Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1948, p. 7

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ip age i c georgetown i icrjld vcdnoaduy dec 1 1946 m living in expectation will be tho sermon subject at georgetown united church sunday december 5 n am a strie of taur christmas sermons v 111 be delivered on sunday mornings through december if you rc a mem ber or alyiortnt of the united church pleiue plun to nttttnd xt ui make the text few week n rcnl prcparati6n for ctuktma kkv john ml shitdt minister eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons jewellers main st georgetown telephone 536 every wednesday 10 30 tun to 6 pjn s m fajlbish klo fee optometrist 1051 ecllnton w- toronto mbs i 1jndaijl spfcaks to mission rand high school news mra o h mlndall of ilalllna- fad wu kucst speaker at the lb all j hank offering meeting of the rosebud mission hand of george town united chureh which wafl held on monday afternoon nov ember 29th in the sunday school room she gave an iuttre ting talk on the light of ihe world patby wilu0n read the 100th psilm and burbaru alcbtt led in player mrs cnu gowland gave a report of ii work aeomplished during tiie year the members tof the band gave a ehorua let the lower light be burning and a phiylctte future clticn of our town way presented by lirydon shiclda bcttjr willun judy mc- cumbcr gad mcguvray bobby iratey axleno ilieeve brtrcu den- tjum and morn i mackenzie wgnea nelson gave a tempcranee read iiu in a graduation ceremony four member of the baby band thanl- ah f eftgrave dpugun mcguvray brydon shields and paulenc wat- ton were admitted t6 member ship the itory of the mltc boxc way given by mra a it speight and misa mckay baby band sup erintendent presented the mem beraliip cards and hope of the world and led in prayer followed by the prayer by the mothers the new members were welcomed into the arch made by mission bond members as pnulenc watson read the graduation prayer pins and mite boxes wrc presented by mrs prank tyler superintendent of the mission band electric trains 25 cycle transformer limited supply 1995 ernies radio main street phone 465 for her for him signet and birthstone rings priced to suit every pocket simmons jewellers phone 536 mains1rlli by lloyd in list week w column i commit ted one of my greatest blunders at leant i didn t make a blunder but i did make one bee 111 e i did tit intcreitin tsn t it wha i egg letly me n j that i omitted to mention oven in the teen iy wcenuc i degree the fact th it the old ulma pater w i having ith an nual comrrienco er tin nighi of tlie twenty fifth in the old town hall commencing appi oimatcly at appro ii jliaro its all ovei now 0 will wiy a few vyordi about it to thoi e that tlid not attend and by gum wilglej i of tour e hi it was nearly cvryore the hotkey game provd t be n bujgtr draw ini card than the ehoolt vent the programme wa j mdt vy shortly after eight it conrtitl cliiefly iif the jne entntjon of dip lomas tholarhipi ijjjlttit aw ards he the mn flue club ilny two nunmen infilled three cliafeib and now u the hour 1 he girl thoi j3ng one world and big brown bear the boy choir rendered id like to sill cniclc more bird ted to you kay thomp on warbled bloi this houm- inj homing more bird ieed to u there was an interesting addregtven by mrs 0 e palmer t ntitled the joint responsibility of home school at ten this part of the pro j gramme ondea and thoce adults present left the ochool kids then took over and held a recorddance lasting to 12 no comments ovei heard about jnlb tunic what 1 tunics inspector stewai t not of the lbi but of the d of e popped in foi a few minutes last thurs day morning but as we were in the midst of preparation for the com mencement he did not stiy long he promised lo return monda consequently u t are on our best beha tour no smoking cigars in i elao3 no spittini on the floor no water pistols io nulhin it is to be hoped tht te leherb will leave then whips at omt for thij day next mond i our examb et un der way thry will run from the ith to the 101 ini are to be one hour and i half in length last i i id i w l had i 1 ai ned rest th ink you princess elizabeth ind piulip thib u eek lb it i im loimi to bung to a ipst b popul ir re cjuest mj murder st r it his i li ipij ending 1 pisode si i lie i inal curtain in a ei tort time sim ml shotl h ifl iipicd hi of ziiinsc itth m i di itlj htm uiert followed i urfifit