aboard a daich skip taking a party ot rvji end american students for summer tour in europe ha is a srniiear at leyden unlraraity when iks is studying ssw ob its trio to cwnkadsv the boat oa walea be eailad cawrlas a nsiiaw of daadi ailtiasls who uksafctifcsaaaiaav a very pretty woddlna was sol- eznnlawd by kev hoojcsou of inahe- wood when jaasvv second daujfhur of mr and mrs sidney kirtpatrtclc of timebottse aad john rnaaell oit of mr and mrs tiiua- rwil foster of chdtenhewu were marrsed in jumohousc presbyterian church 04 sturdav jane 19 the bride wu lovely in wute not mk1 satin with fish uli rim- trdng halo headdress with m short veil and carried a bouquet of flow- rosea he w4 attended by misses ver- na spcers and pefccy wlllett wh wore reen iwd yelltw embroidered net with satin kimniudhalq has to match and carried old fashioned nosegays tho groom waa supported by his brother mr jim i oster and messrs jag kirkpatrick and lloyd foster were ushers mrs j e koutfliloy was at the 01 kan and mrs e karn sang bo- cause during tin snymng of the register a reception followed at the homc of the bridoi parents whero the brides mother received wear ing igroy printed jtrscy with grey and blade accessories and a coraage or red rosea the grooms mother also receiyed in plaid jcrsay with black crepe one- piece costume white accessories and wearing sweet peas bofore leaving for her honey moon the bride donned a grey gabardine suit with white accessor ies and wore 3 corsage of rweet- jieart roses and sweet poos prior to thoir departure for the north the young couple visited the brides grandparen u mr and mrs two anglican churche celebrate ajinlversrie the 45th anniversary of st albania church of lungland was celehrated in a fitting manner on friday wifh the visit of the famous tallis choir fom toronto under the direction 0 john cozens the hoir thrilled the congregation with thoir btjutfuj rendition of hyuui which they tuig inaccompanled lo f c jncksqt of oalcvlue formfr rector of thi intorval-stew- jirttownilornh parish was minister far the tverum mr jaalcson yas jn holy irjnity parish in toronto after he left here then went tojgng- ianu where ho preached during tho war he was ut lowvillo before golni to oakville archdeacon w c o thompa- 1 amflstt d with the i ht rvlce t mrtrnl on sundiy hov canon i g wnllace of london a former i i ctor of vorval and georgetown i r aclnd in the mornlnp at the 1 02nd annncnarj of st pauls hurch of fnrrund it i interest ing to note that canon wallace nt rector here at the timo st lban a church uai built in the film arrhdeni in w g 0 thomp- on preached in st pauls in the ening with canon wallace taking tho sen ice at st georges at tho morning service at st georges church rlv a laong- lc youth ehaplalt of the diocese was in charge of u special service to which children of the sunday school brought their parents lorne scots band third at waterloo norval midgets beat caledon morva midges scorod a 04 win jsj stanilsh oi stewarttown l calcdon in then opening game- and loft hor orldal bouquet on their return the happy couple will live at stewarttown guomt wore present from lind- nay cheltcnliam brampton elora stowarttown glen will tjeorgctown and limehouse dedicates chimes at orangeville archdeacon w g o thompson was in chsrsre of a service at st marks church oranjrcvillc last thursdaj afternoon when new chimes in the church were dcdlca- ed in the memory of james and lizabeth hewitt canon mcmas- ttr rector of ne church assisted u ith the service 1 lie first period was all nor- a wlvh zoalt by blair from i outh hazell from louth and iiuth brock ored one for cal- don in the scond w mcdonald tied it uj with tuo in the third hut laidluw put norval ahead be fore the period ended ilarell and rchdefcin scored in the last period and proctor got caledons final koal the eramo ait bumpered by ixcesshe arass on tho calodon field uhich made play difficult oial douc allen norm niair llojd sedore carl laidlaw rnic haiell ross oldham joe i outh sho terraoo terry bludd hill hewitt david barber george smith stan archdekin caledon t clark chambers i hurst bro k mcdonald van ivjcl proctor gott mccormack