Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald social and personal wednesday evening august 4th 1948 the weather mujtoi vvjijiio riddum bpent luat motoroel hp mcefilreul la mr and mm k ii ioiiuh cliarlus istitet uiient hie weekend tn nail- ii k with in mint mm clarence onuo j wlnti in ilriinijitou mr 1 1 nn vol of loronto jaa m ul mri j d icc of tor it holldii ueeleiid ihitor uitli ui to pent la t wulcmit wildwdod mclgikmi guilph street iui mi imd mr jru hiilkih jvtr unit air i it w ro linxu mr onl lo nd jo albeit kttitriteel horn a two ock r vint and jthtw motorud to vhiicjthtto with rotntieoii in owen sound wuebee uly mr gi nril munleiih of olllliu is j mr ind vialting in lowii thin week with mi and mij john murdoch p mls pieda herbert of loiqnto u ypoudinir hoi vac ition in town with her mother mrs d t lfor- i air peter licie 1 01 onto ua a holidnv isitci it hho home of hu patents mi and mri herb mr and mrs w lav oie and mr and mrs jac lav oil apuit last week on acation in now york cit mr and mrs wilf tord ind don ald spent the week end at invcr- huron keach with mr and mrs walter bichn t kov and mrs 0 r rimdall of bnllinafad arc on acation this month and vvill spend it it their cabin at ardcn mr and mrs cecil davidjon spent the liolid o week end along the blue w itei highwaj visiting relatives at sarin i mr and m13 lin ihompson and mr ind mro l i arnell ciijocd a motor trip to ottawa and north pa i ll ee rev 1 ml mi c h cowti li ive returned from si end n uu vceka in dresden 1tl1 their daughter mrs huh iunil mrs j ii i iliilu is acu toning tnib wlck it v 1 i caeh and will g fiom there to nlhi and i weelc mr manner hillock diannc and gunvw jht and 1 orry hludd spent labt week vac iti6rtlng at wajaj a hc min gunge jfigj of prcton huu ictuiiicd home nfui vuiting for q few d n- 111 tow n w ith lit 1 outer mi n i lw me mr and mis john lloldcn ucio vjeitiomug la t week it crystal he ich mr ind mis george kean of i lushing i one is uul have retur ned home after a vistf in town with li and mis vre kt in i mr and mr walter mcgilvray of ll imington 11 t holida ing with i uitn c in tow n mm walter hodj e of stewart- l w 11 1 1 1 epoi ted is proirrcijin lauuj ibli m i iuiito gcneial hoi pitl follpw inj n oicr ition which iln underwent hiit week ijojid i uitors witli mr and mi cilorjrl hurt included mrs knrik 1 olcr and ion tush ind mr m 1 mrs uharlca i lint ind son i tjinmj ot i orunto mr and mrs jolai kennedy m j djor well liero alt ml which half uli juli wji3 nut at a lib normal at cording to tlnj i ti nfc fftfiltt wc aic into autcukt ihakej thd summer what eiqucsing council did on monday augyst za jjnil u deputation qf rutcimyori fiom hi low mof il dn conce ijtlon ii win a j id tlmt the road fu 1m- pinul hj widtnliif jfiufj eiitvea oij which tfivc muv hc smlirreiitucii tilv hiooiiiuil jik to uu of 57 lliib tai yhowtd nl j oniirujouny 70f7 max imd 5y71 mim j jn l i ll0 u lliltut uullfil 11 l1injltirllraiulmlwlttmhttl lmot ono nuh with 00j u t 1 1 1 of j oh inclu foi 11 month f l houldht lot oihohdn mi ithvi i lu i y ei awhile tatrtromw o- omjiluinjni of u ceils mother dies iti brampton hospital mm joim v ott of loronto wfio mik ni k al lw r minidiu home at lnnelu lib pnm ted mwiy in pool mummial hontil jrjmjttort last week hali