stuil it dur in one f thl noltti moments the r aide is trounce guelph hornets 162 5j dljl is f it ill t- iitmiiltl to i it i uk nit 11 1 i s un in in l tit i 111 hid imiiii 1 i ill v till y t c il til of q bis geo r get own playing last times lomit and iiuhsly the bishops wife 1 his am v i i uh show i n tun ou n i i l friday saturday matinee saturday 2 pm 2 big hi ts in c1ncco or ro rogfks javi ilt1e in under california stars with iloil nolan and the soiift of the pioneers au uc j j win frances raffer1y im intioducnt larry olsen cirley monday tuesday theyre in the re in ine sb youll ever wont to mi ui n 1 tl lllbt ll e pi i 1 md then tl uk v 1 lie i i tl l 1 i it 1 illtl tiieinsk h ipiil ev ihits ill in 1 ui l 1 but e t i n bi itl rait f ne of the lulls it ii ti bu it uj on inn l un- uijtd in i md it tli in in i i f i ill st ibbi d fell di d twinsi if i 1 i i u in tl 1 i n il lmii 1 in i ui ti the i- in cie i lies of lll t i mis ttoiii timu hiidtrt hid vtry little tioultlt trouiumi cutlph lionet senior ii deel ively la it wedne day h in guelph ihr utut toted i wo very fi t go ds in the fn t rimitl of pliy iiiat i ithei uriaiit eviyone m gen eral however it the 11 m tutc f i ho fii 1 puod lrj and ciiioim rombineii to tmt oit local on a in id tonne spite aide fiom dl the gpil ornlj thlte wtre v t ral tift and on twv net i ion i lit biokc out mtlamain tuni lrdmth priff md sell 11 with olui on unth junior l5talimont arid niefc ftiri eame ur with thiee goll ipkee 0hile p uer on and chiff pel eoied two clu x he guelph ijoal t wer inrd by bolton and utid ihe hometi u ad it i millie anoint i joalie in the o ptr tod in an effort to halt the raid eis but milli rovetj to be qu i easib bt ittn as bordlgnon t pnamo proved the hornet uki man uiih four pen ilties rirst period 1 guelph- ncid 51 1 guelph liolzon 0b j gtoiietown ferri chappel 0 20 i georgetou n pitterson storey l 32 5 georgetow n cli lppel bradbury 14 51 6 georgetown l bradbury chappel 1gq0 7 georgetown beaumont melanson ib ju penalties care pf iff bas sett melanson v pnamo t pri amo second period u georgetown nash 1 14 giorgetown m irtin g 47 10 geonttown chaipel itrri 7 20 i i gun kttow ii r trn ipitltr onj 0 07 1 glorelown stlissii jo 11 ct 1 1 u n i mond slort i 1 jo ptn titles l ire n ish 1 ii i mm st lis- i johnsti n third ptnud 1 1 cei i j etow i r ti ri cli ip tit o i ctoi l low i lit uiinunt i v ille i oni 15 j5 lit gti ii t tow i beaumont lb 10 1 gkjilliowii v ittiison lft 10 1 uilhm st ll 11 t mil in on mo 1 i n ill t i fid ch il tl i li 1 iiik pi it mi 1 i a lit k i li i j il i i i i t 1 1 i i h i i nd m i n si m m iu tdburx 1 1 1 iti cm i ii i 1 1 ii i i i il ui v t ll ij tl lit i i o i mi 1 i i i ki i i 1 i s u i i it ni iiapt1s1 church highlights sund iy no vi mber 2 1st i lu text u ed by tin pn tor sunv 1 o moi nlng wi h taki u fi om ael 17 j god li ith m nle of one blood ill n ition of mi n foi to dwi ll on ill the fate of the i irth god k iiitiit ted in the salvatlou of all men not in tjw ir eonifemnatloil when tame nirl vthn pni ed through sam iri i pieiarlng the w y tor chi i t min h oph did not b lliii- rhoy iked tcsu i if they would eall dowr fin from lie ivt n md ion nine th ni hiu lofwer waw i he son of mii i not tome to di tio men iktei but to pave twnj tor opt it is haid to be in vt th it god made of one blood all nation of v lo dwell on all lw fue of the earth gild is juit is intiie ted hi th he tthen nat ion it he iti us hi i no ii pi i tin of pei son vvi nil ill liis tieation md g ui tut 111 son llj it ill who in hovt in him are jumifid rht go pel of chu t and tiie iiolj spiri is the only powei that cm pur tl v woild rijht i iu is 4he fiiththat utied tlie mi ismnirlt m my ye irs ipo ind is still tillmi them into aetn e stiitt m ij c see ihi counties thousands livu in ht ithendom md cillinii fo- help they need the truth hall the love of christ moving power in the truth arid m ike them frtf ib the greatest ill the world the txcninr grt iltst fore woi id s treat st gospel of chn t ubjettwas the for good the need is for the the missionar- le have taken the gospel but also estabh bed ehool gospel and education hould to together in our tounli tht eontiol of educii tion h is jone to hie state which it timtb m m thinf s in the name f edut ition n not in tttoitl with the joipel in m m p irts of the woi id tin 1 1 ue still thous inds of illit- i ttc j onjc m in of these f ill to tu