Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1948, p. 9

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page 9 i he georgetown herald wednesday nov 24th 1945 the gardsman may save your life by eliminating the danger of being trapped by fife while asleep modern scientific engineering hui made it possible to place fiite detector and alakm in your home to help protect you utjulnst los4 of life by fire r this outstanding invention known ua the gardsman will ring but a loud warning for you mid your fumlly to leave the premises before it is too lute tho gardsman hi nonelectrical him no batterlei chemicals or fuilblc llnki does pot requite any installation just hong it on u nail you carry fire iriiui alice to protect you nnlhst loos of prop- brty but whirl protection havo you ujjaliwt the loss of your life unci the fclvcs of your loved onei in that very same fire thlgtscnsutlomil life saving device is now available ut u nom inal cost dont delay dont wait cull on voqr dealer t night blow z- for u demomtrdtort w enquire at gr muck art plumbing- electric wiring heating oil burners and service mill street phone 31 9w or j i along the boards with whcldon emmoraon experience means efficiency we have both i schultz electrical construction phone g31w fred schultz a christmas gift only you can give a portrait by albert simson studio abuve carrolls main st entrance ncsct to duffya phone 436 atfoi hamllny guorkulown a 01 lufiit week uno lust monday nlkht the liilihlv rutud by them- clvc too loionto meteors packed their uenr uid headed home- tllll thoiiii did admit however befinu ho depnlcd georirolovlm waa tho toiiijhot timm they hud cncoun- tciud in in thin year of tour it wi the locals third detent lji us many itinti and fib mitt waa too him open thu trunk and let us out we forirnvu him though ai it won u little riuhky ut the time at lust we wcic cdven a tcatiand bet null golnj by thut corner ut nervul we thought we wcie on a blow boat to cliinu however wlnda uhunttcd ove the biiduo mid we finally lilt ml bumps ttn hoin siktyuirce jokus hitur we awrlved in lindsay scjueolnlc into tho tire s libx luippy uhoul it aiiywuy ex- two clinpn muea iih tlmli lunidi iliilriiiml iltomii we nrc wlllhu to luitl uul- hunowi of tlie daily unlet you mi mil home lec jt und- vua l illtill dt tile wuttllmnn- aiy on ituulnvi november 20th wnidu till didnt dajnt us piovidlm youi club n nurcxublo no sli we stuck out out hand und the ideal club wm nifreiiablu and aid ruiiriu so i of tile heitalt laiiday here vo come willi the di inpink the iik tor tjii stint- 7f the uarrie our pcrl- t ii ttai it it tvj ivmlc nvlhcfore met ier icnew idn happcni d- storey hud vvhlppid in two fliajii just to ut ihifiks ioij pluy wuh a jod in the fir few nunute until o it was us unciu no siituiduy iiijjlil llcuum thev locilj wi r icivlnf tlie itciii it a pin we iiunuind jo lit tlh jttriioon ptt arid llrri- ved tlli u tt ammid a p m we wauled to iriilo uie wo didnt nils a ridt a io hnd n little time to pue m ml on the atcna tepi and mlciidul tn whistle to all the pult puis i mill by never cut a chance to ulusile aeven teon i ei went by six sweet lookinn ii taxi and jimmy 5 i old ladle 1 valentine on i motor eytle arrived ililullj tin plavei l arrived and then the cus 11 wouldn t be lone now thin wa a shoit delay un til a e ir tiimk was found that would hold oil ticks and bn bnijs i linn till is muted throw the imc b ii i n kid o ci hid hunk why they i don t know but nle time to make share with the people of britain the things which you have in abundance i hey arc fighting on short rations a cold war against the spectre which haunts the world today they u rgi ntly need your help to give them strength you can help them through the emergency fund for britain an allcanadian organization formed or year- round operation mcilois rtmo ijtd to -h- id uvo to ti tlie coic georgetown were in vn lufitud horn