was tin jnothi i of mm viuitait ktiii of toronto whotu biiubiiid 1 1 fiwiiici ooijetqwn bo jin u- j8 jl jl 1 so si ivn mill 0 1 01 go 61 01 ilatlin hun 18 wih i i i w rtoiih li iibilul on 1 1111 ri vlu iii h 1 in r i 1 vm 1 ll acton woman fatally injured in car crash mlh lal illj dtnt on sauir 1 i u i ldctit 01 llll i ua u litre tlia i arl duidson of veton w u injured in a motor ear iicci- lift i n m i he 1 on o j j iiujli loiol liiteiseitl the i l li iii ilia well ml iuill 1 1iom mi ii id mr i d i tu mint 111 in the i l mil co pettrboiouj mr i d mi 1 led behulti and d iilhui join md ilui a a i- lea- ii1e tllla wee end to pclli 1 lew lin in montie il mr md irj lne londeijoio ha e it irned irom i le ition wlllell t t jient hi miiii iolt lne ml thithanl mi md mro deorje vuud nd mr and mr 1 dw ird vinoll ha e i retuiuel irom iaitmi at montre n vr e mri vyur3 ctxf mis m mde mel ride md i tliel melride of illej fiel 1 weie litltoia in town last with mi md mia v mr mil mrj c k hfil c mi i k i i mi i m and mm geo j tel 111 h l i el d to it 1 i u a lieu 11 h m 111 ml m 1 lin u i le itionnil knu iri ml le e gilel n t e jilehnat i mhrol e the i em koi 1 oodi uti i id v diien hj gol lohn melntoah gait loilnled with the e ir driven by mr i hudson ol ami mil melntoali i i lined hi injuries jnd fr letured its in 1 tin n d uirhti i ulti l lb ut on th li i mr vid on maa tii n i ll jlosplt tl ii n uul h id lac- l r in 1 laughter lilt i 1 ilii tun 1 si till i i t i i ll tl in gu 1 ll t v el 11 i it il i ir n llu ir- mi ml mis ii il t i me of t tl il in injlli e i hdon and of throe ill u vvlllamj in ult the i own hip till iiij 1111 ii lion ricture display i his friday ml inn h i iltn i t 1 liw on for m meuurt- etlw i tl ll i lit it to maj nts i ill 1st hi id sujier- uar retro- tlie will jie uilo t i i li at st si i ml pii ill md l i in bj iiji it gi oiit s liilin ii nun an wine iii of ittind i di ihlj of jul- gi one sundaj ji ujiu jn lure i sun on m st s on i uday iv- islnni to order preston hulls wedding in st catharines on saturdij lu ninr jull lst the ulihliin ion quietly oteninlzbd in wolblnd avenue united church st iuthnriniji of murjyirut daujjh- ti r ot mr iiy hulls ox jopriie- uwn and tho lutl jhnwji hulhi and iiinald i nth lri don tin at 1 i liou 1rejtoi t ht cathnj- int k mid thii inly wnltor v e pietlli e i l u i tin li i a iked ulei to 1918 ijin 7 jl i e nieluded uoads 1 ilolntsi u hindu ire it hiatinj jilant and preii- ti in aeeount s1420 79 r6- i f j i i ik ontierio hosntal ii d tin i slli ill pioi of sajl i nil sjlilm iiuiuiaiiee pohelcs i mi u luji jiall uul i lilui v81 01 t ounell ll ill t i duel ih i ltl in illi ll u 1 it til ll ml i 111 1 llll ashgrove j nut jiienu meeting of the mi ion i at d mil liahy u i held i 1st i uesl ij after it the hniih it mn hietor li lie i inn hi i t jlls eetlic il m ml ind montgomery humphrey weddin ti when ii i illle to i 1 llj lltberillir of lieu mrs 1 r ink 1 leu opene 1 witn ll u ll uirds i i 1 iu je ill alexander mccaig dies in toronto hospital leaident of georgetown for tin pist siv eajs alemandcr mc- iii munfoel blreet pabjed uwaj it the liekwoud i glnue loronto on iilllt sda jul j8tli lie una inn mi the mi mi homestead in lu liiuh lowiialuji in 1h78 a hon f the lute vleander and ktohtl li in r iuoi