Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1948, p. 10

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i in f mfitlown i twld wednesday dec i 1 1 page 10 local news bonspicl monday at ge iretown arena i ulu in ii illin id ii ill rinlil ut m i mi r lid pon oicd by tlu i n m ioinlll good put an i in lie it clii i ion kc mi mon i n of loionto will return lo piti lln wicli nd foi i u k ip i nil s iliud i mil sun d tj cv nliu h t gci ri t i cluntli clin tnii toikut will bi itlll on lildiy d ccinbcr i7tll t 7 10 pin rst gluiu w- a u tivlllli iupii ui pupil v u killers mil iffl- cei ocsi cicuc sundij school tint i i idiy lriliii at 6 ii m in tin hlnxl b i unc nt jls ilfm ifad mkioiv tfircli will lioltl a lie ol t willi knillnr utd home in ul lnum ip uie meciib bon stole on sntwtdiyr deeenibet 4tll tninineiiciii uv 12 ll p in norvil wonen i iii tltute will hoi 1 then mini d bnzni trnyiy decembei rd in the pauli hall tc i lietl lu ire at ii p ni good prices adnil ion c 121 di ociil mil tlame in nd of nori il hoy sei uts in st paul t parish hill nirval ltidiy dec ember 10th i 0 01 pin cliff miyo orche li i admis inn gentlemen 50c l idles pi ovide or else prizes for prltt est box 120 at last just what you or dcred chocolt e stuffed date 90c lb pcinit butter sltins 00c lb lu ciou i oodnesj that mcani more enerly for you watch for christm is eindy 5e lb in 3 lb lots ooc connano homl made candies miin street at the bus stop chrlstnns biair of verdun rebcuih lod r in the oddfellows hill satuuliy di umber 1 1 til aprons fancy work candy and baking supper served from to 7 everybody welcome n it 1 i ni loun ir n i v mi in iy lieu hi inlile t in in i iluli i mill mil i ii ii iwo ill iw i ii l fi in li vn oi ii sound i in i tin l ikiil hum in t l i ic of bi ml e ind guelph nl wnuiltnl 1 wl iinill eseond lie of tout i i hi linpton nj 1 int itovm niell l it i til it in tloltiin guelih i i in tid lllllib r h two ind in u vv odb idi i r mi e v ii mill ouei s tin i ono ih ioi e own km w si geor i woi hit 1 i self neli rot in on pin tli t o htirt tni 1 ii lit gordoi mililulo k trn i tl lhotnii in vi u m 1to pa t on c ntlplete ic 11 u il ap ear in t of the iljrild hell uolxrt fl- j inr tilchnr 1- f iiil bnn ip il t week i dition credit lodge holdfo annual ladies niht inorval boy dies i in 21t year in ill hi il tli foi tlu pant yiii v illiun vutor uni ii of no vnl i i i ed iwny it tin que n hiu- t in th ho pit nl i oionto on iuli d iy now mix j ird in hi twenty i fit t it iloin in quceif v 1 lu luul i mj hi noiv il for i tlu pa t five c u ni i h wl him luninloyi tj il th ljil i j ile ifi i ill mi r n mi i the apple pig dm 1 onipun in gh u willi idi if- ic ivcj hi pfntnt mi and ii vkloi hi 11 time- lit i i rudv llnnd 1 iicnc ot i in j ii n in i 1 nib u i at h mi old fiv urtllit 1u iioiuj vvjth i he can ifh in anm t i nrt chur chill mimtoh i lu nd pt hi iiuf ton msd iinild liiuvty tind uitijji nl imnii ik i i in nv hir if thif chinch f i m i hid und of the loin cot it iiiit nl i ivnhptuii i he fmjer il v ihc on ihur d iy iioiil the mit in i mid d tloihe i ftloi etowir i ji lntl v ofulilo h d b he i i miwell id ifev i i sill oi nui v il pillbe ii r unt fill mil lii of the lome church news st ocoi f ra church arehdeaeon w g o i liompson heetor si lonij sunpan in advent rfa i slliul ij s ho 10 u m holy corn mtmlnii 11 am r vi ii nnj 7 p in st alhlnjv chutth llcit wlllltms shconij stjnda in advini suhdny bthohl 1 00 p m 1venoni ind lit 1 u p nv ballinafad llu umual i i lu n i lit t lu lu i ml i i m i 1 eld i i i in il n in hi i e ion h i m win hio hiwnd wrn lis l ill mi tu of the i oil l u is t istm is in foi i sluiit pr m nil wluill f il limed i tin tipiei win hro k m i li i d in n pi e i i to 1st to ithc indies winch mis responded to by mis w j clele entertain n ent mi lulled urn s by mi s ic in iclnslei iiinnii micd by mrs i i inn 1 inn ml reidincs by mi willi nil croniir the dinner i i ibk ucie tin oiated in the blue lodie eoloin ttld b uquets i t lus intheniunia prli it kurt