Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 25, 1948, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening ai ugust 25th 1948 social and personal mlaa joan snuth of toronto l wiarfw for two week in th glen wjth mr and wllum korxaek alvr and mjs a ouvo are iolkltyine wa week t turkey foist jsba vrnon kirby hd ruu goldham holidayed at wmsag bvacti lasjweefc mr and mra wiif jwl and dow id wore holidaying laat week at biaww inn muakolca jiwa ann curto of hamilton was a visitor in town on sundaj with mr- and mrs dick licata mused kay and goraldino ty have returned from a vacation which they spent at port elgin bill million of the mccluro home furnislunfs 3taff is holiday ing at wasnea beach mrs james itonoy of toronto is visiting at uio home of her son mr and mrs wm honey mr and mrx george walker arc vacationing with her sister mrs david snxc at mary lnke luskoka mrs hugh clark has returned from a visit with her sister mrs r c gibson at her cottage at grimsby john shclcy of hamilton ohio jur kd hal of toronto spent the woelevcnd with mr and mr bob vvyatt mam street mrs it marklc and miss grace lioru provide glasses for schoolchildren in answer to a fequasfe from h hmlun health unit georgetown lions club will provide eye teat and glasses if necessary for two publico school hldrert mfhose par ents cannot afford this the clab tillico wore week end guest i voted do this t a meeting 4n uje town with mrs d m fcillico municipal office on monday and left it in the hands of lh sight conservation committee under thj ohalrmanshlp or ftfjay brothour mrs wj w iynehill spent sun day at centre island toronto with mr and mrs arthur jyndall mr and mrs bjrt wyatt inp family of hamilton spoilt sunday xisitinir with his iarmts mr and mrs j w wyatt maple avenue mrs stan pnilay uurbali and john are vacatiomni this week with mm did suite at the saxe cottajl nt mary lake mre hugh black ui onjojmg a hoheluv with kn w v campbell ind fumil at thur summir cottage at wellington 1rince rdwurd count mr ui 1hr i w ituine of loionto haw bcni mtiiii witli tluir son in isw and daughter mr ind mrs lclic uunc on their farm near georgetown wl ure aorr to report tluit mias miiknt oun main st south suffiieil a hrol en hip in a fall at her home list eii vht is in tor- unto w iti rn iiospitil heart attack fatal to john ritchie mih4 icttrill itrill of toronto aiwiil lmo uap in ww v with his grandnarenk mr and mrs v n w t tt rxt n lie mrs luek brill her parents john onell m an i mr i mil bull mere out miss sbil hosting of bathurst from tht otu lur nb was a visitor for a few days last week wnth mr and mrs calvin clark ml helen mcgill rose marie robin son and evelyn robinson spent their vacation at jacksons point lake simcoe mr and mra e l palmer and nnd mr j imu crabtrce and miis rutin lit n ibompsm are u iti iniiig in valkj field quebec miss nn cnhtrec who aic-omn- aniid uiem on the trip will visit with tllitivt it malone lw i ork mr and mrs u aton and i ii r and virs h ion ana family of london spent jio week- ju htlr juiiltj of toronur ncee endin tovvt ith mr and ho ln tne north spent the ceci davidson rem under of their vacation at mrs ray harloy and daughter 1 view riirm with their pnr shann are holidaying for two tnls aiu m georit ed- weeks at walmar lodee sunny munils bay beach lake simcoe mr and mra ernie rawson and 9on david and mr rawsons moth er mrs v rawson enjoyed a vac ation in meaford last week mr and mrs william bonathan and daughter judy arc vacationing till the end of the month at lake cccebc in the parrv sound district mrs john fcnner of now york sister of mr e ewing was a visi tor over the week end with mr and mrs e ewmg murdock stroet mrs