Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1948, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday dec i 1948 hi food fon thouchti folks dominion jho 23t fruit vegetables i t i cut no 1 quality mu hrcoms lb 49c i londa sttiil ii of lime orance size 21gs 2c to 29c clllfllt ii i hi 1 iii i h ill- hej lett ice 60s 225c clllcll 1 illl hi loi lad dial f i t nuking vegetable mix 12c out gum i 1 quallu cooking onions 3 lb lie canada no 1 giadc pei potatoes 75 lb bag 169 to 175 10 lb bag 29c to 31c in sicll brazil nuts it 49c in shell mixed nuts lb 49c ontario cinvn no 1 quiliu pplis mcintosh 6 qt bskt 69c to 73c ontario grown in i grade 6 qt basket greeninfi apples 59c b c fjiicj large sle delicious apples size 100s 5 for 29c florida mish seedless grapefruit g for 25c kaaa wanted w pay rugluit mrkrt prlu tut iuu shipping iao bvallablr at our tot 1u munuvi fur par ocular ftes irwlm iaiion om cavalcadto7 canned f00 the reid moggy wedding at georgetown page 2 auction sale ttiiitf of hinne and while m i the vyeddliitf wih the home of tliu ihcimi i in n chiysai 1 iliitiil r pin liam u id of amies nnii mojlky lnilhtt i of mi itril mojijy nf th re wil ibe offered for sale by public auction oi saturday the 4th diy of december a d 1048 at the hoiji of two oclock in the of- mnintnw mini mid mijv ind hum 01 town lit v of adon united mi d th dnul e nl ml and mis wil ll moon ul the preminch herein after meittlone i in the village o lljdlinafad in thv county of wel lington by 1rnnu pelch auctlon- i the follow i property iumo- ly int of the cit half of lot nu mix i one u the seventh con- hie late mi i hdhoil ueld of loin pyilcei inj chinch pot foi i nu cetemony vsjv6y itj tfhdt sioct up oh ll it ir a wd sl pork amd beans red cherries choice peaches tomato juice lemon juice spanish olives mixed pickles cranberry sockeye salmon cohoe saimon pink salm keta salmon kam pork loae lamb stew coki syrup w raisin rr cukrants pkted dates mixed peel walnuts almonds cofeee heinz vinegars pmjm pudding spaghetti choice peas fancy peas babv foods honey vlu efcuvr friday uuiuniar nbr 2 3 i ik wrddinj t in il vvn played bv mi chcilo meicdilh innt of the bi ide criw n in nturi nice ly h i uncle mi jam r noble the in ide looked lovelj in a jnwn of ivoty bi bea ded ntiii f lioned oti pt mee linei with sweetheart neckliiiu and v i j f nl j slviit llfr ji0j woie of silvei tiiul hei headdress wlti a huln of ntin with ulute joo uid jrlhie iul tet 1 hiith veil eiiiilod i vnluiuet of rod sion of the townnhlp f krln m the county of wellington mora pn ticdlaily de ijbedin iejlbteicd in trumenl nuinbei 1vu41d11 of i he lownldp oj kiinon the riald pioperlv there t v to be tree- ted a two storey fiame heiube insul hi uk tovend lj loounh and a indl b mi in ohd impair trumft 10 y at ho purchase mpney o be plid iown tliue ol ile hihidce lo be paid on clot- she i ef fllowini houichold foods wbit ehy intjieiiuinis jnd tit hh fiii misi l6i on t con jn wi the bndut oily atliidint she looked h in i t lue hire jfowyi ovei uylon pnjlt- old blue flovvoi in id- thfs loni j ilnu silk jjlove and stl i sjipni s si he cji i ied a niisc- i ii of de p sink eu n ition with pink j nd v lute li eunei s craitf kt id i his bi other s best man i he eioom s niothei woie a dies- of loijaril iii eiepe and cor s i e nf u lute ii nations and fern mi janu s noble aunt of the la ule oi e flnvuied silk jersey iintl coi saje of white earimtion and fein iollowinj the ceicmony sixteen iuests sat down to a boun teous ehtekeni hniioi liti i tire couple left by motoi foi tin i honeymoon on i main tuu in island the bride wore lot tiavcllini t black nibardine lilt pink satin blouse and i ed hoi t i oat black hat md black acee sones upon theli rival the 1 hi ides father held a reception in mauitou aniiii hal foi the b aid fjroom si nu thicc hundi ed i nuests ueie tin i o to offei congrat ulation- tnd ji nd uislu s the e- liuiii was spent in dancini dur ing u inch icfi ehments w ere ser ved in iiidnu the bridul cake made b mrs v alter moijuy aunt of the bi ide i he couple leeeived inni beautiil jifts wll also be offered for ai mrs snow home i- rom wlstlun trip ifteu center v 9ttvte4t hotel s ulmeial northern comments on the lesson b rc john m smith sunday december 5th history in the ew testament vit i fouf hundfed chormingl rooms och with tlirea room suite now yodt i populai n sponitli ond french n welcomed here in yo n 118 w 57th st our 111 w 36111 ibhbhbhabbmba howard graff real estate business broker mill street investments insurance of all kinds phot 392 rta 176j a few week io our leson was under the topic history in the old testament this ueek we are to considei the theme history in the new testament one nucht vondci if then i- an difference perhaps the greatest distinction riom a lustori point of view is the fact that in the old testament writings the re humus and secular lustor of the 1 raehtes are closely knit toeethe while the history of the new testjinent is more parti- ulul that of the hruiunmks of the church i eeoi ded w ith v ery little refeience to its significance in the main l u sti i am piimtpalk wi find this record of mew testan eul histoi in the hook of the atts or tin apostles it is the stoi of the f ulh of a few folk w ho km u the chi ist li inj dad ind nsin the stoiy of some oi din u y t itiens whose lot it was to be tiansfoimi d b the spu it of christ and who no lonjj- ei weak minded and weak heart ed went foi wii d piot laimini jesus is the ch ist the son of the iavlni ciod heie we have the account of thear tours sermons praei s hen lines and experience which have insmred christians of all jeneiations from then day to ours here we imve the story of their witness which was their re ply to the gieat commission ui veil them by their risen lord go ye thereore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son ond of the holy ghost teach ing them to observe all things whatsoever i