lvjini of mm mu n ism oi some nlht r ism when thce peo pit iu iktn md rise in gi int lilcc power li it will bt tht result ini god better damul was forb d- dtn to pray to god or man otmr thin the king for thirty days the penalty wa tc in tat into the den of lions daniel cmtlnned to play three tiru i a tlay the en- imiej of god ppmached the kinif with the new that one of thp he brew children or lyed to liij god daniel wii ea t into tlie lions eleii bul god tent hi angel and no luum tame to bim daniel knew tfod better after tlih i xperienee we t m only know god through chi i t and tlie powf r of his spir it pel onal li an jfoi imitiori must eoipe wo know cod thtotigh oon veinon 1 hi i i mountain top exja i a net w annoj foijiet ihe mom wi fc in his pie cute thy htttti wi know him jfo know god liette w njusl low m faith ud in thi un viurji tf hii word ro do otlierwiht is to lattt god you e inrjot si rve god ind m ii- iihih in f ei vine god per a eution will romp pud aid i glojy in ti ihulation t hroiifdi lirrtt wo m in the vittor yon have won the b lttle in hi name you are tronier v lo face flic next bittlc ypu do not finj men praising god through receivii g a fortune the fier test must be applied if we would know god better when we come to our wits end then god begins until then w many will not let god have hii way our after cliuith fellowship hour each undav evening is enjoyed by many the women s society held their meeting on tuc d iy evening at tho home of mrs trlink woods the senior bypu held their icg- ulnr meeting on monday evenlnjl with douj i i cole m charge of the programme orai junior choir gives concert r nl how cod upon ltd wi ik i i lit o ii c hi i tin itv i i t urn n rh it w il knov the h i it ill dtpends i hi en ldiiu i i ii to i ti im ii ition him us to convert m bu im ss n thuds but u to toin ei t them to o 1 i chi isti init n t n w ith i jiowei i in 1 1 i in w i f i i wi ilit i i h u it h md hi hi un i i linn tht j 1 1 for good the l i t in tlie chn i i ind the junior choir of noi val uni ted chuich i ut i musical concert on md i lv ning november 19 kc i j durlop w is tlnirman foi the t ening old utst- soloists weie rev alex c dder of george- town md miss jean chester i lie choir winch i directed by kenneth it ii in i on tang everal lections including this is my 1 ill ei woi id mi thiough the t d n i md of home and i ord it su soloists b 1 i w ho s tng jcr it c ii ne music and m t l iuhlin lit- i d she ili c n ney ut in the thoi nikht h il it h i in i in ml ill all m i it 1 1 i i i i vlt ri i 1 ml i ii it 1 iti litis i ki iu ci il h rth dt 1 i ti pi i inio lit i i 1 utkm ii 1 1 iff p tt i 1 t u t i in i nd united r church news mormiij woi hip w i in the geoi tow ti unite i i n sund iv b in mini ti john m sn ith iiu l t ki from is ii ih 10 l smith b i ed hi km ii ks text romans 1 md sin t dm t d it in t ii i rev mr tin the import un t of tin iiolv scrip tun i lit i dt t ii t seem to be nun 1 1 do in this week it s t it i t c i i i tin i lull i uj pose 11 u w a id 111 t to inw t some of our txli i mom v in olid toinfoit ind pi ut of intl we h ivt i n hand in tu i a f tl church ik htadlilt nll t l 1c sj in il mt iklimi of fflltt ts3v irene dunne ghmge stevens u i remember mama i barbara ba ged0e5 l iqscau homotra phiup dorifa v next wed thurs tlie pirate gene kouejr judy geiluid book it must be tht most it id btxil inbute is j ud to tlu win k of lit hihle soint which does ninth im tlu trmlition publua lion ind distnhution of the scrip tines m many 1 mjii igi s i ht t isk if giving tlit bible to tht world mr smith said i- still unfimsln d and no christ in hould be com pletely happy until the bible u available to ill ptoph i ht t hoir litcomnanii d b miss i nd i sti w art ang the intht m o 1 isu md se by sii john goss the even mj woi hip was con ducted by tin huls of tin mission circle misi i rinn de ins led the congregation m in lyei and praise anil mlis miiioiu kentntr read the les on mi i hiobcl dobson accomiianled tlie tongregation in the iilnglng of the hymns tho speaker of tlie evening was minn eunice pyfrom secretary of tho christian work camp fellowship of canada misj pyfrom reported on her trip to the world council of churches held in amsterdam this summer in kpeakinu of the 150 churches represented at tho conference slip said that the dlf ferences of opinion were urcat and many yet there wan that trend lo ward unity that striving