Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 7, 1948, p. 9

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page 9 the georgetown herald wednesday july 7th 194ft news and items of interest to halton farmers passing or t j mtachlr shocks iialron holsie1n i ratlunity ploymunt aurvlee consequently the jib of attempting ti copo with tho ilumunel for furm ubour haa aa in founor eura boon luft on tlio door lei of the arleulturul office ut milton in a bncf interview with tilt agricultural leeiiksentatlvo we 1 nrncd that while a few western llvviuliri u few hjrltmb uiiml tfiuiit uomj uo jihil u few moru 1 iri ojieuii 1- i n and some holulii vvuruiiw frim i oronto hnv 1 ucn eeired the ji niiiiid fur ex- eeiids tho ii jeiuie uhllll totuhl ihc d nth oi l 1 mi uilili of vninuu 1 ii t in linfuliur lown- ililp on lliiiiwluj inly ul nhoelad in vnli eirell of fruucli jh 1 1 ill lull i ijllipintvcl few at bin fel- vv iloutem hreei 1 hud laiown ut hi liceiil lllne hi i herd of iiuii u holsuri vilnl1 r hi i i v- onul upi lviuoii ti i el in recent jc ir won mlcifialiumil reeokftion mi ne of the tup homtuiu berela on iinijnil 5u fimli nil xiuuu uie lontiiicnt ai 1111111s hred ut injplii i nun by rdd meuieri luvv nol only a m elliimpioimhip inwuiis at the hulten couptj hol- tein miovij iho i mitt champiojv jup bhovv but u live oatttl lulled c ii ullnli jhumpiono ip reeorda of lodiulion j ii- ijuipt uiuiuiuimlic inituro and i i in ill rou t aid letjve co opera tiun with ill h litvi holiitein club iiiimtu bud won fer him a bout il fi sends in llaltow to whom ilia 1 ib111 inukd a trujjie iojs d m timbers bookkeeping accounting income tax returns daily weekly monthly service king st phone 520j harley motors is at your service for car repairs brake lining a specialty shell products claw a mechanic gordon harley prop phone 539 jh st nar arena dies during visit in denmark high yipld faoyulan contlit gall joe the man you know for eavestroughing sheet metal work all kinds hot water heating and steam fittings new idea furnaqes georgetown plumbing heating back of hunters inn joe prucyk pkone 192m mm ihoniao uir mi a rcoidont of the clen william district diod on i riduj in aalliori denmark wheie he had been yibitinu qinee the spring immediately on hear ing the nd nevvi her hunband hooked pas at- oi n tianwtlantie plane and left malton airport on sunday for i imarl mri larscn left lanada by boat on vpnl uth for her lirat visit in her homeland unce she came to canada twentjfne cuis ago she took ill on the day be arrived ul denmirl and had been confined to bed for aome time a heart attack being the cauiie of er de ith which ueeuned on the day nlu had ongi nally planned to am for the trip 1 ome she u urviv il l brotlur laul 1 uen of clen v i ami ind tluee in others in delim irl before mov ing with her bubban l tour yeara ago to the obtinnder r i at the glen tin couple had iwd on the 1th ind ih i th line 1 tel unty 1 he funeral sei e will take il ice tbn 1 rid ly ith interment benik made in de iriark leading golfers to compete in canadian open 1l on tn do cic- improvement juocbition in eoopi latrori with vict uiy milh ltd ami loronto bluva- tou i ul i ipoijkonng a high icld boy ittai c rteit cltr4ftf close on july 2lh in order to- tjuahfj i it ij ncfcuiry for each contestant to haw at least live acres a total of 00 00 lif oifcht prucb is offeiul in una district i hose interested car accuro further iktaila and cntr forma from the gncultural office in milton h c baley electrical contractor electrical wiring f ixturc arid repairs prompt service- cjeltv st mu 3w howson reunion held at milton building a new home zm if you e phnniiir to liinld a new liorrie repair or remodel wc wnl he filad to offer constructive ideas as to pluni nuucnals and financing a complete building service