have commandea you and lo i am with you nlwoy even unto the end of the world the illbllchl lufclfr in order to get a good under standing of history in the new testament one could do little better than read the hook of acts fhrough fiom beginning to end in very much the fuimc fuahion as one would rcul a jphupter of any other book for the purpoue of thiu leygon however we look only at a few tance in chapter 1 h we read or piomise of powei which come to the lewildered followers f the chreh id a prediction that so empowered they are to be his witnesses in our next pas sage 2 1 4 vve find the promise and prediction being fulfilled the pentecost experience maii converts are added to church as a consequence this da forw ud the to in and the from apostles mi and mrs jolm w snow it ii 1 georgetown have retur ned home from the western prov inces where the have been visit ing with friend for the past two months they isited in winnipeg and balmoral manitoba and in swift current ond neville sask atchewan at the latter place with mrs john beazley formerly bella guthrie who used to live in georgetown mr bcailcy owns and operates a section of land there ind i disc pure bred cattle and horses tr m there they went on to calgarj edmonton land brown vale allitta they report splendid crops out west this year and that there was only one day the sun didnt lime on the way home they stopped it stonewall manitoba wheie 7 years ago mr snow worked t a lumberman iridi ffetl tile stove tdbje tmuiru couch rock ing ehan fj irdcn tools saws chain victlolti violin and case lwo beds and mrttre floor cover- ing oiewi caipit 0 rolls brlpk sidnu new dishes 2 lamp pil lows and othei miscellaneous arti cles for further particulars and con ditions of ale ipply to dale and bennett george inwn ontario nol- leitor for nor t may adamson and nornian adamson the executors of tin henry alexander binnic es tate 121 notice to creditors i in rln- eytalc of joslpii ilianklin stanley i g1llis 1 deceased all persons h ivint cluims against the estate of joseph franklin stanley gillis late of the iovii of georivtown in the coun ty of halton mnnajier deceased who died on or about the 21st day of aucust 1019 arc hereby notl- fied to send in o the undersigned solicitors for he exelutor of the said deceased on or before the twentieth day of december 1048 i full particulars of their claims im mediate aftoi the said date the 1 sud executor will distribute the assets of the sud deceased having regard only to claims of which ho shall then have notice to the exclu sion of all otheis and he will not be liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been re ceived for the assets so distributed or any part thereof dated at st catharine this eighteen day of november ad 1048 burson johnston wilson 104 st paul street st catharines ont solicitors for the executor 12s their hitluelile spu ittial u lion ilill m ide world turul and intclk itual a in chapter 1111 hal mil is paul are set ipit fi special sionin adlvitii and thev the ill age to and nils leave ai tioili to tinel jiiii with the ii cluisl oiu i k of the lhalleng isp i to matt dimia immediate i espouse openiil up a inn field of inileai- oiil fur the carlj ilillli h lie last pasage chosen foi stuik shows jllll now a pi i oner in itonie but a pil b tilt illlhoitls dwell 111 111 o n the chinch nitllti ind nl tile hlsi pls igc- i i call til g paul a christmas gift only you can give a portrait s by mis bnagg uni to sa mr ed in business mrs bitters what busini in ieiybody s did i understand g perkins is inteiest- shi interested albert sims0n studio above carroll mmla st eutruiee next to dotty phone 436 bfml i than in which leceivc mei favoured d allowed to lined house to msltor and to pieaill ami teach the chllmlin faith the appllratlon ihe histoi of the chi isllnl church did no end with paul in home hut contli ued on thlough the lentuiies and is continuing today the my of the church is still unfoldng in the failures and achievement of churches nt home and abioid we as a part of the church are making history hut unfortunately we seem to be lather careless about what kind of hiatoiy we mike modem in difference makes timid reading alongside the zeal of other days we would do well to catch again the vlslin of the risen church embodied in the words go teach all nations we too need tho power of the holy spirit to trans form our aelfcontredness into that which is othercentred and chllstcentred lr order that we might be ilia witnesses in our time this reading again of the acts of the apistleu surely ought to stir within es that jelr to seive christ und his cause this we can only do if we conuecrate r mrslkes unrsc edl to the task helpful quotations no great t hievinent is pos sible loda unless christians are filled with the spillt j must ouej god lather i and we must wit those tilings which we know fiom e eilc nee the win id i not tiled of jesus hut it looks skanie nt 1 ehuieh that denies him ami falls to lue his life the weic i the ciossioads of tin vmi hi s destiny paul did nt t cieate a chnl of lesiis itsus nt dt d a saint of paul rhe tlaimed a new life in oil 1st and the tlietl to exemplify it truth ciushcd to faith will i ise again you cannot explain men like livingstone hudson tayloi wil li ed grenfell albert schweitzer and kagawu apiit from a living christ they are christs men and huve moved the world foi him experience meni efficiency we have bothl schultz electrical construction phone 6s1w fred schultz r0sedale floral cut flowers potted plants ir trtl apray wreath waddln riowera we cam wjtask yow on imom ar uhi phone 283j we deliver mmalmklhhmhtimhhhhhhmm times change i but nature s doesnt i 5 the need for protection against crippling lota from fire and windatotm always exitts consult walter t evans and company mill st georgetown telephone 183 m coutucellor bi all line j at bmiirauee j

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