mskwsfea ibkpb ijlae tw v if to ijjmsprctjttfr wggklgmit wff krt ft iriwint puilih wsflitiauu tnewrchestra f boyd sunday and jvkjwday afternoons picnics- an0 swimfyllng sunday evening communllrsiks9no- with mildred morey sing arid impersonator sunday m1dwghtv dancing vthblli howes orchestra danrrmg every w iwailsy and saturday please note proper dress including shirts and ties must be- worn to dances we cater to corn and weiner roasts 1 4 do return per car again this year please make reservation in advance ih gss ftimlu ftssy oh asabssam with posmaau sod hqas ttussahiss snog l thsss jjjnsaf 1 wbfea sjwaata sr ouwtkin w fisjuit help tint jjhdioll this jrssjt qjr7s down main st sotttlv pssjt whsxs thsodotoc hss wgrcv srutlt u such it lavly sight w j list hmm to sinjp ind sapjiji thoka jiesuttdv blooms i- aftij pfeiaoiyiedost m summttr w finally hid our streets otlod wo haljut about tiveuu np4 oh wel maybe w 1 will ote for jos after ill we chtt with taiy ambiunte offjcw aitry skiuju ol the st john ambulance asnoiiation and ijiuly dlwsionsi supfc mit thomas iirjeve wh6 were in altttiitlance atj the fjrat aid totic it the one liltly mouitlhutteii in the uniform at the st john aadociution inspec ted thajirat ad tent ucouiupauiod by eurl mountuutten in naval uniform audrey- was 0110 of the 1 ejmird of liuuujr for lady mount- balliiik the jiru wua introduced tu lady mountbutteli hlio hutted vix some of ihetn mr thomas grieve wnj presented and cimttod with lady monnthuuen they at tended thu ten after the ceremony lady mounlbutten brought wiahe from the knellh people and qx- piejed their nppreeiation to tho j oyeriuaj iriru attending the tea were colonel marshall the ontario preaident mian mclaren supt chief of canada col uww mrs gil- upt of chief of reserve and otijtra mr tlrievu waa with a in world war fci scmttbleas crayons mfkfr s a4 rssmw we pick you up at your home and after the grandstand p jx2 wo thm and georgetown taxi phone so special rates after 6 pm uiuur runny ihultriiisih had l mil iiitrotluctd the order of st i john to cilorjjeiown ue her our upjrccuumi in muiiy ather activities wu find mike nonnuji planning iuuiu litluys and yxpeetinif to 1 sjiund some tinn in hospital hett- of luelt mike mid u irood recovery wo spent one of thoic liut duys in toruntu and oh veru we lud to j et buck to joorulowu und our j own nuitflilkiurivod theau neih- stomach disorders may cause bad headaches for upsot stomach and some intuttnal uf orierm try burdock blood bitters 109 tart back tq school wjth athe give yourself a ton i home permanent complete with plastic curlers 250 refiukit 125 extract of wild strawberry diarrhoea dy5entry chotera sa sic if n aj 55c o house appliance repairs pickup and delivery prompt service jimuud1e phone 175r balunafad phone 76 in drugs if its rexall its right robbs drug store main street c l stepfaduon co accountant auditor optius a branck itt garga towri we have specialized as tax consultants w ttkwiui ffreeauiiu ficat it is a rare occasion whan w have been unable to aave lub- atantial noma tor our cliaata hr- and mrj jaiutw miller of toronto wure wewkend vbutors with mr anl mra lloyd maruhalt mrs john may of little curreut and mrs prank liaiuwon of ueu- ton harbour michigan visited with the fertsuaond lust wvtik mr hani- nwu is tan aunt of petet and dun- can ferg 110011 the symputhy of tlio conuniiiiity in ux tended to mrs frank smitn in the loss of her mother mr josih hulls who pasiuul away sunday morning atttfr a long illnoiia the wa1s hold uiuir augfct i meeting at the homo of mr ja i kirk wood on wednuiiday ovunihg j the scripturo study chaptor n- i titled meinbonhip in tlio church j wat led by mrs kirkwood which reminded thoij prociit of their ob- i likations and jirivilogua u church i members plana were made for tho autumn tjmnkofforing mooting tho topic w on tho subject of tom- j petuncv md took thu form of u j dialogue entitled what price 1-voe- i doin mrs jesae mckneiy woa in 1 cliarge and was asisted by o tiler i member at tho september mect- the wms will euturtain tho nd nubies of the liaby bouri of our are tlvo bust in tliu world they arent uoing to mind if i tell you about them wo step into our j yard in the morning to hang a towaliiru on the lino- and hear ketus the top of thy morn ing to you nighbotirl thwe are tho mcclure kiou troing by ewejry- onu culb uieiu thb mccluru kida and shouting a reeling wa all resfwict uiul liko mrtu mcclure ben