Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1948, p. 13

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anawafv j gjjjjj jfeoit 3ouncit 15 ij ql mctwl 8b 13 k wtae- jtmwtlht intartm eon phuuia jtobartsbrantford oonwwng ahglflring firbv 4ttwnew niraoyto maksj survafot georgetown water- aysm mr roberta reported that georgetowns tiro present sources of waterfbboth tfrom surface dr4iigelwbir fcfcadly depleted by changes in tiwjv fare such as land cultivation and drainage since the sllvercreelc ree- ervolr was first constructed to 1891 in 1891 two hundred and fifty gal lons of water per minute were avall- able from suvercroek bat in tb summer this now averages 90 gal lons per minute the 10 main woehesjrtas tws to town has no j doubt many leaks- since it was first iasteredand t is c dimlnr ishment of supply reachta town the secondary source pum ped when necesssry to the main res ervoir is at present supplying 260 gallons a minute and will be avsu- ble as long as the surrounding land is not improved mr roberts recommended five major changes in tfie aystam 1 chlorinatlon the ontario department of health k consist ently advocated this and declares that the water sourceispolhtted and unfit for human consumption estimated cost is 6680 2 meters georgetowns water system was in the red last year and did not pay its own way met ering would put the system on a paying basis and stop wastage nor mal use for a town this size should be 176000 gallons dally and he es timated that 628000 gallons dally are being used installation of 870 meters would cost s20 each r 8 repairing leakages no esti mate of the extent or cost of such s program has yet been prepared revised rate schedule a drastic increase in water rata is needed to meat the main tenance costs and a a mod- orate reserve for future improve ments 6 drilling for new sources an examination of prospective deep well supplies under the town as an auxiliary to present sources esti mated cost is 1600 deputyreeve armstrong said ho thought council should go to the municipal board immediately for permission to issue debentures for chlorination at least mayor glb- bons said it would be much better to wsit until the survey is comple ted and get clear picture of what could be done rather than go at the problem plecemesl the complete report will be finished early this fall and council will go into the whole matter at that time called for tenders for a heating plant in the old town hall tenders to bjs for both heating the upstairs only and for heating tlje whole building moyod by whitmoo and david son recreation director hal newman was present to discuss tho matter with council and said two outside experts had given tho opinion that the present heating system was use less as the heat loss exceeded the hest generated by the oil burner in answer to a question by the mayor as to tne program contem plated in the armouries he said it would consist of s boys gym cists girls basketball team and four boys basketball teams ply with hebylaw cr davidson chairman of the- police committee said that in the present case jjie ay- law amendroeny wasnot necessary as the driver in question had never been licenced but- thai it would close toy i loophole in the future cr goodlet said jdo thought taxi own- ers should be responsible td some extent for actions of their employ- council decided that no lic ence would be issued to the driver referred to which would eliminate him from further taxi driving the police report presented by cr davidson showed such petty crime in town as milk bottle pilfer ing which is iow under investiga tion shoplifting by juveniles s b cafe theft by brampton men who had been apprehended and damage by juveniles at the local theatre orwwcnpsrents to pay it was reported that the man who had victimised three mer chants with bad cheques had been arrehended by whitby and owen sound police but there was little chsnce of monetary recovery being made one man had confessed to such operations in 47 communities residents were advised to use cau tion in accepting uncertified cheques from strangers constable sheffield asked that the public be informed that police officers could be located by phon ing 128 or 616 and that an auto matic signal light is used in front of the police office when the msn on duty is out i in case of serious emergency the patrol car call be summoned by telephoning the dun- das provincial police headquarters and asking that a radio call be sent to the police cor will pay a 6 weekly car allow ance to town foreman em hyde for use of his far moved by whitmee and david son mr hyde made this request be cause it is uneconomical to use the town truck for trips which he must make daily and the truck can be better used on jobs for which it is suited cr goodlet said some sort of temporary sidewalk would have to be put beside the highway to serve normandy boulevard residents as sewerage installation had completely destroyed the path beside the high way mr hydo said that hepuui- nod to put in a gravel and cinder base this year which would provide the proper foundation for a perm anent walk next year t rescinded a motion passed in july authorizing tho county to re surface king street the county englnoor had suggested it would be wisor to fill the grooves with gravel and wait till this settled in the spring movod by goodlot and arms- strong j asked tho hydro to plnco a stroot light on dufferln street movod by mccumbcr and david son askod tho hydro to instal a stroot light on john street between vic toria street