Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1948, p. 9

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pago 9 stewarttown congratulation are due again to mr bob lawjwvn who was at tho international uvestock show at chicago last week with the oac judging team he was high man for ontario scoring 004 points compared with the winners ag gregate of 045 out of 1000 points tho guclph team way composed of wi r boh lawspn halton county j h couse peel g w jackson york w c shapton huron w d illnck bruce j w stephen northumberland and e a starr victoria prof n w staples dept ol- animal husband ry acting as coach of tho team tjie infant flu lighter of mrc and mn hoy smith wni christened by rev j k maxwell in st johnn church last sim afternoon miss picador smith was godmother to tie little girl who received tho name of susan irene j yotr vote and influence are respectfully solicited for th0s llyons for councillor ward 3 u- cjitial that cimdiilheu with expetieni cnjie withtho problems of uie present tfc council should be elected wlili confront f vote lyons rrion ijav monday dmemukh at j 7 w ivfe l iliir iii the municipal humdlnk 0 am to 7 pm j civic improvement under those contht ions election vol nomination meeting mayor gibbons speaks following the regulation nomin al ion meeting a public meeting was called and town clerk charles will son was appointed chairman hu first called on may or joseph qiiuhons who reviewed the years bnsiress of council par ticularly mentioning the sewerage system which accounts for 117- 000 of the prt-cnt- 1sh000 deben ture debt whii he first entered council in mku the town had a i000l debenlure debt said the mayor jid hi i lew of- ihlsht does not think the present position alarming at the same time ne slildlhat futuie councils would have to give vareful consideration to any mujor- expend udrcu people often city that sewcrage ihjuid have been put- in in the de pression yuars uaiil mayni gjlt won bup ihil ms dcvbauble yc had a heavy del en tore debt- to pay off 16000 in delinquent ixui mid a m00o hnk loan imdj a tax levy 10000 below todays and we mg fit rehioniber thuu we would haver i paid per cent inter est on a debenture issue while the william mcnally as your candidate for ward 3 councillor for 1949 polling booth in the municipal building monday december 13th 9 am to 7 pm phone 18j and a car wiljtalce you to vote vote ray whitmee for council ward 3 pouh open in the municipal build inc 9 am to 7 pm monday december 13th- m georgetown hydro rates have not been increased since being reduced to their present low level in 1943 georgetown hydro has no debenture debt georgetown hydro through the cooperation of its consumers has aofar this year been able to distri bute its allotted power so that ahutoffs have not been necessary protect your interests 1 your vote and influence will be appreciated to reelect graham farnell to your local hydro commission your representative for the past 6 year election monday december 1 3th on agriculture and reforestation htcve maclaren took a keen in terest in soil conservation which in said is one of the mo j impor- ant and leawt understood problems ol our time the present water shortage in georgetown is a good example of what is happening here and elsewhere with forest cutting and swamp clearance and ton of valuable topsoil are be ini washed down our streams with t ach rain and dnstioying the value ol our productive land the coun ty has im teres of forest lmul planted in naagaweyu and nel- wnjhip has started a similaf pioject of its own kcpdol refviv eritation conteil and a pi ploetlve iree bylaw are wither concrete steps uken by the county to deal will the probuin will hint for mayor jteeveelclt afnntropg spoeof the ljlajii t- it hid been to bo georgetown iirst deputyreeve and now to receive an icclamatlnii ii rvcjve youth it olad lnen lo serve on- coun- arnlstronj and i lo be able lo sit- in the georgetown herald wednesday dec i 1948 memorial ilnaurh inn tailed councillor j i ill said his term on cdtincil hud been brief as ho had replaced councillor hiirry hair after his- eiiination in the sprinj he had comphted mr hales job as veterans affklrs ihairmau in installing iinmorial plagues on the rcnolaph and in the arena wants sport uirector a tinu that lie was seek in i re- critltizes water debentures mayor gibhors was critical of the sfloooo dcbcnuire issue ft water improvement- passed by this years coun il and said be w still convinced that the first prob lem was to find an adequate source of suppk he said that a recent meetinu with the municipal board chairman had asslired him that the town would be uiven per mission to borrow the money but just because credit could be ob tained was no reason for borrow ing the money until it was sure to lie needed the mayor said that at present he was not in a position to make a forecast of future tax rates in addition to the proposed water im provements there was the cmes- tion of extensive roadwork i want to tlr my share of i cspunsibility lie said and there is u possibility that past councils erred in not havipp i sinking fund to provide for these things rather than concent rat in j on keeping tax rates low perhaps we should have taken the 21500 profit from the le of the municipal buikhnj to the royal bunk and set it aside for such things reeve until is debenture debt iteeve maciaren the second speaker asked any ratepayers who were critical of heavy capital ex penditures to consider which they mijiht hnvc vetoed had they been in councils position the sewerajie vkiin eilrly my airaliin riiy said mi- lioji someday- in tlu mayor chair he lavoiired fnrihation of a rate payer asswiition an idei which it r eve maclaren had sponsored and aid such m association could n- extremely valuable in making constructive sirjestions to coun- t il he expres ed himself as still not favouring eitry of georgetown j into the north halton