Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1948, p. 8

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the georgetown heralj wednesday dec i 1948 the georgetown herald ervlnc the oomrounltlea of cfcorgetown glen williams norval limehou3e hornby 3tewarttown ashgrove ballinafad j terra cotta subscription ttate 2 go a year hlncle copies 6c each advertimlng kate quoted unappllcatlon walter 0 bimin pumuhe end editor tjaxfleld u mcgllvray staff i lealle m clark harold oaylson corey uerrinston j the herald la prlnlecl each wecwoeelay eternoon at the office on stain 8t georgetown authorized an ahcond ear mail poet office dept ottawa u member pf the canadian wceuly newspaper aaaoolatlon aad the ontario queb division of the cjfn a t the editors corner we still like voting mayor gjbbons drew hltle nuppott frorn fellow councillors or taxpayers at tilt nomination meeting in his opposition to floating an f80000 waterworks de benture without tie proper procedure of a vote of the taxpayers several speakers voiced their belief that the expenditure was necessary and sidestepped the voting issue altogether reeve maclarcn stated that supposing the question wai submitted and the voters turned it down then a serious incident occurred coun cil would be to blame for not adopting the plan this reasoning is to us completely backward it infers that council is afraid that the taxpayers would turn down the plan and through this inference treats this same taxpayer as a little boy who has not the ability to judge for himself it is a dictatorial attitude which should have no place in democratic municipal affairs the issue is a simple one we an confronted with a major expenditure for what in the eyes of the maj ority of council is an exceedingly necessary improve merit in the town water system it is proper then for council to ask the taxpayers to sanction such an ex penditure and if council collectively or individually believe it is vitally important to acquaint the public with all the relevant facts and urge collectively or in dividually as the case may be that n overwhelming mandate be given to spend the raont which after all is the taxpayers money a disturbing aspect is the express d belief of sev eral councillors that by some mysterious mans we are going to spend wo 000 yet no one is going to pay for it it is true that the waterworks plm as outlined in the engineer s report will not result in a definite charge on the tax rate it is cciinlly true that the 80000 must be paid for by thesr same taxpayers over a period of cars in the form of increased water rates and will mean more money out of each of our pocketbooks which amounts to th sam thing as taxes x t have still not reached tint vjtopia where a benevolent providence provides us with anything with out it being paid for and never expect we shall it is to be hoped that the i council t ven though it will be in essence the present council may reconsider the question and call a vote be fore further action is taken only in this way will it be known once- and for all whether tin pi oplc want unproved water service enough to ix willing to pay for it please no mr davidson i he suggestion by councillor ccil davidson at friday s nomination meeting that parking meters might be introduced on main stret js something which we hope will never reach more than the discus sion atag we often speak about georgetown as a growing and progressive town but this is one gadget of this modern age which georgetown can well do without i his column looks with disfavour even on the present restriction of two hour parking which we believe is more inconvenient than it is worth its orig inal supporters in council had one eve on the revenue aspect of