Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 25, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 25th 1948 gust social and personal lions provide glasses for schoolchildren mim joan smith of tororito l visiting for two tfeelur in theglea with mr and mrs william korxack mr and mrs a keatlvo are- howtyini this week at turkey rofnb mm vernon klrby and rutl ooldham holldayod fc waaoga baeh last weok mr and mr wllf ford and donid wore holldaylnf last week at bijwin inn muskoka 14 mias ann curto of hamilton was tc visitor in ln ott sunday vlth mr and mrs dick llcata misses kny and garaldino tyora have roturnod from a vacation which- thoy spout at port elgin bill milhoro of tho mccluro homo fumialnnis staff ia holiday ing at wasaeu dench mrs jamos ronoy of toronto is visiting at tho homo of her son mr and mrs wm uonoy mr and mn goorgo walker are vacationing with her sister mrfl david sato at mary lake muakoka mrs hugh clark has returned from a visit with her sister mrs k c gibson at her cottngo at grimsby john sheley of hamilton ohio spent two days in town last week with his grandparents mr and mrs john oneill miss sybil hosking of bathurst k b was a visitor for n few days init week with mi and mrs calvin clark mr ed hal of torohto apont the wotkmd with mr and mrs lob wyntt main slrae mm h mahtlu and miss grace lillico wore weekend i in town with mrs j jl liilllco mrs w w tyndah pont sun day at centre jliland toronto with mr auafrfr arthur lyndall mr and mrs jjort wvait and family or hamilton spout sunday visiting with his puroiils mr and mm j w wyatt maple avenue mm stun tinlay barbara dnd jojm are vncatiopine this week with mr tjnvlil uxo at the saxo lottnue at mary lake mrs hugh uluek in mjojing a holiday with liii w campbell and family at their v ummcr cottngo ut wellington ivinie ldward i ounty mr in 1 mr i w liuinci of 1 oionto have bnll vuiting with their son in law and daughter mr ind mrs leslie yuunp on their farm uliir georgetown vi art sorr to report that mias mugaict oiin maul st south suffend a broken hip in a fall nt lu r home list eel siil is hi tor- onto western ilmpital miii lllitiin llnll of toronto a iwtm on sum i with mr mil mrs ink hull ilir p ironts mi anl mr i iid bull were out from tilt itj oik day during tho mi and and mlii kj in anawer to a request frour the llfutori health unit georgetown lions club will provide eye testa and glasses if necessary for two jiubllc school wldron whose par- ants cannot afford thu- the club voted to 4o this ajla meekina in the municipal office on monday and loft it in the hands of the- sight conservation cmmiiteo under the ohairmanahip of klloy brohobr uaytyhitmoo guvo aiiaccouiit of his trip to tho lions convention at jtlmrmns where he ropresontod the local club he described the mc- intyrp arena pd gavo highlights heart attack fatal to john ritchie a wellknown resident of gworge- lowrit whero ho ha lived for thtf wwt thirty year john benjamin hitchio dlod suddenly on sunday evening amruai6thv mr- ratchie was sitting on tho front porch of hh homte on quoon street liiter dlnntr urfd ftiffoikl a hrfart tittmk which wot fatal ll wan horn in guojph rtt yoars 1 and had irvoo n ouatlc boforo tnovmir to corpotowlf u was em- jiloyod nt tho tpmnioi fcoi itouiu and pn6f to that had wor ked for iv rjtl yoati ut tho lupr ftlill uo win u mom william gowdy long connected with ontario lime industry the weather mb ttuchfe ia burvlvtfd hy hla wlfe marfirnret wood alexander and family of twelve children i illmn mrs cluirloa mcmonomy of hamilton mrh dorothy gregory of woodstock andrew willmni if u hl tirr tnmom hi len ntt mri fiohert reeve of umont an hour cnon toun ucta mrn glejin j nniinfr 0 uinter of tlr