Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1948, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday august 4 1948 new advertisements for sale l30 oldsmoblle now tint in food running condition phone 173li utter fi aoh for sale icum of work horses buggy borso 11 p wenthorston phone 26 r jj lrin for sale c piodollircukfjcst huitc wardrobe and lriliif irl lainpjlindo phono j43 t 1 after i oclock glads for sale olndloll for sard from 1 00 to 0 50 a doicn 1 harrla on tario slrcct trucking for thirt odd irucfcintr job phono ytov -r- lliirry scott queen ud guolph sts dressmaking dressmaking curtains drapes endingmid alters hnoq t bhonn 99w washlng- machine repairs washing machine repair lr- nlca judio phono 1g5 main st- sewing machines sewing miilhiiil needle i and re pairs to all makci and models at ernie b radio ptionc if 5 main st wanted house or iijuilniliit urgently needed b ntvv rublic si hool ttnch cr applj at herald mut for sale floor polisher for aalo just like new enjquire at the herldqffice lost gray mart utrayod from my property on j uewlay nijht finder please notify a hacllncky jrd line it il 2 acton hllp wantpd mall wanted at oticd mall or woman to in rvieu custonicrs for famous wutkiliu products in georgetown i itithliihed busineis brings 4 00 vitkly nveraftoi atartm immediate ly no luve itnfont writo the ji lt watkmu company jdi pt ocgp 177 miuwbn st montroa1 quoboc- chickens r custom chicken picking with lat est machinery also highest market prjee paid for fowl allc or drinodj culling ooiks a specialty jiut- tonlille 1 ji guiding station phono hranipton j1j r 11 rcorso char- l ea wanted politic nian who hu come from o liana tq take position with smith and stone ltd uquireh i or 3 ronm unfurriishcd npnrtmcnt for linns if and wifi no children u rgi i izinril phone 52 8 11 birth notices ltlyth mr and mra george blyth ari happy to announce the birth of their daughter suzanne mario at guelph general llpapl- tal ojl ikuraday july 2uth 1948 novak mr and mrs georgo j novak lather itnll aro happy to announce tho birth of their firat horn a hon poundn 0v4 ouncea on sunday august lit 11mh ut private putienu pavjlion 1 pronto gnuritl honpl- tal ilotli doing will marriage noiice warr-rlldush- kl an mr and mra alexander luaien of atrgfctowii atjiiounci the mar n igu of thelr ilaucjitcr niuriol i dim to dr david w uter- luule 30 arthui trui t uelphi on 1 ue iily aii ud jrd in jliuholl ontino the- itn i 1 dti lilon offiijnig in mmdy tme 25 49 rmiijijjfiij death notices for sale lee box for s lie in ooieondi tion reasonable phone 17dw for sale mecoimiel dtinni ere nil jepar ator i iile 1 jooii iij new josejih fahielda m tple ve 1 hone 650w decorating j decoratinj to epiea indiiduaht artistic interior and cvtenor craftsmen in the 1 radc c a grant k k j teorieton phono 8 1 r 1 1 dressmaking 111 estmukinc altering and mend- inj 1 telle j auits bridesmaid vvedhni mid eenitil lana cur- t mis di ij ellslnoil etc mr john kennedj eyleun st phone 287m i not1c iu whum u in ij cumeiil 1 i uill n t hi il p niible ioi debts nti i ltd m nii nine b anj pel i tin i t ilk 1 1 n if without mi tu ii i li i 1 linn i rjdtn 8 1 plumding plumbing repair and alterations maatlc tiling and tile- board hjcken and clophit phono 381 x i georgetown g-23tf- for rent loctric floor polisher for rent by tho day emios radio main etrcet phone 4c5 painting and decorating suntefftad and sunwortby wall- ppr sample books interior and zterlor painting estimates frco don harrington main st phono 401 painting and decorating exterior and interior painting and paprhanglng latest wall paper sample books estimates free jim kennedy phone 189 62tf help wanted smart boy wanted apply at lvol knitting co brill bldg upstair opposite foot office wanted to buy cash paid for old glassware old suahes omamenu vase oil lamps tolls old buttons old silver and furniture etc phone 47 or write po box 86 mrs keith barber etmar king and union streets- for sale liitiin lu 11 rifr lot itu ited on m in it l itn l h mi near store e ur h and ehi i in lot with lood i ri i his jiojirn 1 tb been ur- e 1 mil i ii i hih and lr 1 it i n vppu u ii i i otf in i i hi m i 1 ne j1s r jl b 11 i i forsale ill h ii i st 1 new mor 1 ii llil tu u d de i a il n in i p iritor ii i inl pressure tim i irmillv trictor intir iii iimiil h i ttilikr dim l enn milk ei oli i o ft ieermg mower ii i d ufced j furrow tractor plow used iultijtor m lsij tractor on rubber lights in i suirter lord ami ptrruson eullivilora and tan dem diaia