for true clirlstlan fellowship in uplte of creedal interpretations of one bias or another christendom hnd been protfresulntf toward the amsterdam conference for many year aho rtid and now that it wait real ity the churches could ook to the i oini on ii iv be sitting in the dark oi snowed in but you will still i it i viinn sit i ind fee im with jour bin fi 11 i il it i ism v tan fran it m c ki iii son future with new hope and a con canada hmt tfrown ndence that the dlvuion were oo and dtt contributing the way to being mode whole factor to good christian cituen- mi s p iiimi i nun pit tin es nk i rl in 1 1 ik lit i ti iwl m lu pe nd lit stu it st t i il win k i in s t iiiiiiiu tni on tht it ui t s mis l lu ni told of the t in ist i u win i i imp t ffoi ts to 1 1 build tht d molluhed buildings of war hatttitd titles hv the sal v iginj of mntiilils and long bird hout of sainfuid work work ing often fo- food md shelter without fin in un re mum laaon i lie woi k camps base their mil o ophy on the combination of t o iieat concerns of man work and wor tlilp said mi a pyfrom and tht pictures which she showed re- veulcd the sacrifice tile ie young people of many different countries weie willing to make to live up to their faith it will be of intercut to george town people to know tlutt the first canudlun work camp wuv held in muflkoka uneer tlie combined leademhtp of beverley oaten and arthur duyfool a former resident of tills place prom that beuknhig in 104v the christian workcmp i ii s i i i i hi id tlu n i i i i i i iu ning mi s i 1 1 i w i ii h h t i i it i ii si ml i i mill it jkth j i i i t i il it foi sund i i i i w i w much do i i i 1 ne ded and i n mi im p if i n i hi i i i id s nd th lull tlu i tlu woiltl ind th th n dw i 1 tin i em he owl lit u i tt i u tod tht s nne r m i i th i w t i to out kuil 1111 1 1 nun 11 c tu i ti ins must be i 1 tl if 11 to l tl ii ill foi tin t ml hiu i c i kn i diim i tor i n i in ui ht w ith i pi ice ilu ii foi t loi if gi d m oui boilv nd in ui pint which ut gods i i tit tt d m ui i ho t to it i t ihm but in m is bought bvje us c hi ist who i it himself on l than s cm th it whosoevei biliettli in jin i iked not peiish but h i t vt il tun lift 1 cm iu tl luthti lluitfoit t e it oi dunk m whit so evti t do do dl to tlie oi of god u lull god i r ittd he has cho t n us to ht itw lids we are mi ins of i thuieli of god nd must do ill in oui powei foi i t ii un if his t nisi i list j u i oui i lvi s and our ub t u it foi tin unik of tht knii ddin god s ippointcd waj is a iitln of ill we po sess malachi i id m itt 1 m i uke ii 1j i ht tittle is its pi m to finnncl his chuiih ii th s plan was ob iivid hi t lust would go fiiviiil in i wondei ful w iv i lie greatest invi tmt ut wt i in make is in sav uif ion thiou h tin ministr of his i hiu 4 li i hi umni ubject was know the ml l tlcii i p ite nd i it mil tw i t up wt i s i i i i vi l 1 1 1 v ll ill lip hi m d i i i hi t 1 s t tlu lit m i i uikhlin jit nte i mi in ii it 1 1 itu tht thou a tin lunch i ill f till li i hint nts i he plains oi tlu gitts of clu tei sang first including md ihourt in hi i sec ial e to the oung love f ti i 1 toiui 1 1 jean ruth u ilson il ii 1 1 on with a eift of hi woik with soti il houi followed b isi me nt with the huith eiving re social and personal harb ir i i ml i dnugiiter of mr ind mis stan i uila celebrated lu i fifth huthd v list i riday when he c titer taint d it i pirty at hei honu on dui i im st feet her quests im luded piulene watson jud honathan sharin harlc jud ru hud sot stephen saxc lnn and montv hdo and brenda md pt lj vim robertson of hornbv pi 101 to hei mai nage oi frl d iv mis ilaioh schenk ethei wood wa s tende re d je vtral love- iv houtis by ti f i levidh among thost who entertained were mrs p ran nnd mr j itk graham who laid i ptisonal showei at the lat- tei home mis audrey merritt a misi t 11 menus hower her aunt mis william hullnant cup and s un 1 1 show 1 1 mrs jnmcj jones i i misii hantoiis shower at her honu m nt w itionto aid mr and mis 1 m midonald who jield a i intiv shown nt which they i lointh intiitaiicd the bride and i mom mert yn cook formerly employed as a barber with e r mugloughlen anrvounces his return to the barbering trade and is now operating the barber shop at hutchs smoke shop your patronage is solicited open frora830 am to 6 pna saturday till 10 pan

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