Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1948, p. 9

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swfry w on th fi r j-i- v h jteawsebfbur th lessen chosen for buhday iber 2th iaona wlonv bear jy and applicable massage or jlk c our dayr it speaks at l ptttomne of good family ufn4 rlatfcuv nurture t heileoges axastfnlw live in the ut of ltd rssooipnnillty regarding batten its purpose will b ftaflir u we the daili the memory verse our l bead acts 1 1j2 tmothy r v 1 mi 846 isdu verse acta 16 16 a freed of a young man timothy and ihs mother eunice who ware de- otlt believers in the christian jfelth and woo were bald in ugh an by tjbohrmlhyw church menv tcba cbalnngt of paul is aecep- by timothy and be becomes tie s of the t dynamic apostle and silas aajtocy continued their laawlonary iiurney timothys du ties at the 7 outset were no doabt those of a secretary arranging many ofrie details oi travel and atfcm and performing of boat and importance for two elder companions however we can be sore that tie relationship not that of a servant but of brother in christ in the 2 timothy 136 passsge we catch a glimpse of pauls atti tude toward timothy he loves him with a great love whch is poured eut in mush prayer on behalf of the young disciple who at their last parting had shed tears even at the temporary brealung of the fellow ship paul expresses his thankful ness for timothys mother and grandmother whose unfeigned faith had such a bearing on the boys character and which now is evident in him he sees in timothy a real man of god and urges him to use his gifts for the advancement of the gospel for this reason timothy is urged in 2 timothy 141 to adhere to the truths wuch he had been taught by m sound teachers who had them selves experienced their worth and value the scriptures and the message which he learned in youth ware still true and paul reminds him of their great power for life tate apallftlonl today we need parents and grand parents like eunice and lois strong folk of the faith who will nurture the young in the eternal truth of the scriptures who will prepare them for life not only with much good advice but by careful teaching christian example and loving guidance who will follow the young with their ardent prayers when they leave home and go out into the world with its difficulties and its opportunities its problems and its pleasantries its sins and its goodness we need also men like paul who with keen insight can recognize the values in young men and women and who will challenge them to the best that is in them who will urge them to walk in the way of god and in the sound teachings of their youth who will stand behind them as their christian friend and coun sellor as they meet the world it is true too however that we need young folk like timothy who will grow in the christian faith jand respond to tho efforts teachings end guidance of those whojiaye trod the way before who will ben efit from the failures and suceesaes of the past who will commit them selves to a study of the scriptures and live according to their precepts who will walk humbly with their god hitpfbtquetatioiisi the age of children is the age of learning it is a comfortable thing when children imitate the faith and holi ness of then- godly parents and k tread in their footsteps v the faith that dwells in real believers is unfeigned it is without hypocrisy it is a faith that will stand trial and it dwells in them as a living principle dad doesnt just tell ma to ge to church ha comes too we reap the reward of our grandparents deeds our grandchu- dren will reap the reward of ours defeat is the borne leads to dts- aster in the world the parent who does merely us duty to bis children has small right to expect love m return only love can begat love train up a ehild in the way he should go and when he is old fas will net depart from it i will visit old i home in wauu the chaqap from by ravmniv oatls mkra acklebe elmkrvaialbfeerrtrs long legs made erunohing sounds on the white gravel path leaning to the pretentious hendrlck residence he reached the door and lifted one hand to knock but it remained suspended in midair the same oubts assailed him again vnat if oh man hendrlck didnt give him the order elmer sighed and knocked tim idly hoping nobody was home but fliedoor was swung opensftef a moment by a pompous fat nian with ruddy cheeks aiev a broad smile youre elmert he aaid the acme companys pool aharkt elmer hesitated flnatlyy replied im elmer the insurant sales man mr hendrifk grasped elmers skinny arm and hauled him into the house your boas didnt tfeu you tguess he has been phoning tfof weeks to sell me insurance he told elmer as he led hlrq