to inouiij to geoi- k town lie ii i j iumid ne ir koel- w to 1 for jo e irs he hid been illliloeii it bnnth mil stone until in in e mie ill fn iebrunrj sin ivllit ill ills wife 1 lime ij lie i ehildreii mis i l m in le ml m ii mi i lie u n 11 i li 1 1 1 ill n i l 1 1 il tl llll 1 qu misa que week c melude cow m and dauijhti i eiul ol loronto ire spending the month o vuiiubt at the suinmei home of di mil mis tlliirlc heat near town mm i poole md mr leit heott apent thii hohdajb list weekiwith relatnes it welland sarin i in stead sheldon chlrny inn and lambeth mr mil mi g j hell of ll id- iuj anil mrs mecnili lei of i oi i i to wire the quests of mi md mrs w g iell fo lew da 1 i t week mis aileen iaikllisoli and son illllof oihiwa ue usitini in town with iluuus in ikinj their head- ijuartels with mi uul mi wllbert hradle i i lloi i ne i mil iioth i ill nd i mi 11 i u 1 mil i manili ol it w tbaija ilmi i d with their ill julie in 1 u in i 1 t hun m i i mi i ll lit mi i 1 i i i li ith m nb ml un sj i i m mi 1 mi m i ii si iin it me hum mi tn willi i iii ll it 1 ml i l n m ml li lie itiouin n s w h iri litu itiuun gil llll the 1 in i iii i ll ii 1 i ui1l heuuio i i atlli i nui loots minjh spent 1 tst wei k jit llgin j in umbels of the 1ipe 1 an 1 p i i 1 i ol t 1 lm ind t is j the iiruee ml lit in tl i i i 1 i i ll i 1 i it tl i 1 1 111 1 hn i huni- i 1 t of i mi for- 1 n of mr i i nit nur i i t i ivj n jsrtdrr h v kl tl ilnulik mi ililllln i t lit itil ir in lliimpliri ii i i in i lusti pink u in i iln ll md i will enter glads at c n exhibition tin t p ii i ii i h l ill llowl in gl m mr m i mr duklltei i 1 e niothii mis v vucationin 1 ist crn i i ink murfin ind ind mrs murfin a h ghllke si were will at pint se i in il li lend st of in lis i eillllt s in i i il ll ipnii- 1 pliii mi ii mis i i ontill slnet ue ilnoi tile finest it ti w n is entenni i li bio mis in the u i ii in ilian it i i tins i ii and his will til l ul ii ellt ilnt i i in ilelnliill k it i n i nit h with t an i i i i luti ilii nth ii si r i i tin si i ii i y flow ore i ii iii n il i iii- ipe ill i at in s r j u ll i el nuinbil wis iiil in wo mi lvt te iinj in st old ti in jud i hn ti in 1 i rs 11 i d o leetl mallnll inleasj w sti hem g meek mrs it ii g t vl i i ilnu 1 i n it i md ii dibil nn ihere are two limi t 111 lui it i i i u line h ill i ster i m ii 11 i ill f g e e i u tl in eoneiuctcd iii w i lie 1 it kov a a hniiru porfiyrmod the iitrinotl and the ehnreh wn doc- satid iutj iladioli and fern ijh hnele wii ien pi nlarriara in hn brothei william flulla of gi mi eiou n and ho wore ice blu n pi with m itehintr halo lint and il lie of ilaelioll petllli and pink i t shi was utti nded by hor i tn mn melun iieiu of port i 1in wi inni a pink net drea in iti hint ribbon hat lind coranirtf of pink ro e i mr limcr preston w is lui brother i roomsmah mr ihjuirlifi cnmpbill wai orcanint and mr ch irles ilimann snni bccauao duriuis the siuuinj of tho refirbitor rollowini a reception at th jueiuswii hotel the couple loft foi georgetown lo apend sunday with the brides mother who due 1 1 illness was unable to attend tha woelelinj follow intf a tup in the k iw ii th i i akeh district the will isidi at 18 low ell ave st c lth- arincii douglas thompson weds muriel mclellan lvno