hiih school area predicts higher tax itate tjie new deputyieeve lames 1 mod let who was road chairman in the hmd ouncil thanked the i people who bad shown an interest ui town affairs by attendini the 1 meeting and said he couldnt un- fterstand why tho hall was not i a mined m view of tlm extensive publicity ijiven to nominations in the herald- kohovvinj the same i ir as mr maclaren he broke i down this years gomill tax rate into its component parts and chal- lenned anyone to point out where council had ovt rspent the road budnet had been sg000 and every- thiiu possible liad been done to put roads in shape with the funds available he hid supported the water de benture issue m ooiincit for sever al reasons the dept of health had stronjly urilcd clilori nation because of pollution which mitfht cause a serious disease outbreak the water shortage in the sum mers created a serious fire hazard the water system had been oper ating at a loss for fifty years and meter me would correct this situa tion and allow a surplus to be set up for the future as an example of too cheap water he pointed out that the cnr trains lake on wa- election for a second term in ward f councillor whitmce said that as chairman of industry and recrea tion lie was concerned at the loss t of georgetown oldest industry in hie iloindj pt the lower paper mjmj industry is the jowps life bhtod and he ihouifht council aiid the boards of trade should dp ev- erjylhini posiibf to encourage ren tal abiulonedliuildiiik kpeakimf xtt recreation he wild it was the opinion of a niopber rtf cltfifens that tho- recreational couneii inidnt filled the med of thi town and thai a majority of town council rpemberjwd lhn of the same opiitipn he hoped that the grc executive voild ask copncil to appoiat another director who would concentrate on hockey mwl baseball and such sport or the younii jatlur than try inn n variety of thinjts for firownups who can providt their own recrea- i enable the town to save n major part of the poposcd 00000 ex- penditiire the mayor bold he wu j not alarmed at the poor ojuallty of watei because he was satisfied tho type of coutirination could not cause an enlfemlc he didnt be- lier a ipeat ouimtity of water- was belnj lost by leakage it hint been raid that the water improvements cin be taken care of without higher taxation utitul tho mayor thin h a charge against the property ownert nevertheless md should have been voted upon municipal board chairman i said this wan the democratic thing lo do th aiteitomc of inyrea i oni inr not jumptnjf too hastily lit was also kdnst upproaehlpff j the municipal board for another 1 debenture iksife until u road bulld- mi prbijriim wts considered could bl- dealt tiou hardsurface mr whitnvc- system had been urjjed for yoarrfl u ncre because they pay 7c a by the local medical officer of thousand gallons compared with health and the ontario dept of 1 20c or 25c in guelph and dramp- health tarye sections of the ion town were polluted and while n taxpayer i would like to see a lower ax rate but on thii years figures i cant see it any vote frank whitmee electrician for hydro commissioner some would nrpue that these con ditions had prevailed for years with nothing serious happening who could say how long this could keep on wartime housing was a necessary expenditure and the on ly criticism tha could be offered was that even more houses should have been built as for artificial ice the town could do without it but a progressive town needed recreation and by installing the systom before neighbouring towns georgetown is in a better position to pay off the debt incurred he said 25 per cent of taxes go for education and there again the only i criticism could be that not enough was spent pai ticularly if george- town is to continue to maintain a local high school disagrees with mayor the reeve aid he disagreed with the mayor on his stand on water improvements a ui that he believed stopipng waste aiwi leakage was the first cons id ration mr rob erts the consulting engineer has said that local water use ls twice what it should be and the renova tion of the systin to slop leakage and metering to stop wastage comes first tl e water debentures he said will be sriflupiidating and will not impose hardship on anyone council had voted unan imously excep for the mayor to get uhead with the project without a vote of the people supposing the voters turned it clown and there i was a serious fire he felt council would be blamed i have reviewed these con- eluded the reeve because i am convinced that every expenditure was necessary and none could huvc been eliminated in a progres- aive community county cmncll review reeve maclaicu then reviewed tho woik of county council tho county rate had bcun raised from 2vj to 3 mills the county has u 400 debenture debt which will be paid off in tiree years and has a 30000 reserve for emergencies the new assessment system is ex pected to be ir operation by 1050 reeve muclarer luid been u mem ber of u hpeciil committee to inj- vchtlifutc tile pld peoples homo and ho exprersed the personal view that vavious groups fchould be segregated in different units rather thun placed in one building soil conitarvmtlon luimmrtant an chairman of the committee recently when had been in fire protection district mr less than 05 or 70 mills next year he said- we cant have advance ment without paying for it and another problem facing u is the tact that our public and high school will not be adequate m the next few years- alarmed at water shortage councillor herbert chairman of water and fire said that he hoped mr goodlets 70 mill prediction was wrong because he thought the town had pretty well gone the lim it in major expenditures he had fought against the water exten sions until one tiny the fire marshall town to report on in the king street herbert had visited the silver- creek reservoir that day and had been appalled