the grortown herald wednesday august 4 1948 each electric range table top new tk elements easy to dean automatic oven utility drawer 24450 ernies radio phone 465 main st cordaro candies f u grand opening saturday august 7tk weve overcome all obstacles to build thirshop for you to come and buy our candies in just like you used to do tis neat and very pretty its clean and tidy too and best of all the candy was made special just for you theres creams and nuts and toffee even suckers for the kids oh boy youll love the flavour of these ver choice tid bits so when jou plan on shopping dont forget a little treat p cordaros home made candv p the flavour cant be beat l our shop is located just by the bus stop on main street i phone 515 georgetown ouiiaiuuiiiiuicjiiiiiimjiajjn umjonmmiuoimiitiiiiriiii n unu the champ from waterloo fey naymond i oavis letfs mndc crunching loundi on the while ifruvcl path it tidmf to tho pretentious hendnck rcmidt net lie reached thr door wtid lifted one hund to knock but il wmviint d fuspended in midair tbo same doubt assailed buy atfoih whut if old man hendrlck didnt give him the order elmer sighed and knocked tim idly hoping nobody uajt fcomr but ule door was swunfc opn nftcr a mocnant by pompowd lit man with ruddy cheeks and a broad amiu voure elmr7 he aaid the acme company pool wharkv lmer tie6itntd anally rophetl i m elmcr- lnbu murl lmr hcndrlct grasped elmers skinny arm and hnuh d hijaot into he house v yvour boss dhdnt tell you i guess lib hpi been phoning for week to rfcll mt insurance ho told elmer as he ltd him thraujh one blj room nnd down n thickly car peted hull then he discovered vm an unbeatable pool player i i hes got n new alei man who will phi my ears back that you eh elmer scowled so tint wis it that was why the chicago office bad summoned kim hti the any from waterloo not betrtuitr nf liu alts record it was his pool pla- pm they wanted elmer h id the urge to run straight back to his room and pack up i i told your boss i d give you tho order if jou can lick nu ilendrick rumbkd on h ippily nt thinj like a good contest i there i thej turned into a ilirpe room t brihtlj lifhtcd with two hnn new j wit table i in its eentei j j hendnck sprinkled sonic talc on his pnlms and bnskl rubbed th m together hope jiu ire i i t d loser diner he snil checrfulu elm i r burnt dl pet led off his cont and lulled up his sleeves i m o better winner he s ud curtly ond stlected i cue tick fr in tha nearest rick ill huftie tfintfrnir romantic bnllmlsr irvntu arms itr nursery ion jd i ffmuhtl hot 10 wl above tiflenltd im 1 uaartkm a- juii t tt hour projri am oi wt jnt iny nlihu at jio oclock tin oi tlm jran u nniuj i network hih huiiin cart t r bljuii hi lnftl ind tluiiuc tin ir hen ho wiln nn am iti ur t onu t cor huki men at tin llcavti hih hi it ud to ap imii nuc on hiinthttn of 1ibc hrodco t tnd since rtturninc 10 c nu nlii in im in ittiutne ici a ilit uid i ttnsi ti k rtoirl hae in uie luin ont of i ttno most p pul r artist was board of control assistant secretary ki hul i iti ii h i 1 1 mti ii w folllll 1 lllli till i t t v ii nt i i n t ilu lui buiil 1 hur ton i 1 ur i mi r u i in pi lllkt i t mi m trt rd f n 1 i iito la t f the formt r ire ins lit the ii i or mi ihiiriiu mourn i inmiirriiioiiiiiiiiiiii- y friday and saturday august g and 7 saturday matinee 2 00 p m continuous show 7 00 p m also laurel hardy in saps at sea two big days august 9 10th swords that flash wnaeaneel lips that breathe looel 8m mary how about a little wager too urged hendnck just to make it interesting say a dollar o garnet elmer thoughtfully angered the four dollars in his panes pocket and hbook his head ten cents u enough for me a dime then but doubled each 0me okay elmer absently fcgrced with a nod and the play wrap tftarted the game was over in eicact four minutes hendnck was really goody elmer reflected he rarely rjlnissed a shot that could be made fcie knew how to freeze his opponent 0d succeeded consistently but the champ of waterloo wai better elmer found himself able lo do trieks thjt were impossible on che aneient tables bat k hi mo you wert just lutk llmtw hendntk dt ejored oodnatur dly nnv 1 ii be ir d mi hard on u he seemed ilmust flt istd th it he f itlue book ud iniubance simmons jewellers fai008tte foods all mr ctiandl4 tuiub in your tkomliilim storo l linrondltioanlly ipialranlnrd io rve 100 uluruuon vairikh rjtrcnvr tilukshay kiyoav satuitow aijijust titl 6i 7th avmlt nkw rack wlli ivtiln strawberky jamm red cherries t lvtb sti omatoes i 25 vamcami in loiialo mauck 27 iiasst ii iiuwik marmalade i vlllll w r n iv oil sardines rr iifm i l suv im strawberries rl iii- is i klr i llr iv infant foods 3 mu ut i lll lc cheese vmm i xt i j wrlt classic 2 tns i3c i i km 1 1 ist ii m ocedar pumpkin sspjj amkiti a ukv 41c ginger imf amm 32 k fontinu only pork and beans 2 v 5 oi tins j i l toll 3i 17 35 25 25c ilu ii 23 13 ivjov irtttkmnr 0ooihks richmello bread u o- j ijlill broun white mik llrl la apple juice 20 k ti 9c i iii ki si smi v m a k domino tea tu nominiov peanut butter 37 10 iii prcsekvng fiequibements cektoliquid3ozbtc25r rubber rings 2 ptegs 13c glass tops doz 27 zinc rings dor 29c seaiers small doi107 vinega gal sater3lhrdoz srrtxfttwx lb pkg w fruits vegetables i i ttuce cooking apples ci li ry graperuit cabbage oranges baskets tomatoes lemons ik do iiiotmf modern and olj5 tyme barn dance sponsored by hornby ball club claude pickets barn 7lh line lj miles north of hornby friday august 13th charlie hannigan and hit 7piece orchestra i he favourites of all music refreshment booth prizes admission 50c i rod ids for floodlighting ball diamond imom main 1 1 i i 1 j 4 vacation in ontarios lakeland wpsf i hiiieiihenl i i it ilhni i i id li i i i d inui ml tint lu int md m ir ann i m nu b k k h ju m i i tin nu k n ill be iu tij h ft i i il p lynitiit un n little f ii in iu ulrt itl pit tun mir ann ftniivt nt ss jt tin iitw licndiilk foltkd i l in civ uul tl i wns a tr ipjt ohi rut s in his x prto ion a he tjtd i hncc md huiukd it ovcr my cirlr dtm t forget the little wijtr wt tntult i i nu r llnitr littd n hand und b it itlt away trtie tummi ion is pltuty mr hendnck he protested lu s foruct the wugcr hendnck forced the folded check into luii hand use it for yout form be trial u ted iteiriember wo played u dime u ifame doubled euch ttame figure it out ii moeuiu to 1638 40 a r iiaw wlw youll enjoy going by bus round trip mx included north bay 1420 barrie s00 bala 90 huntsville bl80