ioj stock of lord and i erguson plow shares all steel jlx 10 thresher u ed used h tj loader lord 1eruaon 10 and 12 plowa 8 ft judbon ilroadcaster on rub ber i om llewaon mill street i hone jj2w auction sale of village property and furniture ii m jltk it our i ady of hrc ilosjltiil loronto on sut- iiidiij julj j1 i uk 1 red llan- toek of teorl ti w n anil ilidon 1 ist in hio 80th jenr mel l at i lekunoil cllllle liiinito on w i dm sda july stli 1 118 leinilel met nig of i ol jel jw n behid hushillid of 1 lime mill shall in his tlltli 3 i ir wallop midland 153 in junior lacrosse iil hi i iipti n c jiilbllleb line inn ii ujiriir t midland when l mil it nii keere itlon l i n n i i t i n i ij mil hi l il tl e jjl 1 im1 iltlll tj j vietolj ini tiuills ier jilijer tin the 1 t mi in u e into tin i i in tin i n ii iu i i u a 1 wuia t i i 1 ell il i j- w ri i i i hi in i i li ili i i i 1 nun il tr in u i it il n i u 1 i i i ill il i mi ii n i i i lll l ii i i i ll ii ii 1 i 11 mli illle i wi ii e ilii n ii i n mi ml i 1 mi i k i ibil li llu in 1 i ulnil 1 will i s i il 1 1 iklniu 1 ttils n n- ij il i tt ii i i urn llili i ri s i i ill 1 aidliw cheenij linn r i i luinu it j c h ii ii 1 line i irilhou i l lark i i lis 1 1 i ills lorn howell hill sutherland ii reasdiili hill knirahott for frebfmeof of rheumatic and arfrhriffc poirts neuritis efc- tlie nntig ednjf fully rtjeascd bcrla to jm mediately incite the system to produc- antibodies which la turd destroy the toxic poisons given off by the poisoned fterms and ml- so render th poison fterms harmless price 600 bottle weedanol 24d in carb0wax weedmer sticks tit it kills 2 or 49c 4 or 89c 8 or 1 65 16 or 269 enjoy a weed free lawn j if its rexall its right tloebs dtuq store phone 76 main street ebenezer heads i junior farmers lacrosse with all jimii jiltjld in the re ul ir bi huluu of tht junior 1 uiii r lj4tulxx4 mnn khefteser witts vacation bible school 1 at churchill ilailj at ition bihk school wi luld from julj jf to jul 30 ut phnnh liu chur iiw awnings and bunds venetian blinda and awiilnji made to order freo estimates write and w will call w brown p o box igb brampton 1018 for rent 4 roomod upatair apartment funnuiff water and hydro located n county road near hornby 18 per month only abstain era need apply box m herald for sale sixroomed eohd brick house 3 place bathroom nico full tazcd attic and basement largo rooma small garden immediato posnitision lo cated at foot of himory st george town j inbuslr owner painting tenders tenders will bt accepted to aug mt 0th for the decorating of aahgrove united church tor in formation contact mru arthur kud- doll it it 2 georkttown phone 42 r 12 for sale immediate possession frame houao 4 rooms and buttr insulated mete v mllcb eoulh of georgetown jlmin strcot hydro hot and cold water telephone 4000 cash plume g5dw radios for sale small electric radios used general electric 1205 wctltiff- hoam with handle 914 0g weet- faikboaae all white 91905 at fcnieg radio main street phone 4 1 he umiir iijned has been in structed by r c bidwell to sell b auctit n on the j i o t rty west end f or il on no 7 hih vay on saturday august 7 at 1 ju m iukm1lki heatt copjer tub clectrie u i hi i del orest lobh ley cabinet i idi deniril j icetne mantel radii t li tti it floor lamp electric table j mji studio eoutli j occojional m fuott in centre table n i nij tanl mil table 2 bpol a i loiris ilnus 1 irgc leather n n hil 1 1 si j amall tableu untiiil ll ehilda roekini chur 1 nlni ut ict baby pram hab j t m t i sim niuna uleel li is 1 i m i 1 m ut resiicj oinifle jteil 1 id u 1 s hiil h spool bed child s i il j il im t of drawcru juint i it t it ilmw eiuj 6 dresaeri bt umom rhmr 1 k waahbtanda roel iji ilnn w aril robe 1 congolcuin i i hn li urn ruji ball runner mil i it treadi 4 piece biealcfasi mi i 1 i it ehen r me with n i i u 1 1 i viar quebec hialii il i 1 i j eircul ttinif heater i i li lm i n ul jmull electne ruiftit n il first place witii i nxie brinin uj tlu re ir i inal standmtr u is htdl in doubt until the two last gomes w t re pla ed on thursday lbtn i t2er clmchel first pi ice win n tlit j defeated strletjwilit 8- itoj nton i had three go ilb hoc and 1raakey i two apk e md hisib rough one i with w liiune wilson wh tle and i kaine seorir g for mreetiu ille i i lat night it urva tlie liome i te im edged into third place when the won 7 5 from lbmezer in a tlirilbiil limt nral t ok an i c irl 3 1 lead n l o ds bj iai uniphell from iltaton and lown i sind from tinn nemi with k