Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ont wednesday evening nov 24 1948 what council did gmmlgfcrown ijnitki cmiiuii on m6noay nov4mbkk 22nd i d irresenfatiori to esquesiijg parsed a bylaw uuthorizlni tor veterans last night the current hisyalmt nt of sewerage debentures a special local im- ittslddnts if ward j estiuo intf provement tax levy of ltd a toot lowiislnp puj i h unite lo theli the fjrst instalment to be due bo j men and women who had serial fore efecembor l5lh tills year andin canadas arniod ones last providing u ptjtdty of w of 1 pcrnluht uhen they uo d an vonlnjj cent per month after january tst i then hoiiimfln tne qommuility 1st ind and iciidlnjti moved by jail ut tuwirttowii tunds luid maelriren and davidson jrd read t been lal od dire time ago for tiler lueiejitatlon but liciuse there wifa no suitable pubflc hnlj the waid the ourl wan pos ud ed until the hew hall opened roy hobs k cameron jot torcui fo a former gejriotovvn man and inik by armstrong and goodlct asked njid4n c r hayey to survy n plan whereby residents of olrnnder boultvnid wotjld put in sewerage ot then oivn cpentc pvo- open house held at i georgetown public school tttz i rojfiilar monlnt worship was parent of childien tending c goiiriictown unh i ccorictcjwn public school lind uri cmmh im sumuiy ly the uai lopbrluultj of viewing their child- lauvi ht0 m a th ichi work and dlscussl vrojfrc wnl flom aa c with the toathem whin thoir an nual opun nie i n hnol iii open from aeven to nine iihlcathinemllu- oitho staff- wan flu the tin ii oopi and ml- ellen vviednini k schi nl health ntire way hi hei olflce juuth loom had it nltinctive dis- 1 venes udl uid vi nlbujilfe eu waa held at hi 7i 11 i i zz s itllool hint tllumday in canjunc mu lutl mi aiow w uo with edui itlon we k the m c n ma 2 mr smith poke o the unfud vldiiii they weie exempted frorrtliliiiicu an air joitc pailrein the the he a foot local improvement uai wa pritnt lo make t o pre- ucvy eiitallon mr k c linds ly the plan had been picientcd on wu tha rn an of the evei 1 g fol behalf of these intepajcra at the low hip the uiesentntlon doru lat council irectlni by mayor hulls orehe tia played fo dane- glbbon and council had reached i ti rcfreslimcnhi wer served no decision as thej wished more 1 he weaker- list intlude i heee information before committing geiije cleat ind dciiut heee tliemselves richard hawcs spoke gcoigu- cuiiu hany hale aciom- for a delegation at monday s meet- pmied at the piano by mi jessie ing which included norton nelson leavitt cntoi turned uith comic dick riddall im jack graham and om- first said that he town would re mantel eloiks uere presented to cole 1500 in local improvement the net otkin of four township taxes for the joj and asked if the men who lost ii eir lives while sei- town would pay the extra 700 for i ing ovcicn these weie rijing the sewerage put in privately at officer tsoiimvi baily lieut john an estimated cost of 2210 the uowmin pie hanj dickenson and idea was not fivourablc to council i lying officei willi im mclaurh- mayor gibbons s he hnd fuv- lin cured tlie original proposal but not those leteiving vinst watches this one reeve maclaren said thot ueie ann bowman mrs keth if one street unc done on this ba- duncan bnrbna cousensi irin- sis it would cr ite a precedent for ecs jenkinsun and louie reed road john alexander andew ander- lole of tlve nig vplon of thejulnuaifauh