ulust uere inr lied to ir nl hil in aid miss i ruh cvon mr sim miclce i le win tie luddi n tore prle ind mi s r i inm low store v luel y nuntbei di m was condue i ted by bin tni 13 itlun and win ners wire mr f v m lecoimaek mrs rnbeit i mi mr denney clinics ind mis c unpbell fain ilnr noviltv lumbeis were won by mrs w r grail 1111 ind mis3 chirlotie mcculloucli monday s farm forum meeting was held at the home of mrs y larkman with 20 present to dlscusa the topic i ee by the paper mrs wilfrid bird and grant wright were n charge of recrea tion next week s meeting is at the home of mr and mn frank smith sc ott iuca wfduivg in hwnlton get your christmas advertising in early the nuirili wis solemnized on saturdiy november 27th it four pm in hamiltm of edm dunan of georgetown md charles ray mond scott of hamilton the cer cmony was pt formed by a cousin of the bride rev dr l c kitch en of mcmasl r university mr ind mrs scot will reside at 13 garfield avenue north hamilton hutchs smoke shop and billiard room wishes to thank the public for their cordial reception of mervyn cook who 19 now oper ating the barber shop connected with the business choose your christmas gifts from our excellent stocks of smokers supplies ronson lighters billfolds etc main strcet bcside brills farnells st special feature birds eye frosted strawberries pkg 42c gardcn i rlsh a iastc 1hrill uiughts 20 oi tin fancy tomato juice case of 24 tins 210 di von iiiiand- bo o tin golden corn cream style 2 tins 35c christmas is just around the corner royal albert fine english china in devonshire lace and serenade patterns royal doulton bunnykins babyware lord nelson ware chinl patterns farnells phone 75 free-delivery- si it sl i iil in sil ii u ii i i cpl i iiui i i ill i he ite i ullll by ill i it l t mil le intel lue i w i in id llllli re i ciniiti l ii i l il umehouse t iiu hi ik i i ii i ii iliiqu e ii li i i il h ill il i i i 1 iy t- lliliil uii nei win h i r brown ii d mi l mill i i ni3 1 itions o- tiu to mi t tfittei m nul mi i d o llu i d niliiif fulloucu lun h nuisie limj upplu d bj 1 lll oich i i the i f i i red the hall ti li d i will 1 ideii wlhi f in ted attrks in u i i 1 n i i i usii d li h ml mttic i t i bjz i it in 1 ible weie uoik knit he nit in idl baking i fi t ind is well ai 1 i i j d white el il j iil i l i ii j eoni ed i tti etic ifttr nt lit etouji uaiul church ttcv ly h qmdr 10 njn tji f klit i or hi grict li i in suud seliool 7 pm ihc 1ord i in the mlm u pih mondiij liypv il phi wtdnl y utbla study ueiiitiubti uni und iy i vminy fr x tin union irerliyurlin churchfc ri i i ell 11 ii d or il h on iii mind ii school i 1 10 i iii ublu v l ii lniuti in p in suiidnj school o j in i uhlie wuishiij ltalliiiafad chare e if the ci itcd church i e h i iindal minister italluiafad lo n su id ij scho d ii i in itibliu wor hip cliurrhlll 1iiblie vuiliip mchllle bin d ij school i orilup j givo hitt 6 pair oi famous harit shoos use tho handsorrte gift certificata obtainable ct our store helt bo doiflhlod with tho many attractive stylos hovji available canadas finest shoos make the ideal christ mas gift silvers one of the finest stores of its kind in rural ontario 1 ii iii uo p in 00 i ill i tc el i j i i d ciowd u hie wnti prize ind and md h n in ihc l c itht icd for t ii j tu mi it i diwd n u e be it mi md mi u u hci m irilyn of iu tbi idcc mr mi lv in- doul1 ii ind ild of pinelrc e were bund iy isittis uith mr md mi chirle- louts mr ale wnj ht w ib home from toiontit mr md mrs wilfred uiuwn and billic of wtit n ure with the siiebom nes iet ntl mr nd mi i law md thil lien of brarij ton were sunday isiiurb with tlu gisbyi mr and mrs geo millieie audi geoije of lohdo ohio and ma i and mrs stritch of georgetown i visited retentlv with the mdlieres mr and mr rub thompson at tenaed the funi al of his aunt in i urinlo on tuesday mr l t wil on work in toron o mr w t mills is hopit d toronto oeration we wish recovery tjcorj- tow n i nited c hurch uev john m bmtth minister mi- i jndi slewiit orj mist sund iv