through one big voom and down a thickly car peted- hall then he discovered i m an unbeatable pool player says hes got a new salesman who will pin my ears back thats you eht elmer scowled so that was it that was why the chicago office had summoned him all the wayl from waterloo not because of hut sales record it was his poolplay ing they wanted elmer had the urge to run straight back to his room and pack up i told your boss id give you the order if you can lick me hendrlck rumbled on happily nothing like a good contest is theret they turned into a large room brightly lighted with two shiny new tables in its center hendrlck sprinkled some talc on his palms and briskly rubbed them together hope you are a good loser elmer he said cheerfully elmer hurriedly peeled off his coat and rolled up his sleeves im a better winner he said curtly and selected a cuestick from the nearest rack j mr xsucincs ne mrs j b williams and hiss mar- forget tho wager t williams left last weak for new ork city where they will sail aha queen elisabeth for a uatli visit in wales jt aastv ant trip home since the fsadhr essne to canada twenty years aga iter wfll make return trip ox the queen start r v ss vl he already could picture mary anns forgiveness how about a little wager too urged hendrlck just to make it interesting say a dollar a garde elmer thoughtfully angered the four dollars in his pants pocket and shook his head ten cents is enough for me a dime then but doubled each game okay elmer absently ugroed with a nod and the play was started the game was over in exactly four minutes hendrlck was really good elmer reflected he rarely missed a shot that could be made he knew how to freeze his opponent and succeeded consistently but the champ of waterloo was better elmer found himself able to do tricks that were impossible on the ancient tables back home you were just lucky elmer hendrlck declared goodnaturcdly now ill bear downhardon you he seemed almost pleased that he had been beat and that competition was tough the next games were fast and close but elmer won each some times by only a miraculous shot while hendrlcks big smile faded andelmers expanded it was fourteen games later al most three hours when at last they ended the tournament both men were exhausted but elmer had won every single game hendrlck wiped his perspiring brow with s towel and then mixed drinks later he brought out a pad if paper and his check book you vln the insurance order just mall he policy to me he directed as he rote best commission youll ver make i bet the isst too elmer mur- r ared recslllng again how the ci npany had tricked him into leav ing home and mary ann im go ing back home atayne the com- trus ion will be enough for a down payment on a little farm he could already pioture mary anns forgive ness at the news hendrlck folded a cheek and there was a strange soberness in his ex pression ss he eyed elmer and handed it over vmy check dont forgat tile little wager we made el mer elmer lifted a hand and backed u way the o mi is plenty mr hendrlck he protested lets hendrlck forced the folded check lnlq his hand us it for your fsrm ho insisted remember we played a dims a gams doubled aach gams figure it out it amounts to lmtt pprpitv m v ty pleii f witt lood prises tee way tie se be savedla nighty welcome that b way here are items that yea use regnlaxty that ago with careful p and baying yes your dominion store to brmg yod laoie for cent counts sad even peat that eaa we any aereea list worth cheeajng for anrprleed as low or lower than a year eaa atreteh your feed dollar ooont on aruik sostom errtx eh ts 1 pork beans os tin ilso f w 1 pork beans 10 os tut 1ife cuuuu vaxutvasjam beans is os tin tn van cattr 4 spaghetti m ot tb zxse asnunr caoios qoautx sw racsc 8 tomatoes so os tta he uvxpioa ss mill eft feel n rstjnes adsruuam v s4 cttbrants tomatoes moltlsme blub amd oocs msw rack t fancy peas to os tla soe objczm vaijunr am xxw raca a quauty peas ox ita me waufoos mt 4 choice peas m os tut me lotomli 1 apple juice ox tn so joanam 11 obape juice lg os bottle lie v c acstsauam js pineapple juice 10 ox tta mo samara rawer mbw sack is tomato juice 10 ox tta slse buns- fancw mxw acs m tomato jcice so os tin lise axuuattonlato ju1cx ib cocktail t ot tut zzbo amxxica bbt is ginger ale so os battle xxse ss mincemeat asnatxxxt m brazils daltoks n st ooooantjt s v aaunswkjc m 8abdlnes 11 orange crush 6 bue carton iso cctvxmoiisk nm mi kti rttui lg cherries to ox tta we aalots rsan ww racs 1 peaches halves za ox tta tie aw mrs -nssfi- aw vacs m loganberries m ox tta me ksaatta sous raox 11 pie peaches z ox tu tic armaa oaoi h babtlett peabs to ox tta tse b ox flcg lie 1 lb cello