irchililtan inmheiliood undo the liune inthcthciiml and stiessed the icspoiiulliilitv o evy chris tian in iclationtihip v to the woild wide- mj ion of the elnircb the plav of school work cutelunjf the umcr licct of wl jl weio suth pern as the family 1tlu sll ldll tll0 chaunim by mis i hume i ord 1 c still with i hoc a arougod pnipl and the minitu lejllc of by 0 spe mr a t tost i unto gcoipclown con li ut ted by ji1 ulu ioio iiml laai the evening wo ship u con i upn in m1s llnd nyi riicie weie mai y favourable com- i iui by the hi v jame l blair cntf on the new tolom scheme of a of st p un ciluieh i ilil inuic of pink and blue lu mi liali me age was vi nth uai triid when some of the lcl oi1 lhl j r good oamaitan ind the injunttnin go ind do thou lkcwiue he icfer- snappy hockey promised in preseason league four ieams in doubleheader schedule sheeny tost memorial trophy at stake georgttown and acton meet tomorrow flight asgrbve ypu celehjjite 50th anniversary 1he atltl am lvei au of ash gioye young pt oph i vniou ww nbsh vd on bimdoy lefteinoon iovemhei 1 when 1ji0 meuibern foimer membeu hnd friend atten ded a eivlee p ahiiove united chuith jt wa an oeca ion for ongiatulntion u ap a fourleam prcseasop hockey group styrtb proceetliug tomonow iiilt at guorgetown arena and will play bvtry tucuclay and ihurrtday night until the end of the year gcoigiotvil actofit jdkvillc and wcton are included in the gioup ind eacli night a double header game will got un derway at eight o clock the ache- jdulewlll last foi nix night therf enviable ri- cnl-n- will be- pajed that tlieiijditmli of the etwtai the f irn and i third recond well main f teams the final i will b the t ii room wtic rcdei orated iimimor 1 iil school slaf ii composed ol ii incipnt how oid wncjilcs worth vli gcoile lnlc mm ldn i tuj p vlis joeh dwyer an i m s3ls miy lontran jinztl lla r oii lauri sloii llnw stull marl i itnlsi ind beuti icl hume others to ask the same chairman goo snd that while the present council could not speak for net eir i that thei c was ev ery possibility tnat the new coun- dickinson chilcs doul i- iho cil would fjotn the immediate ex mas duff gilbert hunt john tension of scuuiake in this area icnkinsnn james mclaughlin dun lome barrow elmer burt cuinuchacl james ciois ncr ctioptr luts dcvriis tom it could not be i until aftei the new jear because after coun cil passing a resolution in kood faith to iiae it done it was found that the oricinnl sewerage deben tures would not allow the extra expenditure the property owi cis concerned were left to decide whe ther they wouid piocced uith the plan as oririntll outlined a straw vote of council favominy this j local resident agreement subject to the engin eer s approval that the eten ion would be consistent with the mas ter plan and oulcl allow further extensions in the futurt w hen nt c- essai j john mjlcham charles mills g dtjii mcdonald ken murra ld i unan joscpl standish lto mnith steuut mmpstj i irul wit ikuu tenn int ilji and perul sets ucie given to mcmbcis of iht veterans guard goidnn ijrou n sj d hunt ijvin mcdonalu ind john muiraj in bus accident mi oi gibbon i ej 01 tt d that d delcliti n eomi osed of himstlf reee m id iren mil councillor mccumi ci anj whitmcl had met last wiincsdl with tic chairm in of the iluiirii 1 bo ird and th it the litiini in hid tnen them no reason t doubt th it tin dcbcntuie issue foi v it uoil s cxten ions would