and tho cnjt movod by hill and herbort webbw1lson nuptials in kn ch standards of pink and white glad loll decorated okjjox presbyterian church on saturday september 11 when lilly roberta wilson daugh ter o p kx audv mrs wellington wilson georgetesyn and norman klwoouwebbson of ms and mrsc alvln webb painswick wjsry mar ried in a doable ring ceremony rev j l salt of nerval officiated assisted by rev alexander caldev newlyappointed minister of the church j given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of white slipper satin with nylon yoke trim med with lace and pearl clasps fit ted bodice and hooped skirt the front caught with satin bows re vealing a lace petticoat and the back forming slight train her fin gertip veil was held ty a satin bond embroidered with seed pearls from her mothers wedding dress she carried a cascade of red roses and white mums mis j una thomp son of ancoster was maid of hon our she wore a gown of gold cor ded taffeta with fitted bodice hoop ed skirt matching headdress and mitts and carried a cascsd of pink carnations and white mums miss merit webb painswick was bridesmaid wearing a gown of tur quoise corded taffeta with fitted bodice hooped skirt matching head dress an mitts she carried a c cade of pink carnations and waits mums mr kenneth harrison played the wedding music and accompanied miss lilly cole lesslde who sang the lords prayer and beeaus mr john bowman of stroud was best man and the ushers were mack wilson georgetown brother of the bride and ray webb thorntoa brother of the groom at the reception in the church basement estered by the womens association of the church the brides mother received in a rose crepe dress with black accessories her corsage wss of talisman roses the grooms mother assisted wear- log pals blue crepe with black acces sories and a corsage of pink roses for travelling the bride chose a suit of wine gabardine with grey accessories and a corsage of white mitms after a wedding trip through northorn ontario the couplo will make their home in painswick will install a water service for the grc outdoor skating rink on the lions club lot on water street beside the post office moved by mocumber and whit mee amended the- taxi bylaw to provide that the licence issued for any cab andor driver could be can celled for any infringement of tho bylaw or for any reason of public safety 1st reading moved by davidson and armstrong 2nd and 3rd read ing by herbert and hth this action cam after receipt of a letter from constable j w shef field head of th local provincial poles detachment stating hat on taxi driver bad been involved in tour occurtancee endangering the public safety and that ths suspen sion of us licence wss recommended ooosi discuss took place on the subject and mayor gibbons pointed oat that sjui tt was not condi intention te lnterfar wish tafttamate business which was randaripg a service to tho town that rty taxi company h4 at on tana or another sanployad drivers not tnkan out osir tl3m jatrfjsysstkswto com ers herbert and hill complained that the cenotaph was being de faced by children playing around it and people using the base for seats while waiting for rides the base had boon cleaned a fow weeks ago by sand blasting and now was in a soiled condition again were advised by the mayor that the hydro would agree to pay half the cost of s tree trimming program to make better street lighting reeve mackren and deputyreave armstrong thought the hydro should be asked to cooperate in a survey to see whether lights were distribu ted in the proper places and what additional ones ware needed the mayor said this was the sole respon sibility of council and was not a hydro matter asked town solicitor k m langdonlo give council a clear pic ture of what th responsibility of scoot jackson construction co was in repairing roads and sidewalks damaged by aswanagad insrahatloa were to id by road chairman goodlat that only 1860 was left of th 4660 road budget for this year asked anginatr c b hgy to attend th council msemng next th twn foramen to grace gummer wed will live in peterborough a quiet wbddlng was solemniicd at the united church parsonage in bridgonorth when rev d p mor ris officiated ct tho marriage of frsncos grace daughter of mr and mrs walter gummer of george town and donald son of mr and mrs david massoy of warkworth tho bride wre a dross of mid night blue with lace yoko and crops skirt with overflounce of old laco hor accessorias wore grsy with cor- sago of sweothunrt rosos mrs wal ter thain was matron of honour in rose crops with bluo and corsage of rosos wator thain was grooms man followinr tho ceremony a re- coption was held at tho homo of mr and mrs walter thain cousins of thu brldo for travelling tho bride chose a gray wool suit after a honoymoon trip to ottawa they will make tholr homo in peterborough tell norval institute of new orleans trip betel church cejefcraie one jfandredth anniersrjr on sunday september 12th the bethel united ehareb located at drtunquln celebrated its l0ottian- nivartary- bbv russell mcgiluf vrayv formerly of winnipeg and rev david h gausgw associate secret taryof th board of overseas mis sion of too united churcn were the guest speakers at the morning and evening services the choir was assisted by mrs juries k mc dongall end the lowville msl quartette the floral decorations were very fine at both morning and evening services the sests were well filled and extra chairs were brought in the new front steps had been completed for tiie occasion the minister 6f the