tliln on tjiey tonic lunipllli ciiai fc nl the ltua- tmn nnd elm k u and iheckcd met- kii ntlit into tic no at the end nf tlie scttid gcoiiiiwn wcic ll idinj ji we inijht say don uaijiiljer lumdlcd the club fn m the bench and he ceitiinlj did a nod job in the lttjt fiame penal ties were beini hindcd out a dime a doen prctun u as linesman and ralph wakeiin of lindsay was the i efej i v ind both nf them must hiu bten tiyu u to catch a berth on the meteor team u they did cwithinr they could to help then but score a jjoaj ihcre were times alien both side wtte playmji four men a side dui iim the jame 18 penallif s and tv o misconducts were hmded out we cannot overlook i t l s work it kotl the last two iaiiiis he inis played oulslandinfi hockej lvi runc said after the cmic he lonkb inoic like rhodes uverv i imc time and aain he made beautiful saves ciettiiik back to the jrmic in i the dime moments the mete rs i pulled every slimy they knew in order to even e the score clcary was pulled and even w ith six foi- waids uic just coultl not piei ec gt oretow n s ai mour all tnose wishiit- to take pail in the hotke var its been noinjj on for veai u betvv et n acton and georgetown be at the georgetown memorial arena thursday niuht as acton and genryetow n tanjle for the opetunj jarae of n in termed uite b grouj we ton will piny oakville the same night this is the set up i we jet it george town at ton weston and oakville will play intermediate b hockey at georyctow n two nijjhu i week each cnmi a double header the four team- will pla off for the sheeny tost memot lal trophy donated b th georgetown board of parks management ail names a ill be plaved m georgetown as none of the othi i teams have artl ficial ite i vmujtl v vmh i quality too at your dominion store h a pull rano of taaty arooerlea aaj and with i sinn tood of every variety trt cork cream stylo 35c popular hrand8 8td peas 2 25c peas blub and qold panct tina ulvldvhanii iack prune plums choice 6imhok hiicki aylmer peaches variouh 1uan1s1iik re3 pitted cherries tascv i oioiiitri old cheese richmtao min40 peanut butter iltwn itii mi as mom richmello coffee hi kl im ilkanbi raisins australian vat hum 1kank currants australian mi pdltlosr five roses flour 8 vxomia cut mixed peel cut mixed fruits maplk ika1 mincemeat domino tea hi 85c tin s 20ot 2 tin lb 51c iuc c in or f iu c lit hag 41c ii1 bug io vu rug mt 1 1 8 ox pu fruit 6l vegetables california sueet latlnc tmpcror ltll grapes 12c to 2 lbs 25c i lridi marsh seedlcss 1 lavourful jlulcy k p1i klit bic 9c g for 25o i lorida sweet and mil of juice ikavms size 21gs doien 21c i reslfcllt mixed vldltaitlk salad 8 oi cello pkb 13c reen mountain no 1 winter keeplnc v f i potatoks 75 lb bae 1 go mlxr d nuts in shell lb 40e uka1l nuts in shell lb 4dc ontario no 1 excellent cooklruz or hatint mcintosh apples g at banket 59c ontario no 1 finest cooklnt ikhv1vg apples g qt basket 49c py hlshrit mftrun prlcm for tzf nfclpnlnh laci nvftllabl at our lorta r manager fur panlculara rfg grading tailnn u 311 dominion all marehfcndlm uu t your domlnlm at or j uncondltloo ftlly uuntd klvt 1m ututee hon to ecutive cannot call on everyone with a car so if you hear of the local team jonitj away and would like to help in uome way come down to the rink with tlie old buj whether she s sinned up or not and no alone for a bit of fun mmntotthuhhlhnnlinht times change your donation will be used to buy food in canada food will be shipped in bulk freight free packaged in england and distributed there under supervision of uefbs british advisory council to those most in need this will save expense and make your dollars go farther send your cash contribution now to the local or pro vincial headquarters of united emergency fund for britain plan to make your regular donations in 1949- cm britain strength sand your caih doivollon to your local or provincial headquarter ii u dctduulbl from taxable