be ii p i f in t c b ard rho navi baiii tio t hainttittt had said th it it vond be the l i 1 na tic u i o ubm t tlu ijucstion to i vote of i itc i is ltce l mulnni i h g i iph i hi 11 j i iv illi i gucljjh i cm ltd mills i ncn i he ttiu i id on collision between a bound gi ly co ich bus ice ciea n truck e irly i rl i mu j s it five persons to hospit tl i lu ilei lent n it the jmiltion of tt c i den o id uid nu 7 1 1 ii hv ly ink- ntjith cast of gue ph bus dri in in t cods w is r v tlu ii m k h ci suli e 1 campbellmulder wedding reception at limenouse in jsno v picsb tt 1 1 in muic gloigctown on batuidi novem ber oth boukjc daughter of mr mil mi s hoi inf muldei of lime house and john don dd son of mi s bi iiee kobei tson md tne late mi john campbell uei c uiuti d in iinini iic itcv a t ildcr officuit- intf i he bude iivcn aa by her itliei was dies ni in uikli length tiuquois taffeti with full sklit ind bustle how small fiev hat and in aineiicau lit mt niie hoi iji ideiniaul mss helen iahel- ihhimc woic lose uifleti dilig uit mi simil ir inies with black it 1 1 s01 a- an i v t j low rose cor age i 1 mi run mumi i biothd of the bi ide was best in in j i a icitplion uas tic jcj in lime i nou i memoiial hall when the mi ide s mother 1 1 eel veil in grey jiicpe with ellnw eoisajc of mums j and wtaimc brown arcc soric- in w is insist 1 b the groom a i i in n i id mi lit blue crepe ind link k ces i i u ind eorsnje vii c ddei w s to istm tstci j he t t ibles wen pi i it dct oi a ted i cd to the iiiffi i mg penplci of tlie u oi id who in o ugh tlie lack of looct elotlnni lit lit i and brother l love arc the modem counterpart of the needy n in by the jericho i oid i he chuuh of jeieus christ he said was hallcnced to meet tlie need in a mactical way by the si riding of ev ti ehtic cdueation- il agiicultuial id medical ml lonarie in the spirit of the good s miai i tan 1 he basket ol flowers decouiiing the church vet n placed by mn dobson in mtmij of lier husband the late george dobon it wia uumiciuicd that tlie mis i on cn cle gnls would conduct the worship iic v t bunda evening md that miss i uniee vyfiom ol i oronto would how pictures of in r luiojiean tup md speak on the ammcidai i conf icnce jfoundcis had hr en gained by ucceedinf croup i of c be t two out of- three fot k ideri throutiotit the jenr i thamplonhij j an mipie ivc worsluj service i e league dvul liouour the mem- um conducted by the president niv ot ii vv sheeny tost brll doujia currie miss dons brown unt eentic lit of geortfo ow ndiv icad the enpture i aiah mnteni ediate teams of a few v jir- wl h mis jrs ie wingfield led f who was killed in actf in prayer and the jjrd psalm wo i with the canadian army overa7 icpcntcd in unison the young the bo ird of park- mnnacemoi people choir uith john bird nt clbnotcd a memorial fesis tl onion ang the ep worth ich will be presented to tht league hymn jthti musical numl team l1mehouse od into its path ihi bus u i i oi us m h v is i i md ji im timitu til it it w i- ii ut i ff his ii m the nii act t nt i i mi i d ith j ink md hit w t k s hniu mo i h will l sts w li i i 1 till lilt s in i md i inieln iiioi to tmi d irn in u i t mi ii in 1 inn hi is m i i d i i vcniit 1 i lllj f flcr i pi y house in st mil- i i i ml a1c u 1 1 lit w as home fi om i ioionto mci tu weiltend i mi win jafi i of alhston and j mrs ilo i alir of tori nto weie iciint visitor with mr md mrs h is