Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1948, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday dec 1 1948 page 6 t ltifigfggttf place your order now and pick your own tree out dettxxe taxi ray wh1tmee pfaone 241 mill street laessavvwawciaicwicwvwwwkicicicitmvicicwicifiwwcwicwwkvxciramwcn the gardsman may save your life by eliminating the danger of being trapped by fire while asleep modern scientific engineering has made it possible to place mhe detector and alarb4 in your homo to help protect you against lass of life by fire this outstanding invention known as the gardsman will ring out a loud warning for you and your family to leave the premises before it is too lato the gardsman is nonelectrical hwno batteries chemicals or fualue links docs not require any installation just hang it on a nail you carry fire insurance to protect you ngalnst iocs of prop- erty but what protection have you against the loss of your life and the lives of your lovod ones in that very same fire this sensational life saving device is now available at a nom inal cost dont delay dont wait call on your dealer right now for a demonstration enquire at g r muckart plumbing electric wiring heating oil burners and service mill street phone 319w or j s the bowl trips anytime anywhere convenient omfortable abs arrow taxi phone 454 hello homcmakerel gift shop- ping should bo done according to plan too oftv wo uro carried away at the lest moment by ttib on tho npot glamour of oxpen- bivo impractical gadtieuj do not bo toouuully diverted from tho ltomji on your shopping 1m tuko llmo to tonilcun whut the rcclpltint will think of the gift two weko ut tor c rltma3- a high priced urilclo 1b oven moro coatly it it turn bcuuiy hut lucks durabil ity r exampc u blouse for yoursuter a uud colour will coat more thim white in tho identical material whjlo a print design will eost more again h require an additional process io add colour and tho dye itself c6ut ortra while tho defjgn in the print costs still mor quoting a mer chandising expert our iriend uug- gested uint wo should conalder whether uscfulncha and decoratlvc- ncaa balance each other your key to intrinsic value lies in the answers to thrco basic questions of what is it mado secondly how is it made thirdly what is the quality of workman ship to help on busy chopping days we suggest quick cooking dishes that will save electricity too liver and oniens scalloped tomatoes gingerbread muiflns and apple sauce cream potnto- cheese soup cold meat tind lyiiiledoine canned vegetables tea biscuits and chocolate rice pudding corn fritters ind sausages grated carrotraisin salad mincemeat tarts english stew cprtssure cooked carrou and tiuntp sticks jelly roll canned 1iuit requested recipes mrs t g amc for glared fruits 1 cups suar 1 tup water two wurds liglit linn syrup small truits or suet ions of iuriici fruiti or whole nuls make a s rup of the ujjar wit ei and corn yrup boil without stirring to he hml ti ick stae h0 degiecs removl the sauce pan from the tk merit and put it into an outci pan of boiling watei to keep the lyriip from hardening prop in the well drained fruit or the nutmeptu u few at a time smm out and pin 6 on hunvy wux ed papur o dry v mi ft f rfrik for f holiday fud 2 cupv whte tugar cup corn iyrup 6 cup water cup can died- chprrioh u ejrgwhltcs m tup blanched almond- 1 tablespoon almond qr lenvj i extract put tho sugur water and porn svvup into t stqcepuni stli it whiju it dissolve over tho heat then let it boil without ntlrrlng to the light- ctnek senile 3u5 degree v0hlto it 1h cooking boat the whites of egga stiffly and when the syrup is ready pour it over them beating constantly cool lightly on window im beat uytil creamy add null cherrlea and extract and pour into butter ed tlni mrt m j osicm for butter scotch stlokn cup butter 1 cup brown au gar 1 egg cup broken pecan meati 1 cup sifted flour 14 tea spoon salt 1 teaspoon baking pow der 1 teaspoon vanilla melt butter in a saucepan add sugni and whea well blended re move from the electric element and cool in the saucepan until lukewarm add unbeaten eggs to mixture and bfat well mix flour salt and baking powder and add to the sugar mixture then add the nut mub and vanilla spread the mixture in a hallow pan lined with plain paror which has been grlnscd bake 10 minutes in a hot electric oven uu to 150 dcgisjjcs while hot cut into strips an inch v ide and four inches long tills recipe makes aoout two dozen mis s s asks for gingerbread cup shot toning cup boll ing uatci 1 cup molasses 1 tea spoons gingei l teaspoon salt j cups flour i teaspoon soda melt the shortening in the boil- ing uatr adr molassis sift the li imi t dients together and add them to the mixture beat vigor ously put in a grtasf d muffin tin and bake n an electric oven i ii to il degrees 25 minutes call joe the man you know for eavestroughing hot water heating and steam fittings new idea furnaces sheet metal works all kinds georgetown plumbing heating back of hunters bin joe prucyk phone 102m for prompt and efficient service in general haulage wqrk call dickenson haulage georgetown phone 84 r 33 phone 375 sjt kingsway cleaners for a reliable