robert jackson and son ross of tulsa oklahoma are visits in in town with her uncle and aunt mr and mrs a kcan mcmab street lloyd boyd underwent an appen dectomj at guolph goneril hospi tal last wednosdrff he evpects to return home today from the hospi tal mr thomas i lson who under went an opention in guclnh gen eral hospital recently is back home and on the job again as caretaker at berwick hall mr and mr rthui beaumont and judy spent the week end at jacksons bay iike simcoe at the summer home i f mr and mr t h grew mr ind mrs william i sin clair siit nt the wetl ind malting will mr slnrlairs sisttrs at their cottifc hie i llats n cranrleith nt ir collmgwo id sandri ind kami smtt daugh ters of mr and mrs art sc itt who have liten spe i ling the summer at uii cott ki ut birnllia park re ilrneil hoiilt la t weik ind mrs i j k ng violet shep- lurd wis gui st of honour it two showers prior to her wedding a vttek igo saturday on august 5th the pottery gir of smith nnd stone tendered n miscellaneous shower and weiner roast at the home of mrs jatu harrnon col lege view on vuguat 12th her mother in law mrs frank king was hostess when members of the hay whitmtoo gave an account of his trip to the lion convention at rimmins vvhero he icoproaonted the local club he described the mc- ihtyro arena and gave highlight of the convention business one of the mmn items was tho informa tion that lions clubi had donated more food to britain than any other ungle croup gifti to date totalling mor than 87 000 alex muclnrcn reported that the bunddiell committee would be muting soon v ith an architect to lay plniu for tl e new structure in the park which it 13 hoped to have underway this 1 ill ab tot art stott and hal vewman represent the club on the committee with bandmaster alf perrott aio a mem lier ed peters a member of the band was at the mietinr and sug gtsttd a plan to approach a com mercial company to pay part of the tost ns nil advertising aclieme and tins will bo further investigited the next club meeting will take tin form of l ipecial dinnir in uptenibir whleh will 1 held rof in villi at cooksvillc at parachutist killed had performed here a well known rejini f goortr- town whore ho hd lied for the iwwt thirty yoartf john bomjamln uitchio diod soddenly on sunday vvoninx aujfust i6u1 mr hi tenia ui bitting q the fropt iorch of- him jjorod on q ucn strict ftcr irwfjcr nrtd suffered heart atuct which wait fata tie ww bora in guelph 9ft yeatm iilfo fii had ulkl ntoiud bofo mbvliij- to goorgeuiwnj we was em jioyid at tho domltiiort sew houwj nud prior to that kai wor d for bfc vo ra yors at the pup r ftlill ho waj a mem- her of kho prlmbytenan church mr ftitchie ly survived uy hhi wife margaret wood aloxamler and a family of twelve chddron i illian cmrt charles mcmenemy or hamilton mm oorothy orofory of woodstock andrew william hirdd flnrrv jnme helen itutv mrj kobert ilecvc of unrjritown ri i i mra glenn hiritiin of wooditock murrarct airr- frpirhi tyler and twin lujrhti rt mnrion nnd marie of orfton there are seven trr int hildren nnd one jrrcntprnnd i lulu tun isttr mrs nelton ns ihil miss rynncei ritchie live in toronto li william weir of hrnmpton oiuluct 1 th funtnl service from tin hom on wcdnmln with inter- int nt ftllnuwe m greenwood ccm- cttij rtorcoun pill hearers u i trim ller and iyorne allen of ii ljh thorn h gnoe rved rm trm- donald tntimcr nnd james kiisll william gowdy long connected with ontario lime industry the weather mr mi tor awotjier nice yeelt eht and it ondod with a perfect weekfrhd toa tho temperature in this weelt ku are- no cqnaiafccnt that lhr irf wot much varlnutfn between any tw daya z wc have hean fortunate thla tgmmer