Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30 1948, p. 9

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the georgetown herald wednesday jime 30th 1 948 iook ma am gg autadv bokswts dv0pa6 v 7 covcjvtat trxpc ssf for healthy puhets thatt swifts developing concentrate 7 you gd more for yournioncy with any swift feed became the swift reputation depend on vhc produce yon grov swifts at you id haye the bet feeds possible and swifta have the research and manufacturing farlliriea to aeeyou get them you get the most for your feed dollar when yon iwy swiff s it thjg tttub lit ton georgetown feed molls georgetown ontario nutrition is our businessand yours t pwti- w- n lay in day out for more than twenty yean the hatescity united has been providing regular dependable service on k through main line route between the great industrial cities of montreal toronto hamilton london windsor detroit chicago over the years the flow of travel between these busy and important centres travel for business vacation and pleasure travel baa moved in growing volume on this popular international train its the pleasant way to go places because a wide range of sleeping accommodations comfortable modern coaches lounge cars and dining car service provide all the facilities to make your journey enjoyable and its the smooth fait way to go a perfect roadbed easy curves long stralghtawaya double track all the way between montreal and chicago next time travel on the famous intercity limited youll ride well sleep well arrive refreshed w aar utahmul 1 aay i coktfttisv and illll vhltetiml faaasaw im w yaav nmltli sail ctmtilm n tfitmil i aaav ixp nmrtttf jmj itt i jjgpy3 with the anglers ly ooortft hmrt jjass fckakon the hunh ntnhon uomlhtf u on july iht will j doulrtrtrllovc holhl prinauru on lhu brown and itpcck- hul trout the limit for bum u j per duyniimum klitfth 11 imliun imoicen u yuvcnil itnferk- rievntly iravb hud the iwd uek of ha vl riff their leudiih break afkr lulfnni- to i tho vmly causes i cni thinkof nrv tliiollbwiriifv r flntokiritif who tyjtf this jin- to littler injulerder tn im femotmu the und of lb cifciwtt touchis thu joader qrcattuti near itough lebhoiiv lootyt eloiily ulorijf the ktuder i- ritichitif unlit hol on louder im properly in unother way- iu wfruem the leader thu be t way in to plrich the two outidcr together with the leader well back in the groove if it is done properly the shpt with little effort cn be pushed uny place along the lender making an improper cant is an other way to weaken the leader jz jthisuftuftlly resuh in- the i1yroingr inwide a loop then when tht retrieve is started the single water knot pull up tight and if much pressure is appliod the ieider will break at the knot it is uibo pobirible thjit when coat ing the hook point mierht flick the leader juat enouph0ealcen so it ii beat v keep a nharp eye on the leader at all timos for thoae defects it will fuivc many a ifotxl fish from breaking away it in uuo a good idea to watch out for poor loader material some of it in only pood to clutter up the tackle box anri thatn putting it mild its hard andbrittle and wont even stand a proper leader knot without brottkinp nylon leader material stained blue grey mist u the best one on buy it ties wet or dry another thing to remember ib the fact that a tapered leader is only k htrong as the te at the tip and should be used accordingly i would not recommend anything lighter than 3 lb tent for nver fishing and for inexperienced anglero nothing less tlan i lb test more fish will be hooked on 1 lb and 2 lb teat be- oausc the trout arc not so apt to nee that the fly is attached to any- tiling therefore ihe light leader j will be the reason for you losing him so why not uso o little heav ier liadurs and take a chance on t hooking leas finh but in the long run creeling more there is always some wine ongler who will scoff at tht heavy tackle and way he could laid a 4 lb brown on 1 lb or two lb ttst leader even if he had a lake to play him in it would be importable if the brown decided to go to tht bottom ond hulk its a cure thing the angler would get hungry nrut and break the loader the largest broun 1 ever had on a fly weighed about 6 16 i was us ing a 2 lb test leader so i had to let him run bcj tint fqrth with lit tle pressur finull utter 20 min utes the hook pulcd out had i been using 4 o 5 lb test its a question whether or not he would have token the fly hut on the other hand if hn had struck he would more thai likuly be over the- mantel now because with the heavy leader i could have got him under the rod quicker and brought him to the net while ut eugenia last year i asked wally wilson of hamilton what leader strcngu he was using and he said s lb- test j asked him if he thought that was heavy enough in case he hooked a pound speckled he said well i figure thats all tjieiod will tnd at eugenia one has to more or lea horse them out because the place is full of logs and stumps wally answer was sure one that made sense lucky anglers j tw cof is in the hew with a s pounder this week tba prhte measured 19v it waa hookad just before dark in a spot that waa full of log for that reason jim had to give him the butt of the rod and s game of tug of war followed afer several mad tushes back and forth the fish came close enough to let chas hoare wlyo was standing near by to net htm ps jim wasnt using a light leader 3tvj etarm creeled a few more nice ones last waelo one was a 2 lb 2 oe liah at the present time steve is in montreal h in formed the writer be for u lat that he was going to do some troll ing for muskiea- so good luck to him the writer creeled some fsrvy wke fiahjast week after the rain thats all for this wk so good luck until next distributor agents for cledraulic and gabriel shock absorbers stabilizers and rubbers of all sizes in stock georgetown shock absnrber exghasjgeand service uedwidge king st phono49sw lliiiitiuiiramnuhllituliiptuhimuiitjiiiuuilvi in accordance with our plrctiie of the past years we will take advantage of the holiday time business slurrtp and close down completely for a period of four weeks this enables ua to giveour entire personnel a wellearned rest without resorting to the hire of temp orary help in this way our standard of work is not impaired and everyone returns to work refreshed and readyto serve our- many faithfulcustomers with a qu i lity of workmanship unexcelled may we take this opportunity to wish you a pleas ant summer holiday and give promise of dependable service to your cleaning needs of the future lautrpfckup july 7ttitcjuijri 4dtfleuvery resuming pickups on august lfcuh mgsway cleaners i and dyers i toronto georgetown agency phone 375 s m w wk c am of thanks mr 1ftd norton and family wlafa to aiprusa to tliair many fihajwh ralatvaa and nalssihora tfaafar hart- lt thanks and abpradation for acta of jdnduaaa aasaacas of aym patiy sad baaoufol nond trttmtao sojajswod to thath in tb loaa of mr daar jmabsmd sad fasfcar aa last weeks album winner byron bedell maple ave e drawn by albert sirruon every week win a record album free 1 every record or needle purch ase entitles you to a free chance on any album valued up to s76 to he drawn vry moaday moimlkig weekly winners to be published in the herald cffm home furnishings store pont send to for goods unless you hov fw corauavd your numtt cuaauas ohtoa tka import ol ewfaln goods is now prohibited in ortif to oonsarv our fund if lha arkcu you with to buy is on this prohibited ttj it wui not ba ohowad k onter cenodo avn shouob you pemtorh dont bo d mor entering goods turn mm us r eahar ofiunmaa oamautt your naaraat oufchii owosi wone ss geoatgetown for the best in chesterreld reu f holstmhw seven daytprvice homjktvwo sfe ll t iilllll mli ww 4i4

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