iresbtenin chureh geor- tiwn w is the seene of a double ii mom in s iturdae july i t whin mime i isibel mel ellan i n t d iul1 tei of mr and mrs i mil iii llll line the bll le of i 1 1 i uu i jihjilujoii ti unison mrs m 1 usl ill f geoi etown ii i i s j ei r nn 1 tne eere- 1 hill ml kemletll illljnoa ii t e we id ii muse i he ecr- w i r iliiud i i a seteing 1 of with mrs t 1 1 mill i s an l r h 111 i i k i in ut i i in i i untial i 111 e m le i ll 11 w 11 k le i 111 i grown lilt ll she straw rs mil double the w is her ilui her ion ti iw i i el the ll mil i alter i lines i t 1 iln nk game and mi and mis i i sons john and doujlaa lune rc- turneel from a usit in perth where the were quests of mr and mrs albert watson and mi in i mrs dex watson prmr and mrs summirlin and mr and mrs johnston of hamilton ia- itod mrs g i rellre lust saturda mrs m orkindale spent the week with her mother and ir mcgorkln- dnle the weok end i hey returned to toronto yesterela recent guests at vullc view cabuih huntsvllle operateel b mr and mrs wilfrid hunter included mr and mis hair gohlhiim mms kuth goldham mr and mrs ai cameron and famil of peterbor- 1 auerh imel georgetown mr and mrs wiliam uonc and mr and mra w i iiiiiiilon of iynfuii and gtsoigetown t dri c v willuuiu is baek lujjio after spendlnir a month at fcottiitfe at orrulle in the parr- unil distriet mra williams their gordon hooily and joan of loronto at the cottage for in just n leliin its be t just now and tlowei lulu nlld enjo s llu ills ills 1 i ol these tlowels lie ii poll- sals ot boueucts hs iirisk i till lluwels it jllisent selllll lo j i do to si ao a dozen cook keelan wedding in brampton 1 r eepti n i vims 11 it iinle li ft foi ti le e llin if ir inn jiu wore hi ms ii imtlton i i iqil 1 11 111 i f i ult 1 11 p m un ni in th il- m i liter the i un sound the in hi i i ni in stunie with a u tup- will hu ni t t i m lohn mi i i i ii l 1 l i nl on tl t crucc in 1 1 1 i linn i ii hn in itl ul mi mm i i i in i i 1 m nin in li li 1 ule iii t g itl 1 i ixui till iin ij u t sib utir i i li 1 i md the in i ii k- i the i i is mi- iridic i i mit f h il n ir mm will be viikut 15th llu iw ch ti ol tin iruusstdu tea foi n i l i i n in i ni t t e hi ut d iil c mi h l b h k bnoc of ttiis week mi b kt i u 1 1 niic t at a jjnd thlic i tin koi ii in quliill i i in 1 us md m mum lj iii k n mi ijiui in lund ii 1 un wh n i la w ill 11 il sargent family party in the glen v in 11 pi on 1 1 idaj july jjrd tho nxax- iihlc took place at iit mar a ucc- toii iframjiton of walter i reder- ii k coulc lhin k only son of mr and mra i con cook of dtorgi town and daphne umibtth kcclan only dauihtit of imr and mrs vithur kcelmi of mildina hov ii jnl sullivan officiated ut tho nt iiiomoiiy mr and mra cook will make their nomo in urantford y- a wntit ho htm juat taken u new ftown will have i jui t familj jratln nui was nn holiday at the home 1 1 mr aod mra cjoonrje sargent in dlt n willi linn 1 imsc present iruludcd mrs ohru sarlrent mr ml mm w idilthfidd and eluhl- ii n ailccn doujjlaa and hobble of wind in mr an j mrs itcrnard j out m uxl hoik iuid mud ilillle f liiampton mr and mrs doujrlaa sarjtnt and duufhtir christine walter and margaret sargent miafl ikitha schciik mr and mrs jiortft sartnt and children doujj- donnu apd ik