mastic and hardwood floors laid baihrooms and kj1 chens 1 1led roofing insulating builtin cupboards mas ik 1 ii l and wall i1le tor sale mcnally wood products phong 18w elgin street ceiling on winter wheat removed in caic home of our readers mis sed the announcement in the daily liesb by the canadian wheat lioard n or nound lime b here uj a quo- tilion liom ouch announcement in considering ontario winter descendants of john howaon wheat policy fo- the crop year who emigrated from england in commcnemi- july lbt 1048 the 1u31 and sottloa on a farm on th coierument liai elccidod that the th lino north of hornby held an pri e eeilnn 01 ontario winter iftemoon picnic aid reunion re- wheat can bo removed and thi i cntly at tho home of mr and mrs iction will bo iffortive as of today l russell caae milton mr imgar die eigliteenth of june ihc prea- uddoll of toronto was elected ent lreaaury payment of eight picmdent to nrra io the next rc- leith per bushel ia dihcontinuod union in two yearn timoi mr iank with ihc removal the price coll- how son of winghan was the retur- n ibis minis tint the price of k president albeit howson and oiicnio winter wheat will be froa i lca1 wcr natructed to nnd iu own level under prevail- e tt upplcnont uddod to ene nndtons fnm l hook llioac who atteno included willinm curr c toronto mm i minerva ituddell an 1 family gcor- i town mr and mi trank lcahe i niagara talla mr ind mra j m i kejirns cuclph mr and mrs i 1 hoa wooda i eriu herbort how- son montreal mrs tred league mtrcal mr myrtle stromo and mis moore tetswatcr prank howson mr and m geo horoon lied howson wingham mr ila mchinnon st paul mr and mra g m thompson and mrs mc- 1 iiigblin hamilton mrg manning incouvcr ldgar iuddcll and fam ily toronto mr nd mra chaa 1 arquliaraon and fumily mr and mrs harry howson eel brocklo- lunk mr and mr donald mckln- n n toronto mr and mrs olonxo r0sedale floral cut flowers wedding and funeral design work phone 283j mttftuelt 31- w j ii 1 sit cc the ibot announcement u3 issued ul oj ort rcotrictiona i ivt bun it ii t 1 u nd wheat is in ntlj u u ur jilnd the 1 75 ii i li hi been cported to u ill it un it i the mar n ill iman ex- j rt fioin narlieiimting eountriea inu l not lu jbovt uil vmcncan jiil u 1 ut th pr cnl time vmcr in wnitti llt 1 uur ii gelling in t t fi indilo i the njunalent 1 tire of 1 7u ier i bh new orw l innot ouch foi the mthcntic- ity of tbe aboe tattmont but it wis cliin lrom nt we consider i tollable source if correct it would appear to mtit or lca lstab- hiii it et jiriec bpc 1 on the price i vim nt an mt i wheat which i rice do ii dee i tj be out of lino foot ailments treated by miss allan litfht corniortabu rche koa other pplunc for foot comfort carrlfta by aptltmt pbfitt 1390j 27 ahkw s g u e l p h ihc ifieuluat fieu of world bl i ttame polfcr m c miuliin history i ih lxp cud lo be on hand when golfing gn ati nti n ir great start shooting for tne l in ulian open frolf chaninonshii tlu seagram j old i u and lunoi in prize munc oir sruughneiuy courne in scjitcmher 1 he irat unamn open er staged n vancomct w ill draw tho lig name tompetuor partlj bc- t uuie of tlic prestige which lias grown up around canadas tojr- ranking golfing attiaction partly because of the fat piiibeb uixoued and partl becuuae il timing and location fit pt ifeet into the ache lule of top h m com petit lona in the l mted states 1 he open in v mumtr follows right behind the 10000 taeoma opi n and ia directly ahead of tho slu 000 portland rt open i he n 10 000 invoved in the threo e cuts so close toj th i in time and lislarut us utl u i la i field which will include juth africas labulous lobb ld it uul in all prolmhiliu hen hokiui w inner f th is open lille recently 1 he 10 000 pii money for tlio canadian t vent is ul up by the cl nils uf the