the idea but the town realises not a cent from fines imposed all of which go to other sources and even if we were to get 100 per cent it would still be a very minor item in the budget amounting to ten or fifteen dollars in a month hie only concrete im provement in relieving main street parking conges tion has been to encourage merchants to park their cars on mill and wesleyan streets which while taking these vehicles off main street proper still contributes to overcrowding the downtown parking section a more sensible solution would be to proceed with some plan of providing a parking lot in the downtown dib trict if not for the general pubic at least for the merch ants who use the streets constantly for parking this idea was proposed m a recent beef column by a con tributor and is worth discussing by the tpwn council parking meters on main street could only result in permanent damage to the only one they would be designed to help the merchant fruternity shoppers particularly those from rural areas are sufficiently an- noyed with the present inconveniences and this might be a crowning blow to force many of them to shop in other neighbouring centres where there is more free dom it is true that brampton has parking meters but we must remember that brampton is a town over twice our size with its mum street on a provincial highway and with free parking facilities provided close to downtown for thqee who ire parking for a lengthy period of time whats your beef7 thig weeks beef is contributed by lmotypist lm clark who after setting other peoplejbeeib on u1 machine for several weeks has ewj tp g one of hist own off his chest lie suggests that householders insteatl of spending their time cornrlaining about the cftnditidh of sidcwalki left by the sewerage construe tion company could spend an hour or two rectifying the damage themselves hiere arc many spots in town where hall an hour with a shov i would r move accumulated dirt or fill in a depn siion and this would make it more pleasant for pedestrians without a great d al of work on any one individuals part road work he says is a big problem for a threi muf towi staff and there s qoly so much they can do in day or a week 1 ins would lie one practical way that w could ill h ip to put our town streets back in their original sjiape i page 8 directory iiiiinliuiuuiiuiiiuibunuuiittituutiu dr j burns milne n g xray dental 8uhgeon 1 georgetown pbona 80 tumiuujitiitirtiiijijiujtalulltlllllhjltllllll i along the boards with wheldon emwcrion it llni at m ijmiri thly eomt- 1 ijill uohcuty ji11 lot rl stick boy up wjthmudt hil to pi iy io rl for 1 ml ipjj from the diejtni room tj1t11 vvher bijjer nound the thi e nijiii- fir h id ril knee lap tummj thnn 1 uper duner nickle injni 1 d li t wcik balloon bought at 11 eirou 1 no v doubt they ftnj cert 1111 if he turns anvone wishmr to hear the sitkwivs the oppojh nt still hive torj of two lunch hid it 1 bi c little or no p ill to shoot the puck bill 1 umc tul leijh irunsloirc it tin method proved snti-ftic- br tdhur mytimc ifter g pm lory lust thui iday niht to 1 eer t 1111 extent only whin lvniij afu r the l i ne 111 guclph lust ixhalid did lm anatomy deflate wednesday nijm the local club lnouph to allow gcorticum u to invaded oru of the restaurants core twice there for a bite to t it junior so fur thi joir georgetown had ucaumont exel umed to the pretty not encountered a te im th it adopt wutjess i feel like a sandwich the acton stvic of pl ly the have t vhuh she it plied don t blame 1 syle all of tin ir own only if me bet nisi the pl ice 1 ciowded ter tubborn resistance bj ref kelly md barke did acton ue r l 11 sticks othei th ir 1 ippmi nor rlymg dutchmen take fin butt ends 1 lc