lone- i mr and mr- hildren mr j brownie and i i lla v hiwnorc sunclav v isit6r i week ajo mis i cslle c imp e 1 o hamil- oi vis t d her paie ts mr ind a w norton n sundoi mr chus agnew and mtl mra dun ild ihihiren an i mi 9 f woodb idge wei 1 with tl o gjynna loch f amc will consist of three 15 minute periods and oha tm- ereei will be used all pi ay era in the pi offs must have played at le tit two scheduled yames for tlielr club un special permission i leceived from tie o her clubs thursday a opener will match gcorctoun and acton in the first g unc while wcs on and onkville will contest the second omc i lie schedule is thursday ov ember j5 acton georgetown weston oakville tuesday ovnuber 30 acton weston georgetown o ikville thursday december 2 georgetown weston acton oakville tuesday dei ember 7 weston ookville acton georgetown thursday ie ember 9 georgctowr onkville acton we ton tuesday deiembor 14 a ton onkville georgetown weston games each night are in o der of time is above mi it c f 1 1 mil lild in on wed nd mr i j powc hod vimled hi it shell oui n i on tlu 1 e lll 1 i eu gi conduit d i 1 ill foi nieii ii 1 llflki li 1 l in lion 1 hill hi 1 ue d when worn n 1 1 nt lute ueie i e hi 1 1 run ut 1 aid he 1 1 i 1 wen s 1 c t 11 cil v a j 11 ti ie 1 will out 1 v i n thit vhile 1 e oui 11 ii t o i doubt nd i woi tl idi cr i c 11111i 1 ilk i i u 11 t at v llll 1 1 in i ivi ii uu inllj now h id the e c nin dn id nd 1 h 1 e i 1 il c i 1 wieikeil ml le i lin 11 11 i iii me t 1 i v u il 111 wl 11 i i li tin- 1 11 i 11 1 1 ii 1 1 i vi 11 dun 1 iii i all th led mula ill 1 hi avhu u nmit an i 1 1 i vv 1 m i1u ell met th itll d th fi nine nil it i enduill i 1 ii cl i i ull m 11 d it le i et i 1 1 i 1 m lairlers beat meteors 7 5 on lindsay ice iiihl ttid to mn xem on honn lee sloic ill wrc lvvoeieh r i i 111 1 l on 111 il 1 nit ml hi iii 11 ii in l 1 in ir i 111 lit d l ii il 1 i ill li nt i 1 i 1 asl till li 11 i e 1 1 1111 11 i t tl i tfrnli md cm t 11 u dipt ol eloi 1111 nt vv ih pii ii ill 111 he 111u1 1 i pn lb in v con idi 1 1 i out vv ii it to 1i0 vvi i annlloi j pinv nlfn no di finiti but tint in should out 11 t mnoi gllibi 11 of tradi ii id i stous with 1 in who win nil 11 tion cr god 1 to have 1 poti up hi foit appi j puny pureha ed i v n u ill ifi iioni d h mculutlllln f u j1 1 an aid to s houtilli syli in 111 the munkl m uuirdinif moved by miluml er and wh t roe cr whltmee- inemilioned tllllt tin i t f 1 11 robert buck le ioni dis 1 ct 1 arnilr h i 1 vv ii iii 1 11 i 111 it ii i i hi m t i ii i iv ll i i i ml t in i iieln of t 1 1 1 i 1 i t i 1 i i 1 mil i ii kt iii mil i si 1 t i 1 i il mi nil ill i ul is tilt 1 i ll mi iii aim il if hi f in lv 1 i il iii v 1 i iii i iii 1 111 lo i i iii ml i ll 1 i i in i i 1 111 1 ii 11 il i 11 iillii on 1 i 1 i iii i t 1 i i 1 i ull 1 in 1 ii i ii i mi in u lin i 1 i pi i in i 11 i i 111 1 lit tluv v 1 1 fin 11 111 lit in mill i lv is 1 inntl j tl 1 to vn oinpini fh t ml th it tin ho ml 011 liaviui th 111 1 1 fioin wl dsor sll i in tin lonl- tlinucht it bettci hal 1111i11 lis i 111 d n iililiir the 1 0111- oll 1 i 11 1 1 mi an ink mil niiilii ii i th iii mel inn ml v with 11 1 nu nil illlj 111 1 11 inpln 1 th 1 nil 1111 1 11 h 1 1 pi ii n 1 l i v two in to id vvpli 1111 in i 1 1 hi m k iv mn on v i 1 iinini o 1 inn id 1 vii 11 om i 1 111 i il honn in sit liti i m iii fo low lll in 1 ml i uk 1 i v in 01 1 1 tow 11 his win n 1 1 