income united emergency fund for britain maiiaen pere blackburn though unable to i t lindsay saturday niljht wiin ted gcnrjetown to win ven b one no tl well the boys went one bettei perc and won by two uoalb an one with a tar wishing to ro to guclph wednesday nmnt io e the locals take b club call p bai iicr or bruce muckciizie cv- en if you have loom for only one or two phi vers doit t hesitate the ex- bill ritell of the watchman wat tier in llnosay was tclline us he liad just letuined from nova scotia where he saw jack rhodes jack shiopshire and doue run- ions pel form for north sidney against bidne trom his report all thiee were eoine nrcat uuns nnd rhodes was the standout of the guclph senior i kam north sunie won the name blackburn don u 2 we asked him if he saw hoi gibson he wa but he wasn t sure whether in the l e up or not ashgrove tlie novcmbcl w i moctlnt wos iilul on tulsdn itfcrnnon the luth it the home nf mrs cliff hunter mtli luent 1 e member four wsitois and slvin clillditn pie ent iiic piisjdcnt mrs tlios glffen opt md the inectiiii willi the ode tioll call wl insweied with a turn sivlnr hint a lettei was lead fioni 1 nidund thatiuitu tln insli lute for pin eels si nt all wne in fuvoui of endinc a basket of food fin a needy f millv at chilstinu time thronllh t e nel llliou i ood woiucr aasimkitlon al o th it the institute clnnntf a docn tnlile li the new i squesiiil colnniimlty ilill nt stewurltown the motto was well jiueii by mis clan e picket mrs rranels thompson mini two beautiful solos followed by u splendid pnpei on a modern kitchen by mis fred nurie mrs strmuei conducted 11 quu i he auth anniversary teiviec of the youm people s union wna hold in the chinch on sunday at til noon with i mis lnrise altcnd- bajll1nafad but nature doesnt the need for protection against crippling loss from fire and windtoma always exists consult walter t evans and company mill st georgetown telephone 183 counsellors in all lines of insurance sswa raoviucm comuirni cjuuiimiw ualor daiul uallwoa ula hm blj rfgtat ciom it jo hlcliiaoaa si wj tocooto aaaa c i otlonal cam clan to larm d rgo moiiail of wit i aid irlhsli vnhjmh ono boit ttiol sjtw ja qxturttud tro winning bilmngiinpr awu after which n social liour was en joyed the euchie and dance uponuoied by the w i and held in tile new hull ii t stewurttown on wedne diiy eveninc the 17th was a itieftt huc- cea forty ivj tables o euchre weie played winners lolng for la- a unlit inspiiinii service was held in hie cluiiih tundu cvcil- nil lhe danfoith youth ciusade lhoii and oihsii urn ci the lea eishlp of mi uavul slnyei bine an upllftini nn ssiiitc in music and onu solos md illiets were iulll 1 b tlie dlffeienl members mr sinuci who is n accomplished ac cordionist and u wondeiful soloist accompanied c ich numbci ltev o h llindnll itave a short ilicss laklnv a hi text pilates i winds what ll i do witn i jeaua wio ib called the christ mr sinner in introduciny the toiitest kiouii stated that they uie chrls- luin people who meet each sunday afternoon for bible study und sontf aim find ureal enjoyment in thoir chrbitlan life and are wllllny to no out where they are invited to wit ness for jeuiib the church was packed to the doors and ull went i ome feelllic t was hood to have dies mm j j thompson of stew- been there the group was enter al ttown and mrs lint davidson of tallied at the inutile after the aer acton aiflf mntlemttn ifowtird vne wrikuleswnith of georuetown and hill north of tot onto danciutf to mays oi chest a was enjoyed after lumheon lhe committee who made pnmible inch a pleasant ev eninc were mm hector illrd mrs flunk wilbon mis- clayton wiu son und mrs harvey nurse suustkiul ill guijutly to youh homr town 1mpeii 2 50 pkll yeait georgetown electric operated by j cofell electrical construction repairs wiring fixtures call no 575 7 churchill crescent

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