the sticks raiders 9 to 3 were u cd on ision illy to score loi1s store hid t mm si 1 u on i f i k m- null tm en ft itunni his elbow liifi thin 1 miptfiuit tin f b 11 1 biotiurs took bcfoie its tut in li ilf not onl it u 11 li s ituid r niht m stoit but ilsn lciih bi idbur hibi1iun m htie 111 gtoim- uid bcottv pilttion ucic incnivm iji phviif m it lis the i inihiv ritituuiit it mt j 1 1 is tin outihinin jiovcd mm ummuiiifliiinoiihuoiiimiinnuiiiiuiiimiimaami i dr cufforo reid 3 ldj3 dd 8 i i dentist i y phone 10 open evening 1 i main street georreteini iiuflllllllulllllilllilullldltuumildlulllull muiiuiituluoniiiiiumiiiuuiuqiuuiittiiinninniiiifrwwnii 4 elmer c tbompaon insurance service fire anto wisdatom c p railway and allied i r bteamaup summer excursions i phne 119w a j georcetwo laiiiaeratuiuamauiliiiuiuniiiuililtiiuiililiuikiirjiuuiulnif iimiuuiiiouiuiituiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiuiiiiiioaiiiiituiuiiimuiii i leroy dale kc i m sybil bennett kxi i m1u btnet i barrlatera and soudtora georgetown pooaa ib 9 uiiwiiinujiiiiuutaiiiiiiiniiuuaauiiiioimiiiuuiajiiiiimuii j nielsen the chiropractor deuiaee tajwaplel beth year of prmetle lady atendant moil tuea fri t pjev wed sat 26 and 8- am orr dominion store gaorsetown pboa 10 ty i fr y ta tyt itiitwi rrf fit r flthtrlllmhhh i h i ixver aridhqskin 0 successors to 1 jenkif arid hardv 1806 metropolitan bid 1 44 victoria st tore 1 el 8181 tt wound siuti the i inn i lie o i ippcd up 111 tilt ii lk till jll i ic iftll in lntli is in l is u iiii t if thin s in column in t iuk uu 11 ullou tl j dt dill at fnsl in t lioiif lit alh li lit fi ii i li ii isud if i ti upli of w it its li h until w hi i in- loinuil it is bivllss md 1hli itidil ill hi i ill- houlil h iv i i noun licttli i in lull i ill look 111 i 11 1 ii i i i il in ii iii lultli hips i i i illl n i i tin i mil in 1 ii fol n i ii itti t t it t in i f tin llllsi i i i k mi 1 inson on in i j uliii li 1 1 i i mil ft tl him li ik o fit it ilm t h ill him bt in in in u i m i i nit in tin i o nil 1 i 1 1 i n i i i i i cii i lt lu n s is in i tut i jus iiioiki until tilt i ii ii i lit itl tti i nl 11 in i summ h i irst ipnoil 11 i i i u ii 114 t i ii nit i 1 u k i i 11 1 i mint is in iloubt j k lit it h i tl t i i nh told him th it in stitk is i u to i i u i tl t i i t n tin put it i is n fn i tin nit not t til of it i til oi il li n tuo st u dtftiist nun kin ish mil sinlt 1ittli i k son tut i l li i t unlit ill b i j k ail miutlotk if iikont is in iloubt i to ho muriliik is in is tn lu th it utir ti puis tf hoik i piuits oik pin fin mil 111 lo ht i littl uioii sli ions it vmiuld had ijkii nlil lo tlll tlll optner hut wl dulnt hiltl iirt intirt i lints to lonil md to those of jou who w l i lillll lisappoin ttl rlintnihir vt tint ln thtm till support your honil town tlun inakt an t f ftu t to l lt out on tuesday and 1 hursday nights for till liolkty uiils with lot of support and liiloui allnitiit uil lo cals will do all ihty l id to capture tht slucny to t miuioiia tro lhy ti tl it i ft i i it lot i mil it no tl nt w t 1 1 th n th n i inli tl ill h tin l in l i il f i tin duuhintn i ill httlt it tl hut v ik ii he w is t illt tl ii ii h in i it in ioo is i i to t lloth t uih win 1 i inn shot t h odt tl dtt i l t i mm n tin sti it m ntin ish imcl in n ii 1 ii i i i ki in id u tl i i tllnii in tin i t t fin l i i ij t tow n nh 1 11 uitr h lit n shi wl i mil ii lit 1 ii wi it to nit ii oi tht unit nim n li i town t i i i i tltf 1 ttti i nil 1 hi iiiijiii 1 i wil is kt n hi i i hi nil in hi mint i mi mi tt c u i u i lit ilimont mind t 1 1 i in kilt lit t i u i i 1 11 1t i ii in i it f 11 i i n si i wiliutu mi w n i 1 in i t i ik vntlt i i mitt