cqjiventiim buwnofts 0 of brr of knox prenliytorinn church thii mam itjna was tho informa tion that hionn clubi hadf donatftt more food to iritain than any other iinic croup fifti to dnte totalling more than 87000 at maclaron reported that tho bandihtll committee would bo mn tinj ioon uith m arclutcct to lay plan for the new structuii in the park which it 13 hoped to have undtrwa thii tall ah tost art scott and hal newman represt nt the club on u e committee yith handmnttcr alf pcrrott nho a ntem- br jztl peters a mtinkr of u10 hand was at the nutting and aug gesttd a plan to approach a com- uilrtial compan to pay part of tho tost a an nd u using achemc and this will he further investigated mn j imea crab tree yt mm una rttmleen ihomphin are helen mc 11 rose mane robin- salflu in vaikjfeld quebec wn and evelyn robmso spent ther mi xjm crll ftt vacation at jacksons point lake j simcoc mrand mra e l palmer and anild them on the trip will visit uith rclitit- 11 malone new tiork mr and mrs v ajton and family of london spent j10 week- hur juhtl of foronto nctcr end in town aith mr and mrs ceci davidson holidajmg m the north spent tho remainder of their acation at mra ray harley and daughter view farm with their par shann are holidaing for two weeks at walmar lodge sunny bay beach lako simcoe mr and mw ernie uawaon and son davidt and mr uawaon a moth- or mra v rawaon cnjood a vac ation in meaford last week mr and mrs william bonathan and daughter judy arc vacationing fall the end of tho month at lake cccebc in the parry sound district mra john tenner of now york mater of mr e ewing was a vioi- tor over the weekend with mr and mrs e ewing murdock street mrs robert jackson and aon roas of tulsa oklahoma are matt ing in town with her uncle and aunt mr and mrs a kean mcnab street lloyd bod underwent an appen doctomj at guolph general hospi tal last wedncsdaj he expects to return home today from tho hospi tal mr thomas elion who under went on oper ition in guelph gen eral hospital reeentlj is back home and on the jal again as caretaker at berwick hall mr and mr- rthui beaumont and judy spent the week end at jacksons bay i ake simcoe at the summer home f mr and mr v ii grew mr ind mr w uiam i sin clair spirit the wul ind waiting with mr sinclair s isu rs at their cottage ile iilub at crugleith m ir 1 ollmgwo id sandr 1 ind kart n si ott iaugh ters ol mr and mr art sc tt who have in en spe 1 lnur tin summer at tin xutuke jet biinlha park rc- tuined home lx t week eni visitors last week with mn bes sie loss guelni strut wire mr aid mrs paul mihudt and dnugh ten mar ann an i p itty of de troit muhigan bill oung of hamilton was a week end 1s1tr1 in to win nt the home of his brothi r stewart young it ill i- entiring his itcond eiits mr and mn george ed munds airs p j king violet shep herd w ii gu st of honour at two showers prior to her wedding a week igo saturday on august 5th the pottery gir of smith and stone tendered a miscellaneous shower and weiner roast at tho home of mrs jack harrison cpl- lege view on ugust 12 th her mother in tau mrs rrank king was hostess when members of the i gion wa held a miscellaneous jhower in her honour mr editor apothor hic woolr 0j1t and v endwf with ft perfect wookcnd too j he iomporatufefc in thj wcolca huiimary are no consistent that tljere is not much variation between any two day ww hayjo been fortunabo this aummti in having the atorms jo around ul hut one really caught up wltli u oil tutiy th j 7th wo felt the i runt of thty htornv william gowdy widnt f limehpuse until he moved to actatt in 1043 passed away in toronto geperavhospital yesterday in kth year th fureraf sendee tboipg- ield tomorrow from hi late residence wfih interment