m having the storms ro arobnd u hih vine really caught up with a on tuesday ui 17th wtf felt the brunt ot this storm on our own dporatcp and our houxc wiiliam gowdy a reaiderrt f tiqiehouae nntil he moved to axtoaj in 1943 passed away in toronto general hospital yeeterday in m hth year tho furieral service la being held tomorror from hv i reaidcnctf with interment hi ppil viow cemolbry acton wmijamnewton douptaa gowtahr was born in gielplh on koyembr sm 1870 hi father tkoma gowdy wna wb horn in muovjf york in 1st in his parly day worked hii trad ns f plasierar later became n coti tractor and ov jnntxml the toronto fjme company of u hi elt ho was president at th denth vor fourteen hook ns the exceptionally loud crish of thunder and severe light- time of bin nimzstrurk the hichet pine tree ne conju nn imptenmb on the birhuny turn on mam st mnnu business ttic gowdy thii neemed to turn on the hail minufnrturmpr co he nerved a torm nnd our lawn was wbitc for mn of guelph in 1ab990 anj ilmont nn hour i onjinp of w inter looked like the william h hill 1 wnsmd 32 ind grant kiniuj ju wl killed mistintlj on sundu h n i tijrer moth plant piloted b tonslnd rashel ind turned nt ir kinile a farm home at sht lhtinw tht pilot an rcak tterin n in tovn ecv- nl inonthi ao where he wm fen- tureti as p irachutist w ith a harn- itormin uroup which iffered plane ridei from h f on the moore farm on the odre of town he la suried h hii wife i harriaton tjtrl whom he married lait year glen williams 1 1 k w a showtr in he ht id a miscellaneous r honour limehouse visitors la t week with mrs his lie ko s fiiielii strut wtri mr a id mrs paul moh irdt and dauj h ters mart nn an 1 pitty of de troit mulligan hill ounr of hamilton wis a weekend visitii in tiwin it tho home of 111- brotlu r stewart younr itill i enttrinr his second ear ellgint t iiiij lourst ut tin vcrmtj of lor nto this fall mrs w 1 beamish and dorttta rcaimih of toronto were visitors in tow i out d iv last week wih mr and mrs john oneill they were once residents of town whore tho lato mr hoamlsh opera ted a slip tore in the prcmirea now occupied bv itnlbn drug store mm don lurrager is in guolph central hoapital where alio la r- uteent vibltol uk lude with mr ud mr kirb wil li im- his meee ilcen hill of tor- jnto ith mr ini mrs c i ostcr in 1 mi s lie in b itt m were mr u jtilnrson mr jones miss i uns ut aimbotom an 1 mis miry millielump ill of loronto h itli mr ind mrs i herb have 1m i ii mr and mrs iv ink 1ieelltl of iluffulo mn cliff web st r of i ruin anil ml kubv rtr- m 1 uurka i alls i 1 iim m hi i f loronto with tin ii noi ms with ml in i mrs cvnl clarl e tn mi ii ii c 1 ii i sr of i ijjitown nil mrs mtkinlij of mr and mrs dm campbell nee ht mmont ind daughter ind mr and mrs wallace nell and son all if dalt spent an enjoy ible time on sunduv nt the home of mr i mdlev hi lumonl mrs vtrnon krrby his returned hiilne afti r spending a v ic ition at u a nga be ich mr nnd mrs george preston niotorid ti belivihe and huigston il o tiking in the thousand island tup lust week i viltn nnd f t mine robinson ii urin 1 h niie on sunday after a luo wtiks holidaj at wius iga date aug ug ir 17 1r 10 20 21 vvornpp mnit r2 bl r 77 sn r2 82 in mm 18 b7 r m 1 24 18 ii 57 i 42 public school rooms redecorated burlington woman die had visited here tnur riwitii it georgetown pub- li school will hie the new took uhtn the fall term open pecorn- t r i a caw of ashproa e n put i tntr the finiihinc touelic on the huidtncr t in week tlie roomt are 1 i nr done in hripht shndes of niiiu and hluerreen ind arc a eon- i t in met of i rederoratincr pro iri im iniurrurnted h inst cars died in 1011 mr gowdys mother wa marjrnrct