i i toring f c r ilitmn i own md k itn tin r in the si cond w ith 1 br nigh kc s md 1 nt n tit j mil the si it 1 1 i visit is uju ah id in the third on a goal b s t n li in 1 i 1 i r nin il f k 1 ihi id t uii tl e mini i ll fn al j i ri li m iml1i mi s i i i l t u i 1 11 lj iii s i l liamer and lownsmd with loun- u md mr i hndall wire in ch irgt of thi school whith was atteiub tl 1 thn t pupik hit clul dri n ami from tlu local district for the most part ilthoujh tlu ru were isitors in the ommunitj whu i n atti ndtd visual idui it on in the t ichinjc f tlu ttdik w t u id tiroughout o ut lim c f uibli j h turt s md other pit tun w im h u ould illustrate a hiblc truth win di trihuttd to the lhildit i d u j and thi n thi wi le k d u print tin ipprojn ito wri i d t i in thi i j h turt s with craon i he srhonl had a closing session n ividaj eennik jul 30th thtre was t wrj fme attendance of p ir n ts as well as children mr and juxt liiiiwlall wre p w i hat the maher shoe store has an attractive new awnng in the store colours of red and green ihvr the hosedale tloral u nwlope containing a bum of mom in appreciation of thur lead- i r hip ami utirk in thi s m ll iig ii he co it rrtam ind green ot paint we see ths week tht mr kn d e r li is taki7i in ffici position with tulor i ractnr struct mrs dwyor h wi f rmi rh k i llo u rkt i in tlio offut of ijindt n ii f isworth lit fort litr mnrrinbe 1 h vt oeorpetou n purnltojf silts ht started uork on an cx- tinsion to their store which will mcrtast floor spsct to three times thi jirt si nt sjzt 1iit dob hnrus of the rarncll store miff is building n new horns it thi f ot of tlu steuarttoun hill ru r rnrripirs cleaners hav utded a new silk spottinc board to flu ciiipnunt n the cleanint plant i ii i ii 1 ul i i i fl 1 1 ill i t iiul ml il i ii t i i i ii 1 i i i li aquitania inaugurates new service i i i i ii i i i i t hi 1 1 ii i in i 1 r tin fnilmimp- mnndnj brother dies at weston i 4 1 1 man peksonal old at 40 60 hop man you re ersryl thousand psppy st 70 out rex toole tamats pj op botliin lurk iriff irohv- for rundown feeling many men wt4mn call om new net acqubintsd is only boc at all drug ml htovc and oven tif lit 1 i it tin n liolic kittliln talniu t 1 iti in ii cupboard j kitclun t lhlr 7 1 itchcn i inure clothto 1 i lit i ittlitn utensils dishes tti luld ing ironing board lawn im ur ftardiii toul whoolbalrrow juniltiy feed troukbs and fountains roll i of poultry wire 8 stool ftncc jloats tkums cabij lvory thing must bo sold as mr illdwoll is going to krltisli colum bin ulal es1atu one and ono- fifth acres good 8 room frame liouso in good repair nsw roof froshly painted hydro several fruit trees 2 poultry houses and garage will be sold subject to reserve bid terms 10 per cent of purchase money at time of sole balance in 15 days or at completion of sal jwtanh petch auctioneer t i in m i hi i iinl ji illnt mil fathi i 1 ml i s li 11 111 1 i ill ii ll v 1 i i i ill i i i 1 t 1 im il ii f im i i 111 i tl r il sun n i t in card ol iii nki 1 iiiulv i tlit lull li nn it r w i lo tlunl frunili his in i ii lulu for tin ir ull miipatlij duriii the in i ili nth of a 1 ar liuuhiiiid town foreman lo sunorvisi unit man auiir on roads watimoil ami gi ntral work must bo capable of manual work as woll us supervision statq lie quallflcatlons and salary ex- poctad sealed applioatlons must bo received by tho undersigned be fore 12 noon saturday august 7 ciias wlllson clerictreasurer town of georgetown georgetown ontario llu fimniii ifioooi n lour aiiiitniiii itivlng soiilli iinpton f i llihlix til inuiiiiriti i new fine strii liiwrui llntiin n i cjiintl i iindt r in iliu mi ut i tutu cun ml u lute star anil the cm ith in cm i riiiiu nt aqiiitiuii c irru i nion th in 1 roo pis tnrtni of whom 101 trivil in i irnt ci iss ami tin luhncc m toilntclih hit hip uill mil i aniiiikl trip voj ilo every thru eil tlunl nun i inc tin li iirillinlic sccoiiiiiumi hit ii f i i in nan md vuitors is well as tirovnliiil l cri itly nun 11 nllniber of btrtlisfor setllcrw fi uin the umteil lviukdimi ilcforc i iilinu on ber new itincnry aintuniu wob vimtcd by ciniilis lli ll coinmihhioner ill lon don and the al nts enenil for wome of the provinces interested in receiving ilrilthli settlem i ronl left to ncht they line r a mcmllllen ae nt ccnenl for alberta norman a robertson cniiiithan v iicrlt com missioner jsp arnistroiik aucnt gentral for ontario and graham pry agent genail for saskatchewan n

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