n fke- vuow cemotory acton william newton dougla gowdy waa born in giiph on novernlr 2fth 1q70 his fadier thoma gowdy who wh born n wudtrf york in sil in jhlaearyvhiyf worked hi trade aft t pfasteirac later became pi contractor arid or- onistim of woodatock margaret mn rhnrh 1 tyler and twin laughter 1 marion and marie of orgetown there are seven gi mdijhildien tnl one grcat-grand- ilulii two isttrs mn nelson ins ind miss prances ritchie livo in toronto rt william weir of brampton 1 nnducti il the funeial service from the horn on wednesday with inter- thc next club mooting will uiko mi nt following in greenwood ccm- tlu form of 1 special dmmr m pt ember w hit h w ill he lie id rofon villa nt cooksullc parachutist killed had performed here william ii bill townsind 32 md grant kinslty 20 wel killed insuintly on sunday whin 1 1 ijjer moth plane piloted by tounsend rrashed md bjrned near kmsleya farm home at shelburn tin pilot in rc vr etemn was in town sev- 1 ril months where he una fen- tured ftj p trachutist with a barn storming group which iffered plane rides from a f id on the mooro farm on the edge of town ho is surv ned by hi i wife 1 harriaton girl whom he married last year glen williams ttti ctorrcnwn pall hearorfl ui 1 fnhn llcr nnd lorne llon of fm ipli thomn griee prcd xjn trnni donnhi r ntimor and james kus oil on our own dnoiatop and our hoimo k tlic tionto ume company ilioolc n tift oxcfptlanally loud n u j was rclnt t tlw 1 mnh of thunder hnd severe likht- 1 tlmo of illn for fouitew nink truek the hldiebt pine tree yoar con nn implement on the hnhway turn on mln st m huilncio the gowjy ilui leemed to turn on tho hall m co jr b1rvc m torn and our lawn una white for j miu ouelph in 1b8090 anl imnat an hour looked like the ln on crowdyo motliar i u a mnrpnret moore j ounfat rlnuhter of th lite ttliomaa aloora sr of acton she died in guelph in 1925 fter reeei npr hh puhllc school odueation in fiuelph mr gowdy attended hudnen cpllepe nnd went into inismeii for himielf in tha irioeer trade tn louc he left cutlpli to hecome mnnnjrer of stan- ilar 1 like lin e co at beachvllla and after n year was appointed m inncer of the toronto ilme co ii nt nt iimehouse movmsr to that date max mm ualn auk in r2 is ill- 17 si 51 1 24 ur ir fi r is u- 10 77 b7 11c 20 r0 r ll 21 r2 r vu 22 r2 ill verage r 57 1 42 public school rooms redecorated community to tike up what proved burlington w6man dies had visited here i tour rooms at georgetown pub in school will the new look whin the fall term openi decorn- t r t coe of ashgroxe 11 put i hnc the finishinc touches on tho i huidinc thii week tlie rooms are in mc done m bright shades of i dink nnd blue jrreen nnd are a eon- t ui inrt of t redecorating pro mrs sinclair g richardson i 1 1 ind port wlson died at her ii mn there on sunday after a 1 ngth illneis she was the mother f plori nee riclnrdson now mrs i wilfred st trie who on many occa sions hit ippnrtd in town is- voca q hoo r- wnpn ohii t at functions in st george s j iinisu t hp hm place of residence for st us while n tjmehouse he wak 1 soented with all activities for th nod of the community active in church life ho wa at various time superintendent of i imehouie prw- h temn church sunday school 1 hoir lender and an elder for ovet thlrt ears prom time to tlm tr goud toik an actit e part fxf the riic hfc o psquesmc town- riiurfh mrs ttnhnrdnon had her- ilf hr 1 n a guct it the koctory w 1 tli rchde icon and mrs w g o i hompion archdeacon thomp son wai iciked to contluct the fun ral trice yestertla irr im inaugurated by last ears an grade 1- miss a hume grade s and sat on the township coun 1 om and the hallwas were pain- r for speral termi por five year til green