school 10 i m moinuif w jihip 11 o m livini in ejci ectntion cvcnlik wor hip 7 pm the bin of in ictiv itj ouiil peoph j union each mon- d iy 7 10 v m wolf cubs bovh a to 11 friday 4 p ni phone 375 georgetown electraheet ranges ll i misg uliiii 4 bukmer iltavvduty range llus ranre has a iarecr oven than ranees it twice its price all llbrrelass iresilllttlon priced at only 12950 easy terms bft these new ranges now at whitmee electric corner young and edith sts phone 313 a jiijifcjijfcjv 13 iiiiki o iiiunimit orval hornby and stewarttown anfillcan rev j e manwcu ba l th st stephen b ilomby 11 am morning service except 1t sunday in month evensong at 3 p m st paul norval 7 30 pjn evensona exctpt 1st sunday in month holy comunlon at 11 bjti st johiia stewarttown 3pm evening service except 1st sunday in month morning service at 0 30 am oral charce of the united church for them silverware dishes clocks and carving sets at simmons jewellers 8 phone 536 main street luib obtained in wellesley following on him a speedy ui- tii notices wilson at his residence un ion street gorj clown on sat urda november 27ul 1040 george a w nun beloved hus band of nellie l wall ico age 7j yeuri the funeral ervict was held from the mecluie tuneiil home on tuesday with interment in hornby pre shy it nan cemetery his i hunks git mi am mr uert graham would like to thank thoa who icmembered him with enrds md p lone c ill w ule he vv is a put lent in cui iph generil hospital ilso tho c uln olfeied blood do nations hai i i mi md mm victor h iell md f nul of norval wish to th ml llu ii in m fiu nds ind neitfhboui foi their kind ex pitssions of sy nip it by and bcautl fid floi il tiibutt offeied in their rtccnt s id hcicivement especially th mknij mil mtmbiis of the lome scot vv h id is p dlbeaici s ind itev j i mix veil md uev j l self foi tlu 11 contfoitini vvoid- klitlt j ick kt rr wishes to tl tunic ft u nds and organizations for re- nieinbci mi him while he wus a patient in to onto gcnerul h04 pi tul tobl mis ibcrt tost wishes to tlumk tho georuthown uoria club for the lovely flowers aent to her durlnu her illne mfworiams cain in memory of u dear uls ter mary june cain who pas sed away december ut 1043 in our mpmory hntfr the bufferltik that ahe borv god called her honw to isjut everuiore ever lenwmbeied by brothers und iluter wilspn in lovinu mcmnory of our deui liti son glenn daryl wlio lftu so ttuxlduly ttov- ember 26 1p46 ago q months mummy daddy and john minister rev f j dunlop mount pieunt 11 am church service nd sunday school vorvsj 130 pm sunday school no pm public worship glen williams 00 pm sunday school t 00 p m public worship holy cron r c church rev fr v j morgan 2nd and 4th sundays mass at 0 am 1st 3rd and 5th sundays mass at 11 a m iikr malone again hotel manager after living in hamilton since his irmy discharge mr harry m iloiu i ft uner georgetown hocke stir his returned to the hot 1 buswhss and has been ap pointed m magcr of the hotel hi uh in pent t iiiluishcnc harry is married to t georgetown girl man aret kin sister of clarence hill jim h irvey and mm joe st imp nul daughter of mrs clara klnj who now miles her home in hi uichton canadas only frenchimported oilbase cologne monclair colognes 115 275 perfume 500 kentners drug store main street phone 72w delivery service after 4 pm m w mooutoueon j william homey lias announced on behalf of tho board of director of the dominion stbrea limited tho election of m w mcculcheon to the directorate of tle company mi mtcutclieon lu vice president mid manuulntf director of argua corfwrauon unilud- itt tnr ni u iiumber jit other comnen- i sfu4 elujtam utl umu show scwe 5 christmas cards jr busr craft all llu uri cncliantment ot a biiow covered country- skil reproduced m bt uitiful colois froitt original paintings by member of the rust ciaft artiiu guild js cahdl and is uivutunt rf n 00 totd omv uv tm tax al l i ic rmcl or lilt wm u a ca jewellery and gifts phone310 gorgetoi le vnmiphi

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