mfoore jounpjt daughter of th iitc thomaji moor sr of acton slic died in guejpfc in 1925 fter rccei rp his public schoojl education in guelpli mr gowdy attended huiineii college- nnd went into huqineii for himself m th riort r trade in 100c he loft guelph to become manager of stan- dirl white tine co nt heachvirha and nfter a jear was appointed m imper of th- toronto time co rihnt nt i irachouqp mownjr to that commumtj to hke up what provl t be his place of reiidcnee for 37 nrs wlnle n tjimchouie he wa iomted with all ncthltlei for th ood of the commumtj ctive in church life he wa it various tlmea superintendent of t imehoune tre- htemn church 5unda school thoir lender and an elder for ovr thirt eirs trom time to tlm rr gowdv tok an nctie part in the cnic life o rvjucdnc town- ir nrlmr g iticlnrtuon of i 1 1 ind port nmson died at her h nic there on sunda nfter ltnirtln illneis she was the mother j miis a hume grade ship nnd sit on the township couit- f iwrtme tticlnrdson now mrs r om ftm tlie nn wore pain rtl for eenl term for the year wilfrcl snrle who on man occa uttj jrrppn room hemtr decorated he uoi a member of the school ions his ippirtd in town is xnenl q foard when scveml ela board of s s 0 ooi t it functions in st georges m j gride j mhi tn bume mr gowd wai man- riuinh mrs rich irdnon had her x scott and grade mi m aeer of the toronto lime co an4 rurst it the rectory y inrnnl looked ifter 0 e plants nt idm- caretaker tom warnei has aisls- house and dolly varden until tn tfd in the detratinpr by nuttmfr properties were taken over by what two conti of irniih on all seats iow thy gypsum lime and ala in the school ad he hai been hury bnstinc fcanada limited due to n rdicincr broken windows nfd do the concentration of manufacturing m irious other odd jobs to hae facilities the plant nt limcnoom tin school in shin shine condition w p closed down in 1020 and mr f r opening on september 7th retired but remained at tn famih home there until movinif to if hi with vrchdeacott nnd aln w g o thompson archdeacon thomp son was lsked to coniuct the fun ral nice eiterla hockey cup now on display in town i i ill hik mr ind mr ni il cummmp of w ni j ui i j h w 1 1 cikui is i tors w ith 1 1 1 i mr un i mrs luilu 1 1 mmuim the tjolx rtson cup emblematic of tin o ii intirmedintc h impionship hi armed in town nd is on diinlin at present in tlie how windou it sikera tho jrpr town ttaidtrs who won tho up in the pla off with tarkham m u pict d in the w indow display i i pit tun s fik n when they visited st joseph d lmi lat r in the iea- s n t pi i tin dolhenu cnitor ls imlulid ii th isdn is a club swtitir nnd the puck i ir i t wmninp tfoal in c urn with marmiam 1 tt nil un willi the k rns m 1 5 ho fii 1 1 i rji t 1u n an ml u 1 ht and i e slit of kilduiur with u l 1altiisons win mr ud mi noiniuh slum of loronto u d mi s mar utt lam smith of i utn mis olive mi lull of loionto an 1 mi ituss ii ind t hildrcn of 1 in nt with mr ik un i mi s3 ltns mrs k will ams ml mr ii i aihti wm hosttssis ut i wear i wr hru h dcmoiisli itmn list i ik i u nini i inda clnikc lckhiatid lur third luitliduj on ujjust lmth with 1 ay tjni mu fin iarr ami i ibh clarkt oioth and iv ithln n tviikpatrick and ifolilim chi pita us lur kut its misa mi and mrs a w ilcnton and i ions spi nt sunday w ith her untlo i uid aunt mr nnd mr glo vtnr on in milton mr aiifl mrs iian ompton ind provlncfai in ml mr ind mrs herb i r t ii htith in 1 iti ttj nn r- ii in 1 li nit 1 i t w 1 fi mi tht ir ii did i pi nt it mi ii in 1 a id iv ilin ludi i ii i mr and mrs ii nn i ihhi of 1 i uito ir iiilnu tin m i i w th mi aim ron mi uid rouds ot d iikis it t ndi d the k ir i ot i irn him hi id