room heme decorated se crnl cavs gride 1 mtis of the school umehouse recent mbitoi include with mr nd mr kirby wil li mis his niece ileen hill of tor onto with mr in mrs c v poster ml mi s iu in bottom were mrs w johns n mn jones miss pansy iu amsbottom ami misv mary milliehaiiip all of ioroiito w ith mr md mrs lllerhy have hei 11 mr ind mrs pr ink preehtl of puff do my mrs cliff web stir of i iitnii ami mi t ruby i er- kiison of kurkb pallj 1 lam m ui w of ioronto with tin h niitms- with mi in 1 mrs cnl clarke uu mi hir j 1 ul 1 sr of 1 ngiuiwn mil mrs mckmlty of 1 iiti nh mi with lhe k irn w 1 1 e mr md mi ja sdiothli md lugti of 1 igi t jw 11 and mr anl mrs id w 11 1 ott and i t sliqf juhciicr with the v pattt isons were mr mr and mrs don campbell nee ileiumont and daughter and mr md mrs wallace pell and son all of gait spent an enjoyable time on sunday nt the home of mr lindley reaumont- mrs vernon ivirby has returned home after speeding a ic ition at w a aga reach mr and mrs george preston 1110 ton d to ueli ille and kingston 1i10 t iking in the thousand island tup 1 1st week i wlwi anl rose mane robimon 1 turni d home on sunday after a two witks holiday at was iga in i mi md mi u t ston miss uul mi i l idiltl l ens mrs 1 aihu i noiman slum of ioronto s mar nit jane smith of olive m 11 hall of 1 oionto ku s ii and 1 hihlren of with mi s dale and mls itaih i hod mr 1 ml air i neil cummings of u hn h uilpli wen wet kind sitnn witli il 1 mr and mrs robtit mcait lemy mr and mrs ii irr ompton and provincial w urn nd mr and mrs herb i 1 t 11 keith md iti tty vnni re humd h tnn hi t wit i from tin ir h hd u p nt a mi 11 ui i a id iiilm i h lah j ml mr md mrs hun 1 hhi of si ll i 1 mto in isitiii tnis wii with s lin ii aim ron rwd til d nt is itu ndid tlie l irn d iiu t hi id 11 1 riday night in ii nun 1 1 d in op mnjr of lohn iestiffi mw lirn an tin rh i ik hockey cup now on display in town 1 ht r tin rtnon cup emblematic of tin o ii intermediate v hampionship h us arrived m town m 1 is on disnlai at present in the how w imlow it siucrn tho lorwttown rautrs who won tho up in the pla off with alarkham in dipictid in the window tlisjilay 1 1 pit ttirt s tal 1 n when they visited st jos ph d lma latt r in the nea- s n t i pi n tin dolbeau castor ko mt ludi d 11 thi displ i is a scott t incrnio and grade 5 miss m ht was a member hoard of 0 tn buineqq af gowdy was man ager of the toronto lime co anj looked ifter 0 e plants at urn caretaker tom warnen has assls- house nnd toliy varden until th tid in the decorating by nutting properties were taken over by what tun co its of nrninh on all seats now the gypsum llmc and a in the school ard he has been busy hastine canada limited due t n placing broken windows and do- the concentration of manufacturing in irmus other odd jobs to hae facilities the plants nt limehou tin school m shin sliane condition closed down in 1020 and mr- f r opening on september 7th luh swi att r and tlie puck on i thi winning goal in g urn w ilh alarkham picnic stanley park at 11 mi il 1 tn 1 i 1 r mil pail 1 1111 iltc nil 1111 1 polio case reported at acton j h ni of pro- w is held nt on s iturda i of about lfio second case of poliomyelitis has been renort by ttalton county health ttnit the patient o 12- year old sarnla bov wan ill on arrl- al in cton or a isit nnd there t wa no ronuct with emm ta of guelph vtton he is now in the rtospital for sick children in toronto in the week endinp- ttgust 11th sivtof n cnes of polio with one di nth were reported in ontarjo om of these rises wan m peel cuintv and on nt orangeiille thi re 11 no eilence of in epidemic ht i inning nt an one point ns the 1 is wen spri id through nrious 1 hm of the pr u