tt fnend 1 mac u buj tour i 1 llibie lijtl 1 in fn li won imnt ji in milton l li a iids ttti ikttt y tho wi mi ml ii jn i inin ii ait on ll i iv h llu m ut s lionu h monu it till lllj 11 tlll th puiil mis i nut j ii iii s ol imtnil i 1 iti t and ii iwitl the neighborhood miss ismcj kj an ot 1 spent the week end with mi iin den mis- hiel kit bun mituii her md lobb huddl 1 he injht btar mission liand hatl a meeting bumla afternoon at the home ol valine uic i i i i i on ituidav jul dlat i i li i 1 mi llt r muriel uhouc i i ii t i jil i i i iti idaj t6 i i liwd it i house of cuelpll i i jmjr ii thi ti i t iblt weu the i t in i niotlu i mia i m wuter- iiu i 1 cm li h mn k w ildic mis 1 in lie ti and mr u u iton lea loom asutanu wcro th k ms i tii mr pj i ii n mor- ii md hii iiici e miij marilj n m rns f cu ij b mi t ulil wills t milt n mis m 4i j hi miliimild mi 1 r 1 imitiiui md the tn ii s ist i mi it i ilndgea t 1 i iinptou ii 1 miis doris ke in mis ate i ho uit was ibo entt r- t urn j it a miii t hum ouh shower by ui i1 vmold md turned a ti ill ijt 1 imp from tin ofiiec staff i smith in i mont ol whnb bhe i i nn mbt l jluiul hi i in m mie 1 nn l lie l 1 he th wl it iiiml ul i het i ithcr wn f w1 l0 i fitted bodies 1 i ut un three- il ot embroideiod ii i li ilo ol ecd x ed a bouquet of doujlib uoods ti- niati oq ro n of or- hioiied on tho ballinafaet i wood si iolal if milton bus ujiiu tiadyu glen williams mr nk i indlcj nd with jiontion on tho otuff of tovolla duq stoie presbyterian induction on september 8th fulltime health nurse ter mish minnie daughter mrs urranddauirhttr arc remaining autruiit mr and vif taking a shoit miss ulen wccdnulrk of port olborne hat jomod tho htaff of the halton county health unit and will taki over dutus as fulltimo ilnalth nurse for diorirotwn and supu mber sth has been hlt as puft of i iiqtii hiiijj shi will bo i tho date for tho induction of the mukinjr her luum in eortown new ministir of riiok and i ime- miss wiedmark ih a prhdunto of house lre ibjteriau churchun kov i niito sick childrens iioniiui m kxandir laldui mr culder will ind has uiki n a juiit kiduuto l oll lhomuh eiiboh aro coin so in ikhtljning at tho ontario agricultural colkifo in guelph tliii witlc mr lnfton i iho proprietor of tlio ilohdiio flarul ami tho cpurao w kivo him useful kiiidimee in bin floial do- iitiih mr and miff ken hidler left last w 1 1 k foi tin 11 ut w home hi l en- ti ilia clad to know mi- ind smel ifr has letuined hoim fiom hospital uul wi wish lui a spcuh ntoeri tiu nipatln of the i ommiinit i i ndt d to mi s hud isnow in tin tluith of h i fithcr mr mccaiff of teolkttowii j he w ms nut last wednesday at the home of mis lloyd marshall fm tin annual nuctuitf of tho isoeiate helpors tk partnient mihs norma mckeehuie and mrs 0 h f itnditll had change of the devo- r i i l mra r w shortill rend a short jiapi r wh be an associuto lu tpi r mis n sm lair sanj a and mins i va lambert und hor i sistii mn jcfferhon of hrampton a itutt mr riiudall told of his student das in the western pw- iinis mrs klindall roportod 90 uituli of clotlmnf for african ihihitn had been piipand l the mission haml circle and auxiliary ue flml mrs o it flindall it ft for a months lipllday at ajjen out ke and mis v cook will uhl i flcti fll the bnde