to find the water so low that ha there been a scjr- ious fire nothu i could have been done in view f this he could do j nothing but favour the debenture issue considers parklnc meters councillor davidson as police i chairman said that he was fully i satisfied with the present provin cial police detachment and that he i believed the system was the most i economical and the most satisfac tory the tic i mile police car charge is very cheap and lndepcn- dent policing avoids any danger of i local interference with the police ivstem commenting on the twohour parking bylaw m14 davidson said that it had caused headaches from time to time established by a previous council it had not really been enforced until last june and the sole reason for enforcement was to provide ample parking space downtown at the present time he had been giving some thought to parking meters which would allow the police more time for other duties favor water meters councillor mccumber as proper ty chairman uld his committee had not been overburdened tills year but had fixed up the front of the municipal building and the arena among other things he expressed himself in favour of water meter ing pointing out that georgetown was using 200 gallons per person u day while acton used 40 it is tho only way waste can be stopped reads advocated icmarkcd on the terrible road rind it ion throughout town we have been bumping over the iijim holes for thirty years- and spending 6000 a year trying to keep them passable he said i would like to see the town budget 75000 to put permanent surfaces on our roads it seems like a lot of money but 0000 yearly wnstng would soon pay for it no swilchiullinj ilrre graham fa reel 1 reporting as hydro chairman thanked industry labour and commercial and domes tic consumers for their cooperation in censer vat ion which had made geoi getowu one of the few town so ar where switches had not been pulled a 1g000 operating surplus had ii gone into new cc moment including the latest in trucks the commission had in augurated a pensinn plan for em ployees tracing the rapid increase of service there are 1252 customers in georgetown and the glen today compared with 915 in 1041 he said average cost of installing a new service is 50 to g0 yet he wan proud that hydro was one item which had not added to the cost of living itntes were in fact reduced in 1043 and no increase has yet been nepessary hill save 4000 yearly a new projevt this year is the installation of 1 control system for flat rate water heaters the cost of hydro bought by the town is based on the peak load which conu s at the dinner and supper hours the new system will trip all hot water switches at these times and it is believed that the yearly saving will amount to about s400 this will pay the 8000 cost of installation in two years and then allow a saving after that period school syutem progressive dr j b milne as public school board chairman briefly reviewed school activities and said the in crease in expenditures was for such progressive services as man ual training and a kindergarten class wants people vote on waterworks mayor gibbous again took the floor to speak on the water pro ject he reiterated that he be lieved the first consideration was to find a new squrce for an ade quate water supply and that there was every chance that this could be found right in town one known source had pumped 200 gallons a minute and a qualified engineer had wild him that such a supply might be limitless and would not require chlorlnation a 1500 expenditure for exploratory drilling for such a source might the whole project with id owe time jlyuiik is couticl candidate thomas jnivyons said he wail i unniivgfor couicii because he hiwl move pcople uritilifl nlin 1 his year than in the past ten years he had beeri road chairman for some year did could recall the tiinl- wlien the may by thought i000 a wjis i heavy yearly ex penditure he criticized gravel purchases tins year and said bet ter and cheaper gravel could have been obtained closer to home he was critical of the water de bentures and sud a practical man could have investigated the possi bilities rather than paying 4000 to an expert brampton was vot ing on two questions tills year which entailed less money and he saw no reason why georgetown uhould not be vcting on the 80000 town clerk praised at the conclusion of the meet ing councillor davidson remarked that it was his opinion and he be lieved the opinion of all council that charles willson who was ap pointed this year afi clerktreasur er after the retirement of p b was doing a good job fully satisfactory harrison and was ashgrbve i have your goloshes and fur coats i handy this fall weather wont stay much longer mr and mrs gerald milgatc of calgary alberta spent last week visiting mr and mrs leslie gif- fen v miss marjorie tuck of toronto spent the weend with her aunt and uncle mr and mrs r cun- i ninjham sympathy is extended to mr fand mrs cecil wilson and family 1 in the death of his father mr george a wxluoh j mrs thos glffcn mrs walter brownridge mrs wilfred bird and mrs john bellboddy attended the institute rally in llmehouse mcm- orlu hall last tuesday we were pleased to have mis luie reed of toronto at church on sunday morning lule has been on a months train trip accompan ied by two other lady friends out lo vancouver also chicago and los angeles but she says there is no place quite like ashgrovc memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to com monuments markws moderately priced a card or letter will bring our service to your door oakv1lle moiwment works 29 colborne st oakville on highway thanks 7 electing me as reeve by acclamation 1949 jack arfnstrong he believes sj for him electric shavers i by jj schick packard shavemaster b at simmons jewellers g phone 536 main street iiiiiviiwhihyiiihtiihtiyitiitihhiitinhniiii

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