mce gowdy retirod but remained at th famil home there until moving to acton in 1913 twice married he was prod ceased in 102 1 by his first wif aiar pllen holmes he a survived h his w 1 f e formerly mary a hoppman one son douglas mor rison gowd of toronto a brother thomas of toronto and two sisters aiiss vettic gowdy and mrs joha barker and brown buy caldwells store notlur m un street buslncs hihlul hands this week when r j caldwell sold his meat and rob i h h 1 1 1 b hm t enjoy tm 1 ntci tainnu nt ommittt 1 comjiom d 1 1 1 01 w illianis dicl p id or nnd k william an i mrs ii win hosti sie at 1 wear ii brush demolish ition list 1 ue 1 mug jinda lui i c eelebiaii d in r third hit tlnlaj on ugust ihth w ith i uy year liigiiuiiiiig oitrsi at the unw muifni ilany and lobby larke eisity of tor nto tlun fall mrs w i iteamiuh and aliss dorctta reanmh of toronto were visitors in tow 1 one d ly hist weik with mr and mrs john oneill theywtre once rondents of town win re thi late mr reamish opera ted a shot stor in tin premises now occupud by robbs drug store mrs don harragt r is in guolph gtneral hospital where alio la re cuperating from an attack of virus pnoumonia her mother mrs eliza peacock is here from port tjltfln new hroinawick to ook after tho children during lu r uhaence mr and mrs sam riack ami daughter sandra of toronto spent tho woekend in town with mr and mr reg rroomhoad they are leaving by plane for england oarly next month and will make their homo ki mfddleshroug4i tlie homo town of both mm ii lack and mm broomhead oioth ind vithlitu kukpatriek md jinlilnt hiistu as hi r gue its lt and mrs a w pliiton and ons pi 11l sunday with her uurhe md aunt mr and alri geo pear un 111 milton mrs s kirkpatruk nturntd sun- il iy from guehdi enural hosjut il win 10 1 lu had been undi rgomg treatment for a f 1 w days wo hopl to se her about ufjam soon bill bhelbourne is laid up with a ore knee thin week following in jury from a uplintcr of stool in his quarry last week we al 10 wish him a speedy recovery mr and mm jas kirlcputrlck and hobby and mr and mra ralph 1 urncr attended the 1 uruerlloltby wewlduig 111 salem united church on saturday mr and mra ron latimer upont the week ond 111 hamilton mr and mra r mulder motored to st catharines lutit weekend the baxaar committor of the w i hold a euchro in tho hall op friday evening mm jas noble and mr k it i 1 1 1 i p 1 11 1 mi i h 1 f h it x t ihti ii 1111 w light i i un st hwlc i fi aturi of tin ruts wis a millir winning high tons air n 1 ith m opi n to nun j to lack ii irr 1 itiu tin mot lone ki mshi id md rill chaplin wtro h uids md 1 onsolatious wi nt to tn i for first p u 1 softhall mr jail i llerliy md sluiky hurt u mn was pla d and an unan mr polnn rourm is h jlidayniff 1 umul fiatiirt was un exhibition mar onlha tlin utik f fnny diini b hm k havies new business locates in glen williams alliance mill manager stricken by death ri suli nt of gi 1 tin ipring of ih ippoiuti d man igi id n gi tow n aince win n ht was h f tin vim inte 1k ting mill hm aftir tin n tire hi mi nt of i i i in i jntoph prank vhath im giuih pa ist d away late satur- day iwnmg august 2 1 it in st ioilihn hosprtml ii imilton mr gillis bud bit 11 in ill hialth for t ev il il months and waj taken to hos pital two wnks ago whin his eon littion liidime bi rious v son of the luti air and mra john r gillih hi was horn in mer- ntutn 10 years ago and had rohi- jul tlure until he came to george town a lifoiong alliance em ployee he was a superintendent in mirritton before coming to goor- gt town in morritton ho hud aorvod on the town council and tho hydro im onimihsinn for a number of years he had playml for and managed tho morritton baseball tam in 