lradcn patti i w mcdonald spires forbes industrial fa3tbaij w pet 1 000 1000 334 000 1 ons 2 tuff s 1 moadouglcn 1 2 provincial 2 lat weak june 2j mcadottclon proincul 7 comtna games triday provmcialmcadowglcn tuesdsj- lions- provincial 11 peterson mftchell wedding in hamilton on saturdav june 2tth at 2 m in fit matthews church hamilton misj myrlc vtbell of lorgetoin and mi charjcs mack peterson of hamilton wire married mth rev w h langhom officiat l inir tlie bride whu is a member of the smith and stono staff is the daughter of the lau mr and mrs lrnest mitchell of lindsay and the kroom u the son of mr and mra jack peterson of h ncardine formcrlj employ d n town with provincial paper ld he is now with the comstook construction c ompany in hamilton tnxic upsets alloa for first lacrosse win in the onlj came of the wcok in junior i ormer lacrosse truie came to jife to dctat alloa 110 at ilurnliamthorpo on irlday it was the first in n g starts for trutie and imt them within one point of mlua for fifti jlhue iloclc was outstandwtf scring six of trixics ioals alloa vas veskened by loss of their rcfiular jjoalie fred koo who has dcvoljped blood poisoning in his lcf johnnv reld substituted capably for him mondav s doubc header was rained out and lzuiczcr still re mains on top at uiccfoated leairue leaders trixio whicn hm been piainif frida at norval bus decided to pla the remainder of thest at bi rnhutitliorpo as was oriuiiul decided social and personal s mnj moira klly it holldiipng st camp artiuiiin noar dbndas- muh mbtl moore of toronto vni vltitilij- friends in town yester day f mrs c l liohn of chosley vls- itld with- mr am mrs walter uithn one day ac week miaa isabel lutlor of kitchener li a vihitor ut tlio uoctory with i arohdcaton and mrs w g o i hompfjon mlii mamil campbell was ono of a partj of toronto teachers who i spent the weekend at couchiching i inn misj jean chestc of norval is i ypcndinjr the ummei at pomt-au- j banl where she la working in a tfift flhoj mrs comfort rqszoii and daugh ter margaret a holidaying for m few day this week in dotroit michigan air jlloyd bcyd and daughter gloria are visiting in leamington with mr and mra walter mcgh- ia i mr and mrs- alastair kean dav id and lorraine of toronto visited on sunday with h s parents mr and mrs alex kean bay whitmce is in tunmina this week attending the iions interna tional district convention as a del- latt from tlu georgetown club mr and mrs william hill and children carl arlene and diane kft town today for now york city nd will aail tometrow on the queen hizablth for gweek visit to lngland mr and mrs alex grtug wer in town yesterday they are spending the summer at cleveland house huskokn where mr greig is sports director for thia large summer ho tel mr bob jones and mr garfield mcciih ra enjoyed a weekend mo or trip north ist week going a far as new liskear i and taking tho itmagftjni boat trip luv a e onloy youth chaplain of niagara diocese of the church of england was the guoat on sun- 1ich1 with ompetllion from four ciy bands in the big etaa at wat- orloo oh saturday the lrae scots hand under thu divfjdyion of hndr iinater alf perrott lost oat to tov don nl hrantfird j tha juorr4r jayuiort toch donh band wbts first rite with 92 4 points bimnt- ford had 014 and the lome scots followed with sl stfatfohl with 87 and windsor v ith 8b members of tho band are cornet joe wilcox peck jnck addy charles ceoretown 3tan fay virtor carter brampton i ondt ihorough norman aetfttt cinrinet koy king doughs willson mllionj chsarlat brrmldsl haivejr king prank carter emery thoms on dick ttlddall georgetowaf nino bra ida acton alto fmest porgrve normsm marchment geoiycwwn georp smith acton arnold cuthbevt brampton trombone ian tsmslie williasbl fmsho georgetown brace mcker milton ray afrnew allen acton j harvey cuthbit bampton euphonium bustet hale james burns ralph peck georgetown bass arthur herbert normal long ken macdonjia georgetown i eno mflwo acton dru ms ed pete georgetown o suploton acton tenor saxaphone cyril bvsmdr- foivl georgetown alto saxaphone maurice h- bert georgetown cymbals thomai herbert geor petown ballinafad a