n i nda iiijht mrs i d i vli h in 1 i mi o mini f jhn picnic at stanley park tii ii mi il j 1 ipr pari 1 u itt nd in t i polio case reported at acton m of iro- w is hi id at sturd ij second case of poliomyelitis has been rcnort d b italton county tteilth t the patiefnt a 12- inrold snrnla bov wai ill on arri val in acton or a sit and there w aa ho contact with children h v cton he i now in the ttopitn for sick children in toronto tn the week endmr upurt 1 1th sixteen cases of polio with one di nth were reported in ontario om of these ctses wai in peel countv and on at onnjreiiie tin re is no ei fence of in epidemic roctr in mninpr at nm one point ni the tits were ipn id through arious t ti n of the pr n ince cton in 1013 twice married he was prde- ceised in 102 by his first wf aiar tllen holmes he la aurvivedt b hit vnfe formerly mary a itoppman one son douglas mor rison gowd of toronto a brother thomas of toronto and two sisters miss vettle gowd and mrs john kenned of guelph barker and brown buy caldwells store iiob n lm mrs s kirkpatrak returned sun du fimini gui 1 h gunerul iloajdtul u re sat had hi en underjfoiiif treatment for a f i w days wo hope lo si i her about uram soon hill sholbourue is laid up with a sor knee thm w w k following in cujieratinur from an attack of virus j jury from a uplinter of stool in his pneumonia her mother mra eliza f poacock is hen from port eljrln new rrunswlck to look after tho childrop duriiie lur absence mr and mrs sum illack and daughter sandra of toronto spent tho week end in town with mr and mra ueir hroomhoad they ara leaving by plane for enguuid oarly next month and will make thhr homo bi mlddloftbroujfh the home town of both mra black and mra jiroomhead of ih nit l ti i i 1 b hti t i njoy 1 sj t ind t ntei t mmu nt ui niir i h a tommittti composed if ii i ihtn i i n r illlams h irn on tin uh w nrht oicl p id er and i 1 iiust ihtle fditurt of t lit ruis w is a high stoic mr n u ithmi opi n to nun 0 to lack kimslhid mil ihll chaplin were ti i for first plxi hoftball iint was pla ti an jui unan urn d fi atun w ii in exhibition f fam i i m h chud davits new business locates in glen williams wai tifft 1 n m illt i w in ii inr high st oi i mr llirr lii nix tin mo t line h mils ind i insolations wi nt to mr i it i i ilerbj ind shnkj hurt mr ltohi n poti rue is h iliduying in ar oi illia thi i wi ic alliance mill manager stricken by death piurry lujt wi ok we alio wish him a iipeedy recovery mr and mm jas ktrkjiutrick and hobby and mr and mri ralph i uroor atti ikiihi the rurnorholtby wtwldin in alem united church on saturday mf and mra ron latimer spent tho week end in hamilton n mr and mra tt mulder mo to rod to ml catliarinos last woekud tho basaar commlttoo of the w i held avuchro in the hall on friday evening mm jna nohk and mr e itsidtnt f notvlown aincc tin sprmr of 1 m w in n hi wai ipomt d man iji r of tin mliancc oatinn mil bin aft r the ntiri nn nt of i 1 iii el josi jih frank lin gill in passu awaj latt satur da iiiing august 21 it in st johiph ti hospital hamilton mr fiillih had he n in ill hi alth for icv- i ral mouths uud wu taki n to hos pital two wi i ks ago win n his i on dition lxiame pi nous mn of the late mr and mra john f gillis lu wavborn in mcr- ntton ii voam ago and had rosi did th re until ht came to george town a ilfo long alliance em ploy i he wan a 8ukrintoiwlent fn m rritton before coming to geor getown in merrltton io luiil awrvod on tlie town council and tlie hydro jtmmihhloii for a number of yoara he hud plnyeml for and managed the morn hon baseball toam in 1016 he enliainil with tho 71at hattery an a bugler and aarvad oversea during the first world war he