stirim ld up wth tht winn i colli ting 2 000 i wll is i uhtdy i tho old up j i a tur ml jk maneiit pisslh sion ol a siulrim rt plica ihc old up incidi ntallj i hi ading w at wui i for exhibition m varicomn lfttt getluil f tt of etutoms if 1 iilr il flli ing n di aj which i ulu i w lit it lh list t unt u inn g ii tup aiiiw i hir m inada ii un s nib fn t i fi w iiia aliead of th k s u opt n it with 000 lin to ih winntr if tin i ur d lioh comj t ti- tt n tin i u ii n r up ititivts f 1100 ii 1 h n m u io t i third mi ts 1 oi0 1 ur i pi ii k0o and fil tli 1 1 i i oi i tlu rt on priaii u i gra luati d ow waid until thi in u in ioth siol t ucu 60 in allition to th it main prizftn u c tin sj i ml aw ml to li ading in idmni 1 lie tii canndiku pro i li j5 and pehsoaion of tho uivcrmoad ir phy for one yew scloiki pno u jo0 third 126 fourth 100 fifth 75 and sixth 50 i ho lliwrnu1 lroihyv i comjotd for only by cnunrilan koi- fn noiio oi whom luv evr won tho rrurfiain gold qut which lift boeu euiblenuiti of tha cfui- 11a n ohumploniihip lnc 10s6 with that of hard spring wheat which i selling arrnsa the line at 1 10 per bushel ihornton mr nrd mrs bet 1 horn ton mr an mrs itabjoa ioronto mr and mrs hs nixon clarkson mr and mml uobt blgsr mr and mrs fotrtaf hrownndgc omngh mr and hnl 1 koadhcad mr velma norrlt lowville mrs gto riuhlc an miss ritchie acton mr and itsxm peter hartley milton and maf other families represented by tfai vndcrsons nlitont dawods 1 ro wnridges noma croidn macnabs and i lonuns showlry weather delays haying operations during the pas two or thrco ulks little or no pjgreaa has been mule in the handling of ilaltons liay crop lh fre ucnt showers while spoiling som ha and delay ing tlu progress f farm work hie improved spri m grain pros- pieu materially winter theat looks like a bump i crop although some fields aic beginning to lodge in the xruit an- vegetable sec tions of lialton prositects are also i ry promising a usual the big ust headache u lai k of experien- ced or even partial experienced firm 1 lbour whil the consumer is bemoaning tne high coat of many fm m pioducls fai revenue ii still too low to compee w ith industry in the labour market hal ton is one of tin vt ry v w counties in ontiuiu where he i ederal govern- mt nt li is f uled to establish an em sum i ii i i ii 1 fol lui i in lorne evans weds in milton i iiu dooiiij i vans former rt hidt nt tif toi n i ic in ii h il u udcr foi l ilu intt rmediate liot 1 t u un was m irrud m milt m it fitly ui i tus f nun n rusk i nigl t i uf mi mi mrs willie rt uiis1 mis utrh rnoltl of i town w i mi rou of honour ii i mi ivan t inri igi j roonisman kavm tow n lorni b m ilu w th t mi i mint rj the piibt i si i on ha i milt ul win lu has filhd i mill ir s ot hi tin milton tt inn i will is in in n mt mix i of the h tt un d it it in t in trnn i icturcs nag ot ii rt old w is estah li hitl rmnllv hv uu bus loeul 1 ol grajiht i vllu rt sinihon when i httus tuki n i i i un 1 1 t i mug in enm town vv r being ihown t pitiph in 1 ngland tlio noxt w d- n hiluy i lit jjioturt h vvi re talvun at the tlio home of mr and mr hurry halo jovolopml on momuy nnd takrn to tho olu country by mn 1 homus nel u rf acton who flow fcheihj tho following day mr no he is marrlod to mrs halos bro- fchw and the picturon wuro family groups hot toil a hw wat up polor but a whola nw fatkton da on wp of rocbeia baauty from hair una lo toahpl sart with sun gold patacrema tk nw pal onfoo makeop end with son goldvajva lag wm ttawltt comply eolor harnvony tiamanded by fatlldloim worasa who know feus behr than euxabahi ardant tan cold upihdk j turn oow noli tooquw 100 a cold vsjva teg fll n 1 00 sun cold pat a 130 tlk tlor pfuct dattoluol 83 cuul 1 23 maccormacks drug store pko covt

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