church rev fred alnsworth read a short his tory of the church which follows in tho year 1818 th government opened up a new survey in trafal gar township and a group of people from tho ojritish isles settled there substantial log cabins were built by them and almost immediately plans were set afoot for the build ing of a dual purpose hall which served as a day school and church and sunday school h was in june of the year 1823 that they began to fell frees draw them by means of a couple of oxen which were the prise possession of two of the men end prepare thorn it was not long before what was then considered comfortable and commoolous build ing was erected in which 60 or 70 children studied their lessons dur ing the week and sttended sunday school on sunday preaching scervlces were first held in thevejauumn of 1828 and during the wlnterttovival meetings were held with very good results twentyfour years later in 1847 a camp meeting was held in howes grove known ister as camp hol low because chief brant and his men spent their summers there the meetings lasted for about three weeks and many are said to have been converted then came the de sire for a more permanent church home and mr john fastfaarstoaa and mr thomas wine gave ground from their farms for the church and cemetery these men- were later buried there many people holpod prepare and haul the lumber for the new church which had been cut at the howes sawmill located at that time on ths farm to the rear la the year 1848 the new frame church was completed and it served until the present brick structure was orocted in tho yesr 1916 four or five generations of th howes and foathorstonos have uttended tho bothol church since its beginning and it is said that th eurly circuit ridorswho wont about on horseback novor coasod their attacks on tho seven hotels that wwaitod their customers on tho hornby roads since then many ministers have como and gone the most recent woro kov john a ncill phb rev benjamin eyro ua bd itov j o totton with tho prosont minister rev fred ainsworth ma bd saturday flw vbt he kio exhibits graod stand show has new and old attractions timtt mr lauiirc- anothe week has passed with nothing very outstanding in tha weatiier tho we did have a few drops f water which jconld hardly be qslled a rainfall i cannot order the weather but i can hope- it will smile on geojrgef town fair next saturday- era batkin rain 16 02 18 ex tom wanes caretaker at george town public school proved that he knows something about schoolwork too whan he won a spelling contest at the toronto exhibition the con test was sponsored by the loblaw groceterias and tom won a large hamper of grocertes as first prize date max mln sept 6 84 68 sept t x 80 62 sept 8 88 61 sept 9 71 69 sept 10 69 61 sept 11 71 48 sopt 12 87 66 average 7786 66- wins spelling match at baptist ypu start fall meetings mrs hurold cleave and mrs c freure of georgetown were guest speakers at the soptember meeting of norval womens instrnte mud told of a trip to new orleans which they took last march the meeting was held last thursday afternoon at the home of mix prairie mogulre with mrs grsydon chester occupy ing the chair included in th cor respondence read by the secretary mrs joseph murray were letter from england thanking th insti tute for gift parcels sent th pro gram was in charge of mrs w gra ham and included a vocal solo by mrs e c heed mr f fendley and mrs e c reed assisted the hostess hi serv ing refreshment mrs walter fld- ler offered her horn for the octo ber meeting carry a drain from back of george town motors property across george street only a this waa a natural water course pd was not cuvssting water over private property whar it would normally not dew tb water wflr drain across th raar ot p p buckbunt propartr h had agraadto tw but thoofih w eiemd drain should b laid through fr morgan home from oversea trip rov fr morgan roctor of holy cross church georgotown ajid st joseph- church acton is horn ogdln after a two month trip to ireland parishioner of both chur- clio welcomed him homaxwith pres- entetions members of the george town pariah gatliorod in tho church on sunday ovonlng and presented him with a purse james boylo mak ing tho presentation fr morgan gave an account of his trip and played sortie recordings which he had nude to send back to ireland in acton the church people wel comed him after morning mass nor man braids reading an address of welcome and john kennedy pre senting him with a purse apartment neighbours hold farewell party property neighbours in th vsjieyview apartments held a farewell party for mrs wihism meoements last thursday in ths apartment of mra reg broomhead mr and mrs mc- olenumts are moving to their now horn on kennedy i street this weak mrs fred broomhead on behalf of tho present gave mrs mcclem- ejrt tea pot st a farowall gift and expressed their regret at losing a good neighbour thos present huutmutt mia h scott mrs j medamld mr t r cave mrs frd armstrong jr mrs thomas sykas mra a duncan and mrs a h ltarbor tbin i 14page paper the opening meeting for the fall of the baptist young peoples un ion took the form of a supper in the sunday school rooms on mon- dsy followed by a meeting which was addressed by the minister rev c r gower mr gower spoke on thn topic th progress of ideal discussing tribal world and chris tian ideals keith thompson read a poem the president douglas peck was in charge of the meeting we suppose thsfarroers sre ofi two minds about this saturday l4aw cvoryonejn tovii they hjok forwarst