wart a member of livingndone i dri no 1 t iooi and 1 in ic i od in l a am hi is surled h his wifi hath i it gilln two childn n i win and hn two hrothtrn and six sist rs john f gillis of 1 hor- ild 1 r ink i gillii of st cathar- i ii mrs ith i linmas of mirrit ton mi i millu iillis of loronto mr i arbutliuot all lu s ind orm md annu gillia of m rrit ton i he funeral serice enterdny nf- ti moon from the winter and win- ti r fun ral heme in st cuthnr- im s wah utt ndivl by mjin fru nds from goriet4wn ttov c j ijiml conduct d the service and new hiistn s li is hi en eatab lished in glen williams with the uiiioum i nu nt h john pi rr that 1 iias nuniil ns husiiisi 1 now n as lir loth an i leindir itt pairs fr mi loionto his shop wffl he i u il i m tin ririgi built n couple f i us o u r tin mam tormr j william st lit nk ih building wa n i ntl to lack graham fi fin whom m pi rr is renting tin pr mis s mr p i r has onducted the hu in ss sim f his hs harg from th army in ll nt yongc and t tit fi id in loronto w litre he i nipltm d thn e mi n in tht nhop i hi buildni- was sold and wrecked to nialu vra for a new building f pollacks sjioi company and ho i font to loqk for another loca tion wilding and painting arc nu lutl d m tin sirwce which he will n ndt r to tin motoring puiilic norval guides picnic at guelph llnrtj i iirlit mi mborn of tho nor mil t ronp oirl cuulm nryj ilrouni ni mciii lij rhnrlcrijsrtiu lo ui old mill guelph on smtgriuy far tin ir flmt uliliu il plrnlr the lomliir mrs u i furan accompunlod them tlnni nml lio tirlrli onjooil a full imiumi illinium i ii nn- nii i v iui pull hoarors worfl a nophw j fill v ff lrla ami picnic l w clark v v j tolan t l monov for trl i millar ii hooullikh anil i oliun- iiol intiynnent took place in vic toria ijiwti comotfry on momlay reninic the ioo v hold a mem orial rlci in chargo of jlro a k woodhouae ng uro n ihiyne v o aiwl uro hoy madill chaplain ihiiimi on the previous saturday ulun the troop held a hake aalo in norval pariah hall anil netted 25 frdni the aala this is a 10page paper vnotlur mun street bujlnoa h un ul inndi this week when r j cnlilmll qolil his meat and husnics to ijo barker mil luirli i rnun the new ouner uill continue iil business under ili firm niinii of barker and i i nv i mr nlilutll jiurcliniwl the buri- iii kiioiwi ii the budbct croc- cttna a little o three jear ulto from lamii ooilkt who moved in vt door nml oilned a hardnar mil furlniur slore in tlil remodel- i huildimr inch formeilj housod ki ul s itntilmnrc prior to movimy in touu lie hail liten meat mana- li i u tlu a and p store in hiampton a native of cheltenham he 1ms with his wife anil oon ed- irii m the upirtmtnt aboc the stun ilu ih a owners are both well- known in oil compiunity mr bar- ler eann lure us m limber of tlie honuiuiii steire after ina tliscliarg from the army and has boon aasev utiel with xrt- caldwell ut th store for the past jear with hi wfe ami ion in ilhiiios on nor- niaiiek boulevard mr brown came here fiom brampton and after uorkiiit- with mr ciilelwell took a position willi cooellets 5larehvare with his wife who has lately boon in ehinri of the simpsons order offuc at mccluns store ho uvea nil oeorje mreet mrs yates on trip to england mrs ivtd yatea left town ester lay for new york city and will sail tomorrow for a throe month visit in knirlund prior to her de parture a few frioiula fathered last friday at th home of un sjdney llulino to wlah her bon voyaite after lunch mm yau wa presented ilth a small parting irlft and was tnderd the good wishtw of her friend for a happy trip mr yatei will croa to btf land on the s s brittanic

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