it ilm i i il ma luimutiiiuiuuuiiuuiiuiunjuiuiiiuiaiim 4 langdon and aybwortli barriiters and solicitors 1 p notarle pnbue i kenneth m ijngdnn i georgetown g r uaclntyre aylavortn bjc acton t a f1hmt mofttgage money to loan of ike roxy theatre n hid mill st hone 88 georeetown cooper bide phono 216w acton ouiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiidntiiiiiiiiit jjtimuifitaiiiiiiiiiitiutiiuiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiliihiiiiii consult j a wkuoughby son for complete real estate service head office tolttonto 1s6 yonce sl ad 0o city and ootry heeaee r fuai aaj saaall ladaatwal utl f il f tom hewson la your local bepreaentatrra phone ssiw onini tiiuia iiiiuiiiiinniiiuimiiaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiimiuiuiniiii frank fetch 1 ucensed auctioneer u l proairrt service j phone 301 georgetown a 3 p o doa 418 0 iinmiioij mine i i imciiiiin iiiiciuiiuiii uni illllllllfo monuments domastje stu fokiyu best aandhlmt equpcobt for ccmotcrs jettrin ornsviiu momotsiit wmats orsngville oat 9 ti htrn initi niinwntnhiiii ru radio repairi we specialize in thi work 16 year en n j sanfordson pbeaei geertwa s4e siiiiiiiiiiuhiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuauiiituuuotuiihaacj miiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiii uuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiauuiuiiutcaeabaa monuments p pollock campbell a 62 water st not g a l t deaigns ots requwt n kione 2048 inspect oar work id greenwood cmtry y iiiiiiiuiqiiiiiiimiiai iiiiiiiiuaiiiiiiiuiiiaiiiuiuiutauhinnscs ivlkitiiing i ftnmlal thi guelph tlub mutle a serious bid for the trvices of junior iuiijniint for tin ir 1 otiil junior a uum ifter his fun showing iilfuinst the cm ipli hoi ntts item mm tin injund his at in at work last ihtn i t afternoon uul will not bi iv ulablt foi a few haines si em liki llu nuu him kltkc t hi fo it nftt i he 1 1 aht d his arm was injiiiul you notl i wnth llio t ji v in it hints lt nt tht v i tin ky lit 1 ii i union wa in unifoi m hi l snlurd i nif ht i am t tht kluli in i wlilvllon i lyim duteli nun ami pla i vvtll in pit of hi injuted hand kent stony vvn out of sutui day nijjht s jmiu too with a badly swolh n elbow rt li ivtd while playing ukiiinsi at ton after the i lyinij duttluntn left uiti ue lust saturduy niifht j nek wilton claimed he hud quito u imi on tmuer kraut dt tin booth bobby dnti r and johnny syjiew ehuck ex hrtifns pluyed und uii kcmpy hays lluncr him mort- wilfta out tin re than u hula iliilu clnn- eer saw hurvoy hob hopu cliup iwl nt uw dunco saturdny nltflit niter the fame and vvluvnlly my twolovdly fomlniofj reporters s m 1 nnl hm wert completely wrap- usln hla yendon oi th amel j iin ii 1 1 1 1 i t 1 ll i t idtorll low i m t nml irriod i mi il uii kt mh id 6 02 cit oi lt ii w ii i tfri 1 hi ihin v ot 1 hi aiiihnt 10 1 r b k v c in ilu llin in ll i 14 15 7 k w h 11 uit i shi u thm k m r n k w shivvihuik ij i nit i v 2 im tltii i hi idhinv md an tlerson third 1erlod k w nth ii tin v sh vv think i 1 10 10 k w iliust 11 t ii ct oiji tow n l h rod bur clu iununl i it 0 12 k w h hum i 1kj lt n iltu s l hi idbury for her i wadsworth compacts i by parker pen co at simmqns jewellers 1 irv inn how did you make out vvib vour school exams bui oh just like napoleon living what do you mean i hi 11 1 went down in history mrst bride i ve got my hus band whi re he eats out of my hand j second bride saves a lot o dish washing doesn t if theres romance in old quebec youll enjoy going by bus j- hound yttlp tax included j quebec 2s90 mon i real r 1710 sherbrookef 223 subject to change caldwells iffistaulunt phone 89 gmrgtowb

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