1916 he onluteii with the 7iat rattery an a bugler and norved ovno during the phmt woru war h was a member of uvingwtonu no 1 u iooi and dan ic o 1 i at and aai is survived b his wife r giiih two inldri n r-j- 1 and 1 m two hrotlu rs iiid isti is lohn v j tllis of i hor- 1 rank i giiiih of st cathar- mt s mrs i thi luomau af mi rnt tun mini ntllu gillis of ioronto mrn it arhiithnot missi s ina norma and aunu gillis of aii rrit- ton i he fit 11c ral serv ico yohurday af- ti moon from the winter and win- ti r i mural hcmo in st cathar- 1111 1 whh attended by many frit nils from gi orgetowti rev c j kamh conduct d tho service mid pall bearers wero a nephew j gu- w clark p v j hftlan t millar ii hooking and i chan nel interment took placo in vic toria fawn cemotery on monday evening the ioof hold a mem orial horvlce in charflfo of bro a k woodhouiw ng ilro n pyti v g and rro hoy madlll chaplalrr new busini s has hi en esuib lishtd in glen williams with the mnouni 1 mi n h lohn pt rrv that hi lias niovi 1 ns husinsu lnon as i 1 1 r lodv and pt ndi r repairs 11 il i oionto d in tlu his shop witl 1 ir igi built a couple of i 11 s ilo in nr tin main corner b william silunl hi building w a n 1 1 nth sod to lack graham fi nn whom mi pi ri v is rent ig tlu pnmihis mr ptirv has loiulucttd the lui nnss him 1 his disejiargi from tlu army in juj at aonge and istji fji id m ioronto whirt he implovid thru nun in tlu tdiop i hi building was sold and wieckcd to make m for a new building of pollacks shin company and ho was fort i d to look for nnotlnr loca tion wt tiling and painting are intliidiil in tlu sirvici whiih he will ii tidi r to the motoring public norval guides picnic at guelph i lnrtj- ifrht numbers of tho nor- uil lrooi oirl ciukiih iiml hrowii 11 1 wint liy 1 luirtircd iiuh to the l mill guolph on saturday for tin ir firit nnnu il picnic tho lomlor mrs ii i iiichh ncconipuiilml thorn thi 111 iind tho prirls onjujoil u full day of iriimos bmru nnd a picnic jiippor monoy for tho trip wag mined on tho provlous saturday when tho troop hold n balco anlo in nnrval pariah hall and nettad 2b from tho aala this is a 10page paper irrnrpr business to uoj darker and lurk- hroun tho new oivnora ill contmui he hiibinepo under hi film 11 ime of harler and i inwn mr nmill pun based the busi ni kiicmn is thi iludpct groc- ctliiu 11 little oir three jcara iiko from inim i coodlet who movod next 1i11111 nnd opened a hardware ind furiiitiirt tore in the remodol- h 1 huildiiip whuli fonneil housed llnd ilnnlwnro prior to moving to town in hud been moat mana- k 1 it tin a and p store in iliumpton a natue of cheltenham in lini with lui wife and son ed- jh in tin apnrtmliit above the ston ihi ntw- owners are both well- i noun in the community mr par- 1 1 r enini lu re hh mnnaijer of tlie doniiiiinii stone aftir his discharge from the ai my and has been nsso- nitid with mr cnldwtll nt th itore for tile past jonr with hla wife and son be resides on nor- mniiiu houleard mr ilrown came lu re f 1 om ilrnmpton and after working with mi caldwell took a luisition with goodlets jlnrerwnre willi his wife who has intoly boon in iharee of the simpsons order of fue at mcclures store ho live ll george stlect mrs yates on trip to england mrs prod yates left town jester- lny foi new york city and will sail tomorrow for a throo month islt in 1 niflund prior to her de- purturu a fow frlonda rathered hiit prlday at tho home of mra sjdnoy hulmo to wish her bon oyiiito after lunch mrs yates was presented with a small partirur irlft and was tondored tlie good wishes of her friends for a happy trip mrs yates will cross to bor land on the s s hrittaujc

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