bag tze 1 lb ouo bag lie ib ox jar ze 4 ox cade bag 10 rkd 4 ox cello bag me g ox bottielle ox tta 11a 40 colossal olives if ox jr 41e noaxmum 4l peanut butter lg ox jar soo axiuss saw ratat 4s tomato c 11 ox bottle me a nt tf vacs 4s tomato catsup is ox battu zee 44 heinz mustard t ox bottle loo nanoaui vaxiux swbxt ttaxn 14 pl ox jar ue 1 ox jstf tse m ox jar 19e ox battle ze s ox batue lbe m apple jelly u w ox jar xbe olaasco wira raonn 81 plum jam t4 pi ox jar tse 1 thttr8 frl at wb j s pickldjo spice ox pvg ma vcow aaahd r os baktno soda s os pkg te xain oav lodnaro 91 salt t i cartoa 9a osanuutad i s 8uoab lb bag 4se oavn 80 gelatine t ox me ooovk owoxsuuutao 10 mix m ox pkg tse aaocads warn 11 sebviettes pkg of ys tse dohdnon tt kibble dog pood x lb bag tie aicaxtaxxo is coffee vl lb e lb pkg ble 14 tea bags dxil 15 black tea mfi pkg s4e s ox pkg tie 18 desserts 4 ox pkg ime jciourr aix rlavooas amonntt ri powders iy ox pkg lie 4s pickles axtiaxs 4s relish 41 cucumber 4s hj sauce lawos 4 cc sauce ss raspberry jam 14 ft ox jar iftc m dessert pears to ox tta t4e ss prior jam atucks tvbj 84 marmalade rasoa oaumui ss marmalade 14 prune pluauv ml ox tta he mas cawaba ca x rxcx ta raspberries i os tta iso anwtsx fosrs wxw racc m strawberries to ox tta tse si kraft dinnrer 8 ox pkg 1sse catbliu omo ob bbadx cutcmotim 8 macaroni is x pkg me 04 marmalade smbslsi 1 81 honey 14 ft ox jar sse xb obanob 14 p ox jar sse mnnr 14 fl ox jar 18e 14 ft ox jar tse 1 ox jar tse 18 salted peanuts 8 ox oelle me mswsons 19 qlo coat liquid pint tta sse hawks m paste wax 1 u tta 48w classic 81 cleanser tut 1me baso bz cleanser tin szse babbitt 88 cleanser tin e old wto 84 cleanser tta 1tse 8s sp1c and span pkg me bsano 88 drain cleaner tta le sani anlbaa 81 drain cleaner tta too son am 1 m 88 cake or powder jmsxi xatx 88 pot cleaner e sojs to cleaning pads us m baking powder 18 ox tta ho atanbluah v oln 1 aoltana 8a kamjtns s lb oeoobag 81e xxuur dam ss no 1 honey 14 fl ox cartoa sle oij9 ootoanr s maple syrup it ft ox battle 4se tomato ob vxoxtaxlx 80 clarks soup 10 ox tta lse cms noos 81 minute tapioca 8 ox pkg 18s m ox pkg tse 81 infant foods s ox tta 8xse axucxb 88 infant foods 8 ox ta slse sotxx taix odaba1ii11ii 84 lamps 180 watt tta s4s1s ibs fpuits ervfge tables cauliflower 2so celery 12e tomatoes sb 84 pickling onions 2 lb 23a si onions 10 lb sse 8 cabbage 4e 81 squash le 88 apples b8 so peaches it full program at district wi annual continued from page 4 ens institute work for 10481949 by tihe inspiration gained and friendships formed during their stay at the oac officers elected for 19481949 past chairman mrs j harold spiers r r 8 ijrussels chairman mrs c hobertson h h 4 rockwood 1st vleechxlmisn mrs j r white ripley 2nd vice chairman mr pord sudden r r 4 gait secretary treanuror mrs loren guild rockwood recording secretary mrs roy mackenxle box 227 ripley executive mrs 3 peasby r r s kitchener mrs wltbert cortnie fergus mrs arnold darroch clifford jr area convenor mrs john r k rutherford ayr auditors mrs p rlnehart rib 1 campbelmus mrs h hanlon r r 6 ouelph i ceaveaeis far 18481848 home eoonomlj -j- mrs 7 j me- kinnon cbesley social welfare mrs i wads r r 3 allenford poblicity mrs stanley wheeler brussels agriculture and canadian industries mrs alfred wood fergus oitlxenahlp mrs a r matthews r e 1 preston historical research urs d mao- pherson box 814 efanlra resolutions mrs a cowan palermo pianist mrs d hums arkes provtedal board members mrs lafuton wefasr wast mont rose mrs arthur hamilton b 4 btekwood terra cotta last week real estate is on the move again wo understand that joseph me- brlde has sold his farm here to a toronto gentleman further parti culars later a buldoser wax here to cut down and straighten the 6th line hol which is a decided improvement school days are here again we understand a male teacher has been engaged at the 6th line scbool we are pleated to learn that wil liam norrie of the 6th line who has been on the sick list is on the mend and we hope to soon see him around again summer visitors who hsve been spending some time at their stun- mer homes include mr and mrs zimmerman of niagara andmr and mrs taylor of toronto corn cutting seems to be the gen eral order of the day advertise in the herald it paysl portraits of distimctioh albert simson dont dy yoursolf year fakslly yourljsjhf gaaulna puaaum a quality paatograp brine pkaoe 438 or an appel t western canada vow kuoy sojm mrs mkis ami low 0nk tbip vax ihcimi winnipeg 46j2 regina s7jj0 clgary 77jk vrhcttuvw 89af sukjsot to changs tleatts bsh lafsraiatfai atr l g mccuntock pimmm 80 wtptovm rms w-

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