h fahe w ore if m itehinjjr net caught ii le mas tnd carried a lluu rose miaa jean it of cuelph w is bridesmaid i n in tit blue moire taffeta with sweetie ut neckline and full jut bhc woic a headdress of net taught with junk roes and ear- i ii 1 a in itehiue bouquet david i ods biothcr of the croom ua boat mar and ushers were wesley ilii ulan bipthei of the bride and i mi lkniskill eotisin ol the groom v letiptinn followed at the odd- i 11 w i jl ill w lu it the hi ide s 1110- thei received the gueali in blush jiik i e pi w ith w bite accessories and i eoiigi of white gl idioli iho gloom s gr indmother assisted wcar- iii a blai k md white checked crcpo wllltl iceessoiki ind a eor- t i f j ed ides 1 in i ouple left on a tup to ontauo tlu bride travel ing m a brown icltt jirsc drcm vi ith biow ii ind w lute accessories t 1 1 their jctum tin y w ill reside in uianiplon ith ith limehouse kt relativch ancas- left plinth hu fir it ue nitons aa mjnbiter lu ii on the following sunday lie succeeds kev clmijea c coihrane now of wchtmount quebec j ho woddlug ring among early lititou triteb war a nlgn that th biiiju hail bet ii hoi by liur fiijpitr or guatdlan to tho brjdogroom f mn it in public health nursing hi llimiimty jf loronto nt carp of thanks i w sh to jiauk friends and niijrhhouiri foi their glftn of flow- i fruit ami candy alno vards dtiiing my ruieut tllnosa zolla tiiubara oigiav t an on s sundio foi kochiitei ny wherp hiu will hpeiul a couple of weeks among the weekend vmtois at tin home of mr and mra clayton mie n wtie mr and mrs talnicr ma inles of detroit mu h and mr nod mrs starili y masales of niag ara i alls mr john iracoy of chicago iii n ihitmg here wilh luu mother mn v luuiy mr and mis win uennctt al ncd luum on monday afti r upending a if weeks hohilajh at ux- iliu mr and mrtf 1ft rt i ucaa of lon don mr and mrh ivito and family of alton and mis lucas of ceor- fi own were wiukemid viiiforu with mi and mrh jack kucan nt isitora include mr and myi low de n jo cu and jean of i indior with miss ivcna and mr jali mr and mri itob koughlo and tlaughtus of london with mr and mrs j koughlej last week mn knghain 6t brandon man with her daughter mrs j rough- li for a mouth or so m i a nd m rs legge and m iu lit kn calo of aurora at mjaa ivoni home mrs cear of loronto at her sons home mr nnd mrs f geary mr and mu gunnell und family of i oi onto with kev and mra davidson mr und mra trod corbott of vancouver ii c ond mr and mr k corbi tt of loronto and goorgo- tiw n w ith mms m swackhamer mr and mrti geo pearson of milton with tho 11 on tons mis mck and grandsdu hruce mr nnd u uh cook will wv m ft irrani otup the manse and have charge tinir- with t th urviiim in tlur absoue s wnght 1 hose on holielujei jncludu mr and mm arelne iiiwr anil ij jpent sllnelllj lit i like sn- f uohh noiton with reuitivos at lllhlliltelll jlmu i mile gulu ilth rolutlvoj vuiorii mm v hit inilll hunt nnd clio- i r mr mid jjjfim jim allun of li dolt left 1uihiiii for u visit with mr jooriie swindloliuriit of i n w i v j mrrl broker ur mi i i tu lto uhklnir for hlirhur fee evn cuuld tl 119 is an fi pap p pappr i t boeorao wl to coil- u ii j la ain t latjih laifck i luirt in th blill tournanunt thr- uflvln 1 t

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