mailey going to work and aakinjf uu wore wo up before breakfast to bu out ao early as tho day wears on wo 30 e the neighbours one by oiie v mr martin wibh tlio umo flattury for all of ua tim una uld scratch lauluivg amiably and oftxii ovr a good joke and reminding uj tliat it si time to quit work hattiu and kmma tompkiua taking thoir daily walk and a smile and a nod for us sweet littlu 4irry prucyk ruing shopping at lutas andsuying hi co evcryoth he nieeli while joe pruck 1 ushca home ftxm buainetia and wavii a ir hand the jtedflis bui- in their beautiful warden aud taking time to chat about the doing- of the day jim and john mcmauter fitting peacy ful ly with their pipes in front of their little home al and helen zeruvlev yuig a friendly game f eribbag rri him ft ing mutherti hand we are ritcamj m al irvine aro fll iously ill mr irwin ia in gi 1 1 i i feneral llospitut at pvcuent report that lwtli nor iuillpt willi the lount of filuen two floating ucroja the lawn aud ala iva ha i heat on helen friend husband working m his garden und leaning on his hoe to chat with neiglibour ciareice armstrong who wonder do 1 hve time und would i be 10 uood enough as to prca his tmiili because he has forijotten to tu to liarrageris ted aud nellie appleyard stopping topuu uetan and my leg about who weare the unu in this noighbourhood little john and uougbu carney them on frank and edith carnoya beautiful lawn tho branttfords calling out a hyery hello mr hock driving by and waving a friendly hand mril davis trim and amart in tho new look stoppjag to iat our f htuo dog and chatting with us a moment our iuw neighbours kdnaj aud hydo parker fitting into the neighbourhood circle maude aiod steve xorrio stopping to chat with ua martliu an j joe lucaa who rate tops with us all an orupty house which reminds us how much we miss mr and mrs tom hill j from our neighbourhood caretaker harry savings in the cemetery very busy but with time to listen lo the youngsters and adviu them in their littlu difficulties the souths happy these days because vi ihome und how glad we all aro loo and how much we all like her street all irood neighbours all j the tuck- and so on djwn tho iood friends i wouldnt want to live anywhere ile but right hero on the ninth line ho brother it- the hiiui clatp und the kood wurd and tho smile that doi tin- iiht and helps tho iikiit to nuke the world worth 1 i while its all f anil 1 bethel or it- of fiieiuuhiji only i and only three weeks until georgetown fall fair t september 1718 i pwn now to enter in the variou classes domestic 9cwce uo work etc special prize for jama and jeuie by certu robin hood nd pwrjty flftph jpuiau meaure 7 00 voucher for boat collection of hakinf get your huzkust ringing word or tw of cheer ihen all the uoru is gladde the bending sky is clear u ou ami i together and were brothers one and all whenevir through ooil fellowsliip jiltijumctlit juuitltiall whenever in th ruck of thinga wo feci the mihtle call whenever in the ruck of things wo feel the hepinghaiul or see the deeper ejow that nono hut we ma- understand then all the world is good to us aud all u worth the while ho lirothtr its the hand clasp and the good word ami tin miiile anne bowling club 1nstals own w pump lyrhupu youe been woitdoriiitf if thu lawn llowlinu club u lnor- iiik water leatrlrtlon iejjulatkin wluiii you ee tho huso ulmr u lay 011 tbn lovely iruiia on kdlth sl quito bo contriry x town vrsiar that u bjiiiif uod but not th h ulal qvvi fstcr rotn the silver- crv hry9rowunk club offl- cu rornmberd that wbn w trrw ym first mrsblh wfr sr m0 profits contented catu incrlasizd piujuaion is the jihwrr hiuhcr profit from your lurj tht wtut tunaing wtcr wheri and when vou jut j it ive you i lixtka lhollts isj- creaslid proimjcmon ludlvm costs duro pump built ioi lnn nvliium fill alt your nrcdt in hjtn poultiv houc hoijic provide uic lire puittttion or l vour htiilditiv install vlll ust install a imjko fixtures and fittings u city 10 improve daily living vtiih ixinpl lmco rcniojclini in ititttieo bathroom laundry- sec u tivlny ami icjih luw vou mil add to daily comfort iitcinnd umr finiily health eatily nh teal ccoucouy enjoy a modem liamc ti2oo kao loudon canada o icone 31sw xi r m uckart hsw w gei iwm flflfiss iflf g ca new r imitor lonoontinmiltqnianoniusuuuuiivuiiniumcancduun georgetown midnite dancing ryan auditorium cueph swnpav wpwiht 3wrwmfk tim at ahphfellff ai 71 fwiwirwift ifi rrtfljt