s n s t 1 1 k i h 111 is 1 1 in 1 i i rimnipjon si w nil wil on i 111 114 h ive md inn i islu 1 md the niavoi pointed i ul th it t ii w iarl uo 110 ic pontic had i 1 1 n iiuivid o fevoial udvi rtlso- niiiit iiunii foi mil ul luwil ini 11- llon ueputy uui ve aimstrontf thought the thin nuiflit t mu when eni nt town aetnn iind milton inlifht have to iet touother on a itiiliiillv locatod intlneiatoi ho lefilied humoriiuly to the- faet ii in 1 mi r mai 1 nu 1 j 1 i 1 11 i i on 1 wi h 1 low i i 1 111 ul ril pi i hill 1 i i i i i ovv m 1 hols i in 111 u i ll 1 is u i 1 hi i wii 7 i ti 11 111 hi i 1 i 11 nu 1 1 j 1 1 i 1111 n 11 included a 10i0 trust in him by mri howard wrutlos- woi th and a bextctte of former members mr clayton w1i on mr c 1j did muj olive hud- dell mis n c wrirclcworth mrs e hcadhjd and mrs w p i udlavv vvher aiil come unto me hi v griffin 1 hoinpson of ham ilton a forriier aihurove lesident lieaehed the sci inon taking aj hia stibjeit sympithj service and s unfile a beautiful basket of i liri santheniunis stood on the il tai in memory of dei eased mem i hers n oppot lunlt to lenevv friend- lups was liver after the service when the lefie hlrcnt committee m inon and isaoet currie jensfe ind mai wint scived tea and 111 lit icfreshmi nts in the sunday si hool loom mi s i red nurse ind mis john hunt i puuied te i and mrs s k ituildell one of the inst presidents cut the birthday ihe i ruests were resent fiom bran don m iiuloba lorouto hamilton hi mi lni st l ithiruus georie town cuelph milton whllevale iivvvill stieelsville and camp im uville an uitiii tmi put of tin sil- i fcl ue wis mr leiiiui of in inston- muiikipal noitiinatidn 1 ski til loini in bj mrs it ii i unuhl ind read h mis stanley oviliiid m iii the niordb or iniil nileiest wi n ciounti the annu il ceoicetown nomlna- l the in mi ii nivetiiii tiken hon mectint u 111 lo held this i in tlie fiiit minute book and 1 ndaj evenun it 7 10 m the pub- il o ine fir- rraatlnj lie libiary in addition to the us- 1 1 i e were as loilows u otilna r for counul and hi nvc nov 1 lllill li on member of the hydro c m- ln4einl i wiklv linn meet i ussiiin theie vil be first nomlna- i w is in i i tm inn eh it the i n i the- 11 w bo ird of eduea- lu 1 wlinh ilu mis mieliiil in i whieh wih ike office for the hill 111 i lllui if oil 11 j cn 1 ii ipwiiui lii ue luv r i iioviilis ieorts the 1 mil lull lined tlie i hail i ml will be lomposeil ofscven x tl in who v ill be united by i il 1 d m m 1 wlll nls l ihe olfiiml nun hi ii meelina iiin i lv i veiil mil ls ul1 11 t iiitcs for ml in mu i m lim1 u lh thl hive snl llu i tie be u ti t r s nd w n hi otle- hi it they 1 t nd to h lhr hi nomination i hv 1 l li c nil i h lc tc nu lb i in the than u h lc bic in 11 l l d 1 wlnh ic- v i 1 th v itivti wul hi n i in s 1 1 r 1 1 i ii i i j it i ii i i u lllu h lu count il and jj it ii w 1 i i 1 1 li i i i o inli md nominees meeting friday night on inn ei 1- l iii lll i 1 i 111 i i iii i i i ill in i 1 ol 1 l i vv i i i ill w 1 1 i ii in tlu t i i all i i 1 mi i i 1 twt 1 nl i in mi t i 1 liuil ii nl i i l i 11 v tin i i i i in him 1 1 i illii vv i hi mi iv ii i ii lit i h ft no i 111 in 111 n din i two mi i i din i vv i li iiidetl nt im in tin i i m i i i tl i i pel i i w i i i i w th loin oi fiv nu ii on e uli ti in willi a i mint i ulu if ind 1 loiviaru wot put u l mnnv w lupin d in two veiy list bill iii lowi hi id off the i i ml