to the annual georgetown bnt and yet as businessmen they wobtv beaoo disappointed t see a raitr day aifsr the lung dry spell 3sa- fair board hvethelr fingers ero4 sed and are hoping that tie rah- will bypass us on saturday for they have lined up what promts to be the bev show ever present in the societys- 102 years of-exis- tence rain or ahne there toaav be no postponements so well hope for a favourable day from the crowdpleasing angla the trick riding performance of joan ross babs and lee falrchllc is a new attraction and will suppla raent tho horses racing and pony races the leggette brothers of oshawa are bringing their ponias back for a repeat performance and tory gregg who has become a fix- ture here will again -ieaicee- ceedings in front of the granc- stend and direct the new sqiitins gate to be used for the races tw stanger shows are presenting this midway attractions other fair features include th baby show this year with threw classes and an enlarged mexchajrtv display tent where a dozen or mora georgetown merchants will havw displays the hall will be bulging with exhibit and it i particularly pleasine to seo greater interest do ing taken in the baking and sewing divisions which slumped bad ly during the war years several specials ore offered in the baunsf clssses and housewives would da well to look over the prize list and see what can be won there is something tor everycsm on saturday in georgetown park lets set a now mark in attendance and make it thu greatest fair yet an account of th district wx annual at guelph has been pre pared by mrs j ellsrby and wot appear in next weeks hersd social and personal mrs j g elliott and daughter hclon of ottawa spent last week with dr and mrs a mcallister mr jack murdick of hanover is spending a holiday visit with his friond mr davo cook in town mr and mrs leslie ellis and son brian have returned from a vaca tion which thoy spent at port elgin mr and mrs jamas f evans have roturned from a vacation trip to queboc city and st jovite in the laurontlans mrs alan laws of rlvorbend quobee is visiting in glen williams with hor paronts mr and mrs william klrby mr and mrs goorgo lake gwen dolyns kathloon undjack of lang- staff wore visitors with rolatlves in town on sunday mr and mrs william anderson of guelph spont lost wcok in town at tho homo o mr and mrs james f evans mr and mrs w i cleave were enjoying th boat cruls from mon treal up tho saguonay rivor last wook mrs harold hancox and children ruth and bill have roturned home after spending tho summer at their cottage at bala mr and mrs h n watson of toronto were woekend guest in town with mrs charles watson and miss lillian watson visitors last week with mr and mrs wilfred lavoie were mr and mrs a v musmscher and leo oake of rochester new york mr and mrs ed allen of huron ohio visited in town over the week end with mr and mrs w g mar shall mrs allen and mrs marshall are cousins mr a r speight service mana- ber at scott motor sales is attend- ing the general motors hydramatie school at the wiuper house in kitchener this week valley view cabins operated by mr and mrs wilfrid hunter at hurvtsville ar still popular georgetown people recent guests there included mr and mr law rence mocuntock and daughter mary and mr and mra maurice hillock and faintly mr and mrs wilson early of flssjoatooa who araivisbthsjg rav- tives in ontario cauad to as thalr unci and aunt mr and mrs thos l lyons yesterday mr early who is in she sdadbnsina oat wast was also an mteraated oauar at taa do tninipn bd bona it was ua hast trip in myaan mr and mrs e vs swackhamer spent last week in rochester nt vhere they visited with his sister mrs r l unwin and mif unwin celebrating iter sixth birthday oa monday judy bonathan daughter of mr and mm william bonathaa entertained at a party at her horn on charles street her guest in cluded beverley and dontde clark barbara and john flnlay brendai boll curvyn ayd ellen blehn june oliver paulen watson doug me- gilvray barry hayward brian hiu sharin harlay alice wilson ste phen and catharine saxe mrs harvey nurse muriel laid- law was widoly foted prior to her marriage on saturday among the who ontertainod were mrs r mc- dowell toronto a miacellaueoua shower j mrs burgess toronto a tea and presentation miss marjori ituddell toronto miscellaneous shower mrs graham crawford st brampton bathroom shows and dinner the ladles of norval united church miscellaneous show er at tho home of mrs h g lyon and a presentation by the plant in spection staff of the department of agriculture toronto where mrs nurse was employed barbara couecna whose woddln to keith dunuan of toronto took place on saturday was a guest at soveral showers in her honour mra l w dana entertained at her horn on edith street st a linen shows and mr l devrles held a paatry shower cuuuaiate of th hrida who is attending the unlvoraity of toronto held a mlscelunsous show er for her at the home of mis mary oreilly toronto mr gordon cousens entertained for her daugh ter at a trousseau tea last thurs day with miss helen devraux and the groom dster miss marlon tduncan of toronto ss t asslstettta engagements mr and mr d a ovran f erin wish to announc th ment of their daughter vnm noreen to john william lavsrr aav of mr and mrs m lawr ctoorga town th marriage to tek nlaosj th utter part ofrnss mr and mrs a bniaat dawaaa a ths agaatnsnt of taalr darhter darratt i vlntfrad to mr ontaita ah m 11 and sasa rfa jl heward of tuoato7 will u- oathrcaasanu

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