joint picnic of the fom bouring schools was held at cock school around on fruay afternoon under the direction or their respecqve tearhera msssl shirley dodd of blue mowntiahv mrs e denny of woodalde hit v gray of s st no 1 and mrs r shortill of peacoclw rail games wer- played between the different school teams with ss no 1 being the champlona tlaccs and contests were held and u bounteous lumii served ever present was treated to icecrmt and orange crudh the weather was perfect and all enjoyed the pleasant afternoon mrs f smith spent the week end with her daughter mra charles lliuuu ntia uic uiuii wis ji- lay of mr and mra uarvey dewjurt at wasaa bfcach urst at their avme i card of thankts mr b wilox wishes to thank friinda for cards flowers and cigar tttca sont to him while be was a patient m toroato general hospi tal water service interruption stwmy july 4th water service wth be aliut off frrion die maun and guolph street comcrdqyn mean street and including the whole park dutnet os the above say from 7 am until the job of metalline a new fare hydrant i comple- tel miss doi6til jkolinedy of owen ound and mr jack beatty of wel- j land were weekend lsjlors at tha liome of mra martha e kennedy church estrltt- mrs leigh hradbury and sher- iun left today jor a tsh with her itimil in fort william her sister mii joan v eu h who had been visiting in town returned with hor mrs dr w h graham of dltroit michigan isited last sun day with mus aggie scott at nor- vul mm l duncan who has been limiig witii her sons m hamilton and georgetow n for tlil juist year has returned to town and has ren ted thu upurlincnt jt the valley- view ajvartnienu formerh tenanted by mr and mrs ied armstrong and family pap us of kenneth r harrison who successfully passed thur mid sum- nur cxaminstioiu at the toronto t anscrvatory ofllisic included an- j as spitztr grade 1 v0cc 1st claims honours and sandra scott grado 3 piano- mrs george fraaer of hanuota masitoba has oeen isiting in town with her sister mw ii g clsrk and other relatives in the district she was accompanied on the trip by her daughter mrs johnson and grandson barry johnson mr and mrs al cameron and children of peterborough are spen ding a few weeks in town st she home of miss l brown mr cam- irqn is relieving manages at the acton branch f the bank of mon treal during the illiesa of she msn- stfer there mr and mrs thomas leitf children maryjo snd tetany fast weekend for m one ton nlb wbsre tkey will make their home- ur raid who hssl bsi autloned st hmhen as m tca puoi has hssn trmnslwrvd to the mobctoa members of st gourdes club hold their annual wciner roast- hut tucsda orisrinaltv scheduled far the dlvriea farm he location waa chanced to the home of mra mary ifcdelt because of inclement weather ind the roast was enjoyed around tlu open nir fireplace throe local gills successfully passed their midsummer examina tions at the toronto conservatory f music marion hcpkurn haul h noura in grade 10 vocal and paa- std her grade 10 piano and grade 1 harmony j an chester secured f ii at class honours in crude 8 vooal moiro kelly scored 6p in grade s vocal mrs frank cameron etnd mra k comrie of clevoland ohio sja ter of mrs ii moi uw and mra clius hoarl arj vultino hero mra comrie at present ib vigltlnj with mrs j coonoy and mrs j ii me- icol of oranjrcviuc who are also listers mrs cameron underweat u dcrious operation last friday mor- nine at st- josephs iicspkal uelph and is pmtrosslnj favour ably now mrs earl johnson marlon nor- ric was entertained at two lovely events in her honour prior to iter wedding on saturday ladles fro limehouse held a miscellaneotal shower at her mothers home at which they were joined by ueigsv bouhs in georiretown who meeeiueil her with an eleetrh tea kettle la acton she was guest of heaurar at s miaeellaneous shower at the besas of her motherinlaw aba halters johnson mr and mrs harold hackle aavi joaa left last week sac where they will ttsake ur biekb will bare tba of aaatataat office m enanra d work at baplate caaada an arfnste ev taib i at bee mr saaaajaaa ar gasjah askl sseaj sv rj

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