in ihi fh i minule of plnv to unit to iive th inilih lilted met iivi fiiiuii inwi an uillv le id is tin ir fllst ilefiat jmetioi ritnllitid llnd by the end roiii town oil i vei defemc i the fir t pen d wen u nonl up pittmmin n i ill foiwardi m i mm llun on gioiietovvn never hiidbui v muiy mm tin alter 1 nati 4 htiiiuiinni kemshtmid cur- l le lelljh llllilhuiv silljulzl illltllv 11 ml 11 iks i 1 lt i i own i in onto mi hi is undei pi i l i u li ijlll ilu lis llmili h tie oi i e to jo and gioietiiwn i wii itilihis tl i il thud di feat on lo cu irv wa pulled hi pniiou mi id iv cb ippel and town dump wui ulmost filled up j and unit some aitloii would luive to ba takon on thin noon the ieevothal speyslde inlttht be i huttei ftald coiulderation thtuld he if i veil to purchinlne djnhilnu prn er y huutlon for thn thnn fot leilral hh iliool mm dm h tiiii chaiipel meteoi s gniil cleiuy defence thomn sodler forwaids carlei c jilluefliis goidnn alternute hell willliinur kelly parks d i nut veiifel llliolt cumpbell ime lead 14 for meteors the name wa i well played wllli the exception that once or twice thi iouiih hei iinle u ilttlo dlsor kiihled in tin ir own end our lion e town team wui by no mean ti minted thev played kood hockey durhik most of lie name b ii ul tu 1 i i vii vi ul i i in iki w i in iik a in in inietin i ii i 1 l id i hi lull p e in how i 1 ii 1 wa il ti i i i v in ro iil kl llo id i i i nl i ii 1 lo u v n i 11111 i v lit l lt 1 v p li i i i in ill 1 v i n do ip mill il loi l i li i i n i i 1 i lu id i ml i i 1 hi i v i v i l ll i i in it nl lb ivi ii ii i iv u li t nl pi li t i v 1 i nlii i i id i mi il mi s k i ii li i il i i lii v i i i win lb i hueni i ktlddell hi ii nixon olvi hu id ii i telle i nihil 11 1 1 1 nil is hi willi 1 e l i ijtnn h ilsou hi hi 1 1 111 vn i i iii mis t ii duu mis 1 ail vvil on i ilnk vvll n wllfied llnd milton hid olivi t hi is lan until glflen inl n lliid 1 ilton wilson llsie xedl eta gr ihani i ibel wiiiit wiiilh marlon link ileltv kuddell lianey koan wud iliowiuidje and doujil ul l le uicknd luestu with ilev and mi i c it giwei iniludtld mi mil mrs iliiefh turner and son tarl of dnviden m d mrs- glen kllk mllivyn and muile nf wllter- fdnd and mr and mri georue havlland nf ijclhl mrs tumor i hi i i will i iv i him to 1 u how i l lilllt i i i is il 1 id its 1 h i l w ii mi n s lawn 1 v inn t inl i i i 1 tlu u annual ii 1 1 j i mm i iv iv mill at the i ii i i i w mi dowi 11 a sue lul i i 1 1 vi ii pi 1 1 tl during w 1 ii i i pun id li ii in tailed i li i n oi 1 povvei toller i h i id i lib i i i 1 t i fi i i t t siason v i willi im liniuii pn ident ii li e i mil in pn ideal wal- i 1 iv s 1 1 iai ti t isurci 1 nidi kt utnt i i imes tlinlimiin iliiti i nine gi muds ihiuman hui h ditkit c itei tiunment chair- m in oniniiitii was appointed to take iut o wint i soilil acti vities ernie crawford in new roxy manager 1 line onwford of toronto ls tho new lunnaiici of the itovy theutie icphitlni jack polly who ivosljined his pnidtinn inst week a native of orlllin mi crawford won nuui- hkei of the gfnevo theutro there foi three years and has lutely beeai in toionto where he mnnatfed tlia metro theatre un bloor street ma j iitiviiunii n ijuuii whs i urnui i metro ineuirc in uioor mreet ha and mra kirk uo duuuhtuiu of mr is married tn the foroicr muriel and mrs cower muuio of jaitcjicul

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