cleaning service phone 375 with the halton farm forums b lillian c gray rev lew night saw some three hunch ed pcoul from sew ntccn forumb gathering in milton town hall tins was haltons first coun ty rally and judging from com ments ovcrheaid it was a decided success the program under the chairmanship of r s hcathcring- ton agricultural fieldman for halton included addresses by r w morrison vice president of the federation of agriculture and secretary of ontario cream pro ducers j e whitelock agricul tural representative ray hergott farm forum fieldman and clare burt ontario farm forum secre tary forums a peoples movement mr morrison who spoke on ag riculture condition as he saw them in europe when he attended the meeting of 1 f ap in parii a year ago challenged ontario rural people to learn how to live more than to just make a living he poke of the danish folk schools which he said were designed to teach people how to be better citi zens the danish folk schools the cooperatives will eh were ex tremely well developed the peo ples religion and philosophy their whole way of living was all bound together in their peoples move ment 1aim iorum is a peoples movement stated the speaker and lefs keep it that let us interpret 0111 idealism into eveiyday living should think internationally mr whitelock in hi i addiess said he believed in faun foi um for two icason it should help rural people to stiaighten out their thinking and create a better spirit of undei standing and it is a med ium for taekllnj not only com munity pioblema but also jyob- lems too large to bo solved indivi dually few of us think interna tionally and wo need to do so the speaker also warned against fuulty thinking and the believing and accoptlng of false rumours that en danger our national welfare to no good purpose speaking of con servation of unil mr whitelock btuted that we must tuko action very noon it in most important tht the organic matter of our soils bo preserved he buo advo cated contour ploughing uid the prtmekhouon of wood lota oroup discussions kecommended j in liuit reported that a week ago tilt ontario office had received tiie gieatest number of reports to dau bja he recommended that forums come to group decisions on then discussions and not leave it to the secretuiy to fill in the find ings he also recommended action piojcctb and pointed out that 00 pei cent of ihe benefit of farm loium is to the community carry out decisions with uction mr burt urged he also urged that forum people think for themselves have some people take the opposite side of the problem in order that it be viw cd from every angle tellfj of folk school hay hergott told of what ij be ing done at john madmens folic school at cherry hill which is being attended by representatives from several ountiea these rep- lesentatives are to go back to their counties and introduce th6 folk school to the people there john madsen who 1 a native of den mark bus had considerable exper ience in this kind of work and the training in hii school is for citi- jumship and in handicrafts of man kinds mr heigott also conducted a series of musical games such as may be used for j lecreatlon in any fai in 1 oium a j bountiful lunch contubuted by ull the 1 oi ums hi ought the evening i to a close 1 oi ums cm bii 1 1c on the second sent j of discussion foi the month of december ihla month they look at the ncwimpcr the movie and the radio it is nupoitant tliit all foi unit mail thcii reports to the oiitauu olfice piomplly if thu column is to funtlon on time with a hydio shortage to contend with new papers must have copy on time if it is to be used we jiopo to be able to wiite this column eveiy week if uie reports come back to us on time social woukekl receives masters nicguke miis eileen duffy who on sep tember tut commenced her duties ob social workor with the county of halton childrens aid society recently teceived tho degree oi master of social work at tho con vocation exercises at tho univer sity of toronto attaining a high standing distributor agentsfor cledraulic and gabriel shock absorbers stabilizers and rubbers of all sizes in stock georgetown shock absorber exchange and service cledwidge king st ffaone 495w hartey motors at your service for car repairs v brake lining and greasing a specialty shell products wujlard batteries phone 539 john street gordon harley prop lanes haulage you call we haul no job too big no job too small american cement for sale phone 5 tom hewsom representing willoughby real estate agency international motor trucks woods electrical equipment idoqlkkks ghindexs coolkx8 used tractors and cars de laval milking machines and cream separators hudson and rover cars ferguson tractors and equipment george white threshers centaur tractors our mill street office is just around the corner from the bank of commerce office 332w residence 332j fon thu best in chesterfield re upholstering phone 310 phoenb house eai fa w jack sudermann of john dick and sou we dealin new ohwisi fwaltnr be quick 7day service phone